The Legend of Lovers LamentCroll BaumovalèÒ) ü,J$ ùýThe Legend ofýLovers Lamentùýö The night is very dark. Wind gently ruffles the willowtrees. All is quiet, or it so appears, around the shores ofthe small lake. Tamriel's moons reflect in the slightly rippling surface of the water. An owl's questioningcall echoes. No lights are shining from the castle nearby; itappears deserted. As the night wears on and the planet's satellites movesacross the heavens, a faint glow appears near the castle.The light slowly moves towards the lake, and upon reachingthe shore, stops. A figure, a beautiful woman by anymeasure, stands looking wistfully into the dark water. Herlantern flickers in the breeze, and illuminates her. Tearsare streaming down her cheeks; her gown, once beautiful, isnow tattered and stained. The surface of the lake becomes agitated, but not from awind as the night has become as still as it is dark. Slowlyfrom the water emerges the figure of a man, a warrior, fullyadorned in the armor of a knight on the field of battle. Heseems to float over the water towards the woman and stopjust short of her.ö "Madylina," the ghostly warrior intones. "My Lord, Gerthland," whispers the lovely Madylina as shekneels. "You have come to me again." "Yes," Gerthland responds, "My days are long waiting forthe night in which I can see my love." The lovers stand looking wistfully at each other, unableto touch, unable to kiss, unable to satisfy their unrequitedlove until the first tinges of dawn start to color thewestern sky. Gerthland drops something to the ground as doesMadylina as each depart. The waters of the lake again takepossession of the handsome knight and the beautiful maidenwalks slowly back to the castle. As the waters of the lakesettle into a gentle ripple and the light of Madylina'slantern disappears, dawn breaks over the lake. On the shore are two beautiful roses--one crimson and theother white as fresh cream. Ripples from the lake overtake thetwo flowers and pull them into the lake leaving the shorebare as it was in the hours before darkness fell.ö ... The townfolk around Gerthland Manor tell often of seeingthese lovers in their nightly meeting. The Boar's Bristle Innis always rumbling with conversation about them. LordGerthland and Lady Madylina who were betrothed. LordGerthland called to battle to defend the land. Hergen, thecastle's resident sorcerer, becoming enflamed with love andlust for Madylina only to be rebuked by her. LordGerthland's death on the field of battle. Lady Madylina'sdeath by her own hand at the news. Hergen's curse on boththeir souls that will not allow them to rest until Madylinawill agree to become Hergen's consort even in death. Hergen, to this day, wanders the deserted halls of GerthlandManor hoping that Madylina will agree to his demands. Andthe lovers continue to meet for a few moments each night onthe shores of the lake now known as Lover's Lament. ö