Brief History of the Empire, Part IVStronachèÒ) :(T ›ùýA Brief Historyýof the Empire,ýPart IVùöý The first book of this series described, in brief, the firsteight emperors of the Septim Dynasty beginning with Tiber I.The second volume described the War of the Red Diamond andthe six emperors who followed. The third volume describes thetroubles of the next three emperors, the frustrated UrielIV, the ineffectual Cephorus II, and the the heroic Uriel V. At Uriel V's death across the sea in distant hostile Akavir,Uriel VI was but five years old. In fact, Uriel VI was bornonly shortly before his father left for Akavir. Uriel V'sonly other progeny, by a different woman, were the twinsMorihatha and Eloisa, who had been born a month after UrielV left. Uriel VI was coronated in the 290th year of the thirdera. The consort Thonica as the boy's mother was given arestricted Regency until Uriel VI reached his minority. TheCouncil retained the real power, as they had ever since thedays of Katariah I. The Council so enjoyed its unlimitedand unrestricted freedom to make laws (and profits), UrielVI was not given full license to rule until 307, when he was22 years old. He had been slowly assuming positions ofresponsibility for years, but both the Council and hismother, who enjoyed even her limited regency, were loath toögive him reign. By the time he came to the throne, themechanisms of government gave him little power, but thepower to veto. This power he regularly exercised. By313, Uriel VI could boast with conviction that he truly didrule Tamriel. He utilized defunct spy networks and guardunits to bully and coerce the difficult members of the ElderCouncil. His sister was his usual ally, after her marriage toBaron Ulfe Gersen of Winterhold brought her considerablewealth and influence. As the sage Ugaridge said, "Uriel Vconquered Esroniet, but Uriel VI conquered the ElderCouncil." When Uriel VI fell from his horse and could notbe saved by the finest Imperial healers, his beloved sisterMorihatha took the throne. At 25 years of age, she had beendescribed by (admittedly self-serving) diplomats as themost beautiful creature in Tamriel. She was certainlywell-learned, vivacious, athletic, and a well-practicedpolitician. She brought the Archmagister of Skyrim to theImperial City and created the second Imperial Battlemagesince the days of Tiber Septim. Morihatha finished the jobher brother had begun, and made the Imperial Province trulya government under the Emperess. Outside the ImperialProvince, however, the Empire had been slowlydisintegrating. Open revolutions and civil wars had raged unchallenged since the days of her grandfather CephorusII. Carefully coordinating her counterattacks, Morihathaslowly took back her rebellious vassals, always avoidingoverextending herself. Though Morihatha's militarycampaigns were remarkable successful, the Council was oftenfrustrated by her deliberate pace. One Councilman, anArgonian named Thoricles Romus, furious at her refusal tosend troops to his troubled lands, is believed to be the manwho hired the assassins who claimed her life in 3E 339. Romuswas tried and executed, though he protested his innocence. Morihatha had no surviving children, and Eloisa had died ofa fever four years before. Eloisa's 25-year-old sonPelagius was crowned Pelagius IV. Pelagius IV continuedhis aunt's work, slowly bringing back the seditious kingdomsof his Empire. He had Morihatha's patience and deliberate pacein his endeavors, but, alas, he did not have her success. Thekingdoms had been free of constraints for so long, even abenign Imperial presence was odious. Nevertheless, whenPelagius died, after an astonishing forty-nine year reign,Tamriel was closer to unity than it had been since the daysof Uriel I. Our current Emperor, his Awesome and TerribleMajesty, Uriel Septim VII, son of Pelagius IV, has thediligence of his great aunt Morihatha, the political skill oföhis great uncle Uriel VI, and the military prowess of hisgreat grand-uncle Uriel V. For twenty-one years he reignedand brought justice and order to Tamriel. In the year 3E 389,his Imperial Battlemage Jagar Tharn betrayed him. UrielVII was imprisoned in a dimension of Tharn's creation, andTharn used his magic of illusion to assume the Emperor'saspect. For the next ten years, Tharn used Imperialpriveleges, but did not continue Uriel VII's schedule ofreconquest. It is not entirely known yet what Tharn's goalsand personal accomplishments were during the ten years heimitated his liege lord. In 3E 399, a mysterious championdefeated the Battlemage in the dungeons of the ImperialPalace and freed Uriel VII from his other dimensional cell. Since his release, Uriel VII has worked diligently to renewthe battle to reunite Tamriel. Tharn's interference brokethe momentuum, but the years since then have proven that theglorious golden age of Tiber Septim may be visited onTamriel once again. ö