Brief History of the Empire, Part IStronachèÒ) AåE KùýA Brief Historyýof the Empire,ýPart Iùýý Before the day of Tiber Septim, all Tamriel was chaos.The poet Tracizis called that era "the days and nights ofblood and venom." The kings were a petty lot of graspingtyrants, who fought Tiber's attempts to bring order to theland. But they were as disorganized as they were dissolute,and the strong hand of Septim brought peace forcibly toTamriel. The year was 2E 896. The following year, theEmperor declared the beginning of a new era, so we began the3rd Era, year aught. For thirty-eight years, the EmperoröTiber reigned: a just, pious, and glorious age, when justicewas known to one and all, from serf to king. It rained for afortnight after as if the land of Tamriel itself was weeping. TheEmperor's eldest living son, Pelagius came to the throne.Though his reign was short, he was as strong and resolute ashis father had been, and we could have enjoyed a continuationof the Golden Age. Alas, an unknown enemy of the Septimshired the cursed organization of cutthroats, the DarkBrotherhood, to kill the Emperor Pelagius I as he knelt atprayer at the Temple of the One in the Imperial City.Pelagius I's reign lasted less than three years. Pelagiushad no living children, so the crown of the Empire passed tohis first cousin, the daughter of Tiber's brother Agnorith. So didKintyra, former Queen of Silvenar, assume the throne.Kintyra I was blessed with a time of prosperity and goodharvests, and was an avid patroness of art, music, anddance. Kintyra's son was crowned after her death, the firstEmperor of Tamriel to use the imperial name Uriel. TheEmperor Uriel I was the great lawmaker of the Septim Dynasty,and a promoter of independent organizations and guilds.öUnder his kind hand, the Fighters Guild and the Mages Guildincreased in prominence throughout Tamriel. His son UrielII reigned for eighteen years, from the death Uriel I in 3E 64 to 3E 82.Tragically, the rule of Uriel II was cursed with blights,plagues, and insurrections. His tenderheartedness inheritedfrom his father did not serve Tamriel well, and littlejustice was done. Pelagius II inherited not only the throne from his father, but the debt from the poorfinancial and judicial management. Pelagius dismissed all of the old ElderCouncil, and allowed only those willing to pay great sumsto return. He encouraged similiar acts of his vassals, the kings of Tamriel, and by the end of hisseventeen year reign, Tamriel had returned to prosperity.His critics, however, have suggested that any advisor of wisdom, but without goldhad been forcibly ousted. This may have led to some of thetrouble his son Antiochus faced when he became Emperor. Antiochus was certainly one of the mostflamboyant of the usually austere Septim family. He hadmany mistresses and nearly as many wives, and was renownedöfor his grandness of dress and good humor. Unfortunately,his reign was rife with civil wars, surpassing even that of his grandfather Uriel II. TheWar of the Isle in 3E 110, twelve years after Antiochusassumed the throne, nearly took the province of SumursetIsle away from Tamriel. The united alliance of the kings ofSumurset and Antiochus only managed to defeat King Orgnumof the island-kingdom of Pyandonea due to a freak storm.Legend credits the Psijic Order of the Isle of Artaeum with the magic behind the storm. The story of Kintyra II, heiressof her father's throne, is certainly one of the saddest talesin modern history. Her first cousin Uriel, son of QueenPotena of Solitude, accused Kintyra of being a bastard,alluding to the famous decadence of the Imperial City duringher father's reign. When this accusation failed to stop her coronation, Uriel bought the support ofseveral disgrunted kings of High Rock, Skyrim, and Morrowind,and, with Queen Potena's assistance, coordinated three attacks on the Septim Empire. The first attackoccured in the Iliac Bay that separates High Rock andHammerfell. Kintyra's entourage was destroyed and theEmperess was taken captive. For two years, Kintyra IIlanguished in an Imperial prison believed to be somewhere inöGlenpoint or Glenmoril Wyrd before she was slain in hercell. The second attack was on a series of Imperialgarrisons along the coastal Morrowind islands. TheEmperess' consort Kontin Arynx died defending the forts. The third attack was a siege of the Imperial City itself,occuring after the Elder Council had divided the army toattack western High Rock and eastern Morrowind. The muchweakened government had little defense against Uriel's attack, and surrenderedafter only a fortnight of resistance. Uriel took the thronethat night and proclaimed himself Uriel III, Emperor ofTamriel. The year was 3E 121. Thus begins the War of theRed Diamond, described in Volume II of this series. ö