Special Flora of TamrielHardinèÒ) ü(žë ùýSpecial FloraýofýTamrielùöý Poppies, both black and white, can be found growing wild inthe mountains of Hammerfell. Their succulent pods are oftenthe only nourishment of adventurers who find themselves inthe wilderness without rations. It is said that the black andwhite poppies together have magical properties. When theyare crushed and mixed with the milk of the agile footedmountain goat, a potion that allows the user to glidesafely above the ground can be made. Fire Fern, a perennial herb, native to Morrowind. Theflowers are inconspicuous and often hidden. The glossy,evergreen foliage and flowers are resistant to theconditions of high heat and bright light. A petal from thisplant placed under an adventurer's tongue will provideprotection from the heat and fire found in the lava pits andstreams found around Dagoth-Ur. Dragon's-Tongue, commonname for a fern like herb found in Black Marsh. It isespecially prolific around the area of Utherus Swamp. It isa beautiful wildflower. Its name comes from the fire redfronds that protect its golden flower. As pretty as it is,it is a deadly poison to most living beings and needs to beöavoided by adventurers. It is said, however, that Argonianscan pick the plant and use the sap derived from its roots asan enhancement to their endurance. Domica Redwort is a herb grown by many residents ofValenwood for their beautiful and showy flowers. Theyattain a height of about three feet and have feathery leaves;the flowers are usually bright red. In addition to theirbeauty, they are said to have magical abilities to enhancethe appearance of anyone who carries or wears one of theflowers. Ironwood Nut, this rare nut comes from the Ironwood treeswhich grow deep in the forests of Skyrim. The wood from thesetrees is as hard as the metal for which they are named. Thevery rare black ironwood tree is said to produce a nut whichis very succulent and is believed to enhance the strength ofthe adventurer who is able to crack its shell. The Ginko leaves which are found along the banks of rivers andlakes in Hammerfell are most inconspicuous, only itspeculiar halfmoon shape makes it noticeable. It is very sweetand tasty. Legend has it that when mixed properly with theöpulp of the Aloe plant, the potion has the ability toincrease one's stamina for a short while. The Somnalius Fern can be found in the swamps of BlackMarsh. The fronds from this plant are light green and quite delicate.Picking a frond can be very difficult, but once retrieved itcan be used to put an enemy to sleep for a short while bypassing it under his nose. Arrowroot is a thick, rubbery tuber that can be found in theProvince of Valenwood. The plant is very difficult tofind as its above ground foliage is very meager andscrawny. But the Arrowroot itself can be most beneficial tothe gatherer as it has magical properties. The paste madefrom grinding the root is very tasty and can improve theuser's accuracy with a bow and arrow. Nightshade is reputed to be a very poisonous herb. Howeverthe variety found in many parts of Elsweyr is cherished byKhajiits who have followed the career path of thievery. ManyKhajiits will tuck a piece of Nightshade inside their armor toincrease their abilities to skulk, hide and become invisible. ö