The Brothers of DarknessPellarne AssièÒ) , ' ‚ùýTheýBrothers ofýDarknessùöý As their name suggests, the Dark Brotherhood has a historyshrouded in obfuscation. Their ways are secret to those whoare not Brothers of the order (Brothers is the generic term:some of the deadliest of the assassins are female, but theyare called Brothers as well). How they continue to exist inshadow, but can be easily found by those desparate enoughto pay for their services is not the least of their mysteries. The Dark Brotherhood sprang from a religious order, theMorag Tong, during the Second Era. The Morag Tong wereworshippers of the daedra spirit Mephala, who encouragedthem to commit ritual murders. In their early years, theywere as disorganized as cultists usually are. There was noone to lead the group, and as a group they dared not murderany of any importance. This changed with the rise of theNight Mother. All leaders of the Morag Tong, and then theDark Brotherhood, have been called the Night Mother. Whetherthe same woman has commanded the Dark Brotherhood since thesecond era is unknown. What is believed is that the originalNight Mother developed an important belief of the MoragTong. This first belief is that, while Mephala growsstronger with every murder commited in her name, certainömurders were better than others. Murders that came from hatepleased Mephala more than murders commited because of greed.Murders of great men and women pleased Mephala more thanmurders of unknowns. We can approximate the time thisbelief was adopted with the first known murder commited by theMorag Tong. In the year 324 of the 2nd Era, the PotentateVersidue-Shaie was murdered in his palace in what is today theElsweyr kingdom of Senchal. In a brash move, the Night Motherannounced the identity of the murderers by painting MORAGTONG on the walls in the Potentate's blood. Previous tothat time, the Morag Tong existed in relative peace, like awitches coven. Occasionally persecuted, but usuallyignored. In a remarkable syncroncity at a time when the Arenawas a fractured land, the Morag Tong was outlawedthroughout the continent. Every sovereign gave the cult'selimination his highest priority. Nothing more wasofficially heard of them for a hundred years. It is moredifficult to date the era when the Morag Tong re-emerged asthe Dark Brotherhood. Assassin guilds have sporadicallyappeared throughout the history of Tamriel. The firstmention of the Dark Brotherhood that I have found is from the journals of the BloodQueen Arlimahera of Hegathe: she spoke of slaying her enemiesöby her own hand, or, if necessary, "with the help of the NightMother and her Dark Brotherhood, the secret arsenal my familyhas employed since my grandfather's time." Arlimahera wrotethis in 2E 412, so one can surmise that the Dark Brotherhood hadbeen in existance since at least 360 if her grandfather trulyused them. The important distinction between the DarkBrotherhood and the Morag Tong was that the Brotherhood was abusiness as much as a cult. Rulers and wealthy merchants nowused the order as an assassin's guild. The Brotherhood gainedthe obvious benefits of a profitable enterprise, as well asthe secondary benefit that no longer could rulers activelypersecute them. They were needed. Even an extremely virtuous leader would be unwise to maltreat the Brotherhood. Not long after Alimahera's journal entry about them waspenned came perhaps the most famous series of executions inthe history of the Dark Brotherhood. The Colovian EmperorPotentate Savirien-Chorak and every one of his heirs wasmurdered on one bloody night in Sun's Dawn in 430. Within afortnight, the Colovian Dynasty crumbled, to the delight ofits enemies. For over four hundred years, until the age ofTiber Septim, chaos reigned over Tamriel. Though nocomparably impressive executions have been recorded, theBrotherhood must have grown fat with gold during that age. öThe Dark Brotherhood has no shortage of businessopportunities -- an accounting, I have been informed, is theBrotherhood's favorite euphemism for execution. While theyare officially an unlawful organization in every cornerof the Empire, like the Thieves Guild, they are almostuniversally tolerated. ö