Fragment: On ArtaeumTaurce Anselma'Ò) E™ Í ùýFragment:ýOn Artaeumù by Taurce il-Anselma, 3E 400öýThe Isle of Artaeum (ar-TAY-um) Artaeum is the third largest island in the Sumursetarchipelago, located south of the Moridunon village of Potansa and west of the mainland village ofRuncibae. It is best known for being the home to the PsijicOrder, perhaps the oldest monastic group in Tamriel. The earliest written record of Psijics is from the twentiethyear of the first era and tells the tale of the author, the renowned Breton sage Voernet, travellingto the Isle of Artaeum to meet with the Rite Master of thePsijics, Iachesis. Even then, the Psijics were the counselorsof kings and proponents of the "Elder Way," taught to themby the original people of Tamriel. The Elder Way is aphilosophy of meditation and study said to bind the forcesof nature to the individual will. It differs from magicka inorigin, but the effects are much the same. That being said, it is perhaps more than coincidence that theIsle of Artaeum literally vanished from the shores oföSumurset at the beginning of the second era at about the timeof the founding of the Mages Guild of Tamriel. Varioushistorians and scholars have published theories about this,but perhaps none but Iachesis and his own could shed light onthis. Five hundred years passed and Artaeum returned. The Psijicson the Isle consisted of persons, mostly elves, who haddisappeared and were presumed dead over the secondera.ûThey could not or would not offer an explanation forArtaeum's wherebouts during that time or the fate of Iachesisand the original council of Artaeum. Currently, the Psijics are led by the Lore Master Celaruswho has presided over the Council of Artaeum for the lasttwo hundred and fifty years. The Council's influence inworld politics is tidal: the kings of Sumurset,particularly those of Moridunon, have often sought thePsijics' opinion; Uriel V was much influenced by the Councilin the early, most glorious part of his reign, before hisdisasterous attack on Akavir; it has even been suggested thatthe fleet of King Orghum of Pyandonea was destroyed by ajoint effort of Emperor Antiochus and the Psijic Order. Theölast four emperors, Uriel VI, Morihatha, Pelagius IV, andUriel VII, have been suspicious of the Psijics, even enoughto refuse ambassadors for the Isle of Artaeum in theImperial City. The Isle of Artaeum is difficult to chart geographically.It is said that parts of it exist simultaneously in multipledimensions and continuously shift either at random or bydecree of Council. Visitors to the island are so rare to bealmost unheard of. Anyone desirous of a meeting with a Psijicmay find contacts in Potansa and Runcibae as well as manyof the kingdoms of Sumurset. Were it more accessible, Artaeum would be a favoreddestination for travellers. I have been to the Isle onceand still dream of the idylic orchards and pastures, thestill and silent lagoons, the misty woodlands, and theunique Psijic architecture that seems to be as natural butwondrous as the surroundings. The Ceporah Tower inparticular I would study, for it is a ruin from acivilization that predates the High Elves by several hundredyears and is still used in certain rites by the Psijics.ö Perhaps one day I might return. Note: The author is currently on the Isle of Artaeum bygracious consent of Master Sargenius of the Council ofArtaeum. ö