The First Scroll of Baan DarArkanèÒ) c3‹ —ñ ï×!ùýThe First Scroll of Baan Darù What follows is a translation of the first fragment from aseries of vellum scrolls found in 3 Alabaster jars sealedin a cave. The discoverer was a nomad wanderer somewhere onthe shores of Lake Vread in the Province of Elswyer. I canneither vouch for nor deny its authenticity or veracity -öonly that the scrolls, as such, DO exist. Read and judge foryourself: Baan Dar, The Legend... Thief, Warlock,ShadowMaster, Ruthless Assassin, Undying Avenger, DarkGod, Robber Baron, MasterMind of Nefarious Plots. Allthese things and more are the Legendary Baan Dar, he who iscalled The Bandit God. But what is the Truth? Baan Dar,The Man is a much more simple and complex being. I pen thistale as I slowly die of old age and a mortifying arrowwound. I cannot decide if the truth will add to or subtractfrom the legend that is Baan Dar, nor if the original BaanDar would want the truth to be known. Therefore, I willleave this tale hidden when I am done and gone, and let Fate(which was ever Baan Dar's true master and motivator)decide. I was a child of 12 Seasons when I first metBaan Dar. Orphan of a Slaver raid during one of the manyinter-provincial border wars. Living by my quick wits,nimble fingers, and the grace of Lady Luck in the back alleysand byways of my birth city. I had just "liberated" a loafof bread and a few small apples from a local street vendorin the Bazaar on the edge of the city near the tumbled outerwall, and had withdrawn down an ill-lit alley to feast onömy bounty when I was beset by an older band of my ilk. Theolder and lazier variety which were want to engage in theeasier and less dangerous art of stealing from thestealers. There were 5 of the bully boys who had decidedthey were more deserving of my booty than I, and they werebeating me half to death with staves in between bites andlaughter at the time. Lying on the ground curled up into astight a ball as I could manage, trying to protect my headand groin, I heard a quiet voice ask if they were not "moresuited to go down to the wharf and take food from yourbrother rats, or would you care to try your tricks on game abit more your size and number?" Since my "companions"had become otherwise engaged with the newcomer and had for thenonce ceased thumping, kicking and cuffing at me, I looked upto see a dark shadow of boots, cloak, and chainmail hoodleaning against the wall at the end of the alleyway. The others, being what they were, took this as a challenge totheir manhood - and easy prey to their superior number with apromise of coin of the realm as added reward (else the firstpart would have been overlooked). The leader of my band ofplaymates suggested that the stranger take a leap off thementioned wharf unless he wished to join me there when theywere done with their evening meal. Having drawnöchuckles and courage from his underlings, he then proceeded forward with staff at highport. I'm not quite sure exactly what followed, but within ashort space of time, Lead Bully was lying in the dirt with athrown dagger in his chest, number two bully had lost threeteeth to a boot (I still carry them in a leather pouch as akeepsake), and number three bully was brought short by hisown staff applied forcefully up between his toes (the twobig ones!). Bullies four and five thought better of theentertainment and departed rapidly for parts unknown. Baan Dar picked me up, dusted me off, and dragged me roundto a near tavern where we shared a meal and a mug. Iattempted to thank him for saving my life. How can I everrepay this favor, I asked? His reply was short, to the point,and has driven my actions in life ever since...ý"THE PROPER WAY TO REPAY A FAVOR, IS NOT TO - PASS ITON INSTEAD." Things having not progressed well along the lines ofhealth, wealth and welfare for me until that point in myölife came upon a sudden change that night. I later learned(along with MANY other things) that Baan Dar had decided totake a direct and immediate interest in me because mysituation reminded him very much of the bad start his own lifehad taken, and the odds he had faced to survive it. On thatnight he took me under his wing as a kind of apprentice. He sawto it that I learned weaponcraft and stealth, that Ilearned to read and write! He took me along when he traveledfor the next year. I served as messenger, valet, packmule,lookout, cook - many things. I saw other towns, cities, races,provinces, and broadened my view and knowledge of the worldfar beyond belief. He taught me both morals and coldheartedruthlessness - and when and how to apply each as the ethics ofthe situation required. At the end of the year, he gave megood dagger, and decent horse, the 3 teeth, and leave (nay,Command) to make my own way in the world from that dayforward - but to remember all I had been given, and toattempt to pass such a gift to another when and where Ishould find need and opportunity. That I have done, severaltimes... as I assume he has also, and as I hope my variouscharges have after me (and they theirs). Thus has theLegendary Baan Dar been seen time and again in variouslands of our world at numerous and the same times in days oföneed. Thus also is the description so very hard to obtainand track - for in truth, there have been, and continue tobe, many Baan Dars in the world. The most valuable lesson heever taught me was that "for Evil to triumph required not somuch that many bad men to do wrong, as for One good man tofail to do what was right." We only hope that our combinedand concatenated efforts have produced enough single menand women that will not fail to do the right thing,regardless of current local, morals, laws, religion,creed, or lure of coin of the realm. The Legend growsstill. Of the Dark Avenging Blade on the Wings of Night thatmake no sound. The Patron Saint of the Lone Wolf. TheThousand Eyes and Ears, the Hundred Arms direspectful ofTime or Distance. Undying, Master of Disguise, Man of aThousand Faces, Shapes and Sizes, Gentle, Rough-Edged,Gay, Stern. All the Mystery of the "Man Unknown andUndying"... not a single man nor God at all, but a stringof seeds sown upon the land and left to grow into a forest.How to reconcile this truth with the tales of cruelty and thegangs of "Baan Dars" or "Bandits"? Some are jealousThieves who take the name only for the cloak of mystery andhope of hiding in it's Shadow. Others are tales twisted toreverse by those justly served by Baan Dar's unfettered byötechnicalities of law and custom. Some are backsliders drawn of the true path by temptation and returning totheir old ways. Many are the things that any one Baan Darcannot answer for, as others did the deeds in the same name.Some are tales of fishwives, made up to scare the child intodoing what is wanted. Some are left as part of the"Mystery" that is both cloak and shield to the hiddenpurposes - a case where the fear of the tale serves to save theneed of arms or action. But, by and large, the trueBaan Dar is a string of beings taught to act upon what theybelieve in, and stand to take the yoke of needed action upontheir own shoulders. Don't fight if you can avoidblood or war, But if you must make War, do so with all yourHeart and Might.ûLeave it at Threats if Threats be enough - but never makethreats you are unwilling to carry to conclusion ifrequired.ûUse all the arts at hand.ûBut ever keep the true purpose in mind.öûStand Tall, but never forget how to bend your knee tohelp another. Note:ûThe rest of the scrolls are tales and tellings of variousparts of the Legend, some as passed from Bard to Bard, someas the true tales underlying the Ballads. These fragmentsare still to be translated and debated. This fragment,however, contains the kernel of the Revelation and the truesource of the questions surrounding the Baan Dar Legend.What Say You, Reader? For myself, I do not know... but Godor unrelated string of linked souls as laid out here... I doknow that Baan Dar IS a force in our Land and Lives, and onethat gives Hope to many that need it, and pause to many Idespise.ý-- Arkan, Scribe of Daggerfall in the year 2E24ö ö