******************************************************** SOUNDBITS README.TXT ******************************************************** Congratulations on your purchase of SoundBits, an exciting way to personalize your Windows computer with sound. This file contains information on the following topics: * ACTIVATING THE SAMPLE SOUND SCHEME DURING SETUP * TURNING SOUNDS OFF * MEDIAVISION AUDIO DRIVER * PROGRAM MANAGER WITH STARTUP APPS * DISABLING SOUNDBITS ACTIVATING THE SAMPLE SOUND SCHEME DURING SETUP If you choose to activate the sample sound scheme when you install SoundBits, any current unsaved scheme in the Sound Control Panel is saved as "Your Old Scheme." If you already have a sound scheme called "Your Old Scheme," it will be over-written with the current unsaved scheme. TURNING SOUNDS OFF To turn off system sounds: 1. Open the SoundBits icon in the Program Manager. 2. Choose the Set Sounds button. 3. Choose the scheme from the Sound Schemes drop-down list box. 4. Choose the OK button. MEDIAVISION AUDIO DRIVER Early MediaVision audio drivers (MVPROAUD.DRV versions prior to 5/13, and possibly some versions after that date) may cause serious problems (GP Fault) when SoundBits is set up. To get an updated version of MVPROAUD.DRV, please contact MediaVision at 1-800-638-2807. PROGRAM MANAGER WITH STARTUP APPS Applications in your Program Manager StartUp Group which utilize custom icons may revert to the default icon when minimized. To avoid this problem: 1. Create and activate a sound scheme with "Application Open" set to , using the Sound Control Panel. 2. Restart Windows. DISABLING SOUNDBITS To disable SoundBits: 1. Go to Program Manager, and choose File Run. 2. Type SYSEDIT and choose OK. 3. Choose the SYSTEM.INI window. 4. Scroll to the [boot] section of SYSTEM.INI. 5. Remove all references to "SndEvnts.drv" in the "drivers=" line. 6. Choose File Save. 7. Exit the System Configuration Editor (SYSEDIT). 8. Restart Windows.