Sheet: (0, 0) names (0, 1) commands (0, 2) comments (0, 4) DIALOGS (0, 13) MENUS (1, 4) type (1, 5) x (1, 6) y (1, 7) wide (1, 8) high (1, 9) text (1, 10) init/result (1, 11) names (1, 13) Names (1, 14) Command (1, 15) Macro (1, 16) Key (1, 17) Status Bar Text (1, 18) Help (2, 0) (2, 1) Summary Information (3, 0) Title: (3, 1) (3, 4) ud01.Results (4, 0) Version: (4, 1) v1.0 (4, 4) Excelhlp.hlp!523 (4, 5) (4, 6) (4, 7) (4, 8) (4, 9) Command Results (4, 10) 2 (4, 11) (5, 0) Author (5, 1) (5, 4) 5 (5, 5) 8 (5, 6) 10 (5, 7) 300 (5, 8) 12 (5, 9) (5, 10) (5, 11) (6, 0) Corporation: (6, 1) (6, 4) 6 (6, 5) 8 (6, 6) 33 (6, 7) 262 (6, 8) (6, 9) (6, 10) (6, 11) ud01s.command (7, 0) Creation Date: (7, 1) (7, 4) 2 (7, 5) 280 (7, 6) 32 (7, 7) (7, 8) (7, 9) &Close (7, 10) (7, 11) (9, 0) auto_open (9, 1) auto_open (9, 2) (9, 4) ud02.GetCommand (10, 0) mco00s.MacroName (10, 1) STRUCTM.XL (10, 2) name of this document (10, 4) Excelhlp.hlp!523 (10, 5) (10, 6) (10, 7) (10, 8) (10, 9) Command Window (10, 10) 2 (10, 11) (11, 0) (11, 1) 0 (11, 2) (11, 4) 5 (11, 5) 8 (11, 6) 10 (11, 7) 151 (11, 8) (11, 9) &Execute Command: (11, 10) (11, 11) (12, 0) (12, 1) FALSE (12, 2) delete this formula (12, 4) 9 (12, 5) 8 (12, 6) 33 (12, 7) 262 (12, 8) (12, 9) (12, 10) (12, 11) ud02s.command (13, 0) (13, 1) add menus here (13, 2) (13, 4) 1 (13, 5) 280 (13, 6) 8 (13, 7) (13, 8) (13, 9) &Run (13, 10) (13, 11) (14, 0) (14, 1) FALSE (14, 2) (14, 4) 2 (14, 5) 280 (14, 6) 32 (14, 7) (14, 8) (14, 9) &Cancel (14, 10) (14, 11) (15, 10) TRUE (17, 0) auto_close (17, 1) auto_close (17, 2) (17, 4) International Table, no localization needed (18, 0) (18, 1) remove menus we added here (18, 2) (18, 4) (18, 5) FALSE (18, 6) FALSE (18, 7) FALSE (18, 8) FALSE (18, 9) FALSE (18, 10) FALSE (18, 11) FALSE (18, 12) FALSE (19, 0) (19, 1) FALSE (19, 2) (19, 4) LOCAL TEXT (19, 5) I (19, 6) FO (19, 7) FOR.CEL (19, 8) WHIL (19, 9) ELS (19, 10) ELSE.I (19, 11) END.I (19, 12) NEX (20, 4) INTL TEXT (20, 5) IF (20, 6) FOR (20, 7) FOR.CELL (20, 8) WHILE (20, 9) ELSE (20, 10) ELSE.IF (20, 11) END.IF (20, 12) NEXT (22, 0) CommandWindow (22, 1) CommandWindow (22, 2) (22, 4) Localization Table, localization needed (23, 0) (23, 1) #VALUE! (23, 2) so refs are relative to us (23, 4) Result of (24, 0) command.result (24, 1) FALSE (24, 2) get the formula to evaluate (24, 4) Formula not indented in (25, 0) (25, 1) FALSE (25, 2) (25, 4) Formula too long, or invalid formula. (26, 0) (26, 1) FALSE (26, 2) (27, 0) (27, 1) FALSE (27, 2) enter as formula (28, 0) (28, 1) FALSE (28, 2) run it (29, 0) #REF! (29, 1) FALSE (29, 2) Put function in error dialog (30, 0) (30, 1) FALSE (30, 2) Update prompt for error (31, 0) (31, 1) FALSE (31, 2) show user result, allow COPY (32, 0) (32, 1) FALSE (32, 2) clear (33, 0) (33, 1) FALSE (33, 2) (34, 1) (35, 0) fnIndent (35, 1) Indent (35, 2) (36, 0) (36, 1) (36, 2) (37, 0) (37, 1) TRUE (37, 2) Set block text to US if indenting INTL macro, else to local text (38, 0) (38, 1) #VALUE! (38, 2) (39, 0) vISelection (39, 1) TRUE (39, 2) (40, 0) (40, 1) TRUE (40, 2) (41, 0) (41, 1) TRUE (41, 2) Initialize current indent (42, 0) vIIndent (42, 1) 4 (42, 2) Number of spaces to indent (43, 0) vIIndentTotal (43, 1) 0 (43, 2) (44, 0) (44, 1) TRUE (44, 2) (45, 0) (45, 1) TRUE (45, 2) (46, 0) (46, 1) TRUE (46, 2) (47, 0) vICleanFormula (47, 1) = (47, 2) (48, 0) vILeftChar (48, 1) (48, 2) Handle implicit name case (49, 0) vICurrentIndent (49, 1) TRUE (49, 2) Strip left char (50, 0) 0 (50, 1) TRUE (50, 2) Strip leading blanks (51, 0) (51, 1) 1 (51, 2) Check for indent type (52, 0) vITestIf (52, 1) TRUE (52, 2) Block if? (53, 0) FALSE (53, 1) FALSE (53, 2) (54, 0) (54, 1) TRUE (54, 2) (55, 0) (55, 1) TRUE (55, 2) Enter, no shift (56, 0) (56, 1) TRUE (56, 2) Insert indent spaces (57, 0) (57, 1) TRUE (57, 2) Enter, then shift right? (58, 0) (58, 1) TRUE (58, 2) Insert indent spaces (59, 0) (59, 1) TRUE (59, 2) Increment Indent (60, 0) (60, 1) TRUE (60, 2) Shift left, enter, then right? (61, 0) (61, 1) TRUE (61, 2) Decrement Indent (62, 0) (62, 1) TRUE (62, 2) Insert indent spaces (63, 0) (63, 1) TRUE (63, 2) Increment Indent (64, 0) (64, 1) TRUE (64, 2) Shift left? (65, 0) (65, 1) TRUE (65, 2) Decrement Indent (66, 0) (66, 1) TRUE (66, 2) Insert indent spaces (67, 0) (67, 1) TRUE (67, 2) (68, 0) (68, 1) TRUE (68, 2) FALSE (69, 0) (69, 1) TRUE (69, 2) (70, 0) (70, 1) #VALUE! (70, 2) Enter normally or Array Enter (71, 0) (71, 1) TRUE (71, 2) (72, 0) (72, 1) TRUE (72, 2) (73, 0) (73, 1) TRUE (73, 2) (74, 0) (74, 1) TRUE (74, 2) (75, 0) (75, 1) TRUE (75, 2) (76, 0) (76, 1) TRUE (76, 2) (78, 0) fnUnIndent (78, 1) UnIndent (78, 2) (79, 0) (79, 1) (79, 2) (80, 0) (80, 1) 3 (80, 2) (81, 0) vUSelection (81, 1) TRUE (81, 2) (82, 0) (82, 1) TRUE (82, 2) (83, 0) vUIndentTotal (83, 1) TRUE (83, 2) (84, 0) (84, 1) TRUE (84, 2) (85, 0) (85, 1) TRUE (85, 2) (86, 0) (86, 1) TRUE (86, 2) (87, 0) vUCleanFormula (87, 1) =IF(ISERROR(R[-1]C) (87, 2) (88, 0) vULeftChar (88, 1) (88, 2) Handle implicit name case (89, 0) vUCurrentIndent (89, 1) TRUE (89, 2) Strip left char (90, 0) 0 (90, 1) TRUE (90, 2) Strip leading blanks (91, 0) (91, 1) TRUE (91, 2) FALSE (92, 0) (92, 1) TRUE (92, 2) (93, 0) (93, 1) TRUE (93, 2) Enter normally or Array Enter (94, 0) (94, 1) TRUE (94, 2) (95, 0) (95, 1) TRUE (95, 2) (96, 0) (96, 1) TRUE (96, 2) (97, 0) (97, 1) TRUE (97, 2) (98, 0) (98, 1) TRUE (98, 2)