Welcome to Quattro Pro for Windows README File ================================== This file contains important information--please read all of it. All information here supersedes information in the manuals. Table of Contents ----------------- 1. Installation 2. Installation Problems 3. If you have Quattro Pro for Windows version 1.0 4. Exchanging files with version 1.0 5. If you have Quattro Pro for DOS 6. QPW and OS/2 2.1 7. QPW and Paradox for Windows 1.0 8. The Workgroup Edition 9. Optimizing on low memory systems 10. Macro compatibility issues 11. Loading .DB or .DBF files 12. Database Desktop Information 13. Help with Quattro Pro for Windows 14. Registering Quattro Pro for Windows 15. Documentation corrections 16. Directory/file layout 17. Sample files 18. Slideshow Transitions 19. Uninstalling Quattro Pro for Windows 20. Simplifying your Windows system 1. Installation --------------- To install Quattro Pro for Windows: 1. Start Windows. 2. Choose File | Run from the Program Manager. 3. Place the Quattro Pro disk 1 in the appropriate disk drive. 4. Type B:INSTALL (or A:INSTALL if you're using drive A) and choose OK. 5. Follow the directions on the screen. 6. After installation is complete, exit Windows and reboot your computer so that the changes to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file take effect. Then, to start Quattro Pro, start Windows, locate the Quattro Pro for Windows group window, and double click the Quattro Pro icon. The first time you run Quattro Pro, you have the opportunity to fill out a registration form to register your copy of Quattro Pro. The installation program creates a C:\QPW directory (or whatever name you specified in the Install screen) and copies program files into that directory. It also appends the following command to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file after your last PATH statement: PATH=C:\ODAPI;%PATH% This statement adds the ODAPI directory to your path statement. ODAPI must be in your PATH for Quattro Pro to run or you will receive the error message: Cannot find LD01.DLL If you get this error message the first time you run Quattro Pro, you should exit Windows, and reboot your computer. The original version of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file will be stored in a file named AUTOEXEC.QPW. For a list of files in the QPW directory, see the topic "Directory/file layout" later in this document. If you plan to load .DB (Paradox) or .DBF (dBASE) files into Quattro Pro for Windows, run the DOS SHARE utility before you start Quattro Pro. For details, see the topic "Loading .DB or .DBF files." If you uninstall Quattro Pro for Windows, delete the QPW.INI file from your \WINDOWS directory before reinstalling Quattro Pro for Windows. 2. Installation Problems ------------------------ If you encounter an "Installation Problem" message while installing, there are two things to try: installing from a directory on your hard drive, and simplifying your Windows system. The second section, Simplifying your Windows system, can also be applied if you encounter strange problems when running Quattro Pro for Windows. Alternate installation instructions ----------------------------------- Make a temporary directory on your hard drive (e.g. MD C:\TEMP) and copy all files from all the install disks to that directory. Then in the Program Manager, choose File | Run and enter C:\TEMP\INSTALL.EXE When the initial install screen is displayed, make sure Install From: is C:\TEMP and Install To: is another directory where you want QPW to reside. Once the install is complete, you can delete all files in the TEMP directory and remove the directory. Simplifying Your Windows System ------------------------------- If you still encounter errors using the alternate install procedure above, more action may be required. Refer to the Simplifying the Windows system section below for detailed steps. 3. If you have Quattro Pro for Windows version 1.0 -------------------------------------------------- You should install into the directory where version 1.0 is stored so that the installation program knows to clean up all 1.0 files. Any notebook files you have in the directory will be left alone as long as they don't have the same names as the sample files. Also version 5.0 doesn't require QPW in the path, so QPW can be removed from your PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. However, the directory you specify for ODAPI (default is \ODAPI), needs to be in the PATH or QPW will not load and you will get the "Cannot find LD01.DLL" error message. If for some reason you need both versions of Quattro Pro for Windows installed on one machine, simply install this version into a separate directory. The default functionality of the TAB key has changed. It can be changed back by inspecting the application and checking Compatible Keys under Startup. 4. Exchanging Files with version 1.0 ------------------------------------ Version 1.0 of Quattro Pro for Windows uses the same file extension as this version, .WB1. If you create a file in this version, and you save the file in version 1.0, you may lose some file characteristics because version 1.0 doesn't support the new features in this version. Information that is lost includes: all scenarios except the currently displayed one, page tab color, array @ functions, the system notebook property, password level, all new @ functions will be converted to values, and all Consolidator information is lost. 5. If you have Quattro Pro for DOS ---------------------------------- You must install Quattro Pro for Windows into a separate directory, leaving Quattro Pro for DOS undisturbed. We suggest you keep Quattro Pro for DOS on your hard disk while you're learning to use Quattro Pro for Windows. Before opening a file that was compressed with the Quattro Pro for DOS SQZ! feature, uncompress the file by saving it to a .WQ1 extension within Quattro Pro for DOS. If you use files created in Quattro Pro for DOS, you should save them in Quattro Pro for Windows with the .WB1 file extension so that all the Windows version specific information is saved also. 6. QPW and OS/2 2.1 ------------------- Installation ------------ To install Quattro Pro for Windows for use under the Windows 3.1 emulation of OS/2 2.1 (WINOS2), start a WIN-OS/2 Full Screen Session. Once in the Program Manager, choose File | Run and enter the location of the INSTALL.EXE file (usually A:\INSTALL.EXE). The installation program will continue from here as documented. It is strongly recommended that you install Quattro Pro for Windows in a WIN-OS/2 session rather than simply migrating the application. By installing in a WIN-OS/2 session, you are assured that all the proper files are placed in the \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2 directory instead of being left in the \WINDOWS directory of your DOS session. The install program makes an addition to the PATH statement in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. It will modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file located on the same drive as the WINOS2 support. Because it is possible to have multiple AUTOEXEC.BAT files for various DOS and Windows sessions under OS/2, this update may not happen to the correct AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If you receive the message "Cannot find LD01.DLL", edit the correct AUTOEXEC.BAT for your WINOS2 session and add the path to your ODAPI directory. Quattro Pro for Windows can run on either a SuperFAT partition or an HPFS partition. There are some performance enhancements over a regular DOS FAT partition that can be gained by installing to one of these OS/2 file systems. Seamless vs. Full Screen ----------------------- Quattro Pro for Windows will run in the 'seamless' mode of OS/2 within the limits of the video driver installed on your machine. If you are having difficulty running in seamless mode, contact IBM technical support. It is recommended, however, that Quattro Pro for Windows be run from a WIN-OS/2 full screen session. With some high resolution video drivers, there is an excess amount of screen flicker when running Windows applications. This is usually the case when running in a video mode greater than 800x600 in 256 colors. If you encounter excessive flicker, try changing the video mode for OS/2. You should also check for newer video drivers. For further information, contact IBM or consult your OS/2 manuals. Suggested settings ------------------ The following session settings are suggested: WIN_RUN_MODE = 3.1 Enhanced WIN_CLIPBOARD = ON DOS_BACKGROUND_EXECUTION = OFF DPMI_DOS_API = ENABLED DPMI_MEMORY_LIMIT = 10 (*) (*) depends on how much physical RAM is available. For further information on changing the settings for an application, or for a description of what these settings control, please consult the on-line or written documentation of OS/2 2.1. 7. QPW and Paradox for Windows 1.0 ---------------------------------- If you already have Paradox for Windows 1.0 installed, the QPW installation program will remove the ODAPI files in the WINDOWS/SYSTEM directory and the ODAPI files in the ODAPI directory. If you install Paradox for Windows 1.0 after QPW is installed, you need to reinstall the ODAPI module from QPW or Database Desktop will not run and database file access may be unstable. 8. The Workgroup Edition ------------------------ There is a separate edition of Quattro Pro for Windows version 5.0 that includes the following features: - Spell Checker - Workgroup Desktop - SQL access - Network Install If you have this Workgroup Edition, there are some points to be aware of: 1. If you change the name of the directory where Quattro Pro for Windows is installed you need to update your QPW.INI so that the OBEXPATH setting in the [OBEX] group points to the directory in which QPW is installed. 2. Do not delete the OBEX.INI file as it is not recreated when you use OBEX. It would be a good idea to keep a backup of this file. 3. VIM - Users of LOTUS cc:Mail: In order to use VIM (Vendor Independent Messaging) as a transport with the Object Exchange you must have the file VIM.DLL accessible in your Windows environment. OBEX will search the directory where OBEX.EXE is located, then the DOS PATH statement. If your version of cc:Mail does not include the VIM.DLL, or would like to upgrade to the latest version, please contact cc:Mail Technical Support at (415) 966-4900. It is possible to download this file from the cc:Mail bulletin board at (415) 691-0410 (8,N,1) or from the CompuServe Information Service in the Lotus forum. 9. Optimizing on low memory systems ----------------------------------- On systems with about 4MB of RAM, Quattro Pro for Windows can run suboptimally if your system's memory is not configured correctly. The performance difference between a well-configured system and a poorly configured one can be dramatic. Symptoms of poor memory configuration include long startup times (longer than one minute) and delays responding to commands and loading files. See Appendix E in the User's Guide for details on optimally configuring your system's memory. 10. Macro compatibility issues ------------------------------ If you plan to run Quattro Pro for DOS macros in Quattro Pro for Windows, you should be aware of various compatibility issues. You may need to edit macros that access hardware settings reached through the Quattro Pro for DOS /Options menus (/Options | Hardware, /Options | Display Mode, etc.). In Quattro Pro for Windows, these settings are all controlled through the Windows Control Panel. Also, you'll need to edit macros that access the Quattro Pro for DOS File Manager and Audit features. @CURVALUE statements in Quattro Pro for DOS will return a different value in Quattro Pro for Windows. Edit macros using these statements before you run them in Quattro Pro for Windows. For most purposes, you can use the @COMMAND or @PROPERTY functions in place of @CURVALUE. An error message will appear if Quattro Pro for Windows finds an unsupported macro command. The key reader is not available in this version of Quattro Pro for Windows. 11. Loading .DB or .DBF files ----------------------------- Quattro Pro for Windows uses Borland's Local Interbase Engine to read and write .DB (Paradox) and .DBF (dBASE) files. The engine requires that the DOS utility SHARE.EXE be loaded before running Quattro Pro for Windows. You may want to put the command SHARE /F:4096 /L:40 in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Also, remember that the directory where ODAPI resides needs to be in your PATH. 12. Database Desktop Information -------------------------------- If you see the message "Could not initialize ODAPI01.DLL" on startup, check to see if you have specified either the wrong network or no network in your Windows Setup and make sure the network directory specified in ODAPICFG is correct. After accessing password protected Paradox tables, if you wish to remove the password from memory, close Database Desktop. Table view uses the date and number formats set in the Windows Control Panel (international). QBE uses formats from the ODAPI configuration file for searches and comparisons. 13. Help with Quattro Pro ------------------------- If you need help with Quattro Pro, please read this file, use the on-line help, or if you have purchased the manuals please refer to them. Also in the Help menu in Quattro Pro, the Experts and Interactive Tutors can help you to perform specific tasks such as printing, entering data, using analysis tools, scenario management, and others. You can purchase the manuals, and register your copy of Quattro Pro using the order form in BORLAND.WB1. If you're having printing or screen problems, contact the manufacturer of your printer or screen driver for an updated driver. If you still have questions and need assistance, refer to the Support and Services guide included in your package for details about the various ways you can obtain technical support. 14. Registering Quattro Pro for Windows --------------------------------------- In order to be notified of product upgrades and enhancements, you need to be a registered user. There is a file that will load when you first run Quattro Pro that will help you to print out a registration card and order form that you can fax or mail. If you wish to register at another time, just load the file BORLAND.WB1 which is located in the Quattro Pro directory, and follow the instructions. 15. Documentation corrections ----------------------------- If you have purchased a manual set, please review the following changes and note them on the appropriate pages of your manuals: User's Guide - references in the User's Guide to "the Corporate edition" of Quattro Pro should read as "the Workgroup edition" of Quattro Pro. - the SpeedMenu shown on page 24 also includes the Insert and Delete commands from the Block menu, and commands for the SpeedFill and SpeedFormat buttons. - references to the "Active Block Properties" command in SpeedMenus should read as just "Block Properties." - page 547 - The correct syntax for @SLOPE is @SLOPE(KnownY,KnownX). (@SLOPE is also listed in Building Spreadsheet Applications, pages 35 and 213, and Quick Reference Guide, page 27.) - The procedure on page 600 for importing ADDRESS.TXT into an address book is missing a step. After step 1, which instructs you to open an address book in Quattro Pro, you must unhide the address book's window before you can proceed with the remaining steps. Building Spreadsheet Applications (Workgroup edition only) - page 400 - The following menu command properties can't be changed by {SETOBJECTPROPERTY}. /File commands, the Grayed property /Edit/Undo.Enabled, Title, and Grayed /Edit/Cut.Enabled and Grayed /Edit/Copy.Enabled and Grayed /Edit/Clear.Enabled and Grayed /Edit/Clear Contents.Enabled and Grayed /Edit/Paste Link.Enabled and Grayed /Edit/Paste Special.Enabled and Grayed /Edit/Paste Format.Enabled and Grayed /Block/Insert Break.Grayed /Block/Object Order.Enabled /Block/Object Order/Bring Forward.Enabled /Block/Object Order/Send Backward.Enabled /Block/Object Order/Bring to Front.Enabled /Block/Object Order/Send to Back.Enabled /Data/Database Desktop.Enabled and Grayed /Data/Table Query.Enabled and Grayed /Tools/Macro/Record.Title /Tools/Macro/Debugger.Title /Graph commands, the Grayed property /Property/Current Object.Grayed /Property/Active Page.Grayed /Window/Panes.Grayed /Window/Locked Titles.Grayed - pages 435 and Chapter 6 - In Developer mode, an additional link command appears in the Object Links dialog box. The CONNECT link command, unlike other link commands, isn't triggered by an event. It uses the following syntax: CONNECT WITH When one of the two properties is set ( is a property of the selected control; is a property of the object specified by ), the other property is also set. must also be a control. For example, if the following link command is added to the bitmap button named BitButton1, the button is hidden whenever it's disabled (as well as disabled whenever it's hidden): CONNECT Disabled WITH BitButton1 Hidden Database Desktop Guide - pages 88 to 92 - If a problem occurs while a query is inserting, deleting, or changing records, the data is saved in temporary tables named ERRORINS.DB, ERRORDEL.DB, or ERRORCHG.DB, respectively. If you're querying a dBASE file, these files are saved with .DBF extensions instead. 16. Directory/file layout ------------------------- The installation program creates several directories on your hard disk, and copies files into those directories and into various Windows directories, as listed below. For descriptions of the files on the Quattro Pro for Windows disks, see the FILELIST.DOC file on Disk 1. WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory: TTYWIN.DRV BWCC.DLL QPW directory: BCBTRES.DLL LESSON3.WB1 QPW.HLP BFWLITE.DLL LESSON3A.WB1 QPW.PAL BWCC.LZ LESSON4.WB1 QPW.REG CUI.DLL LESSON5.WB1 QPW.SOM DART.DLL LESSON6.WB1 QPW256.DTH DB.DLL LIBRARY.UI QPWCALL.DLL DBD.EXE LUCY.DLL QPWCBTL.DLL DBD.HLP OPTMIZ.DLL QPWCBTS.DLL DBDLOCAL.EXE OXFORD.EXE QPWHOST.DLL DBDLOCAL.HLP PROTFACT.DLL QSTAT.DLL DBDQBE.DLL QBOOL.DLL README.TXT DBDVIEW.DLL QCALC.DLL SCREEN.HLP DBSRV.DLL QCHART.DLL THORATU.DLL DLLFACT.DLL QENG.DLL TUTOR.WB1 DMODELER.EXE QFINANCE.DLL UAEDLL.DLL DMODELER.HLP QFORM.DLL UNINSTAL.EXE EXPERT.UI QHELP.HLP UTILITYS.DLL FORMATS.INF QLD.DLL WINATU.DLL HANDLERS.DLL QPW.EXE BORLAND.WB1 QPW directory (Workgroup Edition): ADDRESS.TPL LANINFO.TXT QPWNODE.HLP ICDLLWIN.DLL OBXQPWA.DLL WORKGRP.HLP IENC9150.DAT QPWNET.HLP WORKGRP.UI ODAPI directory: AUSEN437.CFG DEUDE437.CFG NLDNL437.CFG AUTDE437.CFG DNKDA865.CFG NORNO865.CFG BELFR437.CFG ESPES437.CFG ODAPI.CFG BELNL437.CFG FINFI437.CFG ODAPI01.DLL BRAPT850.CFG FRAFR437.CFG ODAPICFG.EXE CANFR850.CFG GBREN437.CFG ODAPICFG.HLP CANFR863.CFG ISLIS850.CFG ODAPIQ01.DLL CHEDE437.CFG ITAIT437.CFG PRTPT860.CFG CHEFR437.CFG KOREN437.CFG SWESV437.CFG CHEIT437.CFG LD01.DLL TWNEN47.CFG CONF01.DLL MEXES437.CFG USAEN437.CFG OBEX directory (Workgroup Edition only): DMSADDHL.DLL DMSOBXPX.DLL MHS-CF.DLL DMSCOMX.DLL DMSPX.DLL MNP.DLL DMSCONF.DLL DMSSVSUP.DLL MTA.EXE DMSCORE.DLL DMSVIM.DLL OBEX.EXE DMSFLT.DLL DMSXFORM.DLL OBEX.HLP DMSGATE.DLL DMSXMAIL.DLL OBEXLAN.EXE DMSLAN.DLL LAN-CF.DLL OBXTOOLS.DLL DMSMAPI.DLL MAPI-CF.DLL UNCOMP.EXE DMSMCI.DLL MCI-CF.DLL VIM-CF.DLL DMSMHS.DLL QPW\SAMPLES directory: 3D_BLOCK.WB1 EUROPE.XLS PURCHSNG.WB1 ASIA.WK1 FINREPRT.WB1 QUIKSAVE.WB1 BOOKORD.DB INVOICE.WB1 TASKLIST.DB BOOKORD.PX KEYS.WB1 TASKLIST.OVD BUDGTRAK.BAR LOANPMT.WB1 VOLUMES.DB BUDGTRAK.WB1 MACROS.WB1 VOLUMES.PX CUSTOMER.DB PERSFIN.WB1 WINES.WB1 CUSTOMER.PX PERSONAL.DB WW.DB DL_LOGO.BMP PERSONAL.PX 17. Sample files ---------------- The following sample files are included in Quattro Pro for Windows: In the QPW directory: LESSON3.WB1 (These files are used in the LESSON3A.WB1 tutorial in Chapter 3 of LESSON4.WB1 the "Getting Started" manual.) LESSON5.WB1 LESSON6.WB1 In the QPW\SAMPLES directory: 3D_BLOCK.WB1 FINREPRT.WB1 PURCHSNG.WB1 INVOICE.WB1 PERSFIN.WB1 WINES.WB1 BUDGTRAK.WB1 (These files are used in various BUDGTRAK.BAR chapters of the "Building Spreadsheet LOANPMT.WB1 Applications" manual.) MACROS.WB1 QUIKSAVE.WB1 TASKLIST.DB TASKLIST.OVD BOOKORD.DB (These files are used in the tutorial BOOKORD.PX in the "Database Desktop Guide.") CUSTOMER.DB CUSTOMER.PX PERSONAL.DB PERSONAL.PX VOLUMES.DB VOLUMES.PX ASIA.WB1 (These files are used in the training DL_LOGO.DB video for Quattro Pro for Windows) EUROPE.XLS PERSONAL.DB PERSONAL.PX WW.DB KEYS.WB1 (This file contains keyboard templates to print out and use on your keyboard.) 18. Slide Show Transitions -------------------------- The Fade out/Fade in effect will not work in a slide show unless the driver and card you're using are VGA compliant. The effect will not generally run under 8514 emulations. 19. Uninstalling Quattro Pro for Windows ---------------------------------------- There is a utility installed in the QPW directory called UNINSTAL.EXE that you can use to selectively remove modules of QPW after they have been installed. To run it choose File | Run in the Program Manager any type: C:\QPW\UNINSTAL.EXE Check all the modules you wish to remove, make sure the indicated directories are correct, and click the "Delete" button. If you remove the ODAPI engine or OBEX, you can then delete those directories also. Information for completely removing all references to Quattro Pro for Windows from your system follows: There are several .INI files in the WINDOWS directory that can be deleted: QPW.INI, OBEX.INI, DBD.INI, BORSPELL.INI, and OXFORD.INI. The WIN.INI file has some lines that can be removed: The [Extensions] section has a .WB1 reference The [embedding] section has two Quattro Pro references The [ODAPI], [DDE Servers], [DBD], and [OBEX] sections can all be completely removed. Quattro Pro was registered as a DDE application, so you can run REGEDIT.EXE and choose Edit | Delete File Type for both Quattro Pro Graph and Quattro Pro Notebook. The AUTOEXEC.QPW file can be deleted and ODAPI can be taken off the PATH. 20. Simplifying your Windows system ----------------------------------- UAE's (Unrecoverable Application Errors), GPF's (General Protection Faults), printing discrepancies, and other unexplainable problems in Microsoft Windows are frequently due to software or hardware conflicts or incompatibilities with other applications. If you encounter frequent errors or unusual problems, we recommend eliminating all variables that can cause problems. This procedure is a test, not a permanent solution. If this procedure succeeds, you should restore your system and narrow down the exact problem by trial and error (steps 6-7 explained below). An outline of the steps involved in eliminating variables is provided here (detailed steps follow): 1. Backup your system files. 2. Simplify the AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and WIN.INI files. 3. Eliminate third party drivers from Windows SETUP 4. Close Windows, reboot your system and restart Windows. 5. Try to repeat the error. 6. Restore your system, using the process of elimination to narrow down the problem or problems. 7. Resolve the conflict. DETAILED STEPS: 1. Backup your system files. Create a bootable floppy disk by formatting a disk using the /s parameter (e.g. FORMAT A: /s). See your DOS manual for more information about the FORMAT command. Copy your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files from the root directory of drive C:, and your WIN.INI and SYSTEM.INI from the WINDOWS directory to this disk. If you have difficulty during the following process, you can completely restore your system by booting from this disk and replacing these files. 2. Simplify the AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and WIN.INI files. You can do this by running SYSEDIT within Windows. From the Program Manager, select File | Run and type "SYSEDIT". The files AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, WIN.INI, and SYSTEM.INI are now available to edit. You will edit the first three files. Select the AUTOEXEC.BAT file and add REM (REM should always be followed by a space) in front of all commands not listed below. REM turns the command into a "Remark;" see your DOS manual for more information on the REM command. For example, if you have Windows in a sub directory C:\WINDOWS, DOS in C:\DOS, and a temporary sub directory in C:\WINDOWS\TEMP, the only lines without REM statements in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file should be: PROMPT=$P$G PATH=C:\WINDOWS;C:\DOS;C:\QPW SET TEMP=C:\WINDOWS\TEMP Note: Be absolutely sure C:\WINDOWS\TEMP directory exists! Select the CONFIG.SYS file and remark (REM) each line which does not match one of the lines listed below. If you have a third party hard disk driver (e.g., DMDRVR.BIN, SPEEDSTOR, SCSIHA.SYS, or STACKER) you must include this in the CONFIG.SYS file. If you are not sure about this, please check with the person who set up your system. If the meaning of any command is unknown, leave it alone. We recommend that you research any unknown commands, eliminating them only if possible. For example, if Windows is in C:\WINDOWS, and COMMAND.COM is in the ROOT directory, your CONFIG.SYS should look like this: SHELL=COMMAND.COM /p /e:2048 DEVICE=C:\WINDOWS\HIMEM.SYS FILES=50 BUFFERS=20 Select the WIN.INI file and find the commands "LOAD=" and "RUN=". Place a "REM " in front of these two commands. Leave everything else in this file alone. Select the SYSTEM.INI file and find the SHELL= line. For maximum simplification, make sure this line reads SHELL=PROGMAN.EXE. Save these files and exit Windows (don't shell out to a DOS Window). 3. Eliminate third party drivers from Windows SETUP. If you have installed a special third party device driver, you might experience problems which are the result of its use. Complete simplification of your system includes the removal of these drivers to see if the problem is related. If you have not installed any third party drivers you may skip this step. From DOS, execute the SETUP.EXE program in the Windows sub directory. Eliminate any OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer, i.e., third party) drivers (especially screen drivers). Replace these with the standard Microsoft drivers. Please consult your Microsoft documentation for information about proper SETUP settings. (The Microsoft User's Guide section called Running SETUP from MS-DOS has information about running SETUP from DOS.) 4. If you restarted Windows at the end of the SETUP program, close Windows. In any case, reboot your system and restart Windows. After rebooting (and BEFORE LOADING WINDOWS) execute the CHKDSK command to check for hard drive errors and fix them if any are found (see your DOS documentation for details). From the DOS prompt type: WIN /S This starts Windows in standard mode. 5. Test Quattro Pro. Run Quattro Pro. If you have specific steps to reproduce the problem, follow them. If it is a problem that does not occur regularly or predictably, you may have to leave this configuration intact until you feel enough time has elapsed for the problem to reoccur. If the problem does not reoccur, the assumption is that the conflict was eliminated in steps 2 through 4. 6. Restore your system, using the process of elimination to narrow down the problem or problems. In your AUTOEXEC.BAT, CONFIG.SYS, and WIN.INI files, add one command back into the configuration, reboot, and retest the application to discover if that command is part of the problem. To add one command back into the configuration, remove the REM command from a single command and save that file. If the problem reoccurs, the line that you removed the "REM" statement from caused the conflict. Otherwise, remove another remark, reboot, and try to reproduce the error. Continue this process until the problem reoccurs. Use the same procedure with the OEM drivers. Add each one back into your system, one at a time, testing for the problem between changes. 7. Resolving the conflict. If you discover the errors disappear at step five and can narrow down the cause in step six, you have found the conflict. To resolve the conflict, first check the documentation of the conflicting application, device driver, or memory resident program to be sure it is used correctly. If this does not correct the problem, check with the publisher of the conflicting application for possible workarounds, or updated versions of their software. If you cannot resolve the conflict any other way, you may need to avoid using Quattro Pro and this application simultaneously.