ANAGRAM.EXE is a PM program that generates anagrams from random names or phrases that you enter. It generates the anagrams in a second thread. It uses the small dictionary ANAGRAM.DCT, which must be in the current directory when the program is started. This was one of my first PM programs, written about a year and a half ago. The anagram-generating algorithm is from a November, 1987 article in BYTE written by Mike Morton. I came across the program again recently, and decided to post it for people to play with. It probably has a race condition or two between the main and background threads that may cause it to hang on rare occasion. Also, it has trouble with long phrases (say, 35 or so characters). Lastly, every once in awhile an anagram will be generated that has too few characters. These are usually obvious, and incidentally often quite funny. Besides these bugs, I think it's a good little time-waster and well worth downloading. By the way, I'm not identifying myself because I would rather not get any email about the program, and I don't plan to touch the source code again. Also, I have a (small) reputation to protect . Joe P.M. Programmer September 16, 1990