═══ 1. Help for DisketteArchive ═══ Use the Help choices to find out how to use help, to get extended help, to go to a list of keys, to go to the help index, or to get program information Help for help Provides detailed information on the kinds of help available and how to use help. Extended help Displays general help. Keys help Displays a list of keys. Help index Displays the help index. License Help Displays the information about your license. About Displays copyright and program version information. ═══ 1.1. Help for Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain information on how to use the Help facility. ═══ 1.2. Help for Help Index ═══ Use this choice to display the help index. The help index lists the titles of the help information that is available. ═══ 1.3. Help for Extended Help ═══ Use this choice to obtain general information on DisketteArchive. ═══ 1.4. Help for Keys ═══ Use this choice to see a list of keys and a description of the function of the keys. ═══ 1.5. Help for About ═══ Use this choice to get a description about this program. This will include copyright and program version information. ═══ 1.6. Help for License Help ═══ This choice will display information about your license of DisketteArchive. ═══ 2. Help for File ═══ Use the File choices to specify files for archiving/unarchiving a software package, or to exit the program. ═══ 3. Help for Arc ═══ Use this choice to archive a software package. ═══ 4. Help for Unarc ═══ Use this choice to unarchive a software package that you previously archived using DisketteArchive. ═══ 5. Help for Add to Arc ═══ Use this choice to add diskettes to a previously archived software package. You can also use this choice to change the archive comment. Simply select the archive to update, change the comment, and then do not add any diskettes. ═══ 6. Help for Named File ═══ Use this choice to unarchive a previously archived software package. Your last 3 files accessed are displayed so you can quickly unarchive them. ═══ 7. Help for Exit ═══ Use this choice to end the DisketteArchive program. ═══ 8. Help for Options ═══ Use the Options choices to set system wide options. Beep when diskette archived/unarchived. Create read-only archive files. Do multiple unarchiving. Set compression on/off. Format all diskettes. Verify diskettes on write. ═══ 9. Help for Beep ═══ Use this choice to specify that the system should beep when a diskette is archived or unarchived. When you change from inactive (unchecked) to active (checked) a dialog box is displayed to let you select a beep tone that you like. Your settings will be restored whenever the program is loaded. ═══ 10. Help for ReadOnly ═══ Use this choice to specify that the system should create read-only archive files. This will allow some protection against accidental erasure of your archive files. This choice is in effect when it is checked, and your setting will be restored whenever the program is loaded. ═══ 11. Help for MultiCopy ═══ Use this choice to specify that you want to be prompted to unarchive a file multiple times. This is very useful if you are duplicating a set of floppies. This choice is in effect when it is checked, and your setting will be restored whenever the program is loaded. ═══ 12. Help for Compression ═══ Use this choice to specify that you want to use advanced compression during archiving. Advanced compression will increase the time to archive, but may produce significantly smaller archive files. Compression is only 2-3% for diskettes that contain already compressed files, such as the OS/2 system diskettes. Diskettes with data that is not already compressed will normally compress 30-75%. If compression will not produce a smaller image no compression is used. Each time you archive a diskette you have the option to use advanced compression for that diskette. Simply set the compression checkbox for that diskette. The initial state of this checkbox is determined by the setting of the Advanced Compression menu option. This choice is in effect when it is checked, and your setting will be restored whenever the program is loaded. ═══ 13. Help for Format All ═══ Use this choice to set the format flag on or off for each diskette that is written. If you set the option on, you won't have to check the option when the Write Diskette dialog appears. ═══ 14. Help for Verify ═══ Use this choice to set the verify flag on or off for each diskette that is written. If you set the option on, each diskette that is written will be read back to verify that it was written correctly. This option should be used if you need to be absolutely certain of the quality of the diskettes. If you are making copies of diskettes that can be recopied relatively easily, don't bother with verification. ═══ 15. Help for Set Defaults ═══ Use this choice to set the options to their default values. You should also choose this whenever you add, remove or change any floppy drives in your machine. Unfortunately, OS/2 does not provide any way to determine the capacity of your floppy drives unless there is a diskette in the drive. As drives are accessed, their capabilities are saved. Selecting this option will clear all drive information. ═══ 16. Extended Help for DisketteArchive ═══ DisketteArchive v1.30.1 The DisketteArchive program allows you to archive your software packages. By duplicating the distribution diskettes onto your hard disks, you can quickly build a new copy of your software package at any time. This can save you money, time and aggravation. Duplicating distribution diskettes and keeping track of where they are can be a real pain and a considerable expense. DisketteArchive allows you to archive all of your software packages on your hard disk and backup these packages as part of you normal backup procedures. This is a big advantage for a network administrator, PC support specialist or anyone who owns lots of software. DisketteArchive creates a compressed image of each diskette on your hard disk (or on your network server's hard disk). You can recreate every byte from your original diskette at anytime. If one of your distribution diskettes goes bad, you can even skip to the exact diskette you need and unarchive just that one diskette. To illustrate how time and cost effective DisketteArchive is, consider archiving a copy of OS/2 2.0. The cost of 21 3.5 inch diskettes is probably a lot more than you paid for this program. The time to diskcopy the 21 diskettes is about 60 minutes. DisketteArchive will archive the diskettes in about 20 minutes with no additional expense, and you won't have to worry about loosing or destroying your archive diskettes. DisketteArchive is a real OS/2 Presentation Manager program. With multiple threads and a Systems Application Architecture (SAA) Common User Access (CUA) interface DisketteArchive is easy to use and efficient. DisketteArchive supports extended attributes and long-filenames. Packing List DISKARC.EXE This program. DISKARC.EA File containing extended attributes. Use EA.CMD to join them to DISKARC.EXE. EA.CMD Command file to join the extended attributes to the executable file. DISKARC.HLP OS/2 IPF help file (this help file). README.DOC Installation information and general notes. REGISTER.TXT Registration form. ═══ 17. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The list of keys is displayed in groups. PROGRAM KEYS Ctrl+A Archive a software package Ctrl+U Unarchive a software package Ctrl+D Add to an archive. Ctrl+B Set Beep option for archive/unarchive diskette. Ctrl+R Set ReadOnly option for archive files. Ctrl+M Set Multicopy option for unarchiving. Ctrl+P Set Compression option for archiving. Ctrl+F Set Format All option for unarchiving. Ctrl+V Set Verify option for unarchiving. F3 Exit program HELP KEYS F1 Get help F2 Get extended help (from within any help window) Alt+F4 End help F9 Go to a list of keys (from within any help window) F11 Go to the help index (from within any help window) Esc Previous Help Panel, or End help if only one panel Alt+F6 Go to/from help and programs Shift+F10 Get help for help SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt+F10 Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 or F3 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Ctrl+PgDn or Shift+F8 Scroll the contents of the window right one page Ctrl+PgUp or Shift+F7 Scroll the contents of the window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window ═══ 18. Help for Beep Dialog ═══ This dialog will allow you to customize the tone given when diskettes are archive/unarchived. You may use the scroll bars to change the frequency and duration values. The values increase/decrease by 25 when the line up/down selections are used and by 100 when the page up/down keys are used. The maximum duration is 2000 milliseconds, while the minimum is 20 milliseconds. These values are often rounded up to some system specific value. The range of speaker frequencies is 37 to 24000 Mhz. Values between 200 and 1700 are the most appropriate. Save This button will save the current values to a system profile file. They will be reused every time you start the program. Test This value will test the values that you have chosen. No data will be saved. Cancel Select this button if you do not want to save any changes made. ═══ 19. Help for Format Dialog ═══ This dialog box is displayed when the diskette selected is not formatted, or is not the correct size, but may be formattable in the drive selected. Format Select this button to format the diskette during the unarchiving process. If an error occurs during the formatting, you may not be able to format the diskette to the sized required. This often happens when formatting 2MB capacity (1.44MB) diskettes as 720K diskettes. If you know that all of your diskettes are not formatted you can select the "Format if needed, don't ask" check box. Retry Read the diskette again to see if a format may not be necessary. Cancel Select this button if you do not want to use this diskette. ═══ 20. Help for Format, don't ask. ═══ When this check box is checked, diskettes will automatically be formatted. You should check this only if you know that your diskettes are not formatted, or that they are formatted to the wrong size. ═══ 21. Help for Abort Dialog ═══ This dialog allows you to stop archiving/unarchiving. Once this is selected the progress information will update to reflect the current state. Continue Select this button to cancel this dialog and continue where the abort occurred. No information will be lost. Restart Select this button to restart this diskette. If you are archiving, you will be allowed to reenter the diskette comment and change the diskette and drive being used. If you are unarchiving you can also change the diskette and drive being used. ═══ 22. Help for Unarchive Dialog ═══ This dialog allows you to select a file to unarchive. This is a standard "open file" dialog with extensions to show what you are opening. The Directories listbox shows the directories and drives that are currently available for selection. The ".." selection indicates the parent directory. Use this to navigate upwards in the directory structure. The Files listbox show files that match the search pattern in the File Name edit field. If you type in a complete file name and hit enter, that file will be opened. You can also type in a search pattern. When you hit enter from the File Name field with wildcards in the file name, the Files listbox will show files that match that search pattern. When a valid file is highlighted in the Files listbox, the Diskette Size and Comment listbox shows the size and comment (if one was given) for each diskette archived. Normally all diskettes would be the same size, but this is not required. Open Select this button when the file selected in the files listbox is the file that you want to open. Cancel Select this button if you want to close the dialog without selecting a file. ═══ 23. Help for Add To Archive Dialog ═══ This dialog allows you to select an archive that you wish to add diskettes to. This is a standard "open file" dialog with extensions to show what you are opening. The Directories listbox shows the directories and drives that are currently available for selection. The ".." selection indicates the parent directory. Use this to navigate upwards in the directory structure. The Files listbox show files that match the search pattern in the File Name edit field. If you type in a complete file name and hit enter, that file will be opened. You can also type in a search pattern. When you hit enter from the File Name field with wildcards in the file name, the Files listbox will show files that match that search pattern. When a valid file is highlighted in the Files listbox, the Diskette Size and Comment listbox shows the size and comment (if one was given) for each diskette archived. Normally all diskettes would be the same size, but this is not required. Open Select this button when the file selected in the files listbox is the file that you want to open. Cancel Select this button if you want to close the dialog without selecting a file. ═══ 24. Help for Create Archive Dialog ═══ The Create Archive dialog prompts you for the name of the file in which to save archive information. Archive Select this button when you are ready to archive to the file selected. Cancel Select this button if you do not want to archive any diskettes. ═══ 25. Help for Archive File Name ═══ Enter the name of the file in which to archive diskettes. If no path is given then the file will be placed in the directory shown next to Current Directory. If the file specified already exists, then you will be asked if you want to overwrite it. If you are using the HPFS, you should make use of the longer file names allowed. If you archive lots of software packages, it can be very difficult to distinguish packages without informative file names. ═══ 26. Help for Archive Comment ═══ Enter a comment (maximum of 79 characters) for this archive. The comment entered will be saved and can be viewed when unarchiving to verify that you are unarchiving the correct file. Since you will be archiving lots of software packages, you should put the product name, version information and date archived. ═══ 27. Help for Archive Diskette Dialog ═══ The Arc Diskette dialog prompts you for the drive to archive from. Any drives that are not valid (the drive is not installed) will be disabled. A comment should be given to save when the diskette is archived. The comment may contain a maximum of 59 characters. The comment entered will be saved and displayed when the diskette is unarchived. Be careful to enter the complete diskette title for each diskette archived. Drive A Select this button to archive using diskette drive A. Drive B Select this button to archive using diskette drive B. Cancel Select this button to when no more diskettes are to be archived to this file. ═══ 28. Help for Diskette Comment ═══ Enter a comment (maximum of 59 characters) for this diskette. The comment entered will be saved and displayed when the diskette is unarchived. Be careful to enter the complete diskette title for each diskette archived. ═══ 29. Help for Write Diskette dialog ═══ The Write Diskette dialog prompts you for the drive to unarc to. Any drives that are not valid (because of disk size incompatibilities) will be disabled. The comment that was given when the diskette was archived is displayed along with the sequential number of the diskette in the archive file, and the size of the diskette. Format diskette Check this box to format the diskette even if it doesn't require formatting. Drive A Select this button to unarchive using diskette drive A. Drive B Select this button to unarchive using diskette drive B. Skip Select this button to skip this diskette. You should only select this if you don't want to unarchive this diskette now. Cancel Select this button to stop unarchiving from this file. ═══ 30. Help for Progress Dialog ═══ The Progress dialog show the current progress of an archive/unarchive operation. The number of bytes on the diskette is shown. The actual number of bytes in the archive file will be less. Abort Select this button when you want to stop archiving/unarchiving. If you select this you will be able to continue or restart. ═══ 31. Help for About Dialog ═══ The About dialog gives copyright and program version information. OK Select this when you are finished viewing the About dialog. Print Registration Form Select this button to print a registration form. You can send this with your fee to register your copy of DisketteArchive. ═══ 32. Help for License Help ═══ DisketteArchive is distributed as Shareware. The follow text will help you to understand Shareware and the license agreement. Disclaimer - Agreement Users of DisketteArchive must accept this disclaimer of warranty: "DisketteArchive is supplied as is. The author disclaims all warranties, expressed or implied, including, without limitation, the warranties of merchantability and of fitness for any purpose. The author assumes no liability for damages, direct or consequential, which may result from the use of DisketteArchive." DisketteArchive is a "shareware program" and is provided at no charge to the user for evaluation. Feel free to share it with your friends, but please do not give it away altered or as part of another system. If you share DisketteArchive all of the files that make up DisketteArchive must be delivered. The essence of "user-supported" software is to provide personal computer users with quality software without high prices, and yet to provide incentive for programmers to continue to develop new products. If you find this program useful and find that you are using DisketteArchive and continue to use DisketteArchive after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $30 to Ngb Technologies. The $30 registration fee will license one copy for use on any one computer at any one time. You must treat this software just like a book. An example is that this software may be used by any number of people and may be freely moved from one computer location to another, so long as there is no possibility of it being used at one location while it's being used at another. Just as a book cannot be read by two different persons at the same time. Definition of Shareware Shareware distribution gives users a chance to try software before buying it. If you try a Shareware program and continue using it, you are expected to register. Individual programs differ on details -- some request registration while others require it, some specify a maximum trial period. With registration, you get anything from the simple right to continue using the software to an updated program with printed manual. Copyright laws apply to both Shareware and commercial software, and the copyright holder retains all rights, with a few specific exceptions as stated below. Shareware authors are accomplished programmers, just like commercial authors, and the programs are of comparable quality. (In both cases, there are good programs and bad ones!) The main difference is in the method of distribution. The author specifically grants the right to copy and distribute the software, either to all and sundry or to a specific group. For example, some authors require written permission before a commercial disk vendor may copy their Shareware. Shareware is a distribution method, not a type of software. You should find software that suits your needs and pocketbook, whether it's commercial or Shareware. The Shareware system makes fitting your needs easier, because you can try before you buy. And because the overhead is low, prices are low also. Shareware has the ultimate money-back guarantee -- if you don't use the product, you don't pay for it.