
The set view command sets the view point for splots. This command controls the way the 3-d coordinates of the plot are mapped into the 2-d screen space. This command provides controls to both rotation and scaling of the plotted data but supports orthographic projections only.


        set view <rot_x> {,{<rot_z>}{,{<scale>}{,<scale_z>}}}
        show view

where <rot_x> and <rot_z> control the rotation angles (in degrees) along a virtual 3-d coordinate system aligned with the screen such that the screen horizontal axis is x, screen vertical axis is y, and the axis perpendicular to the screen is z. <rot_x> is bounded to the [0:180] range with a default of 60 degrees, while <rot_z> is bounded to the [0:360] range with a default of 30 degrees. <scale> controls the scaling of the entire splot, while <scale_z> scales the z axis only. Both scales default to 1.0.


        set view 60, 30, 1, 1
        set view ,,0.5

The first sets all the four default values. The second changes only scale, to 0.5.

See also set ticslevel.