
The set rrange command sets the radial range used to compute x and y values when in polar mode. If not in polar mode (see set polar) then this range is not used. Use of this command offsets the polar singularity to the <rmin> value and shifts the units on the axes tic marks. For instance, set rrange [-40:40] would set the origin to -40 and would plot values of radial values between -40 to 40. Thus, if 360 degrees of data were plotted, then the plot would extend 80 units in radially from the origin. To view the entire plot, a set yrange [-80:80] command would create a square viewport with a circular plot tangent at the axes. Because xrange is used specify the angular extent, only a square viewport can be specified by yrange. For instance, set yrange [0:80] would display the first quadrant and set yrange [-80:0] would display the third quadrant. Any square viewport of any size can be specified but it is constrained to be centered on a 45 degree line.

This range may also be specified on the plot command line when in polar mode.


        set rrange [{<rmin> : <rmax>}]

where <rmin> and <rmax> terms are constants or expressions.

Both the <rmin> and <rmax> terms are optional. Anything omitted will not be changed, so

        set rrange [:10]
changes rmax to 10 without affecting rmin.