═══ 1. ID_HELP_EDC3I_0 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_0 ═══ 2. ID_HELP_EDC3I_1 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_1 ═══ 3. ID_HELP_EDC3I_2 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_2 ═══ 4. ID_HELP_EDC3I_3 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_3 ═══ 5. ID_HELP_EDC3I_4 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_4 ═══ 6. ID_HELP_EDC3I_5 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_5 ═══ 7. ID_HELP_EDC3I_6 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_6 ═══ 8. ID_HELP_EDC3I_7 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_7 ═══ 9. ID_HELP_EDC3I_8 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_8 ═══ 10. ID_HELP_EDC3I_9 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_9 ═══ 11. ID_HELP_EDC3I_10 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_10 ═══ 12. ID_HELP_EDC3I_11 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_11 ═══ 13. ID_HELP_EDC3I_12 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_12 ═══ 14. ID_HELP_EDC3I_13 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_13 ═══ 15. ID_HELP_EDC3I_14 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_14 ═══ 16. ID_HELP_EDC3I_15 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_15 ═══ 17. ID_HELP_EDC3I_16 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_16 ═══ 18. ID_HELP_EDC3I_17 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_17 ═══ 19. ID_HELP_EDC3I_18 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_18 ═══ 20. ID_HELP_EDC3I_19 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_19 ═══ 21. ID_HELP_EDC3I_21 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_21 ═══ 22. ID_HELP_EDC3I_22 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_22 ═══ 23. ID_HELP_EDC3I_23 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_23 ═══ 24. ID_HELP_EDC3I_24 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_24 ═══ 25. ID_HELP_EDC3I_25 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_25 ═══ 26. ID_HELP_EDC3I_26 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_26 ═══ 27. ID_HELP_EDC3I_27 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_27 ═══ 28. ID_HELP_EDC3I_28 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_28 ═══ 29. ID_HELP_EDC3I_29 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_29 ═══ 30. ID_HELP_EDC3I_30 ═══ ID_HELP_EDC3I_30 ═══ 31. ID_DLG ═══ This is the dialog procedure help ═══ 32. ID_HELP_MESSAGE1 ═══ This is the HELP MESSAGE 1 ═══ 33. ID_APP ═══ IBM OS2 C comes with a Presentation Manager (PM) interactive application that you use for the installation. ═══ 33.1. Installation options ═══ There are three installation options: o IBM-supplied-default first time installation o customized first time installation o update installation In both of the first time installations, the PM application creates all the necessary directories and sub-directories and copies the IBM OS2 C compiler and selected files to the appropriate locations on your hard drive. You have the choice of accepting the default installation, or customizing the installation (by selecting, for example, which standard libraries to install). If you are installing an update, only new files will be copied to your hard drive. The update installation procedure assumes that all the necessary directories and subdirectories already exist. ═══ 34. ID_INSTALL ═══ ═══ 35. ID_FIRST_DEFAULT ═══ ═══ 35.1. Default first time installation ═══ 1. At an OS/2 command line, type the name of the installation program: 2. After the IBM OS2 C logo, the first panel of the installation program appears. Choose the First Time Default installation option from the Install pull down menu, as shown in . Install pull-down of the first panel 3. A dialog panel with all the installation options appears. This panel is shown in . Panel showing default installation options The only installation option that you can change is the name of the directory that will contain the files. (All other options on the panel are grey, which means that you cannot change them.) The default name for this directory is C. If you want to change the name of this directory, the installation program will default to drive C if you do not specify a drive. There are three action buttons at the bottom of this panel: OK, Cancel and Help. You can select one of these buttons at any time. o Select OK to proceed with the installation. o Select Cancel to cancel the installation and return to the first panel. o Select Help to display online help. 4. To continue with the default installation, click on the OK action button. For a list of default contents, please see Reference 5. The installation program checks to see that there is enough space for all the files on the drive which you specified. If there is not, a warning messages appears, and you can continue or cancel the installation. 6. The installation program checks to see if the directory you specified exist already. If it does, a warning message appears, and you can continue or cancel the installation. If you continue, and some file names already in the directory are the same as files being installed, the existing files will be overwritten. 7. The installation program installs all the files, and a pop-up screen with an OK button appears when it is complete. Click on the OK button to return to the main installation window, and then select EXIT from the Install pull-down menu to leave the installation program. ═══ 36. ID_FIRST_CUSTOMIZE ═══ ═══ 36.1. Customized first time installation ═══ Go through the following steps to install for the first time if you want to change the installation defaults All the necessary directories and subdirectories will be created for you. For a list of the files in these directories, see Reference 1. At an OS/2 command line, type: (name of the IBMC installation program) 2. After the IBM OS2 C logo, the first panel of the installation program appears. Choose the First Time Customize installation option from the Install pull down menu. 3. A dialog panel with all the installation options appears. The panel is the same as that shown in , but with the customize option you can change any of the fields. There are three action buttons at the bottom of this panel: OK, Cancel and Help. You can select one of these buttons at any time. o Select OK to proceed to the next step of the installation. o Select Cancel to cancel the installation and return to the first panel. o Select Help to display online help. 4. You can change all the options listed on this screen. The options are: o Target drive and directory in which will be installed The default is C The installation program will later check to ensure there is enough space on the drive you choose. o Run-time libraries Choose which standard libraries to install: Note: You can select any combination of the options listed below, but at least one from each category must be selected. a. The type(s) of run-time environments to be supported: Multi-tasking - Single tasking - Programs that contain no run-time environment The type(s) of programs for which support is required: Building EXEs - Building DLLs The method of binding the IBM OS2 C. run-time library Dynamically - Statically Similarly, for the C/2 migration libraries you can specify: Note: You can select any combination of the C/2 Migration Library options below, but at least one from each category must be selected. 1. The type(s) of run-time environments to be supported: Multi-tasking - Single tasking The type(s) of programs for which support is required: Building EXEs - Building DLLs The method of binding the IBM OS2 C. runtime library Dynamically - Statically Note: The DLLs and import libraries are already built. This is done to give greater flexibility, to remove the need to a build command file and all associated module definition files, to eliminate the build step in the install procedure, and to remove the need for the link and import EXEC to be on the environment PATH during installation. 2. Documentation - you can decide to install any combination of the following documentation units: - On-line reference documentation in IPF format. - Soft copy of SAA C reference in BookManager format. - Soft copy of this User's Guide in BookManager format. 3. locale utilities and data - you have the option of not installing these 4. Sample programs - you have the option of not installing these 5. Update the CONFIG.SYS file. The options are: a. No, the CONFIG.SYS file is not changed. You should append C to the LIBPATH variable in the CONFIG.SYS file manually. A corresponding EDCPATH command file is created, and you need to run this command file in each OS/2 session before using the compiler. This file performs the additional SET commands needed to drive the IBM OS2 C environment is placed in the \BIN directory. This command file contains the following statments: SET PATH=C /* TBD from BookManager Read */ SET TZ=ESTSEDT,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SET DEFAULT_LOCALE=C b. Yes, but only change the LIBPATH, DPATH and PATH variables. The following changes will be made to the CONFIG.SYS file: append C A corresponding EDCPATH command file that performs the additional SET commands needed to drive the IBM OS2 C environment will be created and placed in the \BIN directory. This command file will include the following statements: SET LIB=CDEFAULT_LOCALE=C c. Yes, put everything in the CONFIG.SYS file. The following changes will be made to the CONFIG.SYS file: append CP the TMP variable append C A corresponding EDCPATH command file that performs the additional SET commands needed to drive the IBM OS2 C environment will be created and placed in the \BIN directory. This command file contains the following statements: SET TZ=ESTSEDT,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 SET DEFAULT_LOCALE=C Warning: There is no semicolon at the end of the line for the TMP environment variable. If you write or edit any of these files yourself, do not add one. 6. After you have chosen your options, the space required for installation is calculated and compared to the available space on the drive you want to use. If there is not enough space, you will get a warning message. At this point you can go ahead with the installation or return to the dialog panel and change the installation options. 7. If the directory to be created already exists, a warning message will tell you that duplicate files in the directory will be overwritten by the installation files. At this point you can go ahead with the installation and overwrite these files or return to the dialog panel and change the installation options. 8. When the installation is complete, you will get a message indicating that the installation was successful. Click on the OK action button to return to the first panel of the installation program. 9. Choose the Exit option from the install pull down menu to finish the installation procedure. ═══ 37. ID_UPDATE ═══ ═══ 37.1. Update installation: ═══ The update installation should be used if you want to re-install some parts of the compiler or adds new compiler features. The installed directory and its subdirectories must have been created during the first time installation. For a list of contents see Reference 1. At an OS/2 command line, type: (name of the IBMC installation program) 2. After the IBM OS2 C logo, the first panel of the installation program appears. Choose the update installation option from the install pull down menu. 3. A dialog panel with all the installation options appears. None of the options are pre-selected. There are three action buttons at the bottom of this panel: OK, CANCEL and HELP. These buttons can be selected at any time. o Select OK to proceed to the next step of the installation. o Select CANCEL to cancel the installation and return to the first panel. o Select HELP to display online help. 4. You have the choice to change one or more of the following: o The name of the original IBM OS2 C directory o Run-time libraries to be added. You have the same selection of run-time libraries that you have in first time installation. o Documentation - On-line reference documentation in IPF format. - Soft copy of SAA C reference in BookManager format. - Soft copy of User's Guide in BookManager format. o locale utilities and data o Sample programs 5. After you have chosen your options, the space required for installation is calculated and compared against available space on the drive you want to use. If there is not enough space, you will get a warning message. At this point you can go ahead with the installation or return to the dialog panel and changing the installation options. 6. If the directory to be created already exists, a warning message will tell you that duplicate files in the directory will be overwritten by the installation files. You can go ahead with the installation and overwrite these files or return to the dialog panel and change the installation options. 7. When the installation is complete, you will get a message indicating that the installation was successful. Click on the OK action button to return to the first panel of the installation program. 8. Choose the Exit option from the install pull down menu to finish the installation procedure. ═══ 38. ID_EXIT ═══ ID_EXIT ═══ 39. ID_HELP ═══ ID_HELP ═══ 40. ID_HELP_FOR_HELP ═══ ID_HELP_FOR_HELP ═══ 41. ID_HELP_EXTENDED ═══ ID_HELP_EXTENDED ═══ 42. ID_HELP_KEYS ═══ ID_HELP_KEYS HELP KEYS Alt+f or Alt+F First time default installation At+c or Alt+C First time customize installation Alt+u or Alt+U Update installation F3 exit program ═══ 43. ID_HELP_INDEX ═══ ID_HELP_INDEX ═══ 44. ID_ABOUT ═══ ID_ABOUT ═══ 45. ID_HELP_DISK ═══ There may not be enough space to install all the option ═══ 46. ID_HELP_ERROR ═══ Dos error ═══ 47. Help for Key Assignments ═══ The list of keys is arranged in groups. ACCELERATOR KEYS F3 Exit program SYSTEM KEYS Alt+F6 Switch to the next windowed program Alt+Esc Switch to the next program, including full-screen programs Ctrl+Esc Switch to the Task List WINDOW KEYS F3 Close a window F10 Go to/from the action bar Arrow keys Move among choices End Go to the last choice in a pull-down Esc Cancel a pull-down or the system menu Home Go to the first choice in a pull-down PgUp Scroll the contents of the window up one page PgDn Scroll the contents of the window down one page Underlined letter Move among the choices on the action bar and pull-downs Alt+F10 Go to/from the action bar Alt+F4 or F3 Close the window Alt+F5 Restore the window Alt+F7 Move the window Alt+F8 Size the window Alt+F9 Minimize the window Alt+F10 Maximize the window Ctrl+PgDn or Shift+F8 Scroll the contents of the window right one page Ctrl+PgUp or Shift+F7 Scroll the contents of the window left one page Shift+Esc or Alt+Spacebar Go to/from the system menu Shift+Esc or Alt Go to/from the system menu of a text window