Column Name: Advanced PM Programming Column Title: Using Sliders by: Guy Scharf (c) Copyright 1992 Software Architects, Inc. Introducing Sliders OS/2 2.0 introduces four new controls-slider, value set, notebook, and container. We'll look this month at the slider. The slider is best used for setting values that are more analog than digital in nature. Visually, the slider is represented as a bar with a handle that can be moved to any location along the bar. The user can grab the handle and move it to the desired location. The slider can have detents that allow the user to set the slider to preselected values with a single click of the mouse. Optional buttons can be used to move the slider bar one increment at a time. Used for output, the slider control also makes an excellent progress or percentage complete bar. Our example program shows sliders used for input and as a progress bar. CUA Controls Library/2 IBM has not forgotten OS/2 1.3 developers. IBM's CUA Controls Library/2 product makes all of the OS/2 2.0 controls as well as the standard font selection and file open dialogs available to both OS/2 1.3 and Windows developers. This product provides OS/2 1.3 with the same API as with OS/2 2.0. Converting a program using CUA Library/2 controls to OS/2 2.0 requires making only minor changes: 1) a DosLoadModule call required to register the CUA Library/2 control is deleted, 2) if the control is defined in a resource script, the window class name is changed from CCL_SLIDER to WC_SLIDER and 3) a #include statement required for CUA Library/2 is deleted. These are all the changes that are required, and selective use of #ifdef and #define can take care of most of these changes. Messages sent to or received from the control remain unchanged. The sample code in this article has been compiled using both OS/2 1.3 and OS/2 2.0 with just these changes. Converting from OS/2 1.3 to 2.0 Before examining the slider, let's look at some issues involved in developing applications for both OS/2 1.3 and OS/2 2.0. A reader asks why the subclassing example of the column in the first issue does not work under OS/2 2.0. Two minor changes are required to make that example work. These are typical of the changes required when converting to OS/2 2.0. First, the length of the message-number parameter in messages sent to windows must be changed from a USHORT to a ULONG. In many OS/2 2.0 functions, parameters that were USHORTs in OS/2 1.3 have been changed to ULONGs. If you use the header files supplied with the toolkit, most of these changes should be nearly transparent. If you have typed your own prototypes of OS/2 functions, you will probably need to update them. I now define a MSGID type in my programs, and conditionally compile MSGID as a USHORT or a ULONG as appropriate for the target operating system. The second change is caused by a change in the WinRegisterClass API. In OS/2 1.3, this API was documented as requiring the existence of a message queue, but it does not. In OS/2 2.0, this API is not documented as requiring existence of a message queue, but it does! To fix SUBCLASS.C for OS/2 2.0, move the call to the class registering function to follow the creation of the message queue. Slider Basics A slider can be used as an input control device or as a read-only display device. While the latter is simply a variation on the input device, it is visually distinctive. Figures 1 and 2 demonstrate these two appearances. The most visible component of a slider is the slider shaft. The width of the shaft can be varied, which is especially useful in displaying progress bars. The shaft can be arranged horizontally or vertically. The slider arm defines the position of the control along a scale of increments. In an input control, this arm is represented by a handle that the user can grab and drag. On an output control, the arm is a vertical line, usually with a different color, called a ribbon strip, on each side. The bottom of the slider can be at either the left or right (top or bottom) of the control. Labels, tick marks of various sizes, and detents can be placed above or below the shaft. If the user clicks on the slider to either side of the slider arm, the arm is moved one increment in that direction. Holding the mouse button down does not cause further movement. Optional slider buttons at either end of the slider cause a single movement if clicked once, and continuing movement if the mouse button is held down. A detent allows a user to move the slider arm to a prespecified value by clicking on the detent with the mouse button. Creating a Slider As with most controls, you can create a control window using WinCreateWindow or you can define the control in a resource script. However, unlike older controls, slider control windows require that some control data be supplied at the time the control is created. The SLDCDATA structure defines the required data: typedef struct _SLDCDATA { ULONG cbSize; // Size of control data USHORT usScale1Increments; // # of divisions USHORT usScale1Spacing; // Space in pels USHORT usScale2Increments; // # of divisions USHORT usScale2Spacing; // Space in pels } SLDCDATA; The control data specifies the length of the slider, in arbitrary units called increments, and the distance between each increment, in pixels for two scales. Scale 1, if used, appears above or to the left of the slider; scale 2, below or to the right. Since calculating distances in pixels is a nuisance, the control will calculate it for you if the distance value is given as 0. If the SLDCDATA structure is not provided, the slider is not created. When defining a slider in a resource script, the CTLDATA statement can be used to create the required data structure. After creating the basic slider control, the developer sends messages to the control to establish the size and placement of tick marks, text above one or more tick marks, detents, and the slider arm position. You can also change the dimensions of the slider and modify other appearances of the control. An owner-draw style is available, so that you can draw the control yourself. You retrieve information from the slider by sending messages to it. Some messages return values in increments; others, in pixels. Some messages offer you a choice. Sliders in Dialog Resource Scripts In our example, we have two sliders. The first allows the user to choose a value of 0 to 90 seconds. Having chosen that value using the slider, the user presses the OK button and a progress bar is displayed for that number of seconds. The progress bar advances evenly over the number of seconds requested. Let's look first at the resource script, SLIDER.RC in our example. Both sliders are horizontally arranged with SLS_HORIZONTAL. On the time-setting slider, SLS_PRIMARYSCALE1 says that we are going to write our tick marks and text above the slider shaft. To make more room for this text in the control area, we move the slider shaft to the bottom of the control window with SLS_BOTTOM. We define 0 as being at the left end of the slider with SLS_HOMELEFT. We then request buttons at the right end of the control with SLS_BUTTONSRIGHT. The CTLDATA statement defines the SLDCDATA structure. The CTLDATA statement is followed by a series of numeric parameters. These parameters are each converted by the resource compiler into a USHORT. The complete string of USHORTs constitutes the data structure used by the dialog when creating the slider control window. Since the first element of the SLDCDATA structure is a ULONG giving the total size of the structure, we must compose that ULONG with two USHORTs. The total length of the data structure is 12 bytes. Since Intel architecture places the least significant digits in the high-order bytes, we define a ULONG with a value of 12 as two USHORTs with values of 12 and 0. We define this slider as having 91 increments, allowing us to represent values from 0 through 90. We set the pixel spacing of the increments to 0, to allow the dialog to compute the largest spacing that will fit within the bounds of the control. We need to define only the scale that we are going to use; any definition we provide for the other scale is ignored. Our definition for the progress bar is similar. We put the slider in the center of the control window with SLS_CENTER. We make it a read-only control, and thus having a vertical line instead of a handle as the slider arm, with SLS_READONLY. We put the text below the slider by specifying SLS_PRIMARYSCALE2. Finally, we ask that the slider have a different color on each side of the slider arm, making the appearance that of a horizontal bar. This is called a ribbon strip and we request it with the SLS_RIBBONSTRIP style. We define CTLDATA for this slider similarly. The 101 increments allow values of 0 through 100. Initializing the Slider Sliders require more setup than older controls. In the example, the setup code is isolated in the InitSlider() function. We call this function during WM_INITDLG processing to initialize each slider. As the first step, we obtain the increments and spacing values from the original CTLDATA structure (or as calculated by the control). Most of the messages we will be sending the slider control will use increments. Detents, however, are set in terms of pixels, as they are not required to be aligned with an increment. Since our initialization function is a general utility, we obtain this information from the control rather than hard coding it or having it passed in by the caller. We use WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS to obtain this control data. Alternatively, we could have used the SLM_QUERYSLIDERINFO message to obtain most of the information we need. This message returns four types of dimension information, either as increments or as pixel dimensions. This message is used frequently when programming sliders. If the caller wants the slider shaft to be larger, we change its dimensions using SLM_SETSLIDERINFO. Again, this is a message that can set many values. In our example, we increase the width when using the slider as a progress bar. Ticks are set at specific increments. (An increment is an arbitrary unit between 0 and the maximum specified in the CTLDATA statement.) The programmer controls tick sizes. In this example, we use two tick sizes, which we refer to as major and minor tick marks. Detents are set similarly. Our utility can set tick marks only on a linear scale. You can set tick marks at any increment values, or at none. We set no tick marks for the progress bar, as the absolute value is of little interest. Text can also be set at increments. While any text string can be set, we use numbers corresponding to the increment value. Looking at the Sample Program The sample program is relatively simple-the slider control is easy to program and to use. The main program simply starts a dialog to obtain a time interval between 0 and 90 seconds. When the user presses OK, that dialog starts a second dialog to count down that number of seconds the user specified. The dialogs then return to the main program, which then terminates. This demo program does not have a standard window. The GetAmountDlgProc() dialog procedure is the dialog procedure for the IDLG_SETTIME dialog. It initializes the slider during WM_INITDLG processing and waits for the user to press the OK or Cancel button. When the user presses OK, the dialog reads the number of seconds set on the slider control and starts the progress display dialog, passing the number of seconds requested. The ProgressDlgProc() dialog procedure is the dialog procedure for the IDLG_PROGRESS dialog. It initializes its slider, using different parameters more appropriate to a progress bar. It then sets up a repetitive timer using WinStartTimer(). Each time the timer sends a WM_TIMER message, the dialog computes the percentage complete and updates the slider if the percentage has changed. The frequency of the timer is controlled by the TIMERINTERVAL #define statement. We have defined the slider as having 100 increments, so the movement of the slider will never be finer than 1/100 of the total distance. If the duration is large, then very frequent timer messages are wasteful, as the percentage complete will not change with each message. However, if the timer intervals are large, then the progress bar does not move smoothly when the number of seconds is small. Picking a good frequency for the timer depends on the use planned for the slider. We used a rate of four per second in this example. In a real application, you could use a progress bar like this to report the status of some time-consuming task. That task could send periodic updates to the dialog, which would then update the progress bar to reflect the progress of the task. Or, you could use a WM_TIMER message to poll the state of a task and update the progress bar appropriate. We have used both approaches, depending on whether the task knew how to send messages or whether it could only update a counter. Summary Sliders are very useful for obtaining or displaying analog values. They excel when a bar representation fits the experience of the user. Sliders also make great progress bars or percentage complete displays. The programs in this article are available on the OS2DEV forum on CompuServe. GO OS2DEV and download file SLIDER.ZIP from library 4, Ver 2.0. ------------------------ Guy Scharf is president of Software Architects, Inc., 2163 Jardin Drive, Mountain View, CA 94040. Software Architects, Inc. specializes in OS/2 Presentation Manager software development and consulting. Guy can be reached on the CompuServe OS2DEV forum or on CompuServe Mail at 76702,557 or through Internet at LISTING 1. SLIDER.C ==================== // slider.c -- Sample program to demonstrate slider //-------------------------------------------------------------- // slider.c // // Sample program to demonstrate sliders. // // By: Guy Scharf (415) 948-9186 // Software Architects, Inc. FAX: (415) 948-1620 // 2163 Jardin Drive // Mountain View, CA 94040 // CompuServe: 76702,557 // Internet: // (c) Copyright 1992 Software Architects, Inc. // // All Rights Reserved. // // Software Architects, Inc. develops software products for // independent software vendors using OS/2 and Presentation // Manager. //-------------------------------------------------------------- #define INCL_PM // Basic OS/2 PM #define INCL_BASE // components #include #include // C runtime library #include #include "slider.h" // Slider demo defs // Prototypes of dialog procedures static MRESULT EXPENTRY GetAmountDlgProc (HWND, MSGID, MPARAM, MPARAM); static MRESULT EXPENTRY ProgressDlgProc (HWND, MSGID, MPARAM, MPARAM); //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // Main program to drive slider example // //-------------------------------------------------------------- int main (void) { HAB hab; // Handle to anchor block HMQ hmqMsgQueue; // Handle to msg queue #ifndef OS220 HMODULE hmodSlider; // Handle to slider mod #endif hab = WinInitialize (0); // Initialize PM hmqMsgQueue = WinCreateMsgQueue (hab, 0); // Create msg queue #ifndef OS220 if (DosLoadModule (NULL, 0, CCL_SLIDER_DLL, &hmodSlider)) return FALSE; #endif WinDlgBox (HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP, GetAmountDlgProc, 0, IDLG_SETTIME, NULL); #ifndef OS220 DosFreeModule (hmodSlider); #endif WinDestroyMsgQueue (hmqMsgQueue); // Shutdown WinTerminate (hab); return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // GetAmountDlgProc() -- Determine time delay desired // //-------------------------------------------------------------- static MRESULT EXPENTRY GetAmountDlgProc ( HWND hwndDlg, MSGID msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { USHORT usTime; // Time for progress switch(msg) { //------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize dialog by setting labels, ticks, detents, // etc. This must all be done programmatically. //------------------------------------------------------ case WM_INITDLG: //-------------------------------------------------- // Set the marks, detents, and labels // Set small tick marks every 1 second // Set large tick marks every 10 seconds // Set detent every 15 seconds //-------------------------------------------------- InitSlider (hwndDlg, IDSL_SETTIME_TIME, 0, 1, 4, 10, 8, 30, 30, "8.Courier"); return 0; //------------------------------------------------------ // Process pushbuttons. Enter starts a progress bar. // Cancel (ESC) just quits quietly. //------------------------------------------------------ case WM_COMMAND: switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { // Cancel pressed // Dismiss dialog case DID_CANCEL: WinDismissDlg (hwndDlg, FALSE); return 0; // OK button pressed case DID_OK: // Read slider position // from slider usTime = SHORT1FROMMR(WinSendDlgItemMsg( hwndDlg, IDSL_SETTIME_TIME, SLM_QUERYSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT(SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION, SMA_INCREMENTVALUE), 0)); // Start progress bar // dialog if (usTime > 0) WinDlgBox (HWND_DESKTOP, HWND_DESKTOP, ProgressDlgProc, 0, IDLG_PROGRESS, &usTime); return 0; } return 0; //------------------------------------------------------ // All other messages go to default window procedure //------------------------------------------------------ default: return (WinDefDlgProc (hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2)); } return FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // // ProgressDlgProc() -- Show progress bar. This is a minimal // function dialog. It just moves the progress bar along // without reflecting any particular activity. // //-------------------------------------------------------------- typedef struct { USHORT usTotalUnits; // # units to count USHORT usUnitsSoFar; // count so far USHORT usPctDone; // Last reported % done } PROG, *PPROG; #define TIMERINTERVAL 4 // Timer checks per sec static MRESULT EXPENTRY ProgressDlgProc ( HWND hwndDlg, MSGID msg, MPARAM mp1, MPARAM mp2) { PPROG pprog; // Progress data switch(msg) { //------------------------------------------------------ // Initialize dialog by constructing a work area and // establishing a pointer to it in the dialog window // word. Set initial values to 0 and compute the // number of ticks desired from the passed value // (which is in seconds) //------------------------------------------------------ case WM_INITDLG: // Initialize data pprog = malloc (sizeof (PROG)); WinSetWindowPtr (hwndDlg, QWL_USER, pprog); pprog->usUnitsSoFar = 0; // Ticks so far pprog->usPctDone = 0; // Start at 0 pprog->usTotalUnits = (USHORT)(*(PUSHORT)mp2 * TIMERINTERVAL); //-------------------------------------------------- // Set 2x wide slider, // No small tick // No large ticks // No detents // 0, 50, 100% complete //-------------------------------------------------- InitSlider (hwndDlg, IDSL_PROGRESS_BAR, 2, 0, 4, 0, 8, 0, 50, NULL); //-------------------------------------------------- // Start the timer for periodic display //-------------------------------------------------- WinStartTimer (WinQueryAnchorBlock (hwndDlg), hwndDlg, ID_TIMER, 1000/TIMERINTERVAL); return 0; //------------------------------------------------------ // When dialog is destroyed, we release any data // we have allocated. This prevents memory leakage. //------------------------------------------------------ case WM_DESTROY: pprog = WinQueryWindowPtr (hwndDlg, QWL_USER); // Stop the timer WinStopTimer (WinQueryAnchorBlock (hwndDlg), hwndDlg, ID_TIMER); if (pprog != NULL) // If data exists, free (pprog); // free it WinSetWindowPtr (hwndDlg, QWL_USER, NULL); return 0; //------------------------------------------------------ // We support only a Cancel pushbutton //------------------------------------------------------ case WM_COMMAND: switch (SHORT1FROMMP(mp1)) { // Cancel key pressed case DID_CANCEL: // Just quit quietly WinDismissDlg (hwndDlg, FALSE); return 0; } return 0; //------------------------------------------------------ // On every timer tick, we computer the percent // complete. If different than on the last timer // click, we update the progress bar. //------------------------------------------------------ case WM_TIMER: { USHORT usNewPctDone = 0; // Percent complete // Get ptr to dialog data pprog = WinQueryWindowPtr (hwndDlg, QWL_USER); // Compute % complete // and update the slider pprog->usUnitsSoFar++; // Don't allow over 100 usNewPctDone = (USHORT)min((100*pprog->usUnitsSoFar) / pprog->usTotalUnits, 100); // If % done is changed, // update slider if (usNewPctDone != pprog->usPctDone) { pprog->usPctDone = usNewPctDone; WinSendDlgItemMsg (hwndDlg, IDSL_PROGRESS_BAR, SLM_SETSLIDERINFO, MPFROM2SHORT (SMA_SLIDERARMPOSITION, SMA_INCREMENTVALUE), MPFROMSHORT (usNewPctDone)); } // If all done, quit if (pprog->usUnitsSoFar > pprog->usTotalUnits) WinSendMsg (hwndDlg, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------ // All other messages go to default window procedure //------------------------------------------------------ default: return (WinDefDlgProc (hwndDlg, msg, mp1, mp2)); } return FALSE; } //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Function: InitSlider // Outputs: none // // This function receives all parameters for configuring a // slider. It sets tick marks, tick text, and detents // according to the input parameters. The scale text font is // changed if requested. This function works only on scale 1. //-------------------------------------------------------------- VOID InitSlider ( // Initialize slider HWND hwndDlg, // Handle of dialog ULONG idSlider, // ID of slider control USHORT usSizeMultiplier, // Size multiplier USHORT usMinorTickSpacing, // Minor tick spacing USHORT usMinorTickSize, // Size of minor ticks USHORT usMajorTickSpacing, // Major tick spacing USHORT usMajorTickSize, // Size of major ticks USHORT usDetentSpacing, // Detent spacing USHORT usTextSpacing, // Text label spacing PSZ pszFont) // Font for text or NULL { USHORT i; // Loop index CHAR buffer[20]; // String buffer USHORT usIncrements = 0; // Number of increments USHORT usSpacing = 0; // Spacing WNDPARAMS wprm; // Window parameters ct; SLDCDATA sldcd; // Slider control data HWND hwndSlider = WinWindowFromID (hwndDlg, idSlider); //---------------------------------------------------------- // Get original slider dimensions in increments for future // calls. (My thanks to Wayne Kovsky for this example of // using WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS.) //---------------------------------------------------------- wprm.fsStatus = WPM_CTLDATA; // Request control data wprm.cbCtlData = sizeof (SLDCDATA); wprm.pCtlData = &sldcd; if (WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, WM_QUERYWINDOWPARAMS, MPFROMP(&wprm), 0)) { // Copy fields we need usIncrements = sldcd.usScale1Increments; usSpacing = sldcd.usScale1Spacing; } //---------------------------------------------------------- // If requested, change dimensions of the slider //---------------------------------------------------------- if (usSizeMultiplier > 1) { MRESULT mr; mr = WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, SLM_QUERYSLIDERINFO, MPFROMSHORT(SMA_SHAFTDIMENSIONS), 0); WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, SLM_SETSLIDERINFO, MPFROMSHORT(SMA_SHAFTDIMENSIONS), MPFROMSHORT (SHORT2FROMMR(mr) * usSizeMultiplier)); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // If requested, set minor ticks along axis //---------------------------------------------------------- if (usMinorTickSpacing != 0) for (i = 0; i <= usIncrements; i += usMinorTickSpacing) { WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, // Set minor tick SLM_SETTICKSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(i, usMinorTickSize), NULL); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // If requested, set major ticks along axis //---------------------------------------------------------- if (usMajorTickSpacing != 0) for (i = 0; i <= usIncrements; i += usMajorTickSpacing) { WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, // Set major tick SLM_SETTICKSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(i, usMajorTickSize), NULL); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // If requested, set detents //---------------------------------------------------------- if (usDetentSpacing != 0) for (i = 0; i <= usIncrements; i += usDetentSpacing) { WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, // Set the detent SLM_ADDDETENT, MPFROM2SHORT((i*usSpacing), usDetentSpacing), NULL); } //---------------------------------------------------------- // If requested, set text labels. Also change font if // requested //---------------------------------------------------------- if (usTextSpacing != 0) { if (pszFont != NULL) WinSetPresParam (hwndSlider, PP_FONTNAMESIZE, (strlen(pszFont)+1), pszFont); for (i = 0; i <= usIncrements; i += usTextSpacing) { itoa (i, buffer, 10); // Convert to string WinSendMsg (hwndSlider, // Place in slider scale SLM_SETSCALETEXT, MPFROMSHORT(i), MPFROMP(buffer)); } } return; } LISTING 2. SLIDER.H ==================== // slider.h -- Definitions for slider demo //-------------------------------------------------------------- // Change the following as required for target system //-------------------------------------------------------------- #define OS220 // Define target system #ifdef OS220 #define MSGID ULONG // OS/2 2.0 #else #define MSGID USHORT // OS/2 1.3 #include // CUA Library/2 #define WC_SLIDER CCL_SLIDER // Window class #endif // Defines for dialogs, controls #define IDLG_SETTIME 100 // Set time dialog #define IDSL_SETTIME_TIME 101 #define IDLG_PROGRESS 200 // Progress bar dialog #define IDSL_PROGRESS_BAR 201 #define ID_TIMER 1 // For WinStartTimer // Prototypes for useful functions VOID InitSlider ( // Initialize slider HWND hwndDlg, // Handle of dialog ULONG idSlider, // ID of slider control USHORT usSizeMultiplier, // Size multiplier USHORT usMinorTickSpacing, // Minor tick spacing USHORT usMinorTickSize, // Size of minor ticks USHORT usMajorTickSpacing, // Major tick spacing USHORT usMajorTickSize, // Size of major ticks USHORT usDetentSpacing, // Detent spacing USHORT usTextSpacing, // Text label spacing PSZ pszFont); // Font for text or NULL LISTING 3. SLIDER.RC ===================== #include // OS/2 definitions #include "slider.h" // Application defs DLGTEMPLATE IDLG_SETTIME LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Set Time to Wait", IDLG_SETTIME, 66, 27, 203, 64, WS_VISIBLE, FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_TITLEBAR BEGIN CONTROL "", IDSL_SETTIME_TIME, 15, 33, 173, 25, WC_SLIDER, SLS_HORIZONTAL | SLS_BOTTOM | SLS_SNAPTOINCREMENT | SLS_BUTTONSRIGHT | SLS_HOMELEFT | SLS_PRIMARYSCALE1 | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE CTLDATA 12, 0, 91, 0, 0, 0 DEFPUSHBUTTON "OK", DID_OK, 33, 10, 48, 14, WS_GROUP PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", DID_CANCEL, 113, 11, 48, 14, NOT WS_TABSTOP END END DLGTEMPLATE IDLG_PROGRESS LOADONCALL MOVEABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN DIALOG "Percent Complete", IDLG_PROGRESS, 38, 57, 224, 73, WS_VISIBLE, FCF_SYSMENU | FCF_TITLEBAR BEGIN CONTROL "", IDSL_PROGRESS_BAR, 18, 23, 189, 40, WC_SLIDER, SLS_HORIZONTAL | SLS_CENTER | SLS_READONLY SLS_RIBBONSTRIP | SLS_HOMELEFT | SLS_PRIMARYSCALE2 | WS_GROUP | WS_TABSTOP | WS_VISIBLE CTLDATA 12, 0, 101, 0, 101, 0 PUSHBUTTON "Cancel", DID_CANCEL, 93, 4, 40, 14 END END LISTING 4. SLIDER.MAK ====================== # IBM Developer's Workframe/2 Make File Creation run at 14:39:08 on 06/30/92 # Make File Creation run in directory: # D:\P\MAGAZINE\SLIDER; .SUFFIXES: .SUFFIXES: .c .rc ALL: SLIDER.EXE \ SLIDER.RES slider.exe: \ SLIDER.OBJ \ SLIDER.RES \ SLIDER.MAK @REM @<