═══ 1. Why you should register this product ═══ This program is released as shareware. This means that you have the software for a trial period, and after a reasonable evaluation time, you register the product by paying a fee to the author, if you find the program of use. Some limitations on how you can use this program exists (see the section Important license information for more about this). By registering this product you support the further development of this program. You will get the following benefits if you register: o You will get the most recent versions of PM2You, OS2You and M2Zmodem. o You will get rid of the introduction screen with the delay, when starting the program. o You will be sleeping good tonight, without any bad conscience haunting you... ═══ 2. Introduction ═══ Introduction PM2You is an add-on product for OS2You that allows you to remote control your OS/2 Text, OS/2 Presentation Manager, DOS Text and graphics and MS Windows programs. Please also read the OS2YOU.INF help file for help about OS2You. PM2You will work with OS/2 1.2 or higher (including OS/2 2.x. When running under OS/2 2.x a special 32-bit module will be loaded to enable some special features). Included in this package are several different programs except the programs described in the OS2YOU.INF documentation. PM*.* PM2You graphics add-on WIN*.* WinTerm Windows graphics terminal emulator with mouse support TERM2*.* Terminal/2 PM graphics terminal emulator with mouse support LANTERM2.* LanTerm2 OS/2 Full screen graphics terminal emulator ZIP.DLL Compression module used by OS2You, PM2You, LanTerm2 and Terminal/2 FTP*.* File transfer modules used by Terminal/2 and OS2FTP OS2FTP*.* File transfer utility ═══ 3. Installation ═══ Installation To install the different program run the INSTALL-program included. It will copy the correct files for you, modify your CONFIG.SYS file and build PM icons/objects for the different applications. PM2You is running on top of OS2You, and thus you must have OS2You running to use PM2You. For more information about use of OS2You, please read the OS2YOU.INF file. Note that it is extremely important that the *.DLL files are copied into a directory specified in your LIBPATH statement. Even if you have the "." included in your LIBPATH statement, it is not sufficient to leave the *.DLL files into the current directory. It is also important that the sub-directory is included in the PATH and DPATH statements of your CONFIG.SYS file. It is not sufficient that these environment variables are set in the session just before loading OS2You. If you let the INSTALL program modify your CONFIG.SYS file the above configurations should be made automaticly. It is important that both OS2You and the modems are set to be completely transparent. This means that they must be communicating with 8 databits and that Xon/Xoff handshaking is turned off. There are some optional configuration parameters in PM2You that you can set. This shouldn't be necessary normally, but if you experience problems you can either change these settings when running PM2You remotely by selecting "Settings" in the PM2You window. You can also start PM2You in a special configuration mode by just issuing the command "PM2You". Software PAD feature added in Terminal/2. ═══ 4. Performance tuning PM2You ═══ Performance tuning PM2You To increase performance please consider the following options: Do not use a bitmap (picture) as desktop background. Ensure that your desktop background (and other large color areas) are drawn with solid colors and not dithered. Run at the lowest acceptable screen resolution (however note that decreasing the amount of colors does not improve performance significantly, you can use 256 colors without much performance penalty). Using modems with built in data compression (MNP5 or V.42") will not improve performance as the PM2You data stream is very efficient (but error correcting modems MNP4 or V.42 should be considered as the PM2You data stream is sensitive for transmission errors). ═══ 5. Starting PM2You ═══ Starting PM2You After logging in to OS2You getting an OS/2 Command Prompt, you just issue the command PM and press Enter. After a while your terminal should switch to graphics mode and present your PM Desktop. It is possible to let a user go directly to the PM Desktop by specifying PM.EXE as the "Shell command" in the user profile. PM2You is used exactly as OS2You with the same keyboard mappings. Especially note Esc-Tab (or Shift-Esc-Tab if you use LanTerm(2)) for accessing the task list. ═══ 6. Using PM2You with DOS Windowed sessions ═══ Using PM2You with DOS Windowed sessions When using PM2You, you can start and select a DOS Windowed session and use it as usual. Remember that you should ensure that the KBFILTER.COM program (included) is loaded (preferable in your AUTOEXEC.BAT). You can run both DOS Text and DOS Graphics applications in a windowed session. Mouse input is not supported. This is not applicable for OS/2 1.x installations. ═══ 7. Using PM2You with Seamless Windows sessions ═══ Using PM2You with Seamless Windows sessions When using PM2You, you can start any seamless MS-Windows session and use it as usual (Seamless means that it must run on top of the PM Desktop and not Full Screen). You can use it as usual except that keyboard acceleration (shortcuts) does not work (use mouse input instead). This is not applicable for OS/2 1.x installations. ═══ 8. Using PM2You with OS/2 Windowed sessions ═══ Using PM2You with OS/2 Windowed sessions When using PM2You with OS/2 1.x, you can start any OS/2 Windowed session and use it as usual. Mouse is not supported This does not work with OS/2 2.x installations. In OS/2 2.0 OS/2 Windowed sessions can be started, but there is no possibility for any input to the session. ═══ 9. Terminating PM2You ═══ Terminating PM2You To terminate the PM2You session, you bring up the task list and select "PM2You Remote Access Facility" in the task list and end it by pressing the right mouse button (or Shift-F10) and select "Close". You can also bring up the PM2You status window and double click on the system menu (or press Alt-F4). ═══ 10. Terminal emulators ═══ Terminal emulators To use PM2You you will need terminal emulators specially written for this purpose. There are currently terminal emulators available for OS/2 Full Screen (LanTerm2), OS/2 Presentation Manager (Terminal/2) and Windows 3.x (WinTerm). LanTerm2 only runs in VGA resolution. This means that if your host system is running at a higher resolution than VGA you will only see the lower left part of the display area. LanTerm2 does not support mouse. LanTerm2 supports communication over all available devices (Asynchronous, Named Pipes and NetBIOS) Terminal/2 can be used with any resolution. Scaling is done automaticly (compressing/stretching) so the whole host systems display area is fitted into the terminal window size selected for Terminal/2. By pulling in the border line of Terminal/2 you can resize it to any size you want. Note that you can only resize the Terminal/2 window size in this way when you are running in PM2You Graphics mode. When Terminal/2 is maximized it will select a window size so the action bar menues will fit into the display as well. This means that the terminal display area is slightly smaller than the host display area. By selecting "Maximize hides menues" in the Special->Settings dialog you can alter this behaviour so Terminal/2 will select a window size so the active display area covers all the screen and the action bar menues are placed invisible just above the upper border of the screen. Terminal/2 have full mouse support. The shape of the mouse pointer indicates different statuses of Terminal/2. A hour-glass (or clock symbol) indicates that an update is in progress. An exclamation mark symbol indicates that a transmission error occured and in addition the speaker will beep. A stop symbol indicates a fatal error. Regardless of the pointer shape, you can always use the mouse to issue mouse commands to the remote host (i.e a clock-symbol doesn't mean you must wait to perform your commands). Terminal/2 supports communication over all available devices (Asynchronous, Named Pipes and NetBIOS) WinTerm currently have a fixed window size calculated by the font size selected in the configuration. Thus by selecting the large font you will also get a larger window for the graphics emulation. It is not possible to change the window size dynamically. This is to be changed in a later release of WinTerm. WinTerm have full mouse support. WinTerm currently only supports graphics emulation over Asynchronous devices and not pipes or NetBIOS ═══ 11. Known limitations/errors ═══ Known limitations/errors This software is continously being improved. If you find any errors in this software we would appriciate reports about this. In this release there are some known limitations: Keyboard input does not work in OS/2 Windowed sessions in OS/2 2.0. LanTerm2 only works with VGA resolutions at 640*480 with 16 colors. Thus if you have a 256 color display on the host, colors will be distorted. The PM2You data stream is sensitive for transmission errors. If a transmission error occurs incompletely updated horizontal areas will be noticed. You can manually request a repaint of all the screen by pressing Shift-Esc Space in LanTerm2 or selecting Screen refresh in the menues in Terminal/2 or WinTerm. The type of mouse cursor is not modified on the terminal. In Terminal/2 the mouse cursor will not reflect the status of the host. The hourglass (or clock) symbol will be showed during screen updates and the Exclamation mark will be showed when a transmission error is detected. WinTerm only works with asynchronous communication for graphics modes. NetBIOS and Named Pipes are not supported for graphics in WinTerm. Terminal/2 and LanTerm2 support Asynchronous devices as well as Named Pipes and NetBIOS. Mailslot and broadcast (one-to-many slave terminals) communication is not tested, but should work. WinTerm can not handle more than 16 colors currently. This means that the host must not use more than 16 colors, or the output will not be readable. When running Terminal/2 on a 256 color display with a 16 color host, colors will not be mapped correctly. Output will be readable, but with wrong colors. ═══ 12. Release log ═══ Release log Bugs and improvements not described elsewhere are documented in this section. 1.0 First release 1.1 Corrected keyboard input error in system "E"ditor. (REP=1) OS/2 1.3 compatibility is now working. (WM_NULL) Color palette fixed in PM2You (256 color mode), Terminal/2 and WinTerm. NetBIOS operation fixed in OS2You and Terminal/2. Operation with some third party COM drivers (like SIO.SYS) is improved. Built in file transfer over Named Pipes restores itself correctly. Terminal/2 hangup over Named Pipes closes pipe. Added settings in PM2You for priority and keyboard emulation. Added settings in OS2You for different authorization features. Interim fixes applied to your version Better dithering management. WinTerm speedup and resizable Faster compression routine ═══ 13. Important license information ═══ Important license information It is illegal (or at least unethical) to patch the program in any way. Any reverse engineering (disassembling or monitoring) is not an approved use of the application. If you register the software you will get a license file and a copy of the most recent version of the program. By registering you will get the following benefits: o You will get a diskette with the most recent version of PM2You/OS2You/M2Zmodem. o You will get rid of the introduction/registration screen during logon. o You will be able to run PM2You/OS2You with 38400, 57600 and 115200 bauds. o You will be treated as registered user for all future release. o You can sleep at the night without having your conscience haunt you. If you use the program on a regular basis, or in commercial use, you must register for each machine running the PM2You or Os2You program. The terminal programs (except WinTerm) does not require any further registration, and may be used in unlimited instances, but an extra registration per each 20th instance of LanTerm or LanTerm2 is appreciated. Note that the file transfer option requires registration. Neither the built in file transfer function or the Sz/Rz commands will work without this option. Note that there are both non-commercial and commercial licenses available for PM2You. The non-commercial license is for private persons that want to use PM2You for their own non-commercial personal use. The non-commercial license does not have the same high support level as the commercial license and limited to the OS2You support BBS. The sourcecode (in Modula-2) of the program is available, on special terms. Please contact me if this is of interest. You are encouraged to spread this program (without registration file) to anyone that might be interested. If you want to register, send Swedish banknotes, bank check (payable in Swedish bank) money order, purchase order or pay with VISA, AmEx or MasterCard by completing the order form printable from the file ORDER.DOC. The address is: Ridax programutveckling Att: Mikael Wahlgren Kransen 4E S-416 72 GOTHENBURG Sweden Fax: +46 31 196417 Phone: +46 31 196074 BBS: +46 31 196406 Fidonet: Mikael Wahlgren 2:203/302.5 Compuserve: 100114,3127 Internet: d9mikael@dtek.chalmers.se Use the following form to register your copy of PM2You/Os2You and M2Zmodem: INVOICE Date: ___________ TO: FROM: Name: ____________________________________ Ridax programutveckling Kransen 4E Company: _________________________________ S-416 72 Gothenburg Sweden Address: _________________________________ City, State; _____________________________ Diskette format 5.25" disk ____ 3.5" disk ____ Specification Amount Price Sum ========================================= ====== ===== =========== PM2You/OS2You software (first 1-9) ______ 2000 __________ PM2You/OS2You software (following 10-19) ______ 1800 __________ PM2You/OS2You software (following 20-) ______ 1500 __________ PM2You/OS2You software (non commercial) ______ 1000 __________ OS2You software (first 1-9) ______ 700 __________ OS2You software (following 10-19) ______ 600 __________ OS2You software (following 20-) ______ 400 __________ OS2You for Sysops (for BBS use only) ______ 250 __________ OS2You/M2Zmodem file transfer option ______ 300 __________ WinTerm Windows 3.0 terminal program ______ 300 __________ Upgrade from OS2You to to PM2You ______ -1000 __________ Upgrade from OS2You to non-commerical ______ -500 __________ PM2You Total SEK __________ OS2You is included in all PM2You packages. All prices are in SEK (Swedish crown). One USD is about 7.20 SEK. The price for PM2You/Os2You is about $275. The prices are valid for orders until August 1993. For orders after that, please request the current prices. For orders from Sweden 25% Moms (VAT) should be added to the above prices. Note that if you order let's say 20 copies of PM2You/OS2You, this requires you to pay the full price for the first 1-9 copies, and you get a discount only for the following copies. The "PM2You/ OS2You non commercial" license is for non-commercial use only (for private persons). Support for non-commerical licenses are only available via our BBS and support questions over FAX or phone will not be handled. It is not legal to use the non-commercial license for commercial use, even if you don't expect to use the support channels available. If you pay with VISA, AmEx or MasterCard (MasterCards are only accepted before August 1993) please fill in the following: Cardholders name: ________________________________________ Cardholders address: _____________________________________ Card number: _____________________________________________ Card validy until: _______________________________________ Signature: _______________________________________________ Send or FAX a copy of this invoice to: Ridax programutveckling Kransen 4E S-416 72 Gothenburg Sweden Fax: +46 31 196417 Phone: +46 31 196074 Compuserve: 100114,3127 Internet: d9mikael@dtek.chalmers.se You can also register via CompuServe in forum SWREG and use registration ID 767. You will be billed by CompuServe.