YaBom Readme file - Berin Lautenbach 1.20 September-92 This is the OS/2 version of YaBom. It has the same functionality as the DOS version 1.10. The configuration files are the same, so you need but replace executables for it to run under OS/2. (Or at least that's the hope :>). Please read the file yabomos2.txt, it has a few extra points about the OS/2 release, and about registration of this version. Again, thanks to the beta testers, who have been a BIG help, as well as convincing me that maybe the new version might be OK. They are Paul Marwick Noel Roberts Robert Lindsay Ian Harris Carl Makin Grant Wilson Dean Hentscher Any postcards/comments/suggestions/gripes/bugs to : Berin Lautenbach 3:620/248.0@fidonet 58:2600/100.0@intlnet Snail Mail : 20 Yiman St Waramanga ACT 2611 Australia