═══ 1. Notices ═══ THIS IS AN UNREGISTERED COPY OF ELITE-IMS INFORMATION SERVICE SOFTWARE. See the License Agreement for terms and conditions governing use of this product. Information in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of Desktop Information Systems. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. The software may be used only in accordance with the terms of the agreement. It is against the law to copy the software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. No part of this document may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including recording, or information recording and retrieval systems, for any purpose other than the purchaser's personal use, without the express written consent of Desktop Information Systems. Elite-IMS Server and Elite-IMS Client Interface are trademarks of Desktop Information Systems. Microsoft and Windows are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. IBM, OS/2, WIN-OS/2, and WPS are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. Elite-IMS Information Service Software (c) 1991-1992 Desktop Information Systems, EJL, SDD. All rights reserved. ═══ 2. License Agreement ═══ DESKTOP INFORMATION SYSTEMS SOFTWARE LICENSE Elite-IMS Information Service Software (c) Copyright 1991-1992 Desktop Information Systems, is not public domain software, nor is it free software. 1. GRANT OF LICENSE. Desktop Information Systems grants to you the right, and encourages you to distribute freely, the file "ELITEIMS.EXE", which contains ALL the original files included in this distribution in archived format. 2. Non-registered users are granted a limited license to use Elite-IMS on a trial basis (30 days) for the purpose of determining whether Elite-IMS is suitable for their needs. Use of Elite-IMS, except for this limited purpose, requires registration. Use of non-registered copies of Elite-IMS by any person, business, corporation, governmental agency or other entity is strictly prohibited. 3. Registration permits a user the license to use Elite-IMS only on a single computer; a registered user may use the program on a different computer, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time. 4. No user may modify Elite-IMS in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling or otherwise reverse engineering the program. All users are granted a limited license to copy Elite-IMS only for the trial use of others subject to the above limitations, and also the following: a. Elite-IMS (ELITEIMS.EXE) must be copied in unmodified form, complete with the file containing this license information. b. The full Elite-IMS documentation must be included with the copy. c. No fee, charge or other compensation may be accepted or requested by any licensee. d. Elite-IMS may not be distributed in conjunction with any other product without a specific license to do so from DESKTOP INFORMATION SYSTEMS. 5. Operators of electronic bulletin board systems (Sysops) may post Elite-IMS for downloading by their users only as long as the above conditions are met. 6. Distributors of public domain or user supported software may distribute copies of Elite-IMS subject to the above conditions only after obtaining written permission from DESKTOP INFORMATION SYSTEMS. Such permission usually is granted; please write for details. 7. Use of this software product for any period of time over thirty (30) days constitutes your assumed acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to it's contents. SEE THE SECTION TITLED "REGISTERING ELITE-IMS", FOR INFORMATION ON THE BENEFITS OF REGISTERING THIS SOFTWARE. LIMITED WARRANTY 1. LIMITED WARRANTY. Desktop Information Systems warrants that this SOFTWARE will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying written materials for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of receipt. Any implied warranties on the SOFTWARE and hardware are limited to ninety (90) days. Some states do not allow limitations on duration of an implied warranty, so the above limitation may not apply to you. 2. NO OTHER WARRANTIES. Desktop Information Systems and its suppliers disclaim all other warranties, either express or implied, including, but not limited to implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, with regard to the SOFTWARE, the accompanying written materials, and any accompanying hardware. This limited warranty gives you legal rights. You may have others which vary from state/country to state/country. 3. NO LIABILITY FOR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES. In no event shall Desktop Information Systems or its suppliers be liable for any damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of use of or inability to use this Desktop Information Systems product, even if Desktop Information Systems has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/countries do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Texas. ═══ 3. Registering Elite-IMS ═══ 1. Registering your copy of Elite-IMS Information Service Software licenses you to use the product past the initial thirty (30) day trial period. 2. Individual registrations for Elite-IMS Information Service Software cost $99 U.S., and include the following: a. A diskette with the latest revision of Elite-IMS Information Service Software, its documentation and various supporting programs and files. b. A bound paperback copy of this manual. c. Priority support on our on-line support systems. d. Immediate access to any software updates. e. Licensee discounts on any Elite-IMS addons which may become available. f. Access to a master listing of all registered Elite-IMS Servers. g. Membership in Elite-NET, which is a Worldwide Network of Elite-IMS Servers. To register your copy of Elite-IMS Information Service Software, print out the panel titled "Order Form", fill it out completely and send it with the proper remittance to: DESKTOP INFORMATION SYSTEMS ATT: Registration 1000 East Campbell Road, Suite 110 Richardson, Texas 75081 ═══ 4. Order Form ═══ Please issue me a license for: _____ Copy (copies) of Elite-IMS at $99.00 each. Total _______ (Texas residents please add 8.25% sales tax) Tax _______ (U.S. $3.00 Canada $8.00 Other $15.00) Shipping _______ Total $ _______ Payment by: ( ) Check ( ) Money Order For orders outside the U.S., send a check or money order drawn on a U.S. bank in U.S. dollars, otherwise add $10 for collection. LICENSEE INFORMATION Name: ____________________________________________________________ Company: ____________________________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ : ____________________________________________________________ Day Phone: ___________________________ Eves: ____________________________ Server Data Telephone:__________________________________________ Server Name:__________________________________________ Do you wish your server data number to be published in our master ServerList? ( ) Yes ( ) No ═══ 5. The Elite-IMS System ═══ Elite-IMS is state of the art information service software that can be used for any number of business or personal communications needs. 1. A business solution, providing information to field and in-house personnel. 2. A full-featured personal on-line information service for fun or profit. 3. A communications link for groups or organizations. 4. A consulting tool, allowing clients immediate access to vital information. 5. Home to Office communications. 6. Teleconferencing and electronic mail. A Cost Effective Solution No need to buy a dedicated computer or expensive communications equipment. Elite-IMS runs on any standard IBM PC or compatible. Background Operation Run all of your favorite DOS, Windows, or OS/2 programs while Elite-IMS runs completely in the backgound. You won't even know it's there. Graphical Interface Managing an Elite-IMS Server is as easy as using your mouse. Subscription Based Resource Management Create a subscription and assign a user or group of users. It's that simple! Client Server Operation Take advantage of a pre-emptive bi-directional client server protocol which allows your users to perform file transfers, mail, and other functions simultaneously. System Features Windows Client Interface Electronic Mail Up To 128 Forums Up To 128 Information Sections Interactive Multi-User Talk File Transfer Supports 1 to 16 Lines Complete System Security On-line Help 32-bit performance Network Capable The Elite-IMS System can be broken down into two distinct subsystems; The Elite-IMS Server and the Elite-IMS Client Interface. THE ELITE-IMS SERVER OPERATIONS MANAGERS Operations Managers are tools which are used to manage system data. Listed below are the Operations Managers and a brief description of each one. For a more in-depth discussion of each of the Operations Managers, refer to each topic individually in this reference document. File Manager The File Manager is used to manage user-downloadable Files. Forum Manager The Forum Manager is used to manage system Forums. Mail Manager The Mail Manager is used to manage system Mail. PM Talk PM Talk is used by the System Administrator to "Talk" with on-line users. Potpourri Manager The Potpourri Manager is used to create and manage Information Sections. Subscription/User Manager The Subscription/User Manager is used to manage Subscription definitions, as well as system Users. System Manager The System Manager is used to configure ports and modems, starting and stopping lines, and monitoring port activity. Elite-IMS Command Interpreter The Elite-IMS Command Interpreter consists of the "infoman.exe" program. This is the "heart" of the Elite-IMS system. All internal system activity is managed by the command interpreter based on parameters given it by the various operations managers. Talk Manager Talk Manager consists of a "talk channel" which is managed by PM Talk. Talk Manager runs in "detached" mode (see the OS/2 Master Help Index or the OS/2 Command Reference for more information on running programs detached), and should be invoked from the "startup.cmd" file. Talk Manager must be running, or the Elite-IMS system will not function. THE ELITE-IMS CLIENT INTERFACE The Elite-IMS Client Interface is the program with which users may communicate to an Elite-IMS Server. The Elite-IMS Client Interface operates in a Windows or WIN-OS/2 environment. For a detailed discussion of the Elite-IMS Client Interface, see the Elite-IMS Client Interface on-line help facility. ═══ 5.1. File Manager ═══ The File Manager is used to manage user-downloadable files. The File Manager groups these files into areas called File Regions. An example of a File Region may be "DOS Utilities", into which you would place all of the DOS utilities you want to make available for user downloading. BEFORE YOU BEGIN - IMPORTANT! Before starting the File Manager, go to an OS/2 command line and run the "buildreg.exe" program which is located in the "C:\ELITEIMS" directory (if you haven't already done so as explained in step 5 of the installation instructions). "Buildreg.exe" sets up the initial File Region configuration file. Do not run this program after File Regions have been established; - doing so will replace all existing File Region configuration files with their default values! NOTE: It is recommended that you create a separate subdirectory off of the "C:\ELITEIMS\DOWNLOAD" directory for each File Region you create. This will provide you with a more manageable system environment. Make sure the data path is properly set in the System Manager. PROGRAM SETTINGS When setting up the File Manager for use, the following program settings are recommended for optimum usage: 1. The path and file name should read "C:\ELITEIMS\FILEMGR.EXE". 2. The working directory should be entered as "C:\ELITEIMS". NOTE: If you are unsure of how to change program settings, consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on program settings. GETTING STARTED Starting the File Manager Start the File Manager by "double-clicking" on the File Manager icon. "Double-clicking" on the line in which the " (..)" is located will take you back to the previous screen. Information on the current File Region will be displayed directly below the "Update" button. Example: "Telecommunications, 7", shows the Telecommunications region as the current File Region and that it currently contains 7 files which are available for user downloading. Stopping the File Manager Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. ADD A FILE REGION 1. Select the Update button without a specific File Region highlighted. The Update dialog box will open. 2. Enter the name of the File Region you wish to add. 3. Select the "OK" button to add the File Region to the system, or select the "Cancel" button to return to the File Manager without adding the new File Region. UPDATE A FILE REGION 1. Highlight the File Region you wish to update ("single-click on the File Region name). 2. Select the Update button, and the update dialog box will open. 3. Enter the new name of the File Region, and select the "OK" button to assign the new name of the File Region, or the "Cancel" button to return to the File Manager without saving the changes. DELETE A FILE REGION 1. Highlight the File Region you wish to delete by "single-clicking" on the File Region name. 2. Select the "Delete" button and the File Region, with all its contents, will be deleted. ADD A FILE 1. Select the File Region you wish to add the file to by "double-clicking" on the File Region name. The "Files" screen will open and show all files which have been assigned to that particular File Region. 2. Select the "Update" button. The Assign Files screen will open (see "ASSIGN FILES" below, for more information on specific functions). 3. Choose the desired File Region (a file may be assigned to more than one File Region). 4. Use the "Select File" list box to locate the desired file.* NOTE: When using the "Select File" list box to locate a desired file, only a "SINGLE-CLICK" is required to move from directory to directory. 5. Select the desired file by highlighting it ("single-clicking" on it). 6. Position the cursor in the File Description edit box and enter a description of the selected file (description may be up to 64 characters long). 7. Select "OK" to exit the Assign Files screen and save the changes, select "Cancel" to exit the Assign Files screen without saving any changes, or select "Another" to save the changes and continue. UPDATE A FILE 1. Select the File Region which contains the file you wish to update by "double-clicking" on the File Region name. The "Files" screen will open. This screen will show all files which have been assigned to that particular File Region. 2. Select the file you wish to update by "double-clicking" on the file name. The current file settings will be displayed in the "Assign Files" screen. 3. Proceed to change the file to your requirements (see ASSIGN FILES for more information on specific functions). 4. Select "OK" to exit Assign Files and save the changes, select "Cancel" to exit Assign Files without saving any changes, or select "Another" to save the changes and continue. DELETE A FILE 1. Select the File Region you wish to add the file to by "double-clicking" on the File Region name. The "Files" screen will open. This screen will show all files which have been assigned to that particular File Region. 2. Highlight the file you wish to delete by "single-clicking" on the file name. 3. Select the "Delete" button and the file specification will be deleted (the file is not actually deleted from the hard drive, but is made unavailable for user downloading). "ASSIGN FILES" Screen The Assign Files screen is used to add files to a particular File Region to make them available for user downloading, and to update any files which have already been assigned to a File Region. File Description This edit box is used to enter a short (64 characters) description of the file being made available for user downloading. File Path Shows the exact file path of the file being made available for user downloading. This will change dynamically as the file paths are actually "built". File Size Shows the file size and date/time of creation. Assign Region(s) Used to assign a file to a File Region(s). Select File Selected file is highlighted in this list box. ═══ 5.2. Forum Manager ═══ The Forum Manager is used to create and manage up to 128 individual Forums on an Elite-IMS server. What is a Forum? Simply put, a Forum is a gathering place for individuals with similar interests and needs. Every Forum has its unique point of view and purpose, as decided and shaped by the Forum Administrator. The Forum Manager manipulates ASCII files as messages or "documents". Any further mention of documents refers to ASCII text files. BEFORE YOU BEGIN - IMPORTANT! Before starting the Forum Manager, go to an OS/2 command line prompt and run the "buildfor.exe" program which is located in the "C:\ELITEIMS" directory (if you haven't already done so as explained in step 5 of the installation instructions). "Buildfor.exe" sets up the initial Forum configuration file. Do not run this program after Forums have been established; - doing so will replace all existing Forum configuration files with their default values! Make sure the data path is properly set in the System Manager. PROGRAM SETTINGS When setting up the Forum Manager for use, the following program settings are recommended for optimum usage: 1. The path and file name should read "C:\ELITEIMS\FORMGR.EXE". 2. The working directory should be entered as "C:\ELITEIMS". NOTE: If you are unsure on how to change program settings, consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on program settings. GETTING STARTED Starting the Forum Manager Start the Forum Manager by "double-clicking" on the Forum Manager icon. The Forum Manager is initially set up with a default Forum; "Open Line". This entry may be modified or deleted at the System Administrator's discretion. "Double-clicking" on the line in which the " (..)" is located will take you back to the previous screen. Stopping the Forum Manager Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. ADD A FORUM 1. Start the Forum Manager. 2. Without selecting a specific Forum, select the "Update" button. The Forum Name dialog box will open. 3. Enter the Forum name in the edit box (a Forum name may be up to 32 characters long). 4. Select "OK" to add the Forum, or select "Cancel" to exit without adding the new Forum. UPDATE AN EXISTING FORUM 1. Select the desired Forum by highlighting the Forum name ("single-click" on the name). 2. Select the "Update" button and the Forum Name dialog box will open. 3. Enter the new Forum name in the edit box (a Forum name may be up to 32 characters long) 4. Select "OK" to change the Forum Name, or select "Cancel" to exit without updating the Forum Name. ADD A DOCUMENT TO A FORUM 1. "Double-click" on the Forum Name and the Forum Documents screen will open, showing a listing of the active documents currently associated with the Forum. NOTE: Information on the current Forum will be displayed directly below the "Update" button. Example: "Open Line, 27", shows the Open Line Forum as the current Forum and that it currently contains 27 active documents. 2. Select the "Update" button or choose FILE-NEW to start the document editor. You may now begin editing a text document. You also have the option of using the FILE-IMPORT FILE command to import an ASCII file that may already exist on your disk (This feature allows you the option of using your favorite ASCII text editor). 3. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE will prompt you whether or not to save the document (only if it has been modified). Selecting FILE-SAVE will save the current updates and leave the file open for further updating. UPDATE A FORUM DOCUMENT 1. "Double-click" on the Forum Document name. The document editor will start and display the desired document. 2. Update the document. 3. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE will prompt you whether or not to save the document (only if it has been modified). Selecting FILE-SAVE will save the current updates and leave the file open for further updating. IMPORT A TEXT FILE 1. Select FILE-FILE IMPORT from the command menu. 2. The File Import dialog box will open. Enter the complete file path of the file you wish to import. Select "OK" to proceed with the import, or select "Cancel" to abort the import procedure. When the desired file has completely been imported, the document editor will start and display the imported file. 3. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS, will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE, will prompt you whether or not to save the document. Selecting FILE-SAVE will prompt you for a document title and save the current updates, leaving the file open for further updates. DELETE A FORUM 1. Select the desired Forum by highlighting it ("single-clicking" on the Forum Name). 2. Select the "Delete" button. The Forum and all of its contents are deleted from the system (removed is actually more appropriate since the file is not actually deleted from the disk). DELETE A FORUM DOCUMENT 1. "Double-click" on the Forum Name, and the Forum Documents screen will open. 2. Select the desired Document by highlighting it ("single-clicking" on the document name). 3. Select the "Delete" button. The Document will then be deleted from the system (removed is actually more appropriate since the file is not actually deleted from the disk). ═══ 5.3. Mail Manager ═══ The Mail Manager is used to manage all system mail. BEFORE YOU BEGIN - IMPORTANT! Make sure the data path is properly set in the System Manager. PROGRAM SETTINGS When setting up the Mail Manager, the following program settings are recommended: 1. The path and file name should read "C:\ELITEIMS\MAILMGR.EXE". 2. The working directory should be entered as "C:\ELITEIMS". 3. When adding Mail Manager to the Elite-IMS folder, enter the following in the "parameters" field: Where "name" equals how YOU as the System Administrator are identified on the system. Examples: SysMgr, SysOp. NOTE: If you are unsure on how to change program settings, consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on program settings. GETTING STARTED Starting the Mail Manager Start the Mail Manager by "double-clicking" on the Mail Manager icon. NOTE: Information on the number of mail documents on the system will be displayed directly after the "Select Mail To Read" statement. Example: "Select Mail To Read, 7", shows a total of 7 mail documents in the system (see MAIL PURGE). Stopping the Mail Manager Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. BROWSING THROUGH USER MAIL 1. Start the Mail Manager. 2. Select the user whose mail you wish to browse through by "single-clicking" on the user handle in the edit box on the left side of the Mail Manager opening screen. All mail documents which have been sent to that user are displayed in chronological order in the right side list box. 3. To browse through another user's mail, repeat step 2. READ MAIL 1. Start the Mail Manager. 2. Select the user whose mail you wish to read by "single-clicking" on the user handle in the edit box on the left side of the Mail Manager opening screen. All mail documents which have been sent to that user are displayed in the right side list box. 3. Select the mail you wish to read by "double-clicking" on the mail document title. The mail editor will start and display the selected document. 4. When through reading mail, select FILE-CLOSE from the application menu. You will then be returned to the Mail Manager opening screen. SEND MAIL 1. Start the Mail Manager. 2. Select the "Send" button. The document editor will start and open a blank document. 3. Edit the document. 4. When through editing, select FILE-SAVE from the application menu and the "save" dialog box will open. Enter the subject name in the "subject" edit box and select which user(s) you wish to mail the document to ("single-click" on each user handle you wish the document to be sent to). NOTE: A single mail document can be sent to multiple users. 5. Select the "OK" button to save and send the document or "Cancel" to return to the document editor. 6. To return to the Mail Manager opening screen, select FILE-CLOSE from the application menu. IMPORT A TEXT FILE 1. Start the Mail Manager. 2. Select FILE-IMPORT FILE from the application menu. 3. The "File Import" dialog box will open. Enter the complete file path of the file you wish to import. Select "OK" to proceed with the import, or select "Cancel" to abort the import procedure. 4. When the desired file has completely been imported, the document editor will start and display the imported file. 5. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS, will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE, will prompt you whether or not to save the document. Selecting FILE-SAVE will prompt you for a document title and save the current updates, leaving the file open for further updates. DELETE MAIL 1. Start the Mail Manager. 2. "Single-click" on the document name. 3. Select the "Delete" button. The Document will then be deleted from the system. Removed is actually more appropriate since the file is not actually deleted from the disk (see MAIL PURGE). MAIL PURGE Just because a mail document has been removed using the "Delete" function, the document is still physically on the hard drive. To purge (physically delete) the system of any unreferenced mail documents, do the following: 1. Go to an OS/2 full-screen or windowed session command prompt. 2. Go to the "C:\ELITEIMS" directory on your hard drive. 3. Run the mail purge program by typing: "detach MAILPURG.EXE".* * Consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on running programs detached. 4. Close the session by typing "EXIT" at the OS/2 command line. ═══ 5.4. PM Talk ═══ PM Talk is used to carry on "conversations" with other on-line users. PROGRAM SETTINGS Set up the PM Talk, using the following program settings: 1. The path and file name should read: "C:\ELITEIMS\PMTALK.EXE". 2. The working directory should be entered as "C:\ELITEIMS". 3. When adding PM Talk to the Elite-IMS folder, enter the following in the "parameters" field: N Where "name" equals how YOU wish to be identified by other users (Examples: SysMgr, SysOp); and where "N" equals the port number to use when PM Talk goes on-line. NOTE: "N" cannot be greater than the number used in the startup.cmd file. For example, on an 8-user system, if the port number that PM Talk uses is set to 8, that would leave only 7 lines available for remote users. The solution is to make the command statement in the "startup.cmd" file reflect a larger number of ports than are actually available. This would allow a PM Talk session to be run without using a port that could otherwise be allocated to support a remote user. NOTE: If you are unsure of how to change program settings, consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on program settings. GETTING STARTED Starting PM Talk "Double-click" on the PM Talk icon in the Elite-IMS folder. Stopping PM Talk Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. OFFLINE/ONLINE Used to make the user available for "Talking" with other users. "Single-click" on the Offline/Online button, and status will toggle from being off-line, to on-line for conversations. When on-line, a list of all other users who are available for "Talk" will appear in the "Available Users" list box. User(s) may be selected for on-line conversations from this list. "TALKING" TO ANOTHER USER Place the mouse pointer in the "Local" edit box and "single-click" with the left mouse button. The cursor will place itself at position 0. Proceed to enter the text in the edit box. Do not press ENTER at the end of each line. Instead, press ENTER only to start a new paragraph. If you press ENTER at the end of each line, the line breaks will not adjust properly. Take advantage of the word-wrap feature incorporated into the "PM Talk" edit box. To select the mode of exporting the text, see Send and Page. SEND To send your message to an individual or a specific group of users, highlight the name(s) by "single-clicking" on the name(s) from the "Available Users" edit box. After text has been entered into the "local" edit box, if send is selected, your message will be sent to all the selected users. Once the message has been sent, the "local" edit box will clear and the mouse cursor will reset to position 0, ready for your next entry. PAGE To page an on-line user, highlight the user you wish to page and select the "Page" button. This will notify the user that he is being requested for an on-line conversation. You may also enter a message to be sent along with the Page. ═══ 5.5. Potpourri Manager ═══ The Potpourri Manager is used to create and manage up to 128 individual Potpourri Sections on an Elite-IMS Server. What is Potpourri and what is a Section? Potpourri is simply a place to store various bits of information (such as system bulletins). A Potpourri Section is a method of categorizing this information in an organized manner. The Potpourri Manager manipulates ASCII files as messages or "documents". Any further mention of documents refers to ASCII text files. BEFORE YOU BEGIN - IMPORTANT! Before starting the Potpourri Manager, go to an OS/2 command line, and run the "buildinf.exe" program, which is located in the "C:\ELITEIMS" directory (if you haven't already done so, as explained in step 5 of the installation instructions). "Buildinf.exe" sets up the initial Potpourri Section configuration file. Do not run "buildinf.exe" after Potpourri Sections have been established - doing so will replace all existing Potpourri Section configuration files with their default values! Make sure the data path is properly set in the System Manager. PROGRAM SETTINGS When setting up the Potpopurri Manager for use, the following program settings are recommended: 1. The path and file name should read: "C:\ELITEIMS\INFOMGR.EXE". 2. The working directory should be entered as: "C:\ELITEIMS". NOTE: If you are unsure on how to change program settings, consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on program settings. GETTING STARTED Starting the Potpourri Manager Start the Potpourri Manager by "double-clicking" on the Potpourri Manager icon. The Potpourri Manager is initially set up with a default Potpourri Section; "Server News and Information". This entry may be modified or deleted at the System Administrator's discretion. "Double-clicking" on the line in which the " (..)" is located will take you back to the previous screen. Stopping the Potpourri Manager Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. ADD A POTPOURRI SECTION 1. Start the Potpourri Manager. 2. Without selecting a specific Section, select the "Update" button. The Section Name dialog box will open. 3. Enter the Section name in the edit box (a Section name may be up to 32 characters long). 4. Select "OK" to add the Section, or select "Cancel" to exit without adding the new Potpourri Section. UPDATE AN EXISTING POTPOURRI SECTION 1. Select the desired Section by highlighting the Section name ("single-click" on the name). 2. Select the "Update" button, and the Section Name dialog box will open. 3. Enter the new Section name in the edit box (a Section name may be up to 32 characters long) 4. Select "OK" to change the Section name, or select "Cancel" to exit without updating the Section name. ADD A DOCUMENT TO A POTPOURRI SECTION 1. "Double-click" on the Section name and the Potpourri Documents screen will open, showing a listing of the active documents currently associated with the Section. NOTE: Information on the current Section will be displayed directly below the "Update" button. Example: "Server News and Information , 27", shows the "Server News and Information" section as the current section, and it currently contains 27 active documents. 2. Select the "Update" button or choose FILE-NEW to start the document editor. You may now begin editing a text document. You also have the option of using the FILE-IMPORT FILE command to import an ASCII file that may already exist on your disk (This feature allows you the option of using your favorite ASCII text editor). 3. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE will prompt you whether or not to save the document (only if it has been modified). Selecting FILE-SAVE will save the current updates and leave the file open for further updating. UPDATE AN EXISTING POTPOURRI DOCUMENT 1. "Double-click" on the Potpourri Document name, and the document editor will start and display the desired document. 2. Update the document. When all updates have been completed; 3. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE will prompt you whether or not to save the document (only if it has been modified). Selecting FILE-SAVE will save the current updates and leave the file open for further updating. IMPORTING A TEXT FILE 1. Select FILE-IMPORT FILE from the command menu. 2. The File Import dialog box will open. Enter the complete file path of the file you wish to import. Select "OK" to proceed with the import, or select "Cancel" to abort the import procedure. 3. When desired file has completely been imported, the document editor will start and display the imported file. 4. Selecting FILE-SAVE AS, will prompt you for a document title. Selecting FILE-CLOSE, will prompt you whether or not to save the document. Selecting FILE-SAVE will prompt you for a document title and save the current updates, leaving the file open for further updates. DELETE A POTPOURRI SECTION 1. Select the desired Section by highlighting it ("single-clicking" on the Section Name). 2. Select the "Delete" button. The Section and all of its contents are deleted from the system (removed is actually more appropriate since the file is not actually deleted from the disk). DELETE A POTPOURRI DOCUMENT 1. "Double-click" on the Section Name, and the Potpourri Documents screen will open. 2. Select the desired Document by highlighting it ("single-clicking" on the document name). 3. Select the "Delete" button. The Document will then be deleted from the system (removed is actually more appropriate since the file is not actually deleted from the disk). ═══ 5.6. Subscription/User Manager ═══ The Subscription/User Manager is used to manage all system subscriptions and users. The Elite-IMS Server uses "Subscriptions" to determine user privileges and access rights. For example, a "Demo" subscription might allow users to browse through the system, but not have the ability to download files or send mail, whereas a "Superuser" subscription might allow users full access to all areas of the system. The Elite-IMS Server allows up to 128 different subscriptions to be created. Each subscription definition is determined entirely by the system administrator. BEFORE YOU BEGIN - IMPORTANT! Before the Elite-IMS Server can accept callers, you MUST set up a default subscription which is appropriately named; "Default". You may assign any attributes to this subscription (see ADDING A SUBSCRIPTION below for details on how to set up a subscription). You MUST create a user id for yourself as the system administrator. Failure to do so will result in not being able to send or receive mail (see ADDING A USER). Make sure the data path is properly set in the System Manager. GETTING STARTED Starting the Subscription/User Manager Start the Subscription/User Manager by "double-clicking" on the Subscription/User Manager icon. "Double-clicking" on the line in which the " (..)" is located will take you back to the previous screen. NOTE: Information on the current Subscription will be displayed directly below the "Update" button. Example: "Default, 27", shows the "Default" subscription as the current subscription and that it currently contains 27 users. Stopping the Subscription/User Manager Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. ADDING A SUBSCRIPTION 1. Start the Subscription/User Manager. 2. Select the "Update" Button. The "Subscriptions" screen will open. This screen will display all File Regions, Forums, and Potpourri Sections, as well as an edit box to enter a subscription name, and check boxes which assign attributes to the subscription. 3. Enter the desired subscription name. 4. Select the File Regions, Forums, and Potpourri Sections ("single-click" on each name) you wish to make available as part of the subscription. 5. From the list below, select the attributes you wish to assign to the subscription by "single-clicking" on the desired attribute check box. File Upload-allows users with this subscription to upload files to the system. File Download-allows users with this subscription to download files from the system. Section Send-allows users with this subscription to send message documents to Forum and Potpourri Sections. Section Receive-allows users with this subscription to receive message documents from Forum and Potpourri Sections. Mail Send-allows users with this subscription the ability to send mail messages. Mail Receive-allows users with this subscription the ability to receive mail messages. Talk-allows users with this subscription the ability to use the "Talk" facility. 6. Select "OK" to add the new subscription, or "Cancel" to exit the subscriptions screen without adding the subscription. ADDING A USER 1. Start the Subscription/User Manager. 2. "Double-click" on the subscription name in which you wish to add the user. A list of all users assigned to the subscription will be displayed on the screen. NOTE: Each user's "handle" is also displayed between the ( ) symbols (see HANDLES). 3. Select the "Update" Button. The "User Record" screen will open. This screen will display all data pertaining to individual users. NOTE: When a new user calls the system, he is automatically added to the "Default" subscription user list. If manually adding a user, you must be sure that the information reflected in the "User Record" screen matches EXACTLY with the information contained in the user's Elite-IMS Client Interface "User Profile" screen. HANDLES: Users on the system are identified by "Handles" (system nickname-8 characters in length). 4. All edit boxes with the exception of the middle initial (M.I.) field MUST be filled in. 5. Select a subscription to assign the user to. 6. Select "OK" to exit and add the new user, or "Cancel" to exit without adding the new user. UPDATE AN EXISTING SUBSCRIPTION 1. Start the Subscription/User Manager. 2. Select the "Update" Button. The "Subscriptions" screen will open. This screen will display all File Regions, Forums, and Potpourri Sections, as well as the subscription name edit box, and the check boxes which assign attributes to the subscription. 3. Make the desired changes. 4. Select "OK" to exit and save the changes, or "Cancel" to exit without saving any changes. UPDATE AN EXISTING USER 1. Start the Subscription/User Manager. 2. "Double-click" on the subscription name which contains the user record you wish to modify. A list of all users assigned to the subscription will be displayed on the screen. 3. Select the user you wish to modify by "double-clicking" on the user handle. The "User Record" screen will open. This screen will display all data pertaining to the selected user. 4. Make the desired changes. 5. Select "OK" to exit and save the changes, or "Cancel" to exit without saving any changes. DELETE A SUBSCRIPTION 1. Start the Subscription/User Manager. 2. Select the subscription you wish to delete ("single-click" on the subscription name). 3. Select the "Delete" button. The subscription will be deleted. NOTE: When a subscription is deleted, any users who were assigned to that subscription will automatically be reassigned to the "Default" subscription. DELETE A USER 1. Start the Subscription/User Manager. 2. "Double-click" on the subscription name which contains the user you wish to delete. A list of all users assigned to the subscription will be displayed on the screen. 3. Select the user you wish to delete ("single-click" on the user name). 4. Select the "Delete" button. The user will then be deleted. ═══ 5.7. System Manager ═══ The System Manager is used to start and stop Elite-IMS Server lines, as well as to monitor Port activity. The System Manager uses "Port Profiles" to manage its line(s). These profiles contain information, such as port settings and modem initialization strings (see PORT PROFILES, below). PROGRAM SETTINGS When setting up the System Manager, use the following program settings: 1. The path and file name should read: "C:\ELITEIMS\SYSMGR.EXE". 2. The working directory should be entered as: "C:\ELITEIMS". NOTE: If you are unsure on how to change program settings, consult the OS/2 Master Help utility, or the OS/2 Command Reference for detailed information on program settings. 3. Set the system data paths as shown below by selecting CONTROL-DATA PATHS from the System Manager application menu. Default Mail Directory: = C:\ELITEIMS\MAIL Default Forums Directory: = C:\ELITEIMS\FORUMS Default Potpourri Directory: = C:\ELITEIMS\POTPRRI Default Upload Directory: = C:\ELITEIMS\UPLOAD Default Download Directory: = C:\ELITEIMS\DOWNLOAD GETTING STARTED Starting the System Manager Start the System Manager by "double-clicking" on the System Manager icon. Stopping the System Manager Select FILE-EXIT from the application menu. PORT PROFILES CREATING A PORT PROFILE 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the "Create" button. The "Port Profile" screen will open. Setup the profile according to your requirements. Use the descriptions below to assist you. Port Name: Enter a descriptive definition for the Port Profile name here. Port ID COM: Enter the com port #. Baud Rate, Parity, Data Length, Stop Bits: Select the proper check box for each of these parameters to properly setup the com port. Modem Initialization String: Enter the initialization string that will be used when the port is started. Example: AT&F||AT&D3 S0=2| * Where a double pipeline " || "symbol equals a carriage return along with a 2 second delay, and a single pipeline " | " symbol equals a carriage return, without a time delay. A WORD ABOUT MODEM CONFIGURATION Set your modem(s) to reflect the following settings: Data Bits: 8 Parity: N Stop Bits: 1 DTR On-to-Off transition is not ignored. Disable flow control. Modem should be set to detect Carrier. * NOTE: Check with your modem manual for the commands to properly initialize your modem. 3. Select "OK" to add the Port Profile or "Cancel" to exit the Port Profile screen without adding the Port Profile. CHANGING A PORT PROFILE 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the Port Profile you wish to change ("single-click" on the Port Profile name). The Port Profile screen will open. 3. Make all the desired changes. 4. Select "OK" to save the changes to the Port Profile or "Cancel" to exit without changing the Port Profile. DELETING A PORT PROFILE 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the Port Profile you wish to delete ("single-click" on the Port Profile name). 3. Select the "Delete" button. The selected Port Profile will be deleted. STARTING A PORT 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the Port(s) you wish to start ("single-click" on the Port name). 3. Select CONTROL-START from the application menu. The selected Port(s) will start. STOPPING A PORT 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the Port(s) you wish to stop ("single-click" on the Port name). 3. Select CONTROL-STOP from the application menu. The selected Ports will stop. PEEKING AT A PORT 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the Port(s) you wish to peek at ("single-click" on the Port name). 3. Select CONTROL-PEEK from the application menu. The "Peek" screen will open, displaying detailed information on the selected Port. NOTE: The Port must be running before the "Peek" function will operate on the Port. The "Peek" screen does NOT automatically update itself like the Port Monitor does, but instead, provides a "snapshot" of a Port at the exact time the Peek function was invoked. PORT MONITOR The Port Monitor is a utility which allows the System Administrator to monitor individual port activity. 1. Start the System Manager. 2. Select the Port(s) you wish to monitor ("single-click" on the Port name). Select "CONTROL-MONITOR", from the application menu. The Port Monitor will start for each selected port. The Port Monitor displays call activity and updates itself every 5 seconds. The Port Monitor consists of a small window and a combo box, and will display the following information: Current User, Login Time Port Settings Last Transaction (File Talk, Mail, etc..) Port Status (Total # Logins Since Started, Current Event) 3. Open the combo box for the call history of the port. 4. To stop the Port Monitor, select CLOSE from the Port Monitor application menu.