================================================================ Title : Dunno....just a map Filename : KiLLa.MAP Author : KiLLa (I never give out my real name) Email Address : I'm to embarassed of it..just find me in #duke3d one day Misc. Author Info : a 16 year old thats broke is stuck with makin fakies on AOL until I get off my lazy ass and get a job, then get 30$ and get my lazy ass an ISP Description : it's a map....made for dukematch Additional Credits to : Whoever deserves it like 3drealms, and everyone thats helped me ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : it's a map..! Single Player : no monsters.. DukeMatch Level : Yeppers Difficulty Settings : nope * Construction * Base : new map...whaddya think I am some sorta leech...(well I am) Editor(s) used : build (duh) Known Bugs : the water in the vents...it's blocked off, but.. still it doesn't work, so * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: ask round for it.....and some WWW sites prolly