========================================================================== Title : Metropolis Filename : METRO.MAP Author : Michael Marechal (Death Dealer) Email Address : marechal@netcom.ca Description : This is a big level with a cool looking subway, sewers, air ducts and a couple of building outside with stores, offices and a hotel. Additional Credit to : 3D Realms for creating Duke Nukem and the Build Editor, Brett Gmoser for his Build FAQ, ========================================================================== * Play Information * Single Player : Yes Cooperative : Yes (2-8 Players) Dukematch : Yes (2-8 Players) Difficulty Settings : Yes * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor used : Build Build Time : About a month Known Bugs : If you find any bugs, please E-mail at the above address. * Copyright / Permissions * You may NOT change this level in ANY WAY. If you wish to include this in a pack of maps you must e-mail me and get my persmission. Feel free to distribute this level to all your friends but make sure you include this text file. Thanks. * Where to find this file * Who decided to put this here anyway? If your reading this file you must have found the map!