====================================================================== Title : Mayhem.map Author : Kel Wu E-mail : killak7g@aol.com Web Page : none Description : Basically, a huge-ass level with monsters and nice special effects. I guess the story is Duke is in some place and he has to defeat the badguys. There you go. Anyways, this is a great highly explosive and action-oriented level. It has falling buildings, alot of explosions, sector stretching, subway trains, and a swimming pool. It also has switches on the wall where you can activate huge explosions which would be great for Dukematch. As you reach the end, you go into this museum-like place and all the enemies are trapped (sort of) in cells and there are switches by each monster that allow you to blow them up. This doesn't always work. This map also supports Cooperative play as well as single player. A lot of work was put into this but I had fun. Additional Credits to : 3drealms for including the build engine with Duke3d and Trunks2121 for ideas. ====================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : none Single Player : Yes DukeMatch Level : Yes, along with cooperative Difficulty Settings : uh, yeah, whatever * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Known Bugs : some parallaxing problems but they don't affect game- play * Where to get this MAP file * World Wide Web: gmoser@gramercy.ios.com mike@batseve.net yeagers@www.erols.com ftp.cdrom.com head2head.com sang-drax@geocities.com Aol: Keyword: 3drealms Email: killak7g@aol.com =========================================================================== Authors may Not use this as a base for their own levels or use it as an add- on to their level.