Mall.Map Zup! This is the first level we have completed for Duke Nukem 3D. It's a huge Mall mainly for deathmatch, but can be played normally. Lot's of surprises, and junk. **WARNING** This level will bog down your Pentium 120! And in deathmatch with monsters it my crash or give very slow frame rates. We recommend at least a Pentium 150 with at least 16mb. ram, and to even consider SVGA, a 2mb. video card. It will run on lower, but not in SVGA!!!!!!! It runs fine on our test machine, P166, 32mb. ram, 2mb. vid card, in 800x600. WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR CRASHES ON ANYHTING LOWER THAN A P150!! This should include: user.con game.con defs.con * The .con files were written for this level * If ya like the level, let us know any comments or suggestions at: (e-mail) To use this level copy all the zip junk into your Duke3d directory, then type DUKE3D -MAP MALL.MAP. Or go into the setup and pick the level from the user list. Enjoy!!!!!!!!!!! Jive, _zED