Duke Nukem 3D .MAP Authoring Template v1.0 ==================================================================== Title : Badass v1.1 Filename : Badass.MAP Author : Robert I. Beeman Email Address : robert_beeman@prodigy.com Misc. Author Info : TEN Screen Name: WARSONG Description : A badass Dukematch Map, the more players : the merrier! Additional Credits to : Zozimov, thanks for trying! ===================================================================== * Play Information * Episode and Level # : Single Player : No, although there are a few monsters DukeMatch Level : Definitely!! Difficulty Settings : Not implementd * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor used : The one, the only, BUILD! Known Bugs : None that I know of :) * Where to get this MAP file * FTP sites: BBS numbers: Other: You can get the previous (beta ) version of badass.map on AOL WARNING!! Will cause an out of sync error if you try to connect to the old (aol) version with this version (the one zipped with this txt).