================================================================ Title : The War Zone v1.0 Filename : WARZONE.MAP Author : B1ister & Dan McElrea Email Address : msmith@autobahn.mb.ca Misc. Author Info : B1ister built the level and Dan did most of the design. And B1ister likes Pepsi. Description : Good dukematch level. Nice, small level with lots of open space and cover. A lot of neat explosions :). Check out the car & truck! And watch out for the plane! :) E-mail me with any comments, suggestions, criticisms, funny stories, etc... Additional Credits to : The Necromancer and Striker for testing, 3drealms for making the game. ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : User Map Single Player : Yes, but no bad guys and no point Cooperative 2-8 Player : No Deathmatch 2-8 Player : Yes!!! Difficulty Settings : Not implemented New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : Yes. Copy dethtoll.mid to the duke3d directory to get the music from Terminator 2. New Programming : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Build Build Time : 5 days. Known Bugs : A few sprites don't look quite right from certain angles, but what else is new? If you find any more, let me know. * Where to get this map * If you're reading this you already have it. It's included in the zip file! :)