================================================================ Title : "Death to Chookman" Filename : UPCHOOK.MAP Author : KRAMER, and I think the Apogee guys Email Address : email your Mom instead. She'd love to hear from you. Misc. Author Info : I wanted to tick off Chookman, so I found this level that was in my "build" directory, that's for showing you how to make a duke level, so that's what I did, so don't blather on about how it's a ripoff level, I'm telling you that it is. I thought it might make a nice DM level like this, so I'm hopping on the bandwagon and shipping this out. In my defense, at least I'm not building a little room, slapping in the three bosses, giving you a pistol, and going "I made a level". If I knew who it was that made that one, I'd blast him here, but I deleted the piece of shit too damn fast. If it was you, just know that it was really lame, shithead. it would look nicer without the criters, and a little altered. (Plus I was half tanked when I came up with the idea) Description : Run around and shoot each other. If there is a bug, or really really bad texture somewhere, rest assured that I don't give a flying fuck. Maybe on my next one I'll care, but just play this and like it. Dukematch ONLY. Critter free. Additional Credits to : Chookman didn't help me one damn bit. He was busy converting Danzig levels. He's nuts about those things (or just plain nuts). He also blasted me for it being a build level. But, you see, I don't care! ================================================================ * Play Information * Episode and Level # : I really have no idea.... Single Player : Hmmm...sure....go ahead.....heh. Deathmatch 2-8 Player : YES! Difficulty Settings : You can set difficulty? Wow.... * Construction * Base : A level I stole. Sorry to whomever it was. Editor(s) used : Build. That's it!!!! Build Time : About 2 or 3 minutes I think...... Known Bugs & Limitations: I know a lot of bugs....just ask me! But, I have no human limitations that I know of... ask my girlfriend. (Although some say I love myself a wee bit too much, but I REALLY don't see the harm in that) P.S. I'm only in it for the money.....heh......