Tweaking your DUN Settings


Ativa Pro comes complete with everything you need to optimize and enhance your internet connection speed and improve PC to ISP reliability.รก What makes Ativa Pro extraordinary is its built in DUN Tweaker which provides the ultimate in Dial Up Networking configurability.

Optimizing Dial-Up Modem Connection Speed

By optimizing the MaxMTU & MaxMSS settings, together with the RWIN and TTL settings you can increase dialup modem connection reliability and performance by as much as 200%.

What is the MTU and MSS?

MTU stands for Maximum Transmission Unit and it defines the maximum size of a packet that can be transferred in one frame over a network. MSS or Maximum Segment Size defines how much actual data can put in that packet, and it should be a slightly smaller value than MTU to allow for packet addressing and other information. Why do the default values need to be changed? By default Windows hardcodes the value of MTU to equal 1500 bytes. This value is adequate for normal LAN networking, but when you're connecting to the Internet with a modem this value is too high. This can show itself in different ways, the most noticeable affect is less than peak performance. By adjusting this value to more closely match the requirements of a modem Internet connection, major performance gains can be achieved.

Optimizing the DefaultRcvWindow & DefaultTTL Settings

The optimization of RcvWindow and DefaultTTL, together with the other registry settings - MaxMTU and MaxMSS can speed up TCP/IP modem networking connections (eg. Internet connections). RWIN (Receive WINdow) is the buffer your machine waits to fill with data before attending to whatever other TCP transactions are occurring on the other threads and sockets WinSock has open while a connection is in progress.

TTL (Time To Live) defines how long a packet can stay active before being discarded. The default value is '32'.



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