...to the net.disc for May.

This CD is best viewed through Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE).

Special Mac Tip: We've included an open copy of IE on the disc (its icon is directly below the START.HTM mouse icon). Just drag the mouse onto the IE icon and our disc will launch. It's easy! No installation of IE onto your hard drive is required!

Now, just because we recommend IE doesn't mean that you can't view these discs using Netscape's venerable and much-loved browser, Navigator--because you can! A lot of you have written to us complaining that the disc shouldn't ONLY run on Internet Explorer. Well, since HTML is an open standard, you can, in fact, use our discs with any frames supporting browser on the market.

You'll find a copy of Internet Explorer in the MSIE folder. Keep in mind that there is a difference of about 2 months between the time we put these discs together and the time they hit the newsstands, so for the very latest versions, go to Microsoft's site.

For any issues related to this disc, go to support.imagine-inc.com/

Special thanks to Tom Hale for his hard work on the disc this month. And be sure to check out his Web site.

Please send any thoughts, comments, and ideas about the editorial side of the net.disc to cdrom@thenet-usa.com

Enjoy the disc!
Lauren Guzak
Senior Digital Media Editor