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The Tankers' favorite links to the Web

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Strategy / Simulation Games

Board / Computer / Both (Other) / Game Companies


ASL Page
A great page for ASL heads.
Bahadir's ASL Home Page
This is another good ASL page. It includes a great hypertexted index of the ASL rules.
Command Decision Web Page
Here is a great page dedicated to the classic minatures game from GDW, Command Decision. If you like World War Two combat games, check this site out.
Harpoon Page by Bill Armintrout
Here Bill concentrates on the boardgame verison of Harpoon for those who still like lead.
Saber's Edge hobbie and games
This is a hobby store in Canada that may be of interest to miniature gamers.
XTR Corporation
The makers of Command Magazine. This site not only has text from the issues but lists of upcoming games.


Allied General
This is a new site for SSI's AG game by Rod Harper and Seth Parker. There isn't much here yet but with Rod's reputation it should grow quickly.
Atomic Games Discussion Groups
Discussion groups for Operation Crusader, Stalingrad, and soon Beyond Squad Leader.
Command & Conquer Homepage
All kinds of good stuff for C&C.
Computer Gaming World
In our opinion the best computer game magazine.
Dark Unicorn Productions
For those using this Amiga this is a great site for software including the new Wargame Processor (similar to Aide de Camp).
EF2000 Homepage
This is another fantastic site in the spirit of the Virtual Fighter Command. If you play EF2000 do not miss this site.
The Games Domain
A good place for reviews, demos, and patches
Happy Puppy Software's Games Onramp
Fairly meager selection for the wargamer but has almost everything else. Good for finding patches.
The Goat Locker--Harpoon Page
Another good Harpoon page.
Harpoon 2 Discussion Group Web Page
Saul Jacobs picked up the torch after Rod had to close down his excellent site.
Harpoon II
Another very nice Harpoon page by Scott Bond.
Harpoon Page by Tim Long
If you like Harpoon go here. Tim has some great ftp stuff. He also covers a few other games.
The Independent Player's Home Page
Pascal has some good information on a number of wargames and strategy games.
Jörgs US Navy Fighter Homepage
A good homepage on USNF that isn't stuffed with graphics.
Multiplayer Combat Simulations
Michael has put togther a unique page covering multiplayer computer games from the commercial services to IPX networked games. He also has a great hot link list.
Neil Clark's World at War Web Page
Neil has put together a great page dedicated to Atomic Games'/Avalon Hill's World at War series. If you like these game be sure to check out this page.
PC Gamer magazine
Another good magazine for computer game information.
Panzer Lehr: A Web Home Page for WW-II German Armor
A new site with great potential. It features a tank data section on German WWII Panzers.
Perfect General II
A site dedicated to QQP's Perfect General II game. If you play PGII go here.
Shooter's Hanger
Dennis has put together a great site for Air Warrior fans as well as other interesting links.
This is a good, general, computer gaming page that covers wargames and most other gaming subjects. This page also has a lot of computer game industry gossip.
Another Eric Joiner special. SU-27 players need go no further.
The Su-27 Homepage
Mike has put together a great site for SSI's Su-27 sim. If you like SU-27 don't miss this site.
TacOps Information Resource
This site covers just about everything one could want on the TacOps game by Arsenal Publishing Inc. Until March anyway, TacOps is a Mac only game, but the two versions should be similar enough where most of the information at this site will still be valuable to the PC gamer.
The Tornado Command and Staff College
If you have any interest in Tornado or flight sims in general don't miss this page. Eric has an incredible amount of information including a flight sim by email system (really!). The great photos and Netscape enhancements only add the finishing touches. Highly recommended
Virtual Fighter Command
The home of the TCSC and much more. If you play flight sims don't miss this site.
The War Gamer
Mario has a nice site dedicated to PBEM gaming. He concetrates on a number of great wargames. One nice feature is his opponent finder service.
The Wolf-Pack Undersea Warfare Sims Page
John's site doesn't have a lot of original material yet, but he links to some good sub sim sites.
World at War Page
Steve has a great site for games in Avalon Hill's World at War Series. If you like these games don't miss this site.

Both (Other)

Eric Pass' Home Page
If you can't find an email opponent for your favorite game goto to Eric's page. He has an incredible system set up to find opponents and register yourself for others to find. His page covers games from all eras. This is certainly a one-of-a-kind page on the Web.
Strategic Simulation Gaming Home Page
Chris' page has links to almost every other wargaming and military related site on the Web. Also worthy of a look is his excellent Events list of upcoming gaming events. Chris also has a large percentage of Mac wargaming stuff. Don't miss this page.
Wacht Am Rhein Homepage
Hanz maintains a unique page. The subject is WWII wargaming with real people. Similar to the Civil War reenactments but more specific.
Warlords II Deluxe
A page by Paul Fields. Paul is a retired USAF officer. He says that, "Contrary to what folks say, Warlords II (Deluxe) can be used to (fairly accurately) portray some real world situations. What it lacks in authenticity, it makes up in fun and challenge." He certainly has a nice site.
Web Grognards
With a name like that it has to be good! This is an incredible wargame page set up by some fellows across the pond (Britain). It covers every conceivable wargame subject including board, computer, and miniature games.
Wargame Opponent Finder
Ed Allen has setup a great site that puts your name, number, location, and gaming preferences into a text file with other gamers looking for opponenets.
WorldVillage Gamers Zone
A nice site with a number of gaming links and information.

Game Companies

Board Game Companies / Computer Game Companies

Board Game Companies

The Gamers, Inc.
This is the official site for The Gamers Inc. (board wargames). It has very little information on it so far, but it will be expanding.
Steve Jackson Games
The makers of Ogre and Car Wars (yea, yea we know, not exactly simulations but very fun!)

Computer Game Companies

Atomic Cafe
The homepage for the makers of Operation Crusader, Stalingrad, and soon Beyond Squad Leader. Need we say more?
Big Time WWW Site
This is the home of Big Time software, the makers of Flight Commander 2. There is a lot of good FC2 information here, including an ongoing campaign game.
A new homepage for an online WWII flight sim. Battle online with 100 other pilots if you've got the money.
HPS Simulations Information Center
Greg has put together a great HPS Simulations' page that makes a super companion to our own. If HPS does it, then one of the two pages will cover it.
Interactive Magic's Web Site
The homepage for Interactive Magic, the makers of Apache, Star Rangers and the upcoming F-16 simulation. A great spot for information on their new products, exisiting games, and the latest patches.
Military Simulations Inc.
The makers of the upcoming "Fighting Falcon: Back to Baghdad" that they claim will be the last word in flight sims. Well with the company name they have and their high claims it better be good!
NovaStar's Homepage
The makers of add-on scenario disks for SSI's WCSII: Tanks! and Steel Panthers.
Strategic Simulations Inc. (SSI)
The homepage for the makers of many of our favorite games: Steel Panthers, Panzer General, Pacific War, Carrier Strike....
Homepage for the makers of the Battleground series.
Three-Sixty's Homepage
The makers of Harpoon II.
Westwood Studios
The makers of Command & Conquer.

Military History

Modern military sites seem to abound on the Web, but as you can see, military history on the Web seems to be rare. If you know of any other sites please tell us.

The Armourer Magazine
This is a British publication that covers military topics on all eras.
Aviation Image Archives
A great source of photos from all eras.
Aviation Photos
A ftp site of great aviation photos from all eras.
CanTankerous Page
Brandon Keith's homepage about tanks. He has a few links of interest and his own photo section.
Electronic Headquarters for the Acquisition of War Knowledge
This site has an amazing amount of material on modern defense topics and wargaming.
Home Page for JohnS426
John has put together an interesting site covering medieval warfare.
Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base Homepage
A site covering the history of Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base.
Marine Corps Professional Reading Program
Not sure what to read? Check out what the USMC suggests.
Matti Yrjölä's Web pages
Matti is from Finland and has a staggering amount of military history material on his Web page. One could spend days reading all this stuff. Below are just a few links to get you started. Simply a first class job.
Military History Repository
At first this seems like a great site, but we have never gotten any link to work except the bibliography.
Military-History: The World Wide Web Site for Military History Scholars
This is a great site for the historian. It has links to all relevant areas on the Web as well as some great material of its own.
Ron Martin's Navy Submarine Page
Ron is a sub vet. with a page that has a great number of links to all things naval. Make sure you have your browser's sound helper enabled before you visit this one!
Nautical Brass Magazine
Bill Momsen has put together a nice site for the collectors of nautical antiques. He has some pretty unique stuff here.
Panzer Lehr: A Web Home Page for WW-II German Armor
A new site with great potential. It features a tank data section on German WWII Panzers.
Peace & Security WWW Server
This is a terrific site for those interested in military issues. It is maintained by the Canadian Forces College.
The WWII Reenactor Homepage
This group reenacts the battles of WWII much the same as the Civil War reencators.
Ronald A. Hoskinson's Gulf War Photo Gallery
Ron has a great site for Gulf War information and photos.
Stone & Stone World War II Web Site
The Stone & Stone site is a fantastic resource for WWII books and book publishers/sellers. If you're looking for a book, look no further.
Sturgeon's Submarine Journal
Richard's site is so good that the U.S. Navy investigated him for giving out secret information. He and his site were cleared and the great information is still there.
Ulf R. Heller's Vietnam Homepage
Ulf is a combat veteran with many good stories. Lots of good information on other Vietnam related sites.
The U-Web: The U-Boat War 1939-1945
Here is a great page on the German U-Boats in WWII.
Vulture's Row: An Online US Naval Aviation Resource
Robin has put together a top-notched site. Of special note is his list of the current deployment location of US aircraft carriers and naval air squadrons. His personal page has a number of other interesting naval and non-naval tid bits.
Wacht Am Rhein Homepage
Hanz maintains a unique page. The subject is WWII wargaming with real people. Similar to the Civil War reenactments but more specific.
WWII Homepage
This is a wonderful page put together by the students of Patch High School. Great job!

The United States Armed Services

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Airforce

U.S. Marine Corps


Aircraft Homepage
A good general site for Air Force base listings, SR-71 information, and other aviation topics.
Automated Information Systems: Training and Education Technologies Laboratory
A U.S.M.C. sponsored site dedicated to researching new training methods including the use of wargames.
The Aviation Home Page
A good page on all aspects of aviation.
A link to Boeing Corpaoration. Includes both civilian and military aircraft.
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
We were classmates of CPT Scott O'Grady here.
A link to a page that covers everything about helicopters. Be warned though, this page is very graphics heavy.
Heavy-Metal: A Pictorial Archive of Land Warfare
Michael Brunk has put together an awesome site containing photos of the beasts we love best. Don't miss it.
Jane's Electronic Information Systems
This is the online version of the best military reference system available to civilians. There is only a demo available free of charge (and the full service is very expensive), but gamers and historians will still find it valuable.
Military Science and Defense
This page has all sorts of obscure links to government pages.
The Military WWW/FTP Sites List
Alexander McClearn has compiled a great number of military Web and ftp sites with short descriptions of each.
Modeling and Simulation Resource Repository
This is an interesting site on actual military wargaming.
Naval Homepage
This is a great site for ship lists and other such data.
U.S. Navy Nuclear Attack Submarines
This and the author's naval home pageare incredible pages on the modern attack submarine and other naval topics. They are currently still under construction but already have some great content. The author has written for Naval Proceedings and is currently working on a full book. If you have any interest in modern naval subjects don't miss these pages.


The Dilbert Zone
We just had to put this in here somewhere!
It's not free (for the full search, but the short demo is) but it is probably the best Web search engine.
Lycos Search
A very good search engine that also gives you a small abstract on each search hit.
Netscape 1.1N
If you're not using Netscape 1.1N you're not on the Web! The Tankers' WMH is enhanced for Netscape 1.1N.
Web Crawler
A very good (and free) Web search engine by the University of Washington.
Everything. Go to the Entertainment/Games section for other gaming pages.

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