FTP Data

GrADS Title


The Grid Analysis and Display System (GrADS) is a free interactive desktop tool that is currently in use worldwide for the analysis and display of earth science data. GrADS provides an integrated environment for access, manipulation, and display of earth science data. GrADS was developed by Brian Doty at the Institute of Global Environment and Society, Center for Ocean-Land-Atmosphere. Arlindo da Silva, at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Data Assimilation Office, has enhanced GrADS enabling it to operate under Windows 95/NT and giving it Athena widget capabilities. He has also made improvements to the MSDOS version of Grads.


Graphic User Interface
Tips on using the GrADS Interface
Setting GrADS up
Setup for a Unix operating system
Setup for the Windows operating system
Starting GrADS
Decompression software
Versions of GrADS available on the CD-ROM
GrADS sites of interest on the World Wide Web

The Graphical User Interface

A Graphical User Interface (GUI) has been created for each of the CD's. The GUI interface, for this CD, should look similar to the below graphic.

After reading this section go to Setting GrADS up to find out how to run GrADS with the GUI interface.


NOTE: Some data sets (DAO, ISCCP_D2 and TOVS) only have a single date or year, accessible through the GrADS Interface. The rest of the data is compressed.

The selections for the interface are divided into five groups indicated by colors.

Green Selections

Red Selections

Blue Selections

Gold Selections

Grey Selections

Tips on using the GrADS Interface


The value "0.0" is at the lower bound of the NDVI parameters range. For other parameters, use the lower bounds of their range.

For more information on how to use GrADS, see the GrADS manual.

Setting GrADS up

GrADS, for MS Windows 95/NT and Unix platforms, are setup to run directly from the CD-ROM. The descriptions below on how to set the environment variables, explains how to do it when running the software from the CD-ROM. You can also install this software on your own computer, and set the environment variables for directory paths on your hard disk. To install GrADS on your computer simply transfer the appropriate version of grads, along with the "lib" and "dat" directories, using the same directory structure that exist on the CD.

Before starting GrADS you will need to set the environment variables. The Macintosh version of GrADS does not support environment variables, so you can not do this. For additional Information on using GrADS for the Macintosh click here.

Setup for a Unix operating system

Below is an example of how to set the environment variables, when running the GrADS software from the CDROM.

Example for the C shell:

setenv GADDIR /"CDROM"/software/grads/dat
setenv GASCRP /"CDROM"/software/grads/lib
setenv GAGUI /"CDROM"/cdrom.gui

alias grads /"CDROM"/software/grads/"VERSION"/grads

Example for the Korn shell:

export setenv GADDIR=/"CDROM"/software/grads/dat
export setenv GASCRP=/"CDROM"/software/grads/lib
export setenv GAGUI=/"CDROM"/cdrom.gui

alias grads=/"CDROM"/software/grads/"VERSION"/grads

Where "CDROM" is the directory for your CD-ROM drive, and "VERSION" is the directory on the CD-ROM which contains the version of GrADS (e.g., irix5) for you operating system.

NOTE: You can also start the GUI directly from the GrADS command line, by issuing the following command; gui cdrom.gui.

Setup for the Windows operating system

Win32 GrADS is a port of Brian Doty's Unix version of GrADS to the x86 PC running 32-bit MS Windows operating System (win95 and winNT). It requires an X-Window server to run. If you don't already have an X-Window server, on your PC, you can use the demonstration X-Window (xdemo32) server supplied with this CD set. For instructions on how to install xdemo32 click here.

One way to set the environment variables under Windows is to create a .bat file, that would reside in the Windows directory on your PC. You can name this file grads.bat or any other name. This file should contain the following information:

set GADDIR="D":\software\grads\dat
set GASCRP="D":\software\grads\lib
set GAGUI="D":\cdrom.gui


Where "D" is your CD-ROM drive. This may vary from one PC to the next.

NOTE: You can also start the GUI directly from the GrADS command line, by issuing the following command; gui cdrom.gui.


The MSDOS version of GrADS does not support Athena Widgets, so you cannot use the GUI Interfaces provided with this CD set. For additional information on the MSDOS version of GrADS click here.

Starting GrADS

After setting GrADS up, as described above, you can start it by simply typing "grads". A message will appear asking you to choose landscape or portrait mode. Hit return to choose landscape. A display window and Interface will appear. For additional information on how to use GrADS, see the read documents:

Decompression software

Some of the datasets have been compressed (have .gz suffix in file name) and have to be downloaded and decompressed before accessing them with GrADS. For information on the decompression software, available on the CD set see the aareadme in the directory:


GrADS available on this CD-ROM:

Versions of GrADS for other operating systems are available from the FTP sites listed below.

GrADS sites of interest on the World Wide Web:

NASA GSFC Goddard DAAC cidc site

Last update:Wed Oct 1 12:30:42 EDT 1997
Web Curator: Daniel Ziskin --
NASA official: Paul Chan, DAAC Manager --