GICDIC.ZIP 9537 20-11-93 "Gloricon Icons 1", collection of various +icons as DLL - GIMSGM.ZIP 10888 20-11-93 "Gloricon Icons 2", collection of various +icons as DLL - GITRGM.ZIP 9469 20-11-93 "Gloricon Icons 3", collection of various +icons as DLL - GIXMAS.ZIP 11403 20-11-93 "Gloricon Icons 4", collection of various +icons as DLL - ICLBUILD.ZIP 102211 10-11-93 "Icon Library Builder v1.0a", copies program +icons and writes them in a library (.ICL) or +.ICO file - ICONART1.ZIP 27807 04-01-94 "IconArt v1.0", various good DLL-type icons, +can be used directly via Program Manager - ICONB220.ZIP 41530 07-11-93 "VB Icon Browser v2.2", view, print and +manage icons - ICONCL10.ZIP 54963 17-01-94 "Icon Cleaner v1.0", helps when lots of icon +files need to be sorted - ICONMSTR.ZIP 127760 04-07-92 "IconMaster v1.2c", useful icon editor - ICONPLUS.ZIP 69987 24-08-93 "IconPlus", almost 400 different icons as +.EXE files, easy to use in connection with +Program Manager - ICONTHF.ZIP 12447 31-03-94 "IconThief", removes icons from EXE and DLL +files and saves them as .ICO files - ICOVU08.ZIP 57314 28-10-93 "IconView v0.8", utility to view and print +icons - ICOWIN30.ZIP 141688 18-12-93 "IconEditor v3.0", useful and +straightforward icon editor - ICO_EX20.ZIP 83038 29-12-93 "Icon Extract v2.0", converts .EXE and .DLL +icons -> .ICO files - SHOWIC10.ZIP 493597 30-12-93 "ShowIcons v1.0", simple utility to put all +.ICO files in one directory -