PANLASZ2.ZIP 73618 10-12-93 "Envelope LaserPrint/Panasonic v2.0", prints +envelopes and address labels on Panasonic +KX-P4410/20/30 laser printers - PARA13.ZIP 74169 25-12-93 "Parallel v1.34", analyser for parallel ports - PASCII12.ZIP 15591 05-01-94 "PASCII v1.2", prepares ASCII files for +printing (repagination, margins...) - PB24.ZIP 32002 15-12-93 "Playback v2.4", keyboard macro utility for +DOS, takes also time delay into account - PCFONT30.ZIP 63023 18-01-94 "PCFont v3.0", DOS typeface editor for VGA +screen fonts - PCMOUS12.ZIP 7802 06-08-93 "PCMouse v1.2", enables mouse-controlled Cut +& Paste functions in text mode - PCOPY93.ZIP 112516 07-09-93 "PCopy v9.3", very powerful substitute for +DOS COPY command - PCPS760.ZIP 109500 27-10-93 "PCPC v7.6", prints normal text files on +PostScript printer - PCSLITE.ZIP 73401 25-10-93 "PC-Sentry Lite", TSR program providing good +protection against unauthorised use of +computer - PCSS33.ZIP 45224 07-12-93 "PC Snooper-Stopper v3.3", protects PC of +unauthorised use, even after system boot - PDEL11.ZIP 22222 01-10-93 "PDel v1.1", deletes files, to ensure data +protection file contents are overwritten +with different parameters - PDF10.ZIP 14335 11-01-94 "Partial Defragger v1.0", DeFragment utility +operating only on certain parts of hard disk +or on individual files - PDQ140.ZIP 91229 17-12-93 "PDQ Utils v1.4", little tools for DOS, such +as file finder or little editor - PFD400.ZIP 23087 12-11-93 "PathFind v4.0", finds out from which path +directory file has been loaded from - PHANSCRN.ZIP 315065 12-01-94 "PhantomScreen v1.2b", excellent DOS screen +saver, works in VGA graphics mode, superb +effects - PIGAS102.ZIP 196226 12-08-93 "Pigas Security v1.02", denies unauthorised +access to files - PINST143.ZIP 271225 22-12-93 "PowerInstall v1.43", good installation +program for applications, window and +menu-operated - PL26.ZIP 54105 18-12-93 "Pop-Label v2.6", pop-up program to print +labels - PMAN115.ZIP 34064 01-01-94 "Path Man v1.15", searches along path for +certain file name and returns DOS error +level according to result - POCK31.ZIP 157204 28-10-93 "PocketD Plus v3.1", various quite useful +DOS utilities, e.g. improved DIR command - POPKEY.ZIP 8942 04-09-93 "PopKey v1.0", variable adjustment of +keyboard speed - PREXCM.ZIP 23175 29-10-93 "Protect! EXE/COM v4.0", adds checksums to +programs (i.e. virus protection) - PRFF23.ZIP 26326 04-10-93 "PrtScFF v2.3", sends FormFeed to connected +printer - PRINDIR9.ZIP 30384 12-10-93 "Prindir v9.0", redirector for printer, can +redirect printer output to different ports, +screen or hard disk - PRNF245.ZIP 230971 02-08-93 "PrnSet v2.45", control utility for a wide +range of popular printers - PSEDT35.ZIP 67442 29-09-93 "PSEdit v3.5", Hex editor for any kind of +file, editing in Hex format - PSPRI10.ZIP 72078 08-10-93 "PostScript-Print v1.0", prints text files +on PostScript printers - PTM29C.ZIP 227261 21-01-94 "DOS Phantom v2.9c", keyboard macro +recorder, can also play macro at set times - PUNCH1.ZIP 15074 21-09-93 "Punch v1.0", helps to keep book of how much +time you spend on a certain activity on the +computer - PXDDS101.ZIP 19241 05-12-93 "Pure DOS Disk Speed v1.01", simple program +to determine data transfer rate of hard +disks, with Pascal source - Q387_363.ZIP 113877 31-12-93 "Q387 v3.63", emulates math coprocessor - QDEL033.ZIP 14615 11-11-93 "QDel v0.33", deletes entire directory trees - QDIR132.ZIP 135876 10-12-93 "QuickDir v1.32", DOS shell and shell for +common archive programs - QINST2.ZIP 116207 18-12-93 "Quik-Install v2.0", multi-purpose +application installation utility - QKOPY332.ZIP 54380 26-05-93 "QuickCopy v3.32", copies one or more files +to one or more directories - QUADRIVE.ZIP 12081 28-11-93 "QuaDrive v1.0", driver enabling use of lots +of different formats on disk drives - RAMMAP.ZIP 11936 13-10-93 "RAMMap v1.51", indicates location and +status of programs, drivers, etc in system +memory - RB_UTIL.ZIP 36844 22-03-94 collection of seven useful "DOS utilities" +(e.g. detection of CPU, reading from Atari +XL/XE files...) - RDEL12.ZIP 14016 14-10-93 "RDel v1.2", enables recursive delete of +certain files in all directories - RDIR10.ZIP 21259 17-10-93 "RDir v1.0", deletes entire subdirectories +with all connected files and directories - REMIND20.ZIP 55752 23-07-93 "Remind v2.0", reminds of impending +schedules whenever run - RFM302.ZIP 109993 14-03-94 "RFM v3.02", visually appealing DOS file +manager, requires VGA and Maus - RLST11.ZIP 22761 01-10-93 "RList v1.1", prints out any part of a text +file - RMND34.ZIP 183788 29-11-93 "Remind v3.4", reminds of impending +schedules whenever run - RM_RZAC2.ZIP 8550 02-08-93 "RM-R v2.0", deletes subdirectories and +connected files - RND11.ZIP 4749 28-11-93 "RND v1.1", facilitates renaming and moving +of directories - RS232101.ZIP 45411 01-07-93 "RS232 v1.01", drastically simplifies +locating faults with serial ports - RUNCOUNT.ZIP 13918 30-11-93 "RunCounT v0.0", batch utility returns error +level after set number of runs - SBBACK24.ZIP 290596 14-02-94 "SpaceBak v2.4", saves and subsequently +deletes all files not used for a long time - SBEP11.ZIP 15359 01-10-93 "SetBeep v1.1", allows to modify DOS beeping +sound - SCDTSK25.ZIP 67624 07-08-93 "SchedTsk v2.5", runs programs at preset +times (e.g. nighttime backups) - SCHEDT25.ZIP 86616 30-12-93 "Task Scheduler v2.5", runs programs at +preset times - SCRLIT18.ZIP 42663 19-10-93 "ScrollIt v1.8", screen scrolling utility +(saves text in EMS and XMS) - SCSV.ZIP 122185 07-09-93 "Screen Saver v5.1", simple screen saver for +DOS, requiring only very little hard disk +space - SD100.ZIP 119414 02-11-93 "Screen Designer v1.0", good tool to quickly +design any sort of text screens, masks, etc. - SDSR5.ZIP 225278 31-03-93 "SpeedStr v5.0", menu-operated benchmark +test for graphics cards - SHELLIT1.ZIP 99118 19-12-93 "Shellit v1.0", shell for programs such as +ARC, PkZIP and SCAN - SHOWF251.ZIP 29848 24-06-93 "ShowFAT v2.51", visually shows mechanical +design of hard disk - SHROOM24.ZIP 18558 23-12-93 "Shell Room v2.4b", creates more free memory +for DOS shell - SLEEPHD.ZIP 10606 16-02-94 "Sleep v1.1", shuts down motor of IDE hard +disk if it has not been in use for certain +time - SLEEP_43.ZIP 31931 18-01-94 "Sleep v4.3", waits for certain file or +system time - SLOWDOWN.ZIP 23766 04-12-93 "Slowdown v1.0", slows down fast computers +thus allowing programs to run that still +require slow 286 CPU - SMAC03.ZIP 34384 08-11-93 "Send Macros v0.39", runs macros saved in +setting file with simple key combinations - SOSDFU.ZIP 63129 06-11-93 "Solid Oak Software's DOS Toolbox" +collection of very efficient DOS utilities +that are ideal for use in stack files - SOSEVD.ZIP 16614 10-11-93 "Everyday", runs command sets assigned to +certain system parameters from a list - SOSTDU.ZIP 36455 06-11-93 "Solid Oak Software's DOS Toolbox", +collection of very efficient DOS utilities +that are ideal for use in stack files - SPKT465S.ZIP 399940 02-09-93 "SpeedKit v4.65", HyerDisk hard disk cache, +HyperKey keyboard macro recorder - SRTDSC26.ZIP 180384 14-12-93 "SortDesc v2.6", sorting and moving archive +files using FILE_ID.DIZ - ST2DOS10.ZIP 16813 17-04-93 "ST2DOS v1.0", enables DOS PC to read Atari +format floppy disks - SW_42A.ZIP 54754 18-06-93 "SW v4.2a", batch file language, improves +capabilities of stack files - SW_46.ZIP 68643 08-11-93 "Screen Wizard v4.6", batch tool allows fast +and convenient output in a wide range of +formats (substitute for ECHO) - TAME310.ZIP 104660 14-10-93 "Tame v3.1", multitasking supplement +enabling simultaneous use of several programs - TASKR195.ZIP 36666 13-01-94 "Tasker v1.95a", runs programs even with +parameter transfer- at preset times - TBOX14.ZIP 336915 10-12-93 "The ToolBOX v1.4", extended DOS shell with +additional functions (e.g. FileFind) - TDY400.ZIP 28289 28-09-93 "Tidy v4.0", deletes all .BAK files and +files with size 0 bytes, also accepts +different filename extensions - TESTIT10.ZIP 90217 17-02-94 "Test-It v1.0", tests all system resources +of computer (memory, video card, hard disk, +CPU...)(German) - TIR109.ZIP 9209 26-10-93 "TIR Triple Directory v1.09", alternative +DIR command, displays directory entries in +three columns - TLADF10.ZIP 8412 29-01-94 "TLA Disk Farm v1.0", indicates free and +used memory of all existing drives - TOP200.ZIP 399357 13-11-93 "Top v2.0", excellent DOS supplement +(history keys, on-line help, scrolling +buffer etc.) - TPPDR101.ZIP 15336 08-09-93 "TPPDir v1.01", facilitates directory +change, e.g. in stack files - TREESZ02.ZIP 11509 29-07-93 "TreeSZ02 v2.0", shows directory structure +plus information on file size and total size +as tree diagram - TRYWARE1.ZIP 83899 31-10-93 "Trialware Core v1.0", ensures that program +can only be run a certain number of times, +after that a serial number has to be entered - TSBAT43.ZIP 94661 08-05-93 "TS Batch Tricks v4.3", collection of a +large variety of stack files for a wide +range of applications - TSD300.ZIP 190532 15-12-93 "TSort v3.0", very fast sorter, even for +large files, uses EMS/XMS memory (16 and +32-bit version) - TSTSR17.ZIP 66620 29-08-93 "TS-TSR", collection of memory-resident DOS +utilities - TSUTLC19.ZIP 90528 20-09-93 "TS Util Set 3", collection of various DOS +utilities - TSUTLD21.ZIP 84788 15-08-93 "TS Util Set 4", collection of various DOS +utilities - TSUTLF13.ZIP 46826 15-08-93 "TS Util Set 6", collection of various DOS +utilities - TSX411A.ZIP 138805 20-11-93 "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 1/4)", DOS-compatible +32-bit multi-user operating system - TSX411B.ZIP 1115029 12-11-93 "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 2/4)", DOS-compatible +32-bit multi-user operating system - TSX411C.ZIP 1127786 12-11-93 "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 3/4)", DOS-compatible +32-bit multi-user operating system - TSX411D.ZIP 1064860 12-11-93 "TSX-Lite v4.11 (part 4/4)", DOS-compatible +32-bit multi-user operating system - TV1511.ZIP 319117 02-11-93 "TSR-Vision v1.511", examine every kind of +memory (CMOS, XMS, HMA, Cluster, Fat...) - UC194.ZIP 12581 26-10-93 "ProtDump v1.1", Protected Mode Hex Dump, +enables memory dump in protected mode - ULTRA62.ZIP 153590 19-12-93 "The Ultimate Batch Util v6.2", more than +250 function that can be used in stack files - UNST14.ZIP 102630 10-11-93 "Universal Install v1.4", script-operated +installation program for any application - USE62.ZIP 16143 06-11-93 "Use/UnUse v6.2", adding and deleting of +directories of path - UVBE42.ZIP 59742 06-12-93 "The Universal VESA VBE v4.2", TSR program +to make video cards VESA 1.2 compatible - UXUTL22.ZIP 863620 01-12-93 "UxUtil v2.2", lots of UNIX commands for MS +DOS (cat, df, grep, mv...) - VADCD180.ZIP 15259 15-03-93 "Vadol CD v1.8", facilitates directory +changes - VDEL20.ZIP 44236 21-11-93 "VDEL v2.0", deletes files, with user +confirmation safeguard - VGABLK1A.ZIP 3547 05-11-93 "Blank v1.0", screen saver for VGA cards, +blanks out screen - VID_FX20.ZIP 82770 16-02-94 "Video F/X v2.0", batch utility enables +display of various graphics effects in stack +files on EGA/VGA cards - VPRVESA.ZIP 40684 12-11-93 "VPRVESA v1.2", VESA VBE driver for video +card Diamond Viper VLB - VSAVE200.ZIP 34939 22-08-93 "VGAsave v2.0", DOS screen-saver requiring +very little memory - WATCHDSK.ZIP 52070 05-11-93 "WatchDisk v1.05", how much memory is taken +up by user (conceived for LANs) - WCED18C.ZIP 31699 03-08-93 "WcED v1.8c", command line editor, remembers +last keyboard entries - WDEL16.ZIP 13426 18-02-94 "WDEL v1.6", file delete utility that +deletes files irretrievably by overwriting - WDN121.ZIP 28541 18-11-93 "Wipe Directory Names v1.21", automatically +deletes all empty directories - WHCH20GR.ZIP 28833 03-05-93 "Which v2.0", finds out from what location +certain DOS program is run (with C source) - WIPEO122.ZIP 53684 10-12-93 "Wipe-Out v1.22", creates copy of present +system status and, if run again, writes +changes into log file - XDCPY150.ZIP 12592 20-02-93 "eXtended DiSKCoPY v1.5", fast disk copying +program that uses extended memory for +temporary data storage - XDCPY200.ZIP 15726 15-09-93 "Extended Diskcopy v2.0", disk copying +utility, puts entire content of disk into +XMS memory - XEQ16.ZIP 15254 16-12-93 "XEQ v1.6", can combine several .COM files +to one file while individual commands remain +fully operational - XE_V40.ZIP 48766 09-12-93 "heXEdit v4.0", little editor for any kind +of ASCII or binary file - XSET350.ZIP 135310 16-11-93 "XSet v3.5", uses DOS environment (SET...), +to generate all different kinds of functions - YAFM22D.ZIP 223128 15-10-93 "YAFM v2.2d", very useful file manager for +DOS, works with two directories in two +windows, easy to use - ZAPCHK.ZIP 12261 11-12-93 "ZapChk v1.0", removes annoying reminder +SCANDISK from DOS 6.2 CHKDSK - ZCOPY16.ZIP 31595 09-01-94 "ZCopy v1.6", substitute for DOS XCOPY +command - ZMOVE16.ZIP 33157 09-01-94 "ZMove v1.6", file copying utility similar +to XCOPY, it does, however, delete source +files after copying - ZPRO120.ZIP 359062 16-02-94 "ZIP'R Pro for DOS v1.2", saves all rarely +or never used files in a large archive file +thus freeing hard disk space -