1ADAY11.ZIP 104607 22-11-93 "OneADay v1.1", runs certain programs via +stack file although only once per day (even +when computer gets rebooted) - 26URWFNT.ZIP 185209 16-05-93 Nimbus, Antiqua and Grotesk fonts for +"Ghostscript v2.6" - 2BOOT.ZIP 19405 13-01-94 "Boot v1.0", finds out from which drive +computer has been booted (with Basic source) - 3DRVS260.ZIP 69727 20-08-93 "3 Drives v2.6", universal driver to run a +third 16-bit hard disk (IDE/ESDI/MFM/RLL) - 4D50B.ZIP 28919 30-11-93 "4DOS-Patch", patch to update 4DOS v5.0a to +v5.0b - 4D50D.ZIP 32885 08-02-94 "4DOS-Patch", patch to update 4DOS v5.0c to +v5.0d - 4DOS5A.ZIP 252781 30-11-93 "4DOS v5.0 (part 1/2)", excellent command +line extension for DOS (e.g. scrolling back +through previous commands etc.) - 4DOS5B.ZIP 247111 02-12-93 "4DOS v5.0 (part 2/2)", excellent command +line extension for DOS (e.g. scrolling back +through previous commands etc.) - 4DRVU100.ZIP 31367 09-07-93 "4_Drive Utilities v1.0", allows to use up +to four IDE hard disks with two controllers - 4EDIT20.ZIP 117982 06-03-94 "4Edit v2.0", editor for 4DOS file +descriptions - 4FILE312.ZIP 98562 07-02-94 "4Files v3.12", file manager for 4DOS - 4HIST102.ZIP 14894 21-10-93 "4Hist v1.02", utility for 4DOS, deletes +duplicate entries in command line stack - 4HPATB.ZIP 10772 02-12-93 "4DOS-Patch", patch for help text of 4DOS +v5.0b - 4SPD100.ZIP 64595 20-08-93 "4-Speed v1.0", hard disk benchmark measures +data transfer and saves result as .PCX image - 4UTILS2.ZIP 127283 17-12-93 "4Desk v1.7/4FF v1.8", two useful utilities +for 4DOS - ACD221.ZIP 53868 23-05-93 "ACD v2.21", quick change of directories +(similar to NCD or LCD) - ADAPT12.ZIP 360160 23-11-93 "PC-Adapt v1.2", collection of tool to +support multiple users or projects on one +computer - AMISE254.ZIP 288660 14-01-94 "AMI Setup v2.54", external setup program +for computers with AMI-BIOS (386/486), +German/English - APLUS302.ZIP 298331 17-12-93 "ANSIPlus v3.02", ANSI screen driver with +with lots of additional functions, e.g. +screen saver, soft scrolling - ASH005A.ZIP 343055 06-02-94 "Accutek Shell v0.05a", excellent DOS file +manager, useful substitute for file managers +such as Norton Commander - ATCOMP15.ZIP 23313 11-10-92 "@Compare v1.5", compares two files with +respect to identical content (e.g. text +files, BAT-BAK...) - ATTS.ZIP 6952 31-12-93 "Atts v1.0", searches for files with hidden +or read-only flags, can also modify flags - AUTOCON.ZIP 137831 07-11-93 "AutoCon v2.0i", allows to boot up to 50 +different Autoexec.bat/Config.sys +configurations - AUTODIZD.ZIP 52414 21-03-94 "Pegasus AutoDIZ v3.1", scans download lists +and inserts file descriptions as file +comments into archives (FILE_ID.DIZ) - BAKERA65.ZIP 21518 23-11-93 "BakEra v6.5a", deletes .BAK, .SIK and .~* +backup files on any drive in all directories - BBOOT.ZIP 3861 30-04-93 "Drive B Boot Utility", allows to boot from +drive B: - BIGTEXT.ZIP 123100 02-12-92 "BigText v1.5", transforms (even large) text +files into automatic-run EXE files - BILL.ZIP 10371 09-12-93 "Bill!", screen saver for DOS - BILLUTIL.ZIP 81846 13-11-93 "Bill's Utils", several DOS utilities +(DIRsize, FIND command,...), with C source +codes - BKPWZ329.ZIP 133015 12-12-93 "BakupWiz v3.28", disk backup program, +functional and extensive, unfortunately +somewhat confusing - BOOK410.ZIP 88366 24-10-93 "Booklet v4.1", printer utility, prints text +files in landscape format, utilises both +sides of printer paper - BOOT202.ZIP 211060 06-01-94 "Boot.Sys v2.02", develop your own +menu-operated CONFIG.SYS (similar to DOS 6.x) - BRINF130.ZIP 78310 14-11-92 "BackInfo v1.3", creates backup of +MasterBoot records on floppy disk, can be +restored after system crash - BRKPOI10.ZIP 5291 29-12-93 "Break Point v1.0", allows to interrupt +stack file at any point by pressing ESC - BSS138.ZIP 32165 27-11-93 "Bunch's String Search Utility v1.38", +searches for any string of characters in +files - BTEASY14.ZIP 15825 11-09-93 "BootEasy v1.4", enables menu-operated +booting of various operating systems - CAL13.ZIP 31237 02-01-94 "Calendar v1.3", displays six month of a +year in calendar fashion, with print function - CAL_28.ZIP 40520 06-12-93 "Cal v2.8", little monthly calendar for DOS, +with C source - CAPACITY.ZIP 136118 26-09-93 "Capacity v1.0", indicates free and used +disk space of all connected drives - CAV10E.ZIP 215504 13-04-93 "CacheAll v1.0e", cache programm for +CD-ROMs, hard disks, optical disks, +networks... - CFG_22.ZIP 52909 10-11-93 "CFG v2.2", utility for Config.sys and +Autoexec.bat, helps to reveal if programs +have been installed properly - CFLR536Q.ZIP 180850 31-03-94 "CM-Filer v5.36q", window-operated DOS file +manager providing all relevant functions - CFONT.ZIP 73260 24-12-93 "Common Font v1.0", several fonts that can +be used as VGA screen fonts - CHECKEYS.ZIP 28780 29-10-93 "Check Keys v1.0", check SHIFT, CTRL and ALT +in stack files in order to induce certain +operations if required - CHG28.ZIP 14630 05-01-94 "Chg v2.8", modification of file attributes - CLKTM4.ZIP 11429 15-11-93 "ClockTimer v4.0s", runs certain operations +or files at set times - CLNUP10.ZIP 11756 05-10-93 "CleanUp v1.0", deletes temporary files in +all kinds of directories +(.TMP/.SYD/.OLD/.$$$/.BAK), with Pascal +source - CLOCK36.ZIP 113324 11-12-93 "Clock v3.6", device driver for Config.sys, +enhances precision of clock, takes account +of summer time, etc - CLUSTR.ZIP 34223 19-11-93 "Cluster v1.0", helps to optimise +partitioning of large hard disk with regard +to clusters - CNFG5.ZIP 78856 15-11-93 "Config v5.0", menu-operated configuration +booter allowing to boot up to 25 different +configurations - COCO2_12.ZIP 26549 26-11-93 "TRS-80 Colour Computer II Emulator v1.2", +software emulator for CoCo II computer - COMBI113.ZIP 47099 03-05-93 "Combi-Disk v1.13", RAM disk and hard disk +cache - COMEBK30.ZIP 255971 14-03-94 "Comeback v3.0", undelete utility, restores +deleted files, with comfortable graphical +user-interface - COMPRT25.ZIP 30437 27-09-93 "Comport v2.5", helps to configure serial +and parallel interfaces - COMTEST.ZIP 35369 04-11-93 "COMTest v4.0", tests serial interfaces and +outputs corresponding information - CONF705E.ZIP 97910 23-11-93 "PC-Config v7.05s", system information and +benchmark program, outputs most important +information on respective computer - CONFIG61.ZIP 101232 14-10-93 "Auto-Config v6.1", enables to boot computer +with one out of several configurations - CONRU161.ZIP 42754 01-11-93 "ConRu v1.61", screen and keyboard driver +supporting Russian language - CONUA161.ZIP 47631 01-11-93 "ConUa v1.61", screen and keyboard driver +supporting Ukrainian language - CONVR311.ZIP 109232 07-11-93 "Convert v3.11", converts various file +formats (dBase --> Lotus WKS,..) - COPYQ311.ZIP 136610 04-11-93 "CopyQM v3.11", copies disks in one single +run - CPCEMU08.ZIP 192264 08-09-93 "CPCEmu v0.8", software emulator for +Amstrad-CPC - CPDSK15B.ZIP 21707 09-09-93 "CPDisk v1.5b", simple but fast diskcopying +program, copies disks in one single run - CRSHATCH.ZIP 26849 19-10-93 "Crosshatch Generator v1.1", draws +horizontal and vertical lines, good to check +monitor - CRT40.ZIP 12197 09-09-93 "CRT v4.0", little system utility to change +foreground and background colour of screen - CSAP420.ZIP 42121 11-02-94 "CSAP v4.2.0", sorter for directories, with +C source - CT50.ZIP 60483 10-06-93 "CacheTest v5.0", checks efficiency of hard +disk cache in use - CTSSPU12.ZIP 100063 06-12-93 "CTS Serial Port Utilities v1.2", various +tools to configure serial ports etc - D2DDEM34.ZIP 63754 14-04-93 "Disc-to-Disc Copy Program v3.4", copies +disks in one single run, making frequent +change of disks obsolete - D433.ZIP 24301 09-02-94 "D v4.33", alternative directory command +showing files in compact columnmised form - D70U02.ZIP 104702 05-04-94 "Novell DOS 7" update files, contains +CHKDSK.EXE, NWCDEX.EXE, DPMS.EXE and +SETFIFIO.EXE files - DAB140.ZIP 22214 02-01-94 "Delete all but v1.4", excludes certain +files from global delete command - DATEMI11.ZIP 11577 13-01-94 "DateMinder v1.1", reminds user of impending +schedules when computer is booted, connected +to autoexec.bat - DBD1.ZIP 11548 05-12-93 "DBD v1.0", selectively deletes files +between user-defined dates - DC12.ZIP 9672 14-10-93 "Directory Compare v1.2", compares files in +two directories with regard to date and file +name - DCF43.ZIP 106611 10-10-93 "Disc Copy Fast v4.3", fast single-pass disk +copying program - DDIR94B.ZIP 54981 30-11-93 "DDir v9.4b", comprehensive DIR command, +displays files in clear fashion, can also +delete and copy files - DEATH20.ZIP 19467 21-02-94 "Deathto v2.0", deletes all files and +directories in a chosen directory - DF353.ZIP 64595 12-12-93 "DF v3.53", transforms whole floppy disk +into picture/image file, can also write +image file back onto disk - DFAT26.ZIP 19476 25-01-94 "DFAT v2.6", indicates use of hard disk FAT +only works with partitions <= 32 MByte - DFL340.ZIP 215839 30-12-93 "Duplicate File Locator v3.4", finds +duplicate files, also searches in archives - DIF110.ZIP 44184 16-12-93 "Diff v1.1", compares two files, directories +and even contents of two archive files - DIM14A.ZIP 38532 18-04-93 "Disk Image Archiver v1.4a", generates image +file on floppy disk including system tracks - DIRCO308.ZIP 93937 18-08-93 "DirComp", compares two directories and +finds differences - DIRINFO.ZIP 23367 28-10-93 "Directory Info v1.0d", shows number of +files in directory (plus file size) DOS and +Windows version - DIRTO310.ZIP 161750 16-10-93 "DirTotal v3.1", generates list showing +number of files in directory or on drive - DIRX110.ZIP 35086 29-06-93 "DirX v1.1", shows if executable files might +have been compressed with ExePack program - DISKLF28.ZIP 46075 06-02-94 "DiskLeft v2.8", finds out how much free +disk space is left on available drives - DISKST01.ZIP 29506 30-11-93 "DiskStat v1.0", shows statistics of +available drives (size, percentage used ,...) - DIXCPY20.ZIP 13921 30-11-93 "DixCopy v2.0", alternative DISKCOPY +command, uses XMS and EMS memory - DIZEDIT4.ZIP 72136 04-02-94 "DIZEdit v4.9a", simple editor for archive +file descriptions (FILE_ID.DIZ) - DJCUTI.ZIP 17670 09-12-93 "ZAP/SZAP", convenient file-delete utility, +removes files and directories, including +subdirectories - DJLP_114.ZIP 16190 07-08-93 "Desk/LaserJet Line Printer v1.14", prints +two pages of text on one single page - DMAN120.ZIP 81382 01-01-94 "Driv_Man v1.2", generates a concise status +report of all connected drives, very useful - DNO3.ZIP 42286 29-10-93 "DNote*It Plus v3.0", allows file names or +file annotations with up to 255 characters - DOR44.ZIP 58687 16-08-93 "DOR v4.4", alternative DIR command with +somewhat clearer documented - DOSM21.ZIP 85003 06-06-93 "DOSMax v2.1", add-on for DOS memory +manager. frees conventional memory - DOSM21.ZIP 85003 06-06-93 "DosMax v2.1", loads files, FCBS, Lastdrive, +buffers and stacks in Upper Memory thus +creating more free memory - DOSNX22B.ZIP 255013 27-12-93 "DOSNix v2.2b", several UNIX commands for +DOS (CP/copy, MV/move, LS/list, ...) - DQWIK110.ZIP 123244 20-08-93 "DiskQwik v1.1", device driver for AT/IDE +hard disks, increases data transfer rate up +to 45% - DRM33.ZIP 132291 09-01-94 "Dr. Memory v3.3", reminds user of impending +schedules when activated - DRY586.ZIP 173384 30-09-93 "Dhrystone V", benchmark program (protected +mode) for 486 and Pentium processors - DSK300.ZIP 178290 08-12-93 "DiskList v3.0", convenient print utility to +create disk labels with included table of +contents - DSPACE63.ZIP 58952 31-10-93 "SMEM v6.3/DSpace v6.3", indicates free and +used memory of all connected drives - DT_112.ZIP 660621 08-05-94 "Dos-Tools v1.12", valuable collection of +various DOS tools by Landmark - DUAL16.ZIP 270032 22-09-93 "DualTools v1.6s", file manager for DOS with +all functions that can be expected - DXP231.ZIP 186702 08-11-93 "Disk eXPress v2.31", generates image file +of any floppy disk including boot sectors +(runs with DOS and OS/2) - ECHBLK23.ZIP 8156 16-10-93 "Echoblok v2.3", add-on for CONFIG.SYS in +use with DOS 6.x, shows all lines associated +with certain boot menu entry - ECPAGE.ZIP 282375 15-12-93 "ECPage v2.05", design of form sheets or +page layout for use with HP-LaserJet 3/4 - EDCON210.ZIP 24633 01-01-94 "EDCON Pro v2.10", simultaneous viewing and +editing of AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS in +two windows - EDDY7G.ZIP 216114 25-12-93 "Eddy v7g", multi-purpose directory utility, +i.e. file manager, editor, text viewer... - EDIR10.ZIP 9251 09-08-93 "Enhanced Directory v1.0", enhanced +directory command, displays certain file +types in colour - EE.ZIP 77574 02-01-94 "EE v1.0", direct editing of existing DOS +environments - EPUPTIME.ZIP 32121 18-10-93 "UpTime v1.0", keeps track on how long +computer has been in use between two +rebooting processes (with C source) - ET301.ZIP 208321 29-12-93 "ElfTree v3.01s", file manager for DOS, +relatively clear and functional layout - ETHLD103.ZIP 139858 07-11-93 "Ethload v1.03", comparatively simple but +good analyser for Ethernet protocols - EUROKEYS.ZIP 11998 08-12-93 "EuroKeys", enables user to type all special +european characters with US keyboard - EXHUME.ZIP 11564 05-01-94 "Exhume v1.0", helps to reconstruct damaged +files, i.e. faulty FAT (link sectors +manually) -