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Sites which contain the word interesting

Abandoned Missile Base VR Tour
Acadie Net
Advice on Academic Writing
Afnet Afric Network
AFRO-Americ@: The Afro-American Newspapers Home Page
Air Canada
Alaska Volcano Observatory
Amnesia Interactive Novel
Animal Information Database
Aperçu du Luxembourg
Arbois Prêt à Tout
Archimedes Home Page
The Armchair Scientist
Ask Dr. Math
B-EYE: The World Through the Eyes of a Bee
Le Baobab Adansonia digitata
The Bayeux Tapestry
Berry First Class
Bienvenidos a la Internet en Costa Rica
Café Boliviano
Le Cantal (Hebergement NET 15)
Carnac Bretagne Sud
La Carte Iles Kerguelen
Cartographic Communication
Casa de Chupacabra
Catcher in the Rye
CBC Radio-Canada
Center for Polymer Studies
Central Europe Online
Centre Georges Pompidou
El Centro Chicano Stanford University
Chicago Academy of Sciences
Colonial American Newspapers: 1690-1776
Colonial Williamsburg
The Columbus Navigation Home Page
The Curmudgeon's Stylebook: Contents and Index
D-Day 1944
De Imperatoribus Romanis: An Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors
Democracy in America
Dictionnaire des Citations
The Digital Classroom
Domestic Terrorism Page
The East India Company
Einstein: Image and Impact
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Embajada de España en Londres Consejerìa de Educación y Ciencia
Era of William McKinley
Extreme Science
El Fascinante Mundo Canino/The Wonderful Canine World
Favorite Mathematical Constants
FedWorld Information Network
El Fiesta de Muertos
Fiesta del Mariachi
Fiona's Shark Mani
Fleurs Plantes Jardins
Fractals in Science
France.com MAG
The Franklin Institute Science Museum
French West Indies Net Martinique, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin
From Trains to T-1
The Gettysburg Address
Les Grandes Dates de la Langue Française
The Hill: The Capitol Newspaper
History of Money from Ancient Times to the Present Day
Hola! (Hello) Oh What a Book! Science and More!!
Hong Kong Links
Horagai: Abe Kobo
InfoUse's Plane Math
Institut Curie La Science au Service de l'Homme Section Recherche
Japanese Fairy Tales
JFK: A Photo History
John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President of the United States
Joystick Onze Mondial
KANTUTA The Bolivian Music Page
Kay E. Vandergrift's Special Interest Page
L'univers des Belles-Lettres Africaines les Femmes Ecrivains et les Littératures Africaines
The Laboratory of Atomic and Solid State Physics
Lausanne Antique
Lewis Carroll Home Page
La Liberté Le Journal Hebdomadaire Franco-Manitobain
Liberty Online
Littérature Québécoise
Little Shop of Physics
Lonely Planet
Lycos Cybersurfari '97
Magasins Galeries Lafayette
MagNet Le Premier Quotidien Français d'Informations Générales On-line
Maison & Travaux
Making Maps Easy to Read
The Manhattan Project
Marie Claire Belgium
The Mathman
Medal of Honor
MidLink Magazine
El Mundo de la Cultura Maya
Mungo Park
Musée Acadien de l'Université de Moncton
Musée Virtuel de La Nouvelle-France
Mystery of the Maya
Nantes Atlantique
Natural Language Playground, The
Negro League Baseball On-line Archives
NetSERF: The Internet Connection for Medieval Resources
New Images of the Seafloor off the U.S. Coast
Nîmes, 2000 Ans d'Histoire
The Notable Citizens of Planet Earth Biographical Dictionary
Nova Online
The Oregon Trail
Pagina de la Lengua y Cultura Hispanas
The Papa Page
Penguin Page
A People at War
Peugeot Le Plaisir Automobile
PHRASEOLOGY: A Catalogue of Multilingual Resources on the Internet
Pianos and Continued Fractions
Pintores de Tigua: Indigenous Artists of Ecuador
The Plain People
La Planète Mars
Poésie Française
Portada del Balcón
The Positive Press: Good News Every Day
The Primordial Soup Kitchen
Propuestas desde Nicaragua
Puerto Rico
La Région Aquitaine à la Carte
Retablos Collection
Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie
Riviera Magazine Côte d'Azur
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
El Salvador
Satellite Oceanography Laboratory
Science News Online
ScienceDaily Magazine
Le site de poésie de Marie
Le Site Internet Fransaskois
Le Site Web Officiel Jacques Villeneuve
Le Soleil de Québec Le Quotidien de la Capitale
Space Department Johns Hopkins University
Spain and Spanish on the Net
The Spanish Homepage
Spanish Language Resources
Spanish Monarchy
Star Trek Monti's Web
Surfer Beware: Personal Privacy and the Internet
Ta Carte de Navigation
Tambora y Guira
Theater Sites
Those Were the Days
Timeline of the Civil War
U.S. History Out Loud
The Ultimate Collections of News Links
The Universal Black Pages
Using Young Adult Fiction and Non-Fiction to Produce Critical Readers
Vietnam Veterans Home Page
Le Vieux-Port de Montréal
Vincent Voice Library
Virtual Museum of Computing
Virtual Renaissance: A Journey Through Time
virtually react
Visiter Le Vieux Rouen à Pied
Visualizing Black Hole Spacetime
A Walk Through Time
The Walt Whitman Collection
The Warren Report
The Wiretap Electronic Text Archive
Women in World History Curriculum
The World Village Project