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Sites which contain the word includes

10 Downing Street
1492: An Ongoing Voyage
1910 Revolución Picture Archivo (UT-El Paso MECHA)
A 19th Century Woman's Place
The 50 States of the United States
Abandoned Missile Base VR Tour
Abraham Lincoln Online
Abraham Lincoln
An Abridged History of the United States
The African American Mosaic
AfricaNews Online
AJR NewsLink
Alaska Volcano Observatory
Alice Walker Womanist Writer
Alphonse Daudet (1840-1897) Centenaire
American History
American Institute of Physics
American Mathematics Competition
American Slave Narratives
The American West
Anatomy of a Murder: A Trip Through Our Nation's Legal Justice System
The Ancient City of Athens
AP U.S. History Page
Archeus: Worksearch Resources
Arctic Circle Home Page
Artificial Intelligence
Asian-American Theatre Revue
Atlas to the World Wide Web
Atomic Age Archive
Aurora Page
The Battle of Hastings
Benjamin Franklin: Glimpses of the Man
Betsy Ross Homepage
Biographical Profiles of Some Important 19th Century African Americans
BioTech's Life Science Dictionary
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield Body Atlas
Books in Chains
BookWire The First Place to Look for Book Information
Bosnia Home Page
British Women's Novels: A Reading List, 1777-1818
Brooklyn Botanical Garden Articles
Bugs in the News
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society
Calendar Land
The Camelot Project
The Carter Center
The Centaurian: John Updike Home Page
The Challenger Accident
Chaos Theory, Dynamic Systems, and Fractal Geometry
Charles Dickens, The Great Expectations Index
Chemistry Helper
Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of Foreign Governments
China Education and Research Project
China: 5,000 Year Timeline of Chinese History
A Chronology of U.S. Historical Documents
CIA World Fact Book
City Beautiful: The 1901 Plan for Washington, D.C.
Civil War Interactive
Club Girl Tech
La Cocina Mexicana
Colle Française
Collected French Verse from the Oxford Book of French Verse of 1908
Collected Works of Shakespeare/The Works of the Bard
Colonial American Newspapers: 1690-1776
The Concord Review
The Cool Word of the Day Page
Crayon CReAte Your Own Newspaper
CyberSaunter Henry David Thoreau
CyberU Internet Basics
Cybrary of the Holocaust
The Daily News
The Democratic Party Online
Dennis Kunkel's Microscopy
The Digital Classroom
Distinguished Women Past and Present
The Donner Party
Dr. Rix Spanish Trix
The Early America Review
Earth and Moon Viewer
The East India Company
Edwin Moise Bibliography of the Vietnam War
Eighteenth Century Resources
Einstein: Image and Impact
Electronic Embassy
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
Electronic Zoo
The Emma Goldman Papers
Emory University Postcolonial Studies
The Empiricist
The Encyclopedia Mythica
Endangered Species Program
Enola Gay Perspectives
Exposition Giono
eZines: Ultimate Magazine Database
Fabulists Home Page
FDR Cartoon Archive
First Nations Histories
Fractals in Science
The French and Indian War
G. K. Chesterton
The Gallery of the Open Frontier
The GeoNet Game
The Gettysburg Address
The Great Thompson Hunt
Guaraní Paraguayo
A Guide to Classic Mystery and Detection
The Gunpowder Plot Page
Historic Audio Archives
History of Mathematics
History Resources
Hong Kong '97: Lives in Transition
Human Development Report 1997
Human Rights
An Index of Web Sites on Modernism
Indian Pueblo Cultural Center
El Índice
Indigenous People's Literature
The Inkwell
InterKnowledge Travel Network Latin American Destinations
Internet 1996 World Exposition
The Internet: Bringing Order from Chaos
Irish Literature, Mythology, Folklore, and Drama
The Irish Poetry Page
Italian Literature
JFK: A Photo History
John's Nautical Literature Page
The Josef Stalin Archives
The Kennedy Assassination
King Arthur: History and Legend
Kings and Queens of Europe
L'Chaim: A Holocaust Web Project
Landform Atlas of the United States
Leonardo da Vinci Museum
Letters Magazine
Letters from an Iowa Soldier in the Civil War
Liberty Online
Library of Alexandria
Library of Congress American Memory Home Page
The Literary Gothic
Literature and Film
Literature Resources for the High School and College Student
Lost Generation
Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888)
The Manhattan Project
Many Voices: American Indian Students Journal
Mars Exploration Program
Marshall Plan 50th Anniversary Site
Medal of Honor
Microworlds Exploring the Structure of Materials
The Mideast Peace Process
MidLink Magazine
Military and Diplomatic Biography
Modern Wonders
Mount Rushmore
Mr. William Shakespeare and the Internet
Musée Acadien de l'Université de Moncton
Nahuatl World
Napier University Library: War Poets Collection
NASA Kennedy Space Center
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Native American Literature Online
Negro League Baseball On-line Archives
NetScience Physics, Calculus, Chemistry
The Notable Citizens of Planet Earth Biographical Dictionary
The Objectivism Resource Guide
Ocean Planet
The Oregon Trail
Panama Pictures Archives
The Papers of James Madison
Passport to Africa
Patrick Henry
The Perseus Project
Persistence of Spirit
PHRASEOLOGY: A Catalogue of Multilingual Resources on the Internet
The Plain People
Polymers DotCom
Pony Express Home Station
The Positive Press: Good News Every Day
POTUS: Presidents of the United States
Project Bartleby
The Pulp Page
Rabelais et son temps
Radio France Internationale
Readers' and Writers' Resource Page
Republic of Colombia
Richest Man in the World: Andrew Carnegie
Right Side of the Web
The Rise of Adolph Hitler
The Robert C. Williams American Museum of Papermaking
Roget's Thesaurus
Romeo and Juliet Web Guide
Russia Today
Salman Rushdie
Scottish Literature at the University of South Carolina
Secrets of the Norman Invasion
Seeds of Change Garden
Le Service de la langue française: Services et jeux de langue
The Sikhism Home Page
The Sixties Project and Viet Nam Generation, Inc.
The Smithsonian: America's Treasure House of Learning
Snagged Links: On Modern World Drama
Social Studies Questions
Solar Utilities Network
Le Soleil de Québec Le Quotidien de la Capitale
Somi Cinéma
Sonoran Anthropod Studies Institute
The St. Thomas More Web Page
Students and Credit Cards
Study Guide for H. G. Wells: War of the Worlds
Surfer Beware: Personal Privacy and the Internet
Sustainable Farming Connection
Thomas: Legislative Information on the Internet
El Tiempo
Tracking Drifter Buoys
U.S. Air Force Museum
U.S. Gazetteer
U.S. History Out Loud
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
United States House of Representatives
United States Senate
Vassar CoolSchool: The Best Sites on the Web for Teens and Teachers
The Victorian Web
Vietnam Online
Vietnam Veterans Home Page
The Viking Home Page
Virtual English
Voice of America Gopher Menu
Waksman Challenge, The
Watergate 25
The Web of Culture
The Whirlwind War
Window on Korea
Women in Canadian Literature
Women in World History Curriculum
A Word a Day
World Population Figures
Writing Black
WWW Virtual Library West European Studies Research Sources
Zoo in the Wild