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The 19th Century London Stage: An Exploration
A 19th Century Woman's Place
221B Baker Street: Sherlock Holmes
256 Shades of Grey
A&E Behind the Scenes
The Aboriginal Poetry Bibliography
About Poetry Stuff from Don
Academy of Achievement: Virtual Book Club
The Academy of American Poets
Advanced Grammar and Composition
Advice on Academic Writing
African American Literature
Albert Camus
Alice Walker Womanist Writer
The Alsop Review
American Drama
American Film Institute
American Literature Survey Site
American Scenes: Lorraine Hansberry
American Slanguages
Amnesia Interactive Novel
Animal Farm
Anniina's Amy Tan Page
Archeus: Worksearch Resources
Ask Miss Grammar
Athena: Authors & Texts
Atlantic Monthly Poetry Pages
Atlantic Unbound The Atlantic Monthly
Author's Pen
AwardWeb: Collections of Literary Award Information
Background Readings on Female Coming-of-Age Stories
Banned Books Online
Baragona's Chaucer Page
Barr's English Class
Basic Prose Style and Mechanics
Ben Okri Page
Bibliomania, The Network Library
Black Classic Press
A Black Cultural Studies Website
More English sites.