Japanese Verbs 1.0 KiCompWare July 1993 1. Introduction JVerbs is a MS-Windows reference and study program for most common Japanese Verbs, their forms, usage, and more. JVerbs can display the verbs in kanji/hiragana, hiragana, katakana, or romaji (using English characters). Some knowledge of the Japanese language is recommended but not required. For studying the verbs there are three kinds of flashcards, a matching quiz, multiple choice quiz, and review and practice endings quizzes. This is a working demo, limited only in the number verbs, and the verb help provided. For more information see the online help. 2. System Software and Hardware Requirements - IBM PC (386, 486, PS/2, or compatible) - MS-Windows 3.1 - A hard drive or a floppy drive with at least 1 meg of available space 3. Installation Create a separate directory for JVerbs (c:\jverbs), and unzip the jverbs demo distribution into it. Run the program from DOS by typing: win jverbs or use the Program Manager and the "New" item under the File menu to create the icon in a group, or use the File Manager to started JVerbs. Then just explore. 4. Files readme jverbs.exe jverbsd.hlp jverbsd.jvb jverbs2d.jvb kijis16.fnt bitlib.dll hlpd.jvb kikana.fon tutord.jvb Other Programs by KiCompWare MOKE 2.1 - a Japanese Word Processor with many tools for foreigner speakers KG 1.0 - a Japanese Quiz program for hiragana, katakana, kanji. MagView 0.6 - a MS-Windows Japanese graphic anime viewer/file converter. ReadBook 0.2 a Electronic Book Reader for Japanese EB. For more information on these program, call or write KiCompWare. Questions, Comments, Bug Reports, etc. KiCompWare P.O. Box 536 Appleton, WI 54912 USA Phone: 612-773-8621 BBS: 612-779-0886 compuserve: 101015,206 Internet: 101015.206@compuserve