1 Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent 2 Type 3 Status 4 Captured At 5 %d incidents to send 9 Are you sure you want to delete these %d incidents? 10 Are you sure you want to delete this incident? 11 &More 12 &Less 13 Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent 14 Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent 64 Packing 65 In Queue 66 Connecting 67 Sending 68 Receiving 69 Closing 70 %d incident to send 71 Idle 72 Prompting 73 Talkback/1.0; Win32 74 Paused 75 108,110,109 76 Talkback is unable to save this file. There is not enough disk space or the file you are replacing is corrupt.\n\nTry saving to another drive or using a different file name. 77 SupportSoft Talkback 78 A valid address is required. Enter the address of the proxy server you wish to use. 79 A number between 0 and 65535 is required. 80 Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent 81 Nullsoft 82 Incident ID 83 Comments 84 Error Sending 85 The Agent is unable to prepare this incident for sending. This incident will not be sent. 86 Sent 87 Info 89 Options 90 Proxy Server 91 Archiving 92 Columns 93 Warnings 94 Sending 95 Create New Incident 96 Send Queued Incidents(s) 97 Delete Currently Selected Incident(s) 98 Help 99 Status: %s 100 Sending incident %d of %d 101 ABOUTLOGO 102 NETSCAPEWIZARD 128 Unknown 129 Program Crash 130 Program Trigger 131 Assert Failed 132 Unknown Exit 133 User Initiated (Outside) 134 User Initiated (Inside) 135 Periodic Trigger 136 Program Hang 1024 No Description Available 1025 No Valid Server URLs 1026 Connect Failed 1027 Send Failed 1028 Receive Failed 1029 Cancelled 1030 Unexpected Response 1031 Fetching proxy configuration from 1042 Details 1044 A number between 1 and 365 is required. 1045 A number between 0 and 9999 is required. 1046 A number between 1 and 1500 is required. 1047 &Queue 1048 &Don't Queue 1049 The Agent is unable to connect to the server. Please check your Proxy Server settings or try again later. 1050 Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent 1051 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1052 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1053 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1054 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1055 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1056 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1057 The Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent has captured information that Nullsoft needs to help improve Winamp's quality. 1058 &Send 1059 &Don't Send 1060 Sh&ow Details 1062 UIControls = 0, TriggerLabel, DescLabel, EmailLabel, EmailEdit, UpdateCkBox, URLLabel, URLEdit, CommentLabel, CommentMultiEdit, PromptUser, VendorLogo, Label2, TradeMarkLink\nTriggerLabel = 8, 94, 7, 224, 18\nDescLabel = 1, 94, 31, 224, 16, "Enter your email address (optional), describe how you were using Winamp (optional), then click Send."\nEmailLabel = 1, 94, 55, 224, 9, "Your Email Address (optional):"\nEmailEdit = 2, 94, 66, 224, 12, "SUser email address", "", 0, 1\nUpdateCkBox = 4, 94, 85, 224, 9, "SWant Updates", "Send me information about updates products", 0, 0\nURLLabel = 1, 94, 99, 224, 11, "If failure occurred within the browser please provide URL/location:"\nURLEdit = 2, 94, 110, 224, 12, "SUser Input Text", "", 0, 1\nCommentLabel = 1, 94, 127, 224, 9, "Describe what you were doing when Winamp failed (optional):"\nCommentMultiEdit = 3, 94, 139, 224, 47, "SUser Comments", "", 4, 0\nPromptUser = 9, 94, 194, 224, 10, "Automatically send incidents (don't show this dialog again)"\nVendorLogo = 10, 1063 UIControls = 0, TriggerLabel, EmailLabel, EmailEdit, UpdateCkBox, URLLabel, URLEdit, CommentLabel, CommentMultiEdit, PromptUser, VendorLogo, Label2, TradeMarkLink\nTriggerLabel = 8, 94, 7, 227, 17\nEmailLabel = 1, 94, 30, 227, 9, "Your Email Address (optional):"\nEmailEdit = 2, 94, 42, 227, 12, "SUser email address", "", 0, 1\nUpdateCkBox = 4, 94, 66, 227, 9, "SWant Updates", "Send me information about updates to Nullsoft products", 0, 0\nURLLabel = 1, 94, 87, 227, 9, "If failure occurred within the browser please provide URL/location:"\nURLEdit = 2, 94, 100, 227, 12, "SUser Input Text", "", 0, 1\nCommentLabel = 1, 94, 121, 227, 9, "Describe what you were doing when Winamp failed (optional):"\nCommentMultiEdit = 3, 94, 132, 227, 45, "SUser comments", "", 4, 0\nPromptUser = 9, 94, 185, 227, 10, "Automatically send incidents (don't show this dialog again)"\nVendorLogo = 10, 7, 7, 0, 0, "NETSCAPELOGO"\nLabel2 = 1, 94, 206, 227, 8, "Nullsoft Quality Feedback Agent is based on SupportSoft Talkback."\nTradeMarkLink = 7, 94, 216, 227, 8, "http://www.SupportSoft.com", "Talkback is a trade mark of ", "SupportSoft, Inc.", "", 1, 1\n\n