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Women's Issues

The only question left to be settled now is: are women persons?

Susan B. Anthony

Trying to do it all? Superwoman to the rescue? This category is devoted strictly to women and women's issues. Here you'll find information on academia, careers, history, families, relationships and sexuality, and health to name a few.

Academic/Women's Studies

American Association of University Women (AAUW)

The American Association of University Women is a national organization that promotes education and equity for all women and girls. This Web site describes AAUW issues, research programs, grants and fellowships, membership information, and much more.

Centre for Women's Studies in Education (CWSE)

This Web server in Toronto, Ontario, Canada is run by the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. Among its many pages you will find project descriptions, research papers, information on CWSE publications, and links to women's studies sites worldwide.

Feminist Studies in Aotearoa Electronic Journal (FMST)

FMST is produced by and for those interested in feminist theory, feminist perspectives in philosophy, and contemporary feminist debates, publications and research, and is operated out of Dunebin, New Zealand. Besides an index of issues and online articles, FMST also provides a service called FMST-TALK for service subscribers.

InforM Women's Studies Database

The women's studies database serves those people interested in the women's studies profession and in general women's issues. The searchable database contains collections of conference announcements, calls for papers, and employment opportunities, as well as a picture gallery, a significant number of government documents, and much more.

Library Resources for Women's Studies

At the site title indicates, this page provides links to university and research center libraries across the U.S. that contain "useful or unique collections" related to women's studies. Includes Telnet, Gopher, FTP, and Web addresses.

The true aim of female education should be, not a development of one or two, but all the faculties of the human soul, because no perfect womanhood is developed by imperfect culture.

Frances Watkins Harper

The Women's Studies Reference Roadmap

This resource listing from the University of Antwerp, Belgium, contains links to women's studies Internet sites around Europe. Also contains a relatively complete directory of mailing lists and Usenet newsgroups talking about women's studies and feminism.

Arts and Entertainment

Creating A Celebration of Women Writers

This site provides links to complete online editions of books by women writers. Currently an index by author is provided, with expansion plans in the works. Volunteers to help with this project are requested; submissions must be either public domain titles (such as the classics) or be authorized by the copyright holder.

Feminist Arts—Music

An annotated list of feminist musicians, with links to the artists' home pages and/or fan club pages where you can get more information.

Feminist Bookstores

This page provides a comprehensive listing of women's bookstores in the U.S. and Canada arranged by state and province. Includes postal addresses and Internet links (if applicable).

Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Utopia

This site provides very detailed information on the page's title topic. An indexed bibliography, book reviews, and author biographies, as well as non-fiction information literary criticism, conferences, and much more. Also included is like information on related literary genres and links to related sites.

Film Reviews

Part of the inforM site, this page catalogs many feminist reviews of films. There are hundreds of films here, each thoughtfully reviewed.


Flicker is a great source of information about alternative films. You can read about filmmakers, find out what's showing where, and download images from films.

Guerrilla Girls

The Guerrilla Girls are a group of women artists and arts professionals who make posters about discrimination. They dub themselves as the "feminist counterparts to the mostly male tradition of anonymous do-gooders like Robin Hood, Batman, and the Lone Ranger." Available online is information on their cause, reactions to their work, and, of course, posters for sale.

Her Own Words®

This Web site for Her Own Words® Women's History, Literature, & Art Videotapes gives company history, video reviews, an online newsletter, and ordering information. The videos produced by this company all present primary-source, first-person accounts of women's history which are recommended for educational use.

I prefer liberty to chains of diamonds.

Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

Lifetime Online

This is the World Wide Web extension of Lifetime Television, the women's network. Provides not only information about Lifetime's television schedule and programs, but articles on health and fitness, parenting, sports, and more. Includes a searchable index of topics covered.

Spinsters Ink

Spinsters Ink publishes novels and non-fiction works that deal with significant issues in women's lives from a feminist perspective. Included on their Web site are book reviews, ordering information, and submission information.

Women in the Arts

WIA is the organization that produces the National Women's Music Festival, the oldest and largest all-indoor festival of women's music and culture, each June. Find out what they have in store for this year's festival, and learn more about this non-profit organization.

Women's Books Online

This site calls itself a cooperative book review, which means that it provides a place for women to post reviews of women's books available at women's bookstores. The only drawback is that submission instructions are not posted.

The World's Women On-Line!

The World's Women On-Line! is an electronic art networking project that was begun in conjunction with the Fourth World Conference on Women in September 1995. The above address takes you to a list of HTML pages; each page represents a particular artist. Unfortunately there does not seem to be a top page linking them all in HTML format.

Career and Work

The Ada Project

Provides resources and information for women in the computer sciences.

The Barnard Business and Professional Women Metasite

The Metaguide is an annotated list of Internet sites and collections related to business, women's issues and organizations, feminized professions, employment, general subject-searching, and current events (electronic newspapers).


BizWomen provides the online interactive community for successful women in business: to communicate, network, exchange ideas, and provide support for each other via the Internet. BizWomen also provides you with an Internet presence with your online "business card," a colorful online "brochure," or interactive "catalog," to make your products and services available online.

The Business Women's Network

The Business Women's Network, a division of Public Affairs Group, Inc., was designed to encourage communication and networking between the top businesswomen's organizations in the U.S. BWN is dedicated to the promotion of business and professional women by providing assistance to corporations, businesswomen's organizations and state and federal agencies.

Society of Women Engineers

Information about the Society, plus a resume database and job search help for female engineers. You can also subscribe to their magazine and find out how to submit articles for publication in it.

U.S. Department of Labor—Women's Bureau

Information about how the Women's Bureau is working to ensure women a level playing field in the work arena, including women's labor statistics and information about current programs the Bureau is sponsoring.

Women's Business Ownership

Produced by the U.S. Small Business Association, this page provides information and resource links for women currently running or seeking to run small businesses in the United States.

The Women's Resource Directory

A Houston-based site focusing on promoting and growing women-owned businesses. Includes a classified ad section, a marketplace, and many articles on business management and ownership.

Feminism and Feminist Politics

Colleen's Feminism Home Page

This personal home page summarizes many women's issues, including nonsexist language, quotations, women's right to vote, and much more.

Feminism and Women's Resources

A large collection of feminist and women's resources on the Internet.

FEMINIST.COM is a site aimed at helping women network more effectively on the Internet. Includes the abridged text of articles and speeches, women's health resources, women-owned businesses, and more.

Feminist Majority Foundation Online

This site contains information on government actions for and against women, an online discussion group, publication information, and much more. There is also a shopping area where you can purchase feminist gifts, clothing, and other items.

Gender Equity in Sports

Gender Equity in Sports is designed to serve as a resource for any individual investigating the state of affairs in interscholastic or intercollegiate sport. This site provides detailed information on this research project conducted at the University of Iowa.

Global Fund for Women

The Global Fund for Women is an international organization that focuses on female human rights. Includes information on supported programs, news articles, a FAQ sheet, and describes what you can do to help.

Internet Resources for Women's Legal and Public Policy Information

This guide at the University of Michigan is intended to assist individuals seeking information related to women's and feminist legal, public policy, and political issues. Included are gopher, WWW, and FTP sites; as well as Listservs and Usenet newsgroups. An ACSII version of the index is available for download, if you want a hard copy of the URLs provided.


This site provides summary information about the Fourth World Conference on Women that was held in Beijing, China, during September of 1995; the first such conference in 10 years. Includes news articles, photographs, sound files, and more.

The Legal Rights of Women

Legal Rights of Women is a legal reference text. This is the abridged version of the printed book; ordering information is provided if you like what you see. The purpose of this text is to bring to one source the legal principles most affecting the personal, business, family, and civil rights of women.

The National Organization for Women (NOW)

This home page for NOW offers press releases and articles, issues NOW is currently involved in, information on joining (with e-mail or Web addresses for many local chapters), and the history of NOW. Also provided is a search form if you're looking for a specific topic at NOW's site.

Resources for Feminist Research/Documentation sur la recherche féministe (RFR/DRF)

RFR/DRF is a bilingual (English/French) Canadian scholarly journal at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education which addresses Canadian and international feminist research issues and debates. At this Web site you will find abstracts of current and back issues, calls for papers, and subscription information.

The United Nations and the Status of Women

This site from the United Nations provides information about what the UN has done during its 52-year history to further the status of women. Included are conference findings, general articles, and commission reports.

The Women & Politics Home Page

Women & Politics is an academic journal published at West Georgia College in Carrollton, GA. The goal of the journal is to foster research and the development of theory on women's political participation, the role of women in society, and the impact of public policy upon women's lives. Included online are article abstracts, calls for papers, and subscription information.

Women Leaders Online (WLO)

WLO is an organization dedicated to stopping the Radical Right/Contract With America agenda. This Web site contains information about Women Leaders Online and a variety of other women-related issues.



WomensNet is a non-profit computer network for women, activists, and organizations using computer networks for information sharing and increasing women's rights. WomensNet provides e-mail accounts, Internet access, WWW publishing, consulting, and training. Site contains WomensNet's online newsletter and descriptions of projects in which the group is currently involved.

Yale Journal of Law and Feminism

The Yale Journal of Law and Feminism is committed to publishing pieces about women's experiences, especially as they have been structured, affected, controlled, discussed, or ignored by the law. This Web site contains subscription information, Telnet access to past issues, the chance to submit your own article, and even order a T-shirt.

Girls and Young Women

Expect the Best from a Girl

This site prepared by the Women's College Coalition contains information about what parents and others can do to encourage girls in academic areas, particularly math and the sciences. Includes a listing of programs and institutes that can be contacted.

Feminist Fairytales

A collection of non-sexist fantasy stories for children, in which strong heroines succeed.

Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.

For every girl who enjoys scouting and every adult woman whose life was enhanced by scouting. Girl Scouts can find out about special events and activities, order uniforms and equipment, and read about the history of Girl Scouting; adults can participate in an alumni search, and learn how to volunteer.


Targets young women and girls. Offers promos and free stuff. Sponsored by The Women's Pharmacy, which enables women to shop at home for pharmacy products.


Diotima: Women & Gender in the Ancient World

This Web site is intended to serve as a resource for anyone interested in patterns of gender around the ancient Mediterranean and as a forum for collaboration among instructors who teach courses about women and gender in the ancient world. Includes research articles, course materials, a comprehensive bibliography, and more.

Encyclopedia of Women's History

Part of a "K12-opedia," this site presents essays, stories, poetry, and so on about women in history researched and written by K–12 students worldwide. Instructions are given for adding your own (or your child's) work to the site. (Sorry, it is requested that submissions be in English.)

Notable Women


A database containing information on notable women. Find anything you want on women such as Susan B. Anthony, Annie Jump Cannon, and Blanche Ames.

Upper Midwest Women's History Center

Information about who Women's History is important, along with a collection of resources, a newsletter, and the center's current program offerings.

Women in Aviation History

Biographies and tributes to the prominent women in the history of aviation, including Louise Sacchi, Fay Gillis Wells, and Bessie Coleman. Interesting!

Women's History Month

This Web site, part of the Social Studies School Service, provides teachers with several lessons, student exercises, and reviews of special materials that present exciting ways to bring women's history into their classrooms. Topics include Women in Wartime, American Women at Work, Amelia Earhart, and others.

Home and Family

The Child Support Home Page

A direct link to the U.S. Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement, providing policy documents, explanations of current laws, and links to state agencies. There is also a direct e-mail link to the Office.

The CyberMom Dot Com

A cool, kitschy site with a lot of 1950s graphics, where online moms can find information and support. You'll find everything from recipes to video game reviews here, as well as a discussion area where moms can "vent."

The Daycare Page®

The Daycare Page® is an information service of the National Daycare Alliance. The highlight of this site is a list of thousands of daycare providers all over the U.S.

Divorce Law Home Page

Essentially an ad for a divorce lawyer offering his services, but with some helpful information and links, including a state-by-state explanation of Family Law, newsgroups and mailing lists, and information about insurance, retirement funds, social security, and other issues involved in a divorce.

The Equal Marriage Rights Home Page

Provides information about laws and statutes currently in force or pending affecting the legality of same-sex marriages in each state of the U.S. There is also general information and links to pages of organizations supporting the legalization of same-sex marriages.


An attractive, graphics-laden site that offers fun tips and hints for family life. Offers message boards, chat areas, and articles. The articles are somewhat focused on crafts—a random trip to the site found instructions for making cupcakes, a holiday wreath, and a gingerbread house.

Feminist Mothers at Home

Feminist Mothers at Home is a discussion group for thinking women who choose to stay at home with their children. This discussion group offers a positive feminist voice to the issues that surround mothering. It's a LISTSERV you join, but you can get information about the group from the Web page listed above.

Parent Soup

This aptly-named site is a hodgepodge of helpful information for parents, everything from baby care advice to horoscopes for kids. Also features live chats and online polls.

Rainbow Kids

An online publication that supports and encourages international adoption. Many well-written and informative articles, and good-looking graphics.

TASC: The American Surrogacy Center, Inc.

Comprehensive information on surrogate childbearing, including message boards, classified advertising, a directory of agencies and groups, and articles about surrogacy.

Relationships and Sexuality

In this busy newsgroup, you'll find plenty of people, women and men, eager to talk about romantic relationships, offer advice, and commiserate with your situation. And surprisingly enough, is not a pickup spot, so don't worry about getting hit on!

CRLP: Women of the World

This site provided by The Center for Reproductive Law & Policy, Inc., provides a review of women's reproductive freedom in six countries around the world—Brazil, China, Germany, India, Nigeria, and the United States. Each country's pertinent laws and policies are discussed on a wide range of topics.

Eve's Garden

Too embarrassed to shop in your local sex shop? Offended by the sexist images? Then here's a refreshing change! The Eve's Garden catalog of sexual accessories, toys, books and videos is a new and enlightened look at sexuality that celebrates the joy of sex in a sex-positive and non-sexist manner.

Good Vibrations

Good Vibrations is a worker-owned cooperative with two retail stores, a publishing company called Down There Press and two catalogs, Good Vibrations and The Sexuality Library. They sell quality sex toys for women at a reasonable price, in a straightforward, non-sleazy environment.

Match.Com Online Matchmaking

This fun, colorful site is devoted to matching up available and compatible people with one another. Full membership costs around $10 a month, but you can browse for free, and try a 10-day free trial.



This site offers information and support for Jewish feminists. You can find out how to join a Listserv discussion group for Jewish feminist women and how to order a print copy of the Bridges magazine.

Christian Women

Christian Women is a women-only discussion forum "for Christian women who use the Internet for personal, domestic, business, and/or ministry activities." To subscribe, send the message SUBSCRIBE CHRISTIAN_WOMEN YourEmailAddress to MAJORDOMO@ICLNET.ORG.

CWIA's Women's Spirituality Page

This Canadian-based page provides links and resources to information about a variety of religions as they relate to women and feminism.


FEMINIST-THEOLOGY is an unmoderated forum for the academic discussion of Jewish and Christian feminist theology. Topics discussed include a feminist critique of traditional ways of doing theology and may cover all aspects of theological study. The list will also facilitate the exchange of information about publications and research in this area. To subscribe, send message SUBSCRIBE FEMINIST-THEOLOGY Your Name to MAILBASE@MAILBASE.AC.UK.


A Listserv devoted to the discussion of women, religion, and feminist theology. You can join this group by sending the message sub FEMREL-L your name to

SisterSpirit: Women Sharing Spirituality

A women's spirituality organization honoring the Goddess in all her forms. They publish a print magazine, which you can order from this site.

Women in Islam

Interesting basic information about how women fit into the Islamic religion, mostly oriented toward those unfamiliar with Islam.

Support and Empowerment


This site bills itself as the "First Stop on the Web" for women's resources. Includes articles, movie and book reviews, family information, and more. The server for this site also houses many other feminism-related sites.

Voices of Women Online

This online women's group offers articles, an electronic newsletter, snail-mail magazine subscriptions, lists of women's conferences, links to women-owned businesses, and much more. As the site introduction states, "In these pages, real women are telling their stories, discussing issues, sharing hard-won wisdom."

WIDNET (Women In Development Network)

The WIDNET site presents information pertaining to women's resources throughout the Internet. Also includes the WIDNET magazine, a searchable resource database, business contacts, and much more. Available in English and French.

Women's Wire

This online magazine includes sections on news and entertainment, career information, a question and answer area, links to women's businesses, and much more. There is an archive area for perusing back issues, and a "Guide" to find just the subject you're looking for.

Women of Color


Although not specifically for women, AfriNET offers a wealth of information for all people of African descent. Especially helpful is their Information Retrieval System (IRS), with which you can search for specific women's issues.

The Amistad Research Center

With more than 10,000,000 documents, the Amistad is acknowledged as the nation's largest independent African-American archives, as well as a leader in automation and advanced techniques. The Center also features extensive collection on Africa, other minorities, and the gay rights movement.

and still WE rise

A good list of resources for feminists in general but especially those interested in African-American women's culture.

The Ethnic Woman International

An online periodical with well-written articles on the political, social, and economic rights and realities of women of color.


A Listserv group for black women. You can join this group by sending the message sub GIRLFRIEND your name to

Isis Plus

Isis Plus is a World Wide Web page that features the art and culture of women of the African diaspora. Included on this Web site is information about movies, music, books, businesses, and the many other accomplishments of Black women.

Women's Health

Abortion & Reproductive Rights


Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, this Gopher will be of interest to you. Read Choice Net, a weekly newsletter that has the latest news on reproductive rights around the world. You will also have access to archives of press releases and other informative files on the legal aspects of abortion.

Atlanta Reproductive Health Centre

Provides information in areas of women's health, including infertility, endometriosis, contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, menopause, stress management, and PMS. Also provides information about the doctor's purpose and credentials regarding opinions within the Web site.

Avon's Breast Cancer Awareness Crusade

Provides information about breast cancer and breast health. Includes a list of more than 250 breast cancer support groups across the country.

Breast Cancer Information Clearinghouse

Provides information for breast cancer patients and their families.

Bright Innovations

Provides tutorials and explanations of techniques regarding cervical cancer screening.

Emergency Contraception

Provides information about prescription emergency contraception such as ECPs, minipills, and the copper-T.

Health and Science

Offers a specialty health food store and a guide to understanding and controlling PMS, fertility, menopause, and osteoporosis.

Health Articles by Patricia Older

Articles include information on acupuncture, exercise, walking, and "dancing away the menopause blues."

Labor of Love

Contains international listings of midwives, childbirth educators, and lactation consultants, along with information on pregnancy, childbirth, breast feeding, and parenting.

NBWHP: SisterNet

The National Black Women's Health Project (NBWHP) is committed to defining, promoting, and maintaining the physical, spiritual, mental, and emotional well-being of Black women. Their site provides health and wellness information and resources.

OB/GYN Toolbox

An educational resource for the medical community. Contains a body surface area calculator, endometriosis scoring, a gestational age calculator, and an OB ultrasound analyzer.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America

Home page for Planned Parenthood, the world's oldest and largest voluntary family planning organization. Includes resources on sexual & reproductive health; contraception/birth control/family planning; pregnancy; STDs, including HIV; sexuality education; abortion; pro-choice advocacy; reproductive rights; and extensive Internet links.

S.P.O.T.: The Tampon Health Web Site

Women dedicated to informing other women through "articles and information about the hazards of synthetic tampon use and resources for healthy alternatives."

Web By Women, For Women

Provides feminist information about pregnancy, contraception, abortion, menstruation, censorship, and sexuality.


For women over 40. Discusses hot flashes, breast exams, PAP tests, and other resources.

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