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Philanthropy and Nonprofit

Imagine all the people sharing all the world.

John Lennon

According to Webster, the definition of philanthropy is the goodwill of fellowmen or an active effort to promote human welfare. This category contains sites that promote just that. Here you'll find sites that pertain to fundraising and grants, education, and nonprofit organizations.

A to Z

The FIU Volunteer Action Center

Sponsored by Florida International Center, provides opportunities for volunteers, service learning, and advocacy in southern Florida. Includes lists of nonprofit agencies in the area. Enables students to assist faculty in service learning programs. Also links to Volunteer Action Center reading room.

Environmental Resources

Links to and lists to environmental resources, including home pages of Greenpeace and the Sierra Club, various resources on the Web and Gopher, a Listserv, and a book recommendation.

Goodwill Industries International

Provides employment, training services, and removes barriers to people with disabilities. Contains information on the THAP Project, current news, and more. Also enables you to find a donation center, a retail location, and a Goodwill in your area.

Independent Sector

Through research, promotes understanding of public sector. Dedicated to providing information, advocacy, and service for philanthropy, charities, and voluntarism. Contains updated articles.

Listserv Groups

Provides information on various Listserv groups related to philanthropy and nonprofit, including corporate and foundation relations, fundraising and financial development, education, planned gifts, and so on.

Philanthropy Journal Online

From North Carolina. A leading Web-based resource for philanthropy and nonprofits. Contains links to several award winning sites, including the "Meta-Index of Nonprofit Organizations." Also includes information on fundraising, volunteers, foundations, corporate giving, and more.

Philanthropy's Great Grants

Describes the impact and success of several foundation grants. Includes: white lines on the highway, the Pap Smear, Emergency 911, Yellow Fever Vaccine, Sesame Street, the Polio vaccine, and more.


From Richard J. Estes, professor at the University of Pennsylvania. This is a page of resources for social and economic development. Contains, a reference room, links to development assistance agencies, organizations, and policies, descriptions of levels of social development practice, home pages and news services, and more.

Seattle's Homeless Newspaper

Features past two issues in full, subject index of stories in archives, and directions on organizing a homeless paper in your own city. Contains poetry by those who are homeless.

UK Charities

Information and resources on charities in the United Kingdom. Contains links to UK Charitable Trusts on the Web, useful information for/on charities, charitable bodies on the Internet, and an alphabetical index of charities.

United Way of America

An organization embracing local community-based United Ways, made up of volunteers, charities, and contributors. Contains information on several of their programs, including Sky Wish, the National Football League, and United Way. Also includes news, a United Way, FAQ sheet, and a description of how United Way works.

Education and Research

American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)

An advocacy association for the nations 1,100 organizations. Contains links to current Requests for Proposals (RFPs), information of conferences, legislative actions and other governmental relations, books and publications, education resources, and more.

The Commonwealth Fund

Conducts research on health and social policy issues. Programs include improving health care services, improving the health of minority Americans, the well-being of the elderly, developing the capacities of children and young people, and improving public spaces and services.

The Foundation for Individual Responsibility and Social Trust (FIRST)

A nonpartisan, nonprofit foundation for the discussion of national policy relating to our social responsibility. Particularly geared towards those between ages 18–35. Enables you to apply to be an intern. Also discusses news and events.

The Indiana University Center On Philanthropy

Arm of Indiana University dedicated to the study of philanthropy and its associated disciplines. Contains links to degree programs, scholarships, fellowships, assistantships, research and books, and publications.

The Institute for Nonprofit Organization Management

At the University of San Francisco. Teach and training on nonprofits. Offers Master of Nonprofit Administration, Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management, the Development Director Certificate, Distinguished Public Lecture, and more.

The Joseph and Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library

A collection of books, dissertations, and audio-visual materials on philanthropy and nonprofit issues. Offers reference service and bibliographic consulting to scholars and practitioners around the world. One of the largest collections of its type in the United States.

Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations

A center for education and research on nonprofit organizations at Case Western Reserve University (CWRU). Offers a certificate in nonprofit management, Master of Nonprofit Organizations (M.N.O.), and several dual degrees.

Master of Arts Philanthropy and Development

This degree is offered at Saint Mary's Winona Campus in Minnesota. Courses are taken over a three summer, eighteen day schedule.

National Service-Learning Cooperative Clearinghouse

ERIC clearinghouse on service-learning programs affecting K–12. Includes links to a National Service-Learning Cooperative Clearinghouse update, the National Society for Experiential Education, the Michigan K–12 Service-Learning Center, Project Bridge the Gap, searchable databases, and other important resources.

Philanthropic Studies Index

An index of articles on voluntarism, nonprofit organizations, fundraising, giving, and philanthropy in general. Searchable on computer. Also available in paperback. Published three times a year.

Philanthropic Studies Vertical File

Almost every library has vertical files, but how many actually catalogue and describe them? The Joseph and Matthew Payton Philanthropic Studies Library has done so with this collection of articles directly from Mr. Payton's personal library. Library of Congress headings have been used to aid in searching.

Philanthropy Archives

Organized and described collection of materials for the intensive study of philanthropy and the history of nonprofit organizations. Includes records of the American Association of Fund-Raising Counsel, Inc., Records, 1935–1992; the Ferry, Carol Bernstein and W.H., Philanthropic Records; the Wheeler Mission; and the Women's Suffrage.

Project HOPE (Health Opportunities for People Everywhere)

Dedicated to improving health care improvements throughout world. Provides education, policy research, and humanitarian aid. Also contains links to their research on health policy, their programs an journal. You can search the HOPE Web site.

Service Learning


A compendium of Web resources on "service-learning," a cooperative effort enabling academic programs and communities to interact. Contains articles, bibliographies, dissertations, theses, films and videos, handbooks and manuals, and much more. Also links to archives of two service-learning related Listservs. Searchable.

The Urban Institute

Studies policies surrounding social and economic problems. Contains: annual report, text of current and back issues of publications (e.g., Future of the Public Sector), and a list of the institutes sites. Site also searchable.

Fundraising and Grants

Adobe Philanthropy Council

This corporate philanthropy arm of Adobe is primarily interested in supporting non-profit health and human service organizations who in turn provide help to disadvantaged youth, the homeless, victims of abuse, and so on.

The Alpha Charitable Foundation

A charity registered in the U.S. and Canada dedicated to helping the handicapped, the elderly, the poor, and the destitute. They are currently building a large hospital in India.

American Express

Promotes its own philanthropic goals in areas where they do business or where their employees live. They service three programs: community service, cultural heritage, and economic independence. Makes grants to nonprofit organizations within and outside of the U.S.

AT&T Foundation

The company's philanthropic arm that helps people to lead self-sufficient, productive lives. They are particularly interested in projects that involve technological innovation. Their four program areas are education, civic programs, arts and culture, and community service.

Ben and Jerry's Foundation

Seek programs concerned with societal, institutional, and environmental change. The particular areas are children and families, disenfranchised groups, and the environment. Also describes restrictions, types of grants, and how to apply.

The Benton Foundation

Concerned with the information infrastructure. Among their projects: Communications policy and practice, report on public opinion of library leader's visions of future, children's programs, the arts, and public interest organizations.

Carnegie Foundation

Grant-making corporation dedicated to enhancing knowledge. Currently supports education and healthy development of children and youth, preventing deadly conflict, strengthening human resources in developing countries, and other special projects. Also outlines how to submit a proposal.

Corporate Foundations on the Internet

You have two options: from a list of corporate foundations, go directly to the foundation's site, or use a list of annotated links to zero in on a funder.

The Council on Foundations

A membership association composed of over 1,300 nonprofit foundations (independent, corporate, and public). Its programs are in areas such as education, health, human services, science and research, and so on. Also promotes accountability among member foundations.

The Foundation Center

For grantseekers and grantmakers. Contains information on to libraries and locations, training and seminars, funding trends and analysis, the fundraising process, and publications and CD-ROMs. Also includes a searchable database and an online reference desk.

The GE Fund

A supporter of education grants for people of all ages across the world. Contains lists of programs, grants, staff, committees, and guidelines.

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation

An independent health care philanthropy foundation. Four program areas include health policy, HIV policy, reproductive health, and health and development in South Africa. Also includes article about medicare.


Corporate Philanthropic Arm Concerned with education, the environment, health, human services, arts, and culture.

Private Foundations on the Internet

You have two options: from a list of private foundations, go directly to the foundation's site, or use a list of annotated links to zero in on a funder.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation

A foundation that seeks to improve the human condition through various programs, including peace and cooperation, environment, health, creativity, education, community, culture, and so on. Searchable. Also in Spanish and Portuguese.

The Rockefeller Brothers Fund

A private philanthropic foundation. Includes information on the Fund's program guidelines, a list of recent grants, how to apply for a grant, grant restrictions, a list of the Fund's publications, and other programs and foundations.


Access Point

An organization designed to assist nonprofits on the Internet. Contains links to a civic involvement network, a politics forum, an online market, a nonprofit professionals network, a nonprofit marketplace, and more.

Deutsches Spendeninstitut Krefeld

Note that this page is for speakers of German. Contains 17,000 pages of information on charities and philanthropy in Germany and throughout the world.


Another resource for nonprofit agencies. You can add your own organization. Also a list of nonprofit Web sites, tools for nonprofits, and a searchable directory of public access points to the Web around the world.

Information for Nonprofits

Information for nonprofit organizations in the United States. Contains a FAQ sheet and information to Washington nonprofits. Information largely drawn from the newsgroup (

Meta-Index for Nonprofit Organizations

Award winning nonprofit resource. Contains nonprofit organization list, information for nonprofit organizations and activists, human rights, civil liberties and politics, health and human services, environmental issues and animal rights, and more.

Nonprofit Resources Catalogue

All kinds of resources are available here: from an explorer of Web-based nonprofit resources to a list of nonprofit directories. Contains links to plenty of subcategories.


A resource for Chicago area nonprofit organizations. Enables you to search for grants and grantmakers, information on fundraising and philanthropy, training for nonprofit management, nonprofit discussions, and more.


A newsletter and posting board for nonprofits. Provides a discussion and announcement forum, idea exchange, a searchable directory of project models.

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