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Send lawyers, guns, and money.

Warren Zevon

Do you think Abraham Lincoln ever thought there would be so many different types of law practiced today? This category offers sites that pertain to criminal law, cyber law, international law, and more!

Criminal Law

Cecil Greek's Criminal Justice Page

Links to criminal justice and the media—including high profile cases such as the O.J. Simpson trial, and the Susan Smith case—also, online criminal justice discussion groups and e-journals, criminal justice education, prisons and the death penalty, crime-related Web sites, agencies providing criminal justice information, international criminal justice resources, and federal criminal justice agencies (just to name a few). Over 300 links!

COPNet & Police Resource List

The Law Enforcement Officer's home in cyberspace. An international collection of works by and for other Law Enforcement Officers. While many of the items found here are useful for their job and professional development, others are here solely for their entertainment.

Criminal Law Links

Top 5% Web site by the Point system. Well designed and laid out. Has a focus that concentrates on aspects of crime and criminal law. Also includes a focus index, and links to other sites about criminal law. Has news abstracts and links to full articles on current events related to criminal law.

Justice Information Center (NCJRS)

Besides access to thousands of links on courts, crime prevention, criminal justice statistics, drugs and crime, juvenile justice, law enforcement, and victims, site has pertinent articles and abstracts that deal with crimes and criminal justice. Links also included to various bureaus and organizations that deal with crimes and criminal law.

Cyber Law

CyberLaw™ World Wide

Site houses CyberLaw, an educational service focusing on legal issues concerning computer technology, and CyberLex, which reports legal developments touching the computer industry. Links to articles from both are found here.

CyberSpace Law Center

For those interested in legal issues related to or concerning cyberspace. Link to information about commerce, privacy, cybercrimes, freedom of expression, intellectual property, and other resources that cover CyberSpace law. Also includes links to general legal information and general Internet information.

E-Law 3.0

Table of contents for paper by David Loundy about computer information systems law and system operator liability. Paper covers what computer information systems are, legal issues involved, computer crime, copyright issues, trademark issues, and suggestions for regulation.

ICLU—Your Rights in Cyberspace

Site provides resources and information regarding cyberspace and law. Links to information on how the Internet works, ownership of public materials, who pays for the Internet, the Clipper Chip, criminal law issues, pornography, free speech, and much more.

Information Highway Advisory Counsel (IHAC) of Canada

Site provides information about the establishment of this Counsel and its intent and purpose. Read the final report of the Counsel, Connection, Community, Content: The Challenge of the Information Highway, or review the reports and studies used by the Counsel. Site also includes links to other documents of related topics, and contains summaries of all the Counsel meetings.

The Information Law Web

Visit this site to access people, places, and things that help you understand your rights in the information age. People has links to lawyers and specialists who work in this field. Places links you to sites containing information on copyright, patent, trademarks, and intellectual property.

Internet, the Law, and Related Topics


A gopher menu containing various papers on subjects related to the Internet and the law. Some topics include an electronic town meeting, the commercialization of electronic networks, metaphors and network law, and strategies for protecting intellectual property on networks.

OwlLex Law Links—The CyberSpace Law Links

Find links from the Federal Communications Bar Association to the Cyberspace Law Library, and everything in between. Also gain access to Cyberspace Law News Links such as the Entertainment Law Resource Center and HotWired Index of Privacy Resources. Dozens of links to all aspects of cyberspace and cyberlaw: commissions, committees, journals, resource sites, and more.

Netwatchers Cyberzine

Home to the e-zine that covers legal developments in cyberspace and the online community. Link to current issue's contents, letters to the editor, past issues, find out if you can be a NetWatcher, or subscribe to the cyberzine. Or connect to other legal links through the Hot Links button—home to the NetWatchers Legal Hotlink of the week. Site also has legal bookmarks to various legal sites on the Internet.

Environmental Law

Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide

Site is virtual home to the E-LAW. Contains the newsletter issued by the U.S. office. Each issue is a hot link: Click and read. You can also access the Telnet session, and join a electronic discussion conference. If you would rather, you can just browse the index of topic discussed in this electronic conference. See who participated in the E-LAw annual meeting, or meet some of its members. Site's basic purpose is to promote understanding of E-LAW.

Environmental Law Around the World

Click on the area of the world whose environmental law interests you, and you are whisked away to a page containing links to treaties, papers, and organizations for individual countries in that part of the world. Areas include Middle East, Europe, Asia, Americas, and Africa. Site also has connection to treaties and other links involving environment and the law.

Environmental Law Resources

Site contains articles sources of environmental law and regulations from the Internet along with some discussion from the environmental newsgroups. Links include Standards, Law, Environmental Conventions, and Ecotaxes. Covers international environmental laws and regulations.

Environmental Law World Wide Web Site

Site is a plethora of information about environment and the law. Divided into sections: What's new, United States Environmental Law at a Glance, Recent Information Regarding Environmental Law, Articles, Speeches, Press Releases and Announcements Concerning Environmental Law, and Environmental Forum. Each section contains links to various types of information including laws, statutes, articles, and press releases.

United Nations Environment Programme

Find out what the UN is doing to promote the environment. Link to a discussion of what the UNEP is, access the UNEP Internet Information Exchange, read about Environmental Current Events, or search documents at UNEP. Page also can link you to other UN organizations, and the UNEP staff.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

The home page of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency boasts access to mountains of information. Links include standard about the EPA, what's new, and what's hot. Also, offices, programs, EPA news and events, contracts, grants, environmental financing, jobs, rules, regulations, and legislation. Not all links that are provided are listed here. Page has access to other Internet resources, and has a searchable database and index.

The WWW Virtual Library: Law: International & Environmental Law

Part of the WWW Virtual Library, this site has links and links and links to conferences, papers, collections, services, laws, and on and on about international and environmental law. Materials are organized alphabetically by source.

Family Law

Divorce Helpline Home Page

Keep the law out of your divorce! This site provides resources to the consumer who is looking to stay out of court for his or her divorce. Divided into sections: Helpline Center, Short Course, Directory, Book Shop, Work Room, and Reading Room. Also includes link to Divorce Helpline's California Center and a Directory of Self-help Services. Obligatory links to other sites included.

The Divorce Page

Site has incredible range of links that access information from the 'lectric Law Library to an overview of marriage contracts in 15th century Normandy. Basically a starting point for persons who are in need of legal advice. This page pinpoints certain areas of the U.S. including New Jersey, Arizona, and California, but its information is not limited to these areas.

Family Law Advisor Home Page

Site provides support and legal information for persons going through or having gone through a divorce. Divided into sections: Frequently Asked Questions, Online Newsletter and Index, State-by-State Resource Center, Interactive Bulletin Board, Paternity Establishment, Lawyer to Lawyer, and International Parental Abduction. Link to information through each of these sections. Page also includes a search engine that covers the entire site. Other legal and law links are available through this site, too.

Fathers' Rights and Equality Exchange

Site contains much information about the legal rights of fathers. You can find out about the first annual F.R.E.E. conference, join F.R.E.E., discover the benefits of F.R.E.E., read the F.R.E.E. case file, and read a message from the founder of F.R.E.E. Other links include the F.R.E.E. file and testimonies from F.R.E.E. members.

Legal dot Net—Family Law, and Overview

An overview of family law and what is involved in the legalities of divorce. Covers the legal talk about negotiated settlements, discovery, disclosure statements, temporary orders, petitions, and responses. Site also links to other legal sites, and attorney and non-attorney topics.

The Equal Marriage Rights Home Page

Site contains much legal information about same-sex marriages, including which states have banned them, which states have failed to ban them, and which states are currently trying to ban them. Also access same-sex lobby groups, the marriage mailing list, and articles on same-sex relationships and marriage. General information about how solid gay unions are is also included.

International Law

Foreign and International Law Page

Provides searchable links to foreign legal materials (searchable by subject and geographic location), International law related materials, and other international law resources. Also contains access to embassies around the world. law firms, and legal-related Web pages around the world.

The International Law Page

Access to hundreds of international law links, including links to international organizations, international treaties, European treaties, international law journals, and universities involved in International law. Also, links to environmental law, and other Web law resources.

International Trade Law—ITL

Site enables you to type in a keyword or concept for a search of information related to the legal field. Site also includes various links that contain information about International trade treaties, International organizations related to trade, country profiles, links to other law-related sites, the Trade Law Library, and various Internet search engines.

United Nations Crime and Justice Information Network

"The International exchange and dissemination of information on crime prevention and criminal justice issues." Much information available here regarding International law, criminal, and legal issues. Links include United Nations documents, information on various countries, international statistics and research sources, constitutions, treaties, laws, and court decisions, and other organizations that have similar goals as the United Nations.

Law Schools

Laws are like sausages. It's better not to see them being made.

Otto von Bismarck

FindLaw: Law Schools of Canada

Part of the FindLaw database. Links to the law schools in Canada. Information given for each school includes a link to the university home page and contact information (snail mail address and telephone number).

FindLaw: US News Top 25 Law Schools

Part of the FindLaw database. Search through the top 25 law schools in the nation based on the US News and World Report. Each school's listing provides home page links, library links, and snail mail contact information.

Law School Admission Council Online

Features "Reggie" the online LSAT registration service. Link to their Web site and get information on law school forums, LSAT preparation materials, and law school financial aid. Page also includes link to WWW sites at LSAC-member law schools.

Law School and the LSAT

From Kaplan, everything you need to know about the LSAT and law school, including scoring, sections, and dates and registration. Page also includes links to help you through law school admission and financial aid. Access to law schools and law student resources also found on page.

Law School Dot Com

The lighter side of law school. Access games and diversions, law school information, and bar exam information. Also search the career center database for a job. Speak your mind in the newsgroup. Many valuable and entertaining links.

Law School Quotes

Lighten up with this page of law school quotes compiled by a student. Witty, funny, and you can contribute, too. Also includes link to Boston College Law School. Send your funny, quirky, or just plain off-the-wall quote to this page.

The Law Student Web

The main Web site for law students. A comprehensive index of law student pages, law schools, sites of importance to law students, and strange case law and statutes.

The Princeton Review: Law School and the LSAT

Provides links and information regarding the law school entrance exam—the LSAT. Access to information on financial aid, tips for getting into law school, the LSAT test, and the MBE. Also includes links to law school databases and to other law-related sites on the Internet.

In point of substantial merit -- the law school belongs in the modern university no more than a school of fencing and dancing.

Thorstein Veblen

Yale Law School Homepage

Number one ranked law school in the nation based on the US News and World Report. Link to admissions information, the 1995-96 Bulletin, faculty biographies, and occasional papers. Also access Dean Kronman's welcoming address to the class of 1998.

Legal Organizations

ACLU Freedom Network

The home page for the American Civil Liberties Union takes you to the latest happenings from congress, current events, and what's happening in the nation's courts. You can also join the ACLU, browse their cyberstore, and read about current events. Other links take you to highlights of cases that the ACLU has involvement in.

American Bar Association

The ABA Network connects you to any information you need pertaining to this world's largest voluntary professional association. Links to information about the various entities of the ABA (each entity has its own link), a calendar of events, and public information are just a few starting points on this top 5% Web site.

American Immigration Lawyers Association

Links to information about the AILA, how to join, and AILA conferences can be found here. Also, writings about immigration as it pertains to America, the role of immigration lawyers, and recent legislative affairs that affect immigration law. Provided, too, is a searchable index of AILA members, and immigration lawyers on the Web.

International Association of Constitutional Law

Provides access to general information about the IACL, an invitation for the adherence to the IACL, a link to more information about the Fourth World Congress, and access to the constitutions of countries of the world, in both the native language and English.

NYSDA Public Defense Backup Center Home Page

This is the front page of an extensive collection of links related to the New York State Defenders Association. This not-for-profit organization seeks to improve the quality of defense services in New York State. The site indexes the various departments of NYSDA through various links, including those on membership, the Board of Directors, and the Defender News Archives.

Legal Publications

The American Indian Law Review

This Review is published by the University of Oklahoma College of Law. This site gives background information about the Review, and contact information for getting a copy of the current, or back, issues. The Review is currently not available online.

European Law Journal

Find out about the Journal by clicking on the aims and scope link. Get the table of contents, issues covered in the Journal, the editorial board, the advisory board, and information about contributing to the Journal through links from this site.

Federal Communications Law Journal

The official journal of the Federal Communications Bar Association. Site includes links to electronic versions of currently available issues. Access also available to information about the Federal Communications Bar Association and Indiana University School of Law. Journal is maintained by student editorial board at Indiana University School of Law.

Global Legal Studies Journal

Published by the Indiana University School of Law, this site contains all back issues of the Journal, information on how and why it was started, subscription information, and editorial board information. A search engine is available to help you locate the information you need.

Human Rights Brief

Maintained by the Washington College of Law Center of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, this site has links that access the available issues of this journal. Link to the issue, and receive a full table of contents, as well as a calendar of events and information about the copyrights and credits for that issue.

Journal of Information, Law, and Technology

This site, home to the e-journal JILT, enables you to access past and present issues, link to what is new, regular features, special features, and information about the people who put JILT together. Also link to information about JILT, how it got started, what its purpose is, and why it is maintained the way it is.

Journal of International Law and Practice

This site is the home of the Journal of International Law and Practice. Topics covered range from international human rights to recent developments in private and public international law. Links include subscription information, submission information, back issues, forthcoming issues, and general information about the Journal.

The Journal of Online Law

E-journal with essays pertaining law and online communications—law and cyberspace. Read the articles, subscribe, get information about the Journal of Online Law, or meet the editorial staff from this Web site.

Law Journal Extra!

Updated daily! Journal highlights current events that affect the legal and political professions. Articles on high-profile cases and suits, court-room updates, and new rulings are just some of the interesting and resourceful links on this page. Also included is access to national legal journals online, the marketplace, employment center, and law firms online.

Law Library Journal


A Gopher menu that enables you to access the most recent volumes of the Library Law Journal. Volume contains article title, author, and abstract of the article.

Home to the monthly newsletter for legal professional using the Internet. Link to information about, view a sample issue, check out the index of back issues, fill out the ordering information, read the guide to courts on the Net, and look over the statutes and bill on the Net.

Legal Resources

ALSO! Main Page

Provides a comprehensive, uniform, and useful compilation of links to all online sources of American law that are available without charge. Source documents are stored in various file formats in many separately maintained databases located in several countries.

Counsel Connect Web

Updated daily, this site provides links to the hottest legal topics and discussions of the day, current updates on high-profile cases, and breaking legal news. Or click on Law Links and get access to links to legal topics, government, world law, libraries, non-legal sites, or use the search engine. Go inside Counsel Connect to find out what's online, upcoming seminars, and read the newsletter. You can also search the Lawyers database for legal help, classifieds, a lawyer search, and the Quick Request for Proposals.

CourtTV Home Page

Something for people of all ages. Includes links to legal help, the law library, and case files. Provides access to updates on high-profile cases. Read about what are currently the "hot topics" in the legal world. But don't overlook the fun side of law—click to CourtTV games and pages for kids. Finally, stop in the CourtTV store for a look around.

Hieros Gamos

Comprehensive resource for legal professional, law student, and person seeking law-related information. Links include bar associations, legal associations, law schools, publishers, law firms, law sites, governments sites, vendors, and online services. Site available in English, Spanish, German, French, and Italian. More resources than can be listed.


A resourceful page that links to a directory of lawyers and law firms separated into specialization. Page also includes how to join information, the newsletter, access to the library, articles of interest.


A virtual mall for the legal profession with a potpourri of links including classified ads, editorials, articles, expert witness wanted ads, LawMall information, and others. Page also includes links to other law-related resources, and (currently under construction) lawyers and firms by state and city.

LawMarks. . .The Legal Resource Database

A comprehensive digest of all available legal and law-related resources on the Internet. After reading about LawMarks, choose from the General Directory of Resources menu, or the General Directory of Other Internet Search Engines menu. The General Directory includes links to rules of court, law schools, law journals, legal news, legal directories, federal documents, and law libraries, to name a few.

The 'Lectric Law Library

Grab your library card and search the not-so-dusty shelves of the 'Lectric Law Library. The Rotunda leads to various rooms housing information on business law, legal and business forms, legal research guides, and more. Also has a room for the weird laws, cases, and court filings. Includes jokes, bloopers, and anecdotes. Comprehensive legal resource.

Legal Information Institute

If you can't find it here, it isn't on the Web. This is thoroughly comprehensive in its presentation of legal information. Search by keyword or through an alphabetical index. Locate information on all topics of law and the legal profession. If the LII can't locate the information you need, there are links to other legal and general search engines at this site that can help.

P-LAW Legal Resources Locator

For anyone who is looking for legal resources on the Internet. Link to legislative and other government information sites, multi category reference sites such as universities and the United Nations, specialized topic sites such as advertising law, criminal law, etc., statistical information sites, and miscellaneous sites such as The ACLU Reading Room and The National Criminal Justice Reference Service.

Web Journal of Current Legal Issues

Click and your connected to past and present issues of the Web JCLI. Covers current legal issues. Site also includes other legal links, a welcome message, and information on becoming an author of the Web Journal of Current Legal Issues. A top 5% Web Site by Point.

Miscellaneous Law Sites

The Constitution of the United States of America

Site gives you access to the U.S. Constitution in a series of links: Credits and Condition, Context, The Preamble, Articles I through VII (separate links), Signers, and Amendments. Articles are broken down into Sections, one link per section.


The law classifieds. Find legal job listings, legal recruiting, and the law employment library here. Access the NLJ top 250 index of the nation's largest law firms. Link to the National Law Journal salary survey. Also link to the market update, telling you which fields are hot, and which are not.


RealAudio files dealing with some aspect of law or legal studies. Segments are authored by a faculty member at IU School of Law in Bloomington or Indianapolis. Titles include: Amendments to the US Constitution, Business and Personal Finance Law, Criminal Law, and Civil Law.


First commercial legal Web site. Four main categories: The Chambers contains news and information about this site; The Commons contains original writings on topics related to law; The Shingle features the home pages of lawyers and legal service providers; and The Crossroads contains roads to over 1000 other law sites. Site also offers free job listing service, listing of expert witnesses, and an interactive bulletin board. Also has a live chat line.

FTP, Gopher, Telnet Sites

Australian Law

Australian legal documents, including the Australian Heritage Commission Act, Environmental Protection Act, and the Wildlife Protection Act.

Computer Fraud and Abuse Act

The United States Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute (18 USC 1030)

Criminal Justice Country Profiles


Information files on organizational structure and methods of criminal justice systems in many countries.



Login: lawnet

Legal references resource and information about Columbia University and the Columbia University Law School, provided by the Columbia Law School Public Information Service. Also offers Columbia University and Law School catalogs.

Law Resources

gopher:// Desk/300 - Social Science/340 - Law/Law resources on the Internet

A large list of Internet resources related to the law, including mailing lists, law library catalogs, FTP sites, and Usenet newsgroups.

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