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Let us think of education as the means of developing our greatest abilities, because in each of us there is a private hope and dream which, fulfilled, can be translated into benefit for everyone and greater strength for our nation.

John F. Kennedy

Whether you are a teacher, student, or an advocate of lifelong education, this category will offer something of interest. Included are sites that pertain to continuing education, financial aid, home schooling, K–12 education, and standards and testing, and more.

Continuing Education

Continuing Education at the University of Missouri-Rolla

Offers continuing Education courses and conferences sponsored by the University of Missouri-Rolla in all disciplines. Continuing Education courses in Civil and Electrical Engineering. Conferences in Mining, Asphalt, Concrete, Geotechnical Engineering, Explosives, Earthquakes, Machine Foundation, and numerous others.

Continuing Education on the Web

Continuing education courses for psychologists on the Web and Internet. Get CE credit directly on your computer.

Division of Continuing Education—University of Nevada, Reno

Serving all of your continuing education needs, the DCE at UNR offers courses in Gaming Management, Professional Development, Correspondence Study, and the list goes on.

Division of Extended & Continuing Education at the University of Connecticut

The Division provides educational opportunities for professionals, adult learners, and traditional students. They provide certificate, degree, credit, and non-credit courses.

Foundations In Continuing Education

Foundations In Continuing Education provides quality Self Study Home-Study) Continuing Education for Dental Professionals. ADA CERP Recognized Provider. AGD National Sponsor. Courses approved by DANB.

National Academy for Continuing Education

NACE provides continuing education courses for individuals, businesses and organizations, utilizing home study-distance learning methods and other state-of-the-art communication methods.

NYU's School of Continuing Education

NYU's School of Continuing Education offers more than 2,000 credit and noncredit courses in over 100 fields for adults to advance their careers, enhance their lives, and keep ahead of a constantly changing world.

Texas Tech University Division of Continuing Education

Catalog of the Division of Continuing Education at Texas Tech University, containing courses for high school, college, and adult students, as well as Credit by Examinations (CBEs) for elementary, middle school, and high school students. TEA-accredited high school diploma program and Texas Tech University-approved college curriculum.

University of Berkley: 'College without Classes' Degree Programs

Alternative education, adult distance learning (correspondence school). No residency. Earn college degrees without classroom work. Low tuition, credit for life experience.

University of San Diego, Continuing Education

The University of San Diego, Division of Continuing Education offers career advancement opportunities for educators by providing credential and certificate programs, workshop, lecture series, and professional development courses. All of these offerings meet the requirements set forth by the state for the professional development of teachers.

WebEd University

WebEd is a virtual University for professionals to obtain Continuing Education Credits on the Internet. They have several colleges for a variety of professions.

Education Resources

A.Word.A.Day Homepage

Provides information about the Listserv AWAD, which sends a new vocabulary word a day to your e-mail address. Also offers links to other word-related Internet resources.

Academy One

Provides resources for students, parents, and K–12 educators and administrators. Sponsors Internet projects throughout the year, including a Mousetrap-Powered Vehicle Competition, the TeleOlympics, and the Math Olympics. Also offers a curriculum database and an index of other online projects.

Adult Education

Offers links to several resources on adult education. Enables the combination of distance education, adult education, and the Internet to deliver instruction. Invites contributions to the collection of resources.

AIMS Education Foundation

Presents the world of hands-on science and math investigations for K–9 students. Integrates the study of mathematics and science in a meaningful manner, which prompts students to quickly realize the value of mathematics and learn to "work like scientists."

The Amistad Research Center

Archives African-American history and culture. Also contains information about many other minority groups. Offers links to the center's manuscript collection, several art collections, traveling history exhibits, and library.

Apple Higher Education: The Apple Virtual Campus

Showcases Apple's vision of the campus of the future, while strengthening the technologies of today. Lists learning technologies such as distance learning, talks about collaboration and information access, and the mobile student. Also contains a link to Highway 1, a non-profit organization formed to support innovative use of new technologies in the legislative environment and democratic process. A QuickTime virtual tour of the University of Southern California is also included.

The AskERIC Virtual Library

Contains select resources for both education and general use. Includes lesson plans, ERIC digests, information guides and publications, reference tools, government information, and educational Listserv archives.


Offers links to all things scientific that might be of use to teach K–12 or university teachers and students. Categorizes sections by subset of biology, most recent additions, software, and collections, to name a few.

CALI: The Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction

Nonprofit consortium of more than 155 United States law schools. Supports the production, distribution, and use of computer-based instructional materials.

Cartoon Laws of Physics

Adds humor to the standard laws of physics. Illustrates each law using cartoon characters.

Center for Talented Youth (CTY) of the Johns Hopkins University

Serves the gifted population with special programs, job opportunities, and other resources. Provides details about all the CTY programs, and also offers links to other resources.


Offers positive interaction with other parents of preschoolers. Includes a manual and resources for preschoolers to help check readiness for first grade.

CIC, Center for Library Initiatives

Provides information for librarians, educators, and institutions, particularly those within the CIC (Big Ten universities, plus the University of Chicago).

The Comer School Development Program

Provides information about the School Development Program, a national school reform project directed by James P. Comer, M.D., the renowned child psychiatrist at the Yale Child Study Center.

Computer as Learning Partner

Gives information on integrating computer use to improve middle school science instruction. Provides curriculum guides, software links, and project information.

Cornell Theory Center Math and Science Gateway

Provides links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9–12. Divides the resources into standard subject areas and includes links to online field trips and museums. Also offers journal and research articles.

The Cyber Classroom

A collection of educational resources for students, parents and educators, as well as some fun and games.

Department of Clothing, Design, and Technology, MMU

Details courses, staff, students, and the work done in this department. Contains examples of designs produced by students and staff and also details some of the conferences and shows scheduled.

The Digital Frog

Focuses on producing high-quality educational software. Features The Digital Frog CD-ROM. Describes DFI and contains a full-featured Web version of The Digital Frog.

Education Resource Center

This is a sub-site dedicated to providing educational resources about parenting, adolescents, divorce, families in the city, and more!

Education Virtual Library—Primary School

Alphabetically catalogs several interesting K–12 curriculum resources from around the world. Helps you research trends in education and creates multicultural or foreign language units. Also highlights links to a Web site created in Russian using the Cyrillic alphabet.


Offers searchable archives of EDUCOM Review, archives of the Listserv EDUPAGE, and other online documents. Supports EDUCOM's focus on educational technology in higher education. Also offers links to several other telecom/educational technology-related site and programs.

The Egyptian Gallery

Provides information on the modern state, such as the national anthem, pictures of modern cities, and sound clips. Also presents pictures and text about ancient Egypt.

Eriksdale School Educational Sites Page

Comprehensive list of educational sites by discipline (including math, science, English, and social studies and also a general educational links category) and level (Elementary, Secondary).

Federal and State-Run Servers

Lists all current federally- and state-run Gopher and Web servers with an educational focus. Lists a link to each site along with a brief description of the site.

The Geometry Forum

Focuses on geometry and math education. Offers links to resources such as the Coalition of Essential Schools, a Web-based lesson on vectors, a geometry Listserv, and more. Also offers a section on projects for students, such "Ask Dr. Math."

Heritage Map Museum

Displays hundreds of original 15th to 19th century antique maps. Focuses on displaying and selling original works of the masters of cartography. Offers the works of Schedel, Munster, Ortelius, Mercator, Blaeu, Hondius, and many others.

Hillside Elementary School

Contains activities and projects. Lets students make their own home pages and have e-mail addresses, and use the Internet for research.

Houghton Mifflin School Direct

School Direct, online K–8 educational resource store, offers quality educational materials for the student, teacher, and parent. The store offers selected reading/language arts, mathematics, social studies, and technology materials—all from Houghton Mifflin Company, a publisher of textbooks, instructional technology, multimedia entertainment products, assessments, and other educational materials for the elementary and secondary school and college markets.

ICBL Video Conferencing CASE Studentship Page

Provides information about using video conferencing in the classroom. Includes technology, how-to's, integrating it into the classroom, current projects, and more.


Offers links to a free Telnet database, a quarterly publication about distance learning, and the ICDL Gopher server.

The Internet Educational Resources Guide

Offers a searchable collection of educational links, but offers more than just links to school subject areas. Also reviews online magazines and books about the Internet, and has information about Gophers, FTP sites, Telnet databases, and Listservs.

IPL Building Directory

Consists of four main divisions: reference, youth services, services for librarians and information professionals, and the education division. Contains resources, interactive exhibits, and discussion areas.

ISN KidNews

News service for students and teachers around the world. Allows you use stories from the services as long as you credit the author, and enables you to submit stories. Encourages comments about news gathering, teaching, and computer-related issues in the Discussion sections for students and teachers.

Knox Junior High Homepage

Provides important links for research and training students and teachers to use the vast resources of the Internet.

Little Toy Store on the Net

Specializes in fun and educational toys for children. Offers a list of resources for educators, parents, and kids on the Net.

Magic Learning Systems

Develops and markets educational and self-improvement software and shareware, combining the latest technologies with time-tested educational methods for the individual, the classroom, and the home.

I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.

MARK Twain

The Mark Twain Library

Provides electronic texts of Mark Twain's works. Offers several works. Also lists other pages with Mark Twain resources.

Math and Science Gateway (Cornell Theory Center)

Provides a wide range of educational services to the national community. Provides links to resources in mathematics and science for educators and students in grades 9–12.

MATHMOL—K–12 Mathematics and Molecules

Provides students, teachers, and the general public information about the rapidly growing field of molecular modeling. Also provides K–12 students with basic concepts in mathematics and their connection to molecular modeling. Contains supporting materials for this project, such as a hypermedia textbook, a library of 3D molecular models, and online challenges for students.

The Media Literacy On-line Project Homepage

Provides information and resources to educators, producers, students, parents, and others interested in the influence of electronic media on children, youth, and adults. Contains a database on media literacy, as well as links to Internet resources related to the topic.


Features the Magic Carpet series of interactive learning software (in English or Mandarin Chinese). Provides ordering information and information on a 30-day free trial basis.

Medical/Clinical/Occupational Toxicology Resource Homepage

Provides information for practioners, educators, and researchers in medical, clinical, and occupational toxicology. Also provides poison information.


Serves as a cooperative gateway to all of Massachusetts' educational agencies and organizations. Offers easily accessible FAQs, listings of current online projects, and job postings.

Mount St. Helens

Provides image maps more than 1,490 still images of the mountain before, during, and after the eruption. Provides information about the people, Mount St. Helens and other volcanoes, other Mount St. Helens resources, plants and animals, and curriculum.

MU CoE Links to Education Resources

Offers many links on education and resources. Includes an entire section devoted to mathematics, science, and technology.

NASA Education Sites

Offers a collection of servers specifically geared for teachers, students, and administrators. Offers a selection of math and science education resources, connectivity to numerous education servers, journals, and grant and project participation information.

Network Nuggets

Shares information about educationally relevant Internet resources. Provides list members with a message each day during the school year to help them find resources on the Internet. Offers an organized main index, and the Listserv is one way to keep up with the Internet one day at a time.

The New York Open Center

Nonprofit center for holistic learning and culture in New York City. Offers nearly 1,000 courses annually on topics of alternative health and bodywork disciplines, depth psychologies, sociocultural issues, spiritual and meditative teachings, and multicultural arts. Includes program information and a preview of the center's journal.

The Nine Planets

Presents a multimedia essay about the solar system, using text, pictures, sounds, and an occasional movie. Briefly describes each of the planets and major moons in the solar system, and illustrates them using pictures from NASA spacecraft.

The OSPI Math, Science, and Technology Server

Contains a collection of online math and science resources, as well as information on WEdNet. Also offers links to public and private online schools and Washington state colleges and universities.

Parenting Skills on Video

Contains parenting enhancement skills that you can use throughout your impressionable child's life. Presents guidelines for raising happy, healthy children.

Persimmon Software for Children

Chooses a different monthly aspect of the arts and humanities to create an interactive, multimedia presentation that engages children and promotes creative learning.

Peterson's Education Center

Seeks to catalog all United States K–12 schools, colleges, and universities, both public and private, as well as community and technical colleges. Also plans to offer transcript services and scholarship information.

Placer County Office of Education

Lists California K–12 and community colleges, as well as several links for teachers, students, and administrators.

Private School Resource

Presents a collection of many resources for private, independent, and religiously affiliated schools. Includes separate sections for organizations, school home pages, private school resources guides, and vendor information.

Project LEAP (Learn Earn and Prosper)

Provides basic skills, GED, job skills, and life-coping skills to a wide range of programs including literacy programs, family literacy, and workplace literacy.

Project Libellus

Contains free classic Greek and Latin electronic texts. Offers pointers to other classics e-texts found at other archives, organized by institution or archive.

Scholarly Electronic Forums Web Page

Offers contextualized information on scholarly electronic discussion groups. Provides information for potential and present users and listowners. Serves as a resource for electronic communication scholars, practitioners, and students.

Schoolhouse Videos and CDs (CD-ROMs)

Offers hundreds of topics and thousands of videos and CD-ROMs, from algebra to gardening to music.

SciEd: Science and Mathematics Education Resources

Offers an organized math and science virtual bookshelf. Offers pointers to online scientific and mathematical reference works and charts, as well as links to the usual science and math subject areas. Also includes information on ethics in science and software and equipment suppliers.

Second Nature

Nonprofit environmental organization that helps institutions of learning, such as colleges and universities, produce graduates who will become environmental leaders. Provides information about Second Nature's unique educational philosophy.


Contains links to a short list of very useful educational Internet resources. Also offers information on grants, government agencies, and museums.

Small is Beautiful

Lists resources on nanotechnology. Includes DNA nanotechnology, molecular manufacturing, and computational nanotechnolgy.

Special Education Resources

Special Education resource for parents, teachers and administrators. Contains essential information and hotlinks to other sites.

Street Cents Online

Tied to the Canadian television show "Street Cents," which teaches young people how to be informed consumers. Covers all of the highlights of the week's program, and also offers a kids club and discussion list.

The Tecla Homepage from Birkbeck College London

Text magazine written for learners and teachers of Spanish, produced weekly during the school year. Provides text in Spanish, with vocabulary listed below the text.

Tele-School Online

Tele-School Online is an educational resource site. They have bookmarks, listed by subject and school home pages, listed by country.


Serves as a Web site and Gopher for state educators and general use. Includes state educational news, policies, and reform information. Also offers college planning, field trip plans, and connectivity to educational Gophers around the world.

TESL-EJ Master Page

Online journal. Covers teaching English as a second language from many perspectives.

Upon the subject of education, not presuming to dictate any plan or system respecting it, I can only say that I view it as the most important subject which we as a people may be engaged in. That everyone may receive at least a moderate education appears to be an objective of vital importance.

Abraham Lincoln

Theodore Tugboat

Based on a Canadian TV show, "Theodore Tugboat," and designed for young children. Enables kids to send a postcard to a friend, download a coloring book page, and help write an interactive story. Also offers a parent/teacher area.


Technology and Information Educational Services of Minnesota, the older sister of InforMNs. Includes access to numerous ongoing school projects, as well as lesson plans, research information, and connectivity to InforMNs.


Provides information on and for urban students, their families, and the educators who serve them. Includes manuals, brief articles, annotated bibliographies, reviews publications, and conference announcements in urban education, among other features.

The United States Education Department/OERI

Offers an information server that acts as a reference desk for all things educational. Includes educational software, Goals 2000 information, as well as primary, secondary, and vocational information.


Provides information about interactive CD-ROM and laserdisc multimedia for science and math education, plus cool science facts, a guide to Internet education resources, educational technology primers, and more.

Virtual School Library Media Center

Library of educational resources for language arts, English, social studies, mathematics, networking, Internet, Shakespeare, Holocaust, children's literature, young adult literature, intellectual freedom, library science, science.

VOTEC Homepage

Provides information about vocational/technical education. Includes information on workplace literacy, tech prep, thinking skills, and training.

The Washington Center for Internships & Academic Seminars

Proposes the idea that the key to student success is active involvement in the educational process. Provides internships and academic seminar programs to college students that challenge them personally and professionally. Students apply academic theory through practical experience, discover their professional strengths and weaknesses, question chosen career paths, interact with students from across the country, and develop a broad sense of civic and professional responsibility.

Web 66

Seeks to be a catalyst that integrates the Internet into K–12 school curricula. Facilitates the introduction of Internet technology into K–12 schools by helping them set up servers, design home pages, and find other online schools.

Web66: K–12 Schools Registry

Consists of a clickable map of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and each click takes you to a different region's online schools. Provides the same information in a text format. Also offers school listings by country. Helps find keypals or partners for an online project.

Welcome to MegaMath

Aims bring unusual and important mathematical ideas to elementary school classrooms so that young people and their teachers can think about them together. Provides an online workbook with activities for teachers and students, as well as lesson plans and curriculum guides.

Welcome to the United States Civil War Center

Serves as a clearinghouse for all Civil War materials. Offers links to many Civil War exhibits, continuously updated. Seeks to be objective and look and the causes, events, and aftermath from every viewpoint possible.

Whales: A Thematic Web Unit


Focuses on K–5 kids. Contains images, activities and project ideas.

Window-To-Russia Homepage

Offers resources in both Russian and English, as well as links that tell you how to install a Netscape-readable Cyrillic font. Offers online art exhibits, an interactive Russian-English dictionary, basic country information, and more.

Winston Churchill High School Web Server

Hosts various WWW documents written by Churchill High School students or about Churchill High School.

WisDPI—The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction

Includes resources about education and libraries. Contains a variety of K–12 projects, lesson plans, and educational links.

Women in Higher Education

Presents Women in Higher Education, a monthly newsletter for women university administrators, faculty, and staff. Includes news and articles and current job listings.

The World Lecture Hall

Offers links to faculty world-wide who use the Web to deliver class materials. Includes syllabi, assignments, lecture notes, exams, multimedia textbooks, and resource materials on almost any subject.

The World of Benjamin Franklin

Provides multimedia information about Ben Franklin using pictures, documents, and movies. Covers his family, inventions, diplomacy, philosophy, and leadership. Provides a bibliography for further study of Franklin, his accomplishments, and the time period.

The World of the Vikings Homepage

Provides information about the World of the Vikings CD-ROM and research project. The CD-ROM includes two separate resources—the Research Database, created for academic researchers, libraries and schools, and Evidence Boxes, which collect together the best resources from the main archive for younger children. Also offers links to other Internet Viking resources.

Financial Aid

A Financial Aid for College Locator by Hunter & Associates

A financial aid for college locator that helps students find grants, loans, awards and other types of financial assistance in order to further their education which can increase their career opportunities.

College Financial Aid Services and Video Program With EFC Reduction

College Financial Aid Services and Video Program with EFC reduction strategies to save thousands of dollars on college costs.

Financial Aid for College

Free estimates of federal financial aid eligibility, a financial aid bibliography, fee based research of available college financial aid which matches the student's eligibility profile. Personal consultation.

Great Lakes College Financial Aid Service

Great Lakes College Financial Aid Service is your one-stop educational financial aid service. With the submission of an online document, you will be able to see how much financial aid you qualify for BEFORE you pay anything. GLCFAS consistently delivers the highest financial aid possible to you!

Home Schooling

Home School Assistance Sight provided by the Benjamin Franklin Academy

Home school assistance, home school links, home school curriculum, and distance learning provided by the Benjamin Franklin Academy.

Home School Learning Books

Home School Learning Resources for Grades K–7. The entire year in one book. All subjects available.

The Home Schooling Advantage

Our site has information on home schooling, ADD/ADHD, learning challenged children, Web links to other educational sites, and general information on multimedia and its importance to education.

HomeFront Education

HomeFront Education provides helpful articles and helps for Home School parents including home school links.

No Place Like Home

A site dedicated to providing information, links, and resources for anyone who home schools or is interested in home schooling.

International Education

The Digital Education Network

The site provides a wide range of resources for students and professionals interested in international education. Many schools offering courses to international students are featured on the site and information can be found on language schools, universities, business schools, colleges, and vocational schools. The site also hosts a number of award winning learning resources such as the On-line English Grammar and the El-Online Centre.

International Bulletin Board Reference

Good place to add your Web site especially for its content on International Education with information such as International Education & Exchange Offices, International Student Organizations, Overseas Study Program, International Student Offices, etc. in various Universities, colleges and schools. U.S. students and international students would definitely benefit from this site especially for those people planning to study abroad.

The International Education Forum

The International Education Forum provides specialized information on international educational exchange and mobility and intercultural area studies involving Europe, Finland and the United States.

WorldStudy Planner

The WorldStudy Planner network provides international students with information on study abroad opportunities in English speaking countries throughout the world. Check out their CD-ROM Databases!

K–12 Education

About the NDLC

Serves as a free resource for K–12, higher education, and adult education, distance learning. Offers a free Telnet database. Explains how to use the database, who to call for help, and NCLD's mission.

Alpine Valley School—Homepage

A K–12 independent day school located in Denver at which the students completely design their own education and participate in governing the school. Provides detailed information about the school's philosophy, mission, enrollment process, and generally presents a very bright picture of the school.

ArtsEdge Network

Focuses on using technology to increase access to arts resources and increase arts education in the K–12 school environment. Features an online newsletter, an information gallery, curriculum guides, and links to other arts-related online information.

Book Nook

Presents book reports by kids on kids' literature. Links reports worldwide into one central point of reference.

Brooke High WWW Server

Provides information about Brooke High School, located in the northern panhandle of West Virginia, 40 miles southeast of Pittsburgh. Includes its newspaper, Babbling Brooke, which gives information about the school system and surrounding communities, and information on how to install a Web server and slip servers. Offers thousands of educational and shareware files for ftp/Gopher transfer.

The best teacher is the one who suggests rather than dogmatizes, and inspires his listener with the wish to teach himself.

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Busy Teachers WebSite K–12

K–12 Internet resource for teachers. Organized by subject area with annotated links to sites that lead directly to source materials.

Cold Spring Harbor Fish Hatchery and Aquarium

Offers a wide variety of hands-on educational programs for K–12 students. Presents indoor and outdoor displays. Provides trout and other fish to lakes and streams throughout the region.

Columbia Public Schools Homepage

Serves 15,000 K–12 students. Features student and staff work and technical information for other schools.

Council of the Great City Schools Online

Nonprofit organization that represents the nation's largest public school systems. Links to local chapter pages.

The Cyberspace Middle School

Contains links to science fairs, Midlink Magazine (for kids by kids), and Virtual Bus Stops (links to online middle schools). Also offers many helpful links for students, such as an online Periodic Table, how to read a map, and so on.

FYI, RFC #1578-Schools, and Internet

Provides an Internet FAQ on the Internet and K–12 schools. Offers a clickable table of contents for browsing and contains useful information for anyone considering putting the Internet into a K–12 environment.


Offers a downloadable collection of science lesson plans for K–12 science teachers for classroom use.

HotList of K–12 Internet School Sites

Contains links to all United States K–12 schools with Internet access, divided by state, and lists the level of access each school currently has (Gopher, Web, e-mail only, and so on).

Interactive Educational Simulations

This site contains a growing list of educational projects aimed at K–12 schools. Its goal: provide the best in interactive simulations, & stress higher level thinking skills. Plan to do this: use a profit sharing program to reward excellence.

Jerome & Deborah's BIG PAGES of Education Links

A comprehensive listing of K–12 education links for teachers and students. Includes links for Internet Use in the classroom, special education, adult education, counseling and reference plus aboriginal (native) education links.

K–12 Education

Offers many K–12 links, searchable and subdivided into primary and secondary education, and also into document type.

K–12 Technology

Describes what is called "Simple School Internet Protocol"—that is, a way to get schools online.

NASA John C. Stennis Space Center Education Office HomePage

A broad spectrum collection of K–12 and other educational WWW resources, with special interests towards space and aerospace studies. Includes teacher resources, lesson plans, and links to many other education related topics.

NCSA Education Program

Seeks to bridge the gap between scientific research and education and make the tools for computation available in the classroom (K–12). Offers jumps for teachers looking for resource materials.


Offers a wide variety of K–12 tools. Includes class projects, teaching tools, discussion groups, career guidance, reference information, and school reform plans.

On-Line Teaching—Examples and Articles

The site includes courses using the Internet for communication, research, or for displaying the results of research. Also listed are some online class resources.

Success Learning Systems—Educational Software for Families and Schools

Hundreds of quality K–12 educational software titles for families and schools at discount prices. Site includes an interactive kids' section that's a lot of fun!

Online Teaching and Learning

Turner Adventure Learning

Contains information about Turner Adventure Learning, electronic field trips for K–12. Contains text documents, graphics, and Web links related to each field trip.

Welcome K–12

Focuses on teachers learning to use the Internet while online, as well as those who have very limited access time. Arranged alphabetically by subject area with two different tables of content—one with subheadings and pictures for those who want to browse and the other with just plain text links to resources. Addresses the real problem of teachers and time.

Canadian Kids' Page

Serves as a starting place for parents and children exploring the Web together.

Classroom Connect

Online magazine for K–12 educators using the Internet in the classroom. Both in print and online, Classroom Connect has become a source of pointers and features related to using the Internet in formal education for more than 8,000 monthly readers.

The Community Learning Network

Provides information pertinent to United States education as well. Includes distance learning resource information, connections to other educational and Canadian government Gophers and CLN software.

Cornell Computer Science Graphics Course

Plans to develop an online service for the students to review lab procedures and results, as well as present lecture material and project animations for all to view.

Distance Ed

Offers several links to good distance education resources, especially for colleges and universities. Serves as a good starting point for researching distance learning examples and practices.

Distance Education Clearinghouse

Gathers information on teleconferencing technologies, instructional design, programs and courses, and other distance learning resources.

Distance Education Resources

Offers links to international distance learning resources for community and higher education.

Distance Learning Directory

Provides a listing of Web sites, Gopher sites, Listservs, and newsgroups associated with distance education.

Distance Learning Resources

Offers a list of links (all resources for distance education) that have Internet support of distance learning included in the definition. Also describes each link.

The whole art of teaching is only the art of awakening the natural curiosity of young mind for the purpose of satisfying it afterwards.

Anatole France

Educational Online Sources

Plans to become a central "welcoming" and jump station for educators on the Internet. Contains links to educational conferences, policy and reform archives, and subject guides to online resources.

Exploratorium Homepage

Features, among other exhibits, "Diving in to the Gene Pool," "Remembering Nagasaki," "Ask Us A Question," and a digital library. Also offers The Learning Studio, a collection of science resources for parents, teachers, and kids.

GCRIO On-line Student Activities

Offers a collection of links to online science-oriented interactive projects that students can participate in. Also offers subject guides to resources and grant information.

Genetic Engineering Taught Through Telecommunications

Genetic Engineering (plant tissue culture/ recombinant DNA) is taught to 36 other schools in the state of Colorado using the Internet.

HotList: Virtual Exhibits

Offers links to many online interactive exhibits, where you control the action on the other end, such as a robot or telescope. Also offers links to online exhibits, such as the Amazon jungle or the Louvre.

Impact! Online Homepage

Consists of hypertext documents in English, with links giving pronunciation, part of speech, and meaning.

The Interactive Frog Dissection: An On-line Tutorial

Uses photographs and QuickTime movies to illustrate step-by-step the dissection of a frog. Provides tests along the way to help the student judge mastery of the content.

Intercultural E-Mail Classroom Connections

Provides listings of teachers and classes needing keypals for cross-cultural exchanges and partners for online projects at the K–12 and the college level. Also offers links to Listservs and other collections of keypal requests and online projects.

JASON Project

Collaborative learning experience for students around the world. Each year, a two-week scientific expedition is mounted in a remote part of the world and broadcast in real-time, using state-of-the-art technology, to a network of educational, research, and cultural institutions in the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and the United Kingdom. Lets participating students at the interactive downlink sites "go live" (using telepresence) to the expedition, operate the scientific equipment being used, and talk directly with the scientists at the expedition site.

Landegg Academy Online

Serves as a learning environment in which people from all parts of the world can gather to search for new answers to the needs of contemporary society.

Math Education Resources

Offers links to many good online math sites. Lists lesson plans, curriculum guides, and interactive links such as the Gallery of Interactive Geometry. Also offers listings of math-related newsgroups.

MathMagic Internet

Seeks to involve teachers and students in problem solving. Pairs up registered teams from all over the world to discuss and find ways to solve the challenges posted in each of four categories: K–3, 4–6, 7–9 and 10–12.

Online Reference Works

Lists several different online reference sources, such as a hypertext Webster's dictionary, a thesaurus, and an acronym dictionary. Also offers several foreign language dictionaries, and computing dictionaries.

The Open University

The British institution that pioneered distance education as a way to broaden educational opportunities across the country. Offers a comprehensive program that serves as a model for other programs. Also offers links to other online resources.

Reed Interactive's Global Classroom

Offers online projects centering around specific themes, and encourages international participation. Also offers an international keypal search and find center and access to education-related newsgroups.

The Study in the USA Online Directory

Serves as a resource for international students seeking to study at a quality American university, college, or English language institute. Lets you browse informative articles and program descriptions, and use the online request information forms to e-mail the school in which you're interested for more information.

The Technology and Distance Education Branch

Focuses on the development of a community learning network. Also offers links to other good distance education sites and guidebooks.

Total Recall

Presents an amazing online training course that teaches you how to dramatically improve your memory powers—improve exam grades, learn foreign vocabulary, and more.

Traveler's Japanese with Voice

Uses the Internet to teach basic language skills. Divides modules by subject. Plays an audio clip that provides proper pronunciation of any word you click. Also provides historical and cultural information.

Upena Hawaii


Focuses on Internetworking between Hawaiian schools and distance education in general. Contains educational resources for teachers and students, interesting Internet server links, and a good collection of state and local education information from the department of education.

Virtual Frog Dissection Kit

Provides a learning tool instead of dissecting a real frog. The program uses 3D and MRI images that you can manipulate to see the various parts of the body. Includes online tests.

Welcome to TEAMSnet

Offers information on both distance education and Internet in the classroom. Lists online projects, links to resources, and professional development information. Also offers a page on preservice teacher preparation.

The World-Wide Web Virtual Library

Cross-references everything from aboriginal studies to zoos. Details the links by alphabetical order, by era, and by region. Offers clickable maps of the world and specific information about many countries. Also offers a list of other online resources.


Educational Excellence Network

Education reform organization. Promotes bold reforms such as vouchers, charter schools, and privatization. Interactive site that posts research queries and searches issues by topic.


State Education and Environment Roundtable

Provides research reports about education, education reform and education about the environment. Also offers links to education and environment Web sites.

Standards and Testing

Parents Raising Educational Standards in Schools (PRESS)

PRESS is an organization of parents, grandparents, teachers, school board members and concerned citizens committed to raising academic standards by increasing parental awareness and involvement in the school reform process.

Student Resources

CASAA Student Leadership Resource Centre

Focuses on providing fresh student leadership materials, ideas, and support for the student activity advisor.

Children's Literature Web Guide

Catalogs Internet resources related to books for children and young adults. Lists recommended books, recent awards, new authors, resources for parents, teachers, and story tellers, movies based on children's books, and much more. Provides information on how to get your children or class involved in online publication, so the whole world can enjoy their creativity.

Classroom at the Internet Schoolhouse

Offers a collection of educational and interactive resources. Includes Internet projects, art, civics, interactive games, and science.

College Prep Page

Presents a collection of resources for planning your education. Provides information on financial aid, admissions, career planning, and more.

CyberKids Home

CyberKids was created as a place for kids to learn and have fun. Offers a free online magazine that contains stories and artwork created by kids, as well as online puzzles, games, and more. Also provides keypals from around the globe in CyberKids Interactive.

English as a Second Language

Brings together resources for teaching ES/FL, such as matching audio to text to help comprehension. Also offers links to the Word a Day vocabulary building e-mail service, and idiom of the Week.

Exchange—Learning.English Language Culture

Serves primarily ES/FL students, but also works for multicultural lessons or thematic units. Consists of contributions from international students, such as "Did you know?" about little cultural differences. Also serves as a place to publish your writing (for ES/FL students).

The Homework Page

A general subject guide page. Categorizes links by subject matter and by age group.

Jefferson-Scranton Community Schools

Provides high school students the opportunity to explore the Internet through the Web.

Kids' Space

Kids Space has been planned for children to enhance basic computer skills through their real participation and use of the Internet. Provides tools for creation of student's own Web pages.

My heart is singing for joy this morning! A miracle has happened! The light of understanding has shone upon my little pupil's mind, and behold, all things are changed!

Anne Sullivan

Kids Web A World Wide Web Digital Library for Schoolkids

Provides a collection of multimedia and other resources useful in education. Caution: The fun and humor link leads to a general Internet humor archive, an area that might not be entirely appropriate for children.

North American Historical Re-Enactor Web Site (West Site)

Contains a register of societies and clubs dedicated to re-creating historical events for preservation of artifacts and experiencing other periods of history.

Sylvan Learning Centers

Offers supplemental education to every type of student. Provides information on their services and locations.

Voices of Youth Homepage

Contains messages from the World Summit for Social Development. Pertains to topics discussed at the Summit, and although the server doesn't currently accept new messages, you can browse and search old messages by topic.

Welcome to the DeweyWeb

Provides information to students and attempts to provide them a chance to contribute their own observations, findings, and reflections.

Welcome to Virtual FlyLab

Enables you to play the role of a scientist investigating genetic inheritance: manipulate the matings of different fruit flies and see the genetic results of the matings.

Writing at MU

Online discussion site for writers. Offers four direct links to information exchange with other writers. Includes other links to assorted Internet sites, mostly related to writing, as well. (Note that a few might not be appropriate for children.)

Teacher Resources

The Book Corner

The Book Corner offers a wide selection of high quality children's books, gifts and teaching resources, including online secured credit card purchasing.

Early Childhood Educators' and Family Web Corner

Early childhood site with teacher resources, original articles, reproducible calendars and links to other sites with quality content. One of the most complete references for developmentally appropriate practices on the World Wide Web! All things early childhood!

Education World Search Engine

Education World [tm] is a powerful and free search engine focused on providing information to educators, students, and parents. Use their keyword search, browse by category, or join the Educators' Forum, a message board system to dialogue with educators around the globe. Twenty Education Site Reviews are posted each month.

The Educator's Toolkit

The Educator's Toolkit is a great tool for busy educators. Here you'll find a monthly Internet newsletter, lesson plans, theme sites, teacher resources and more.

The Puffin House

The Puffin House contains information about Penguin Childrens' Books. It includes activities for children, teachers' resources, and a searchable database of the full range of book titles.

Selective Learning Network

Selective Learning Network is a complete online educational network providing live chat areas in life line mentoring providing support on what students, parents and teachers face today, educational chat forums with professional in many fields, curriculum lesson plans for teachers, educational games for students.

Sharon's Page

This page has some links to teacher resources as well as some links to entertain such as Winnie the Pooh, Disney, and other cartoon favorites.

Teacher's Pets

Teacher's Pets are 500 word-plays, puns, and riddles for teachers to use to spice up lessons and classrooms. For $14.99 you can order this disk and insert the jokes into daily documents and presentations. The jokes are all safe, clean and new.

A Teachers' Space

A Teachers' Space is an Educational Resource Center in Portland Oregon. A non-profit organization serving educators and families for the benefit of all children.

TULEP—The Ultimate List of Education Pages

A growing list of Education resources on the Web designed for K–12 educators and technology directors.

Virtual Curriculum Coordinator

The Virtual Curriculum Coordinator is a directory listing of educational resources on the World Wide Web which are useful for K–12 educators and students.

Telnet & FTP Sites

Health Sciences Libraries Consortium



The health sciences libraries consortium (HSLC) computer based learning software database contains listings of PC-compatible and Macintosh programs used in health sciences and education.

Higher Education Resources and Opportunities (HERO)


Login: New

A 24 hour, online database service that provides access to valuable information from colleges and universities on scholarships, grants, fellowships, conferences, faculty and student development, research opportunities for minorities and women.

Incomplete Guide To The Internet

The incomplete guide to he Internet and other telecommunications opportunities especially for teachers and students, K–12 is a resource guide and how-to manual for beginning and intermediate Internet users as well as an excellent reference for advanced users.



Login: guest

An educational multi-user simulated environment.

National Reference Center Master File


Login: organizations

This site provides thousand of descriptions of organizations qualified and willing to answer questions and provide information on many topics in science, technology and the social sciences. The file is updated weekly, and each entry in the file lists the name of the organization, mailing address and other information.

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