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Career & Employment

By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day.

Robert Frost

Who would have imagined ten years ago that we would be going to the Internet (what was that?) to find a job? Well folks, here it is. A comprehensive list of links and sites to help you find the right job! For more information about jobs on the Web, see the article "Employment Opportunities on the Web" in Part I of this book.

100 Careers in Cyberspace

This site is devoted to helping individuals find Internet-related jobs. "Job opening" ads can be posted or searched, as can "job wanted" ads. Search function allows user to specify job title, job location, and educational requirements (or you can see the entire listing at once).

1st Steps in the Hunt

1st Steps in the Hunt is a Web guide for job searchers. Formatted like a magazine and updated almost daily, this site provides short profiles of a variety of career-related Internet sites (with links), and discusses issues relevant to job seekers. The site also maintains a nice collection of links to a variety of useful resources. A very good site with an excellent design.


Use a keyword search to find a job, volunteer opportunities, internships, or student jobs. You can search individual or all states in the US.

A+ On-Line Resumes

A service which will convert paper resumes to HTML and post them on the WWW. Member's are given their own home pages, which contain their resume. This site also allows employers to search member's resumes.

Access Careers & Jobs Resources

A site prepared for career-minded individuals who want to access useful links to a variety of different utilities that may help them find a job. Examples include links to a personality profile, a research mechanism, and a résumé bulletin board are at this site.

Achievement Corporation

Bringing a range of Human Resources and Internet communications services to you from the Web. Check out links to different services that might help you find a job.

ACME Training, Inc.

A supplier of custom training for corporate clients, Acme training also specializes in Adobe Acrobat (PDF) documents for many uses. Their home page will direct you through several pages, including a company philosophy, a list of projects, and examples of their work.

Advanced Training Professionals

Providing training services at below-industry standard prices, Advanced Training Professionals is dedicated to delivering world-class training to all forms of industries. Whether you are in business, education, or just want to learn, ATP promises they can help.

The Airbase

Filled with information about joining the U.S. Air Force, this is where you need to go if you want even more information about becoming an Airman or Airwoman.

The Airline Employment Assistance Corps

Often visited, the AEAC helps people find jobs in the airline field.

America's Employers

There are résumé banks, company databases, job search FAQs and other links that might help you find a job available at this site.

American Management Association

The AMA provides the business community with a complete management resource. This page gives you information about membership and what it takes to get in contact with this group.

America's Job Bank

Your tax dollars being put to work for you! America's Job Bank is a free service provided by the US Department of Labor and state public Employment Service Agencies. For the job seeker, this site contains over 250,000 job listings (most of which are in the private sector). Employers may post job openings at no cost.


If you are from the U.S. and wish to be an executive abroad, or if you are an executive in another country that wishes to work in the U.S., check out this site. Mostly specializing in data processing and automation consulting, this firm has much information for bright and eager candidates at this Web site.

The Analysis Group

Founded in 1988, the Analysis Group offers candidate development services, including full search and recruitment and training in all aspects of recruiting and sourcing.

The Ankarlo Training Group Home Page

This home page is filled with information about how to advance in today's competitive business environment. It stresses creativity and leadership to attain those goals, and gives advice on how to seek them.

Asian Career Web Home Page

This site is designed to match job seekers who are bilingual in English and an Asian language with international employers. A site for individuals who speak English and the local language of China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand or Vietnam, and employers looking for such individuals.

Asia-Net, Inc.

Designed for bilingual professionals who are proficient in Japanese, Chinese, or Korean, as well as English. Job seekers can subscribe to a free mailing list which will e-mail job openings to members. Employers looking for bilingual professionals can post job openings.

Atlantic Management Resources

A list of current positions, special openings, interviewing tips, and other information is available at this site.

BackStreet Studios

This site is dedicated to helping graphic artists and designers find employment in their chosen field. It provides links to different résumés and samples of creative talent, as well as employers who are seeking artists.

Benefit Associates

Benefit Associates is a recruiting company that specializes in the placement of human resources and employee benefit personnel. There are links to different specializations, as well as jobs and candidates available.

The Best Jobs in the USA Today

For both potential employees and employers, this site hosts many links to aid in employment. There is a Best Jobs Database, a Recruiter's Boardroom, and other important links to assist in your search.

Twenty years of schoolin' and they put you on the day shift.

Bob Dylan

Bolack Total Travel Academy

This site has information for people who are already in travel or who are considering a career in travel. There are links to seminars, class schedules, and other important aspects of discovering success in the travel business.

Boldface Jobs

At the Boldface Jobs' Web site, job seekers can add their resumes to the online database or search for job openings by specialization and location. Employment agencies and recruiters can add company profiles to the database or post jobs and candidates that they have available.

Broadcast Employment Services—TV Jobs

A site devoted to the broadcasting profession. Broadcasting professionals can post resumes and search an online Job Bank that lists job openings from around the country. Freelancers can post "situations wanted" ads. Employers can locate individuals with suitable skills. This site also contains a nice set of links to useful resources.

The Business Job Finder

Maintained by the Fisher College of Business at the Ohio State University, the Business Job Finder is a very highly regarded and informative Web site. This site contains information on a variety of business career areas, listings of current jobs and a variety of other reference material. The information and links which the Business Job Finder provides can help you to make wise career decisions.

Butterfass, Pepe & MacCallan, Inc.

With links to the executive search process, principals, specialization, and other areas of functional expertise, this site promises to give information for managers, consultants, and executives.

CaBiT Development

CaBiT Development stands for Computer Based Training Development & Delivery Tools. It consists of a suite of several Windows-based programs that run on PCs used in client/server network environments. This site is where you can find information about obtaining this service.

Caldwell Partners On-line Directory

An executive search formed in 1970, this firm's clients are businesses and public organizations that wish to fill positions within their respective assemblages. Check this site for professional resources, contacts, and a directory.

Career Center

This site is contains a good collection of links to career and employment-oriented Web sites. Short descriptions accompany the links, so that you can get an idea of what to expect from the linked sites. Also contains a listing of relevant Internet newsgroups.

Career Center

Maintained by Internet Business 500, this site contains a collection of links to employment resources on the World Wide Web. Categories of linked sites include career malls and job fairs, placement resources, want ads, career advisors, headhunters, and Fortune 500 companies.

Career Crafting

This site is home to a type of reconsideration therapy. Find out here how to quit the job you always hated, get the job you always wanted, and how not to fear bills and other obstacles.

Career Expo

If you are looking to become involved in a job fair, this company is the place to check out. They have been organizing fairs for about fifteen years, bringing together engineering, information systems, computer science, and many other professionals with leading U.S. and Canadian companies.

Career Magazine

An online magazine that provides much more than just feature articles about careers and job hunting. This Web site also includes lists of job openings, employer profiles, a resume bank, a career forum, directories of recruiters and consultants, a list of job fairs, links to colleges, relocation resources, and other career information. A great resource!

Career Management International

Specializing in human resources, there are many links here useful for business-oriented career professionals.

Career Planning Process

Not sure which career to pursue, or which career you are suited for? The Career Planning Process site can help. By offering pointers from career counselors and a series of exercises, this site takes a visitor through a number of steps that will help the user define goals and competencies, explore career options, and prepare for a job search or graduate school.

Career Resource Center

A comprehensive o-line directory of career resources, this site contains a large collection of links to job listings, employers, career Web sites and publications, educational institutions, and more. All resources are cross-indexed by geographical location (which encompasses North America, Western Europe, Japan and New Zealand).

Career Resource Home Page

This site is filled mainly with links. You can look at career services at universities, an Internet Job Surfer, professional societies, and more.

Career Résumés

With the idea that a résumé should be a marketing tool instead of a simple history, Career Résumés has opportunities for both job seekers and corporations.

HEART Advertising Network maintains as a service to match job hunters with employers. Job seekers can search the online jobs database by company, location, or discipline. This service is free. Employers can post job openings on the database for a fee. This site also maintains a real-time virtual job fair.


CareerBuilder offers personalized job searching services. Individuals can tailor their job search by company, job type, location, and salary, and can electronically submit their resume if they find an opening that they are interested in. CareerBuilder also offers Personal Search Agents that scan job postings daily and e-mails summaries of openings that match the member's specifications.


CareerCity's Web site has three main searchable databases: Job Listings, Job Newsgroups, and Corporate Recruiting Links. Searches in all of the databases can be customized so that you can find just what you are looking for.


CareerCity's Web site contains a large online database of job openings that can be searched. Employers may post job openings for free. Job searchers can post their resumes to the database if they wish. This site also contains a nice collection of resources about job hunting, writing cover letters and resumes, and interviewing.


This site is very user friendly. There are links to an online bookstore, a quick tour, a testing and assessment area, and information about the company.

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take the chance?

Edgar Bergen


An extensive career search based on the familiar job fair that you might find at the local university or armory. Search by region, state, or just about in any other fashion.


CareerMosaic is a large Web site with plenty of useful resources for job hunters. This site includes a job and resume databank, employer profiles, job fair listings, a special section for students and recent graduates, an international gateway, and a career resource center with tips on job-hunting, resume writing, and links to professional organizations. A great place to start your job search. posts tens of thousands of job ads each month. Ads are updated by newspapers around the country. Job seekers can specify which newspaper's ads to search, and can specify the job type to search for.

Careers Accounting

A site for professionals in accounting and finance. This site allows visitors to add their resumes to the database and search job listings. Also provides links to accounting placement agencies. Businesses can add company profiles to the database as well.


Filled with many companies, this site is truly a smart way to find or fill a job. By filling out forms, you can give your desires of where and what jobs you want.


CareerWEB is an extensive search tool useful for just about anyone seeking information about a professional career. There are listings, a résumé pool, and all other sorts of information.

The Chronicle of Higher Education—Academe This Week—Job Openings

This site is an online listing of academic and administrative job openings in higher education. Visitors can browse job openings by academic field or keyword. Searches can be limited to specific regions, the entire United States, or openings outside of the United States.

ClearWord Communications and Training

Clear Modern English for international business and industry is stressed here. Obviously, language is important on both sides—native speakers need to avoid colloquialisms and other turns of phrase that are allusive to non-natives.

College Grad Job Hunter

You've earned your college degree and now face the prospect of looking for a job. Now what? This site can help sharpen your job-searching skills. From preparations for the job search, to writing cover letters and resumes, to interviewing and negotiating a contract, College Grad Job Hunter contains an array of resources that can help you land that job. Also contains a list of job postings that you can search and a link to the Job Hunter E-zine.

Colossal List of Career Links

Maintained by Emory University, this is a fantastic site for the job hunter who is looking for useful sites on the Internet. Not only does the Colossal List contain a great collection of links, but all of the linked sites are thoroughly described and rated. A great help in finding Web sites that will fulfill your needs. Also contains links to resources about graduate and professional schools.

Conceptual Systems, Inc.

Creative solutions to complex problems can be found by seeking the help of CSI. Their Web page has links to people, products, CSI news, and clients.

Cool Works

Slackers and college students rejoice! This site can help you to find a seasonal job in a great place. Search for jobs in resorts, cruise ships, summer camps, National Parks, or ski resorts. As the Cool Works site says, "check out what it takes to live and work in the kinds of places that most people only get to visit."

Cromwell Partners Interactive

Cromwell Partners Interactive is a company that wishes to help place people into executive positions. If you are qualified, please check out this well-developed site for more information.


A new twist on the conventional job fair, this site features a place for employers and job seekers to send for information about potential employment.


CyberMania! is designed to provide chemists and biochemists links to employment opportunities. Whether you are a chemist, a biotechnician, or in medicine, you can find all the links you need at this site.

Cyberspace Jobs

Just what kind of job opportunities are there in the world of cyberspace? If you are unsure, you can visit this site to find out. The Cyberspace Jobs page contains profiles of many different types of Internet-related jobs. Also provides links to relevant Web sites and newsgroups for further information.

The D.L. Weaver Difference

In such disparate industries as health care to finance, this company is in the business of placing professionals. They look for people who have the experience, personality, and style to fill a professional position.

I was thirty-seven when I went to work writing the column. I was too old for a paper route, too young for Social Security, and too tired for an affair.

Erma Bombeck

Damar Group

This site presents two different packages and a new approach to training. Both courses are designed to give you training on the Internet.

DICE (Data processing Independent Consultants Exchange)

This site provides a job search database for computer consultants and high-tech professionals. Offering free services for job seekers, DICE is a "national job advertising service utilized by recruiting firms seeking high tech data processing professionals." Contains current job listings, along with contact information for each.

Edwards and Associates

Need a part-time manager for your small business? Then this site might have what you are looking for. Browse around corporate magazines, FAQs, or get in contact with this firm.

The Employment Channel Online

A companion to the Employment Channel, this online site provides information about the TV show, an interactive jobs database, an employment CyberFair, and an employment center which provides information to those looking for work.

Employment Detective

You want a new job, but just don't have the time to spend hunting one down? Maybe you should go to the Employment Detective. This is a full service firm that writes resumes and cover letters, finds job leads and sends out your resume, provides interview coaching, and sends thank you letters for you. They'll do everything short of actually going through the interview for you.

Employment Edge

A career placement service for professionals that specializes in the accounting, engineering, management, and computer fields. This site contains job listings for these fields, and offers interested job seekers the chance to send resumes to Employment Edge if they find a job they are interested in.

Employment Resources for People with Disabilities

This site provides a good collection of links to a wide variety of resources available for disabled individuals. The linked sites are briefly described. While most linked sites seem to be in the United States, several are located in Canada and the UK.

Employment Search International, Inc.

If you are looking for employment opportunities, this may be the site you have been seeking. Here, you'll find links and information concerning meaningful employment through technologically advanced media.

Employment Search Productions

If you want to find another job, are unemployed, or simply feel that you are underpaid, you should look at this site. There are links to video self-teaching programs, tips, and other useful links located at this site.

Employnet, Inc.

Recruiters can register with Employnet online to search a database filled with résumés of potential employees. Job seekers and employers alike should peruse this Web site for help in the job search.

This site is devoted primarily to listing jobs in the engineering field and allowing engineers to post their resumes online. also includes links to engineering references, engineering societies, and other job and resume Web sites.

Environmental Careers Organization

The Environmental Careers Organization is a national, non-profit organization dedicated to helping individuals find jobs related to the environment. This site contains information about paid internships, career advice, and listings of books and other environmental resources.

Equal Opportunity Publications

Home page for the publisher of several magazines devoted to women, minorities, and people with disabilities in the workplace. This site provides information about their magazines, links to businesses seeking employees, listings of job fairs, and a resource page continuing selected articles from their magazines.


The first place to look if you are considering using the Web as an employment search tool is E-Span. The site provides a ResumePro Database that you can submit your résumé to for employers to peruse, or you can try either the CareerPro MasterFile Database or the CareerPro Database to search for new job listings.

Eurojobs On-Line

This site allows European companies to submit company profiles and job offers, all of which can be searched. Primarily oriented to the European Community, this site's database can be searched for jobs and companies located in 19 different nations.

The Web site is an international employment exchange that is focused upon Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Job listings can be searched by field or geographical region. The site also provides "positions sought" ads and company profiles. A French language version of this site is available at Italian language version of the site is available at German language versions of the site is available at and

The Extreme Résumé Drop

This site is very well formatted, filled with companies, and accessible. All you have to do is fill out your résumé, then choose the companies to whom you'd like to send it. Very easy and a great idea!

Federal Jobs Digest

This Web site is the online companion to the Federal Jobs Digest periodical. The online site contains federal government job listings in a variety of fields—engineering, science & math, computers, medicine, social science & law, law enforcement, accounting & auditing, administration & management, secretarial, clerical, and trade & postal.

Federal Law Enforcement Careers Employment Guide

You can order a booklet at this site that lists law enforcement careers in the federal government.

Focus on Software Personnel

Software Personnel is one of Britain's 3 largest information technology recruiting firms. The firm specializes in recruiting both contract workers and workers for permanent positions. At this Web site, you can view contract and permanent positions listed through Software Personnel and submit a CV.

Fortune Personnel Consultants

This page is geared toward finding qualified candidates for staffing the needs of your company. At this site, you'll find positions in manufacturing and legal positions, as well as information about how to contact this leading placement firm.

Forty Plus of Northern California

Forty Plus is a non-profit, cooperative organization designed to assist individuals over the age of 40 with career transitions. This site provides information about membership in Forty Plus, provides links to other Forty Plus chapters (located in several states and Toronto, Canada), and provides a listing of member resumes.


Looking to own your own business? Or perhaps to franchise the business you already own? If so, this site may help. FranInfo provides a variety of information about buying franchises and franchising your business. The site also contains a list of franchise opportunities.

Freelance Online

Graphics rich (high speed modems) use

Minimum graphics (low speed modems)

If you are a freelancer—writer, editor, salesperson, or just about anything else—you may consider making this your start page. It includes links to contract jobs, forums, and other information needed by freelance employees.

FSG Online Jobs in Biotechnology, Pharmaceuticals and Medicine

This site provides a variety of resources for employers and job seekers in the field of science. Job hunters can search for positions and post resumes. Employers can advertise jobs and search the online resume database. The site also includes some articles on careers in the sciences and job hunting.


GET A JOB's Web site allows job seekers to search an online listing of job openings and post resumes to the site's database. Employers can search the resume database to find suitable candidates. The site also contains some articles on careers and a large, linked-list of employment newsgroups.

Get A Job!

Get A Job! is good one-stop source of employment-related links to the Internet. The site contains links to job listings for particular fields, university career centers, government agencies, and general Internet career sites. A nice resource for someone beginning a job hunt.

Get TOP $$$ in a JOB You Love

FAQs, resumes, and other answers for the career-minded professional. You can even e-mail career questions to this site's professional staff.

Getting Past Go

Getting Past Go is a resource for new and recent college graduates. There is plenty of documentation here that will help you find exactly what you are looking for.

Good Works

Is what you do more important to you than how much you make? Do you want to work at a job which is socially responsible? If so, you may want to visit Good Works. Good Works is a national directory of social change organizations. You can search the Good Works job database by organization, position, or location.


A Web site dedicated to employers and job seekers. Employers can post job openings, while seekers can submit résumés.

A Guide to Job Resources by US Region

Provided by the College of William and Mary, this is an excellent collection of links to career resources on the Web. Visitors can link to sites that contain job listings for particular regions of the United States, comprehensive job listing pages, or pages devoted to particular career fields. A very good place to start your search.

The Web site for allows job seekers to post online resumes and search the job database for free. Employers or agencies who wish to post openings have to pay a fee. The site also includes a large listing of recruitment/placement agencies located around the United States and abroad.

High Technology Careers

Career management and development, technology trends, and future outlooks are what you'll find available at this site. You can submit your résumé to this site, and they'll post it for you.


This Web site is the official home site of Hispanic Business magazine. At this site, you can browse through information from Hispanic Business, HispanTelligence research services, and HispanData professional services. The site also contains job listings, and offers you the opportunity of submitting a resume to HispanData.

HiTechCareer Centre

The HiTechCareer Centre provides services to job seekers and employers in the high technology field. Candidates for employment can search the jobs database and submit their resumes to an online resume bank. Candidates can also sign up for a free alert service that e-mails promising opportunities every week. Employers can access the online resume bank to find suitable job candidates.

The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working when you get up in the morning, and doesn't stop until you get to the office.

Robert Frost

Hoover's Online

Hoover's Online provides bills itself as the ultimate source for company information. This site provides links to company Web sites, company profiles, as well as business and investment information. Job hunters can search the online database, which can be focused upon specific companies, locations, or industries.

Hot Jobs

A simple listing of jobs that are available from mostly electronics companies.

How to Find a Creative Job in the Real World

This site is essentially a "CyberEd" course in looking for artistic jobs. You can read stories and check resources here as well.

Human Resource News and Issues

This page is simply filled with links about today's human resource issues.

The Human Resource Professional's Gateway to the Internet

Eric Wilson's home page serves as a gateway to Internet sites of interest to Human Resource professionals. Categories of links to be found at this site include HR Web pages, HR and related Listservs, job search sites, HR related companies, and WWW search tools. Most links are annotated, to give you a sense of what they contain.

The Image Maker

A training company based in the U.S. and Canada, the Image Maker has skills seminars offered in English and French. This page has many links that describe the information here.

InfoDesign Group

This company offers complete documentation, technical support, and training design and development services. This site has such links as Helping Business into the Future and What InfoDesign Can Do for Your Company Note that this site currently is undergoing construction.

The Information Professional's Career Page

This Web site contains a wealth of resources relevant to careers in Information Systems. Some of the information contained in this site include discussions of the changing roles of information executives, issues of professional development, resume and interview skills, professional associations and societies, career links, and much more. A great resource for information systems professionals.

InPursuit's Employment Network

Built from the success of Shawn's Internet Résumé Center, InPursuit has built an entire employment network. Consisting of many career related services and products, this network allows "the job seeker and the employer to come together."

The Insurance Career Center

Insurance professionals can search for jobs at this Web site and post their resumes online. Employers can post job openings and search the resume bank. The site also includes corporate profiles and a directory of national recruiters.


This site is designed to bring job seekers and employers together. Job seekers may place their resumes in IntelliMatch's database, and employers can search this database. Job seekers need to register, but the service is free. IntelliMatch also contains job listings, employer profiles, and a career center.

International Homeworker's Association

The International Homeworker's Association provides services to help those working in their homes to prosper. Their Web site has a members forum, a listing of job postings, and an online resume bank. The site also describes publications available through the IHA.

The Internet Fashion Exchange

The Internet Fashion Exchange Web site is a centralized employment marketplace for the fashion and retail industry. The site contains a Candidate Profile area, which can be posted to or searched, as well as a Positions Offered area, which can be searched or added to. The site also includes links to career resources and human resource services.

ISG Computing Careers Online

Located in the Greater Toronto area, ISG is a firm specializing in the placement of individuals in the information technology field. This Web site allows you to search ISG's Job Bank for contract and permanent positions. The site also maintains a Career Resource Centre which contains a variety of information and links.

The Jacks Institute

A trainer of tax industry professionals, the Jacks Institute's Web site has links to tax courses and books, tax tips, and a guest book.

Job Fair Home Page

Select from two different fairs, the Indiana Collegiate Job Fair or the Multicultural Job Fair. Check out employer lists, or contact the coordinator of the fair.

Job Search and Employment Opportunities: Best Bets from the Net

This guide from the University of Michigan describes and provides links to some of the best career and employment resources on the Internet. The resources are grouped by general fields: Education and Academics, Humanities and Social Sciences, Science and Technology, Business and Government, and Career Development Resources. A good starting point for your searches.


JobCenter's Web site allows individuals to search job ads and place their resume online for a fee. JobCenter also offers members the service of having an intelligent agent automatically search job ads and e-mail results. Employers can post job ads at JobCenter for a fee.

JobClips by Internet

JobClips specializes in helping individuals find jobs in the engineering, computer and information science fields. JobClips will search for job openings that meet your specifications and will e-mail results to you weekly.

The JobExchange

Featuring membership opportunities for job search and recruiting, this site also boasts a candidate database to help search for qualified individuals to fill positions.


This Web site rightly bills itself as "A Meta-list of Online Job-Search Resources and Services." JobHunt contains a great collection of links to job listings, companies, newsgroups, recruiting agencies, resume banks, University career resource centers, and more. Well worth a visit.

Jobs & Careers Online

This site contains an online listing of classified ads. The classifieds are broken down into categories, which include administration, finance, sales, education, medical &dental, technical, and more.


The JobServe Web site is a good source for individuals in the Information Technology field who are looking for employment in the United Kingdom. This site allows the visitor to search the online Job Server, and offers the opportunity to subscribe to a mailing list that sends e-mail messages daily listing the latest job vacancies.


Maintained by Bay Area public libraries, this site is a good source of information for job seekers in Northern California. JobSmart provides access to career guides, information about resumes and salaries, job ads, job hotlines, and job fairs.


JOBTRAK works in partnership with colleges, universities, and career centers across the United States to provide a centralized source of job listings and information for recent or prospective graduates. This Web site includes online job and resume databanks, links to recruiters and graduate school programs, and job searching tips.


JobWeb is a huge collection of links to resources on the Internet. If you need information about jobs, the job search, human resources, or career planning, chances are that you will find what you are looking for here. A service provided by the National Association of Colleges and Employers.

Library Job Hunting

If you are looking to find hands-on experience and are in Library Science, this is the place to look. This page was written by a person who collected information in a search for a job for himself.

The McKinley Group, Inc.

This home page for the McKinley Group provides information about their developmental workshops made to meet a company's specific needs. It also includes links related to this company's service.

Michael Latas & Associates, Inc.

A full-service executive search and professional recruiting firm, Michael Latas & Associates has an ideology of divide and conquer; they have divisions that work exclusively in different areas of expertise. Check out this site to request information or read more about this firm's ideology and impressive record.

Michigan Association of Personnel Services

The Michigan Association of Personnel Services was founded in 1945 with the objective of providing personnel services to clients within Michigan and the United States. This site has links to Officers and Directors, member firms, and geographical location of employment opportunities.

MMWIRE Classifieds

MMWIRE Classifieds contains job opportunities in multimedia, video games, interactive entertainment, and online services. Job seekers can search for employment opportunities by specific company or by position.

The Monster Board

This site is called the Monster Board for a reason. It is filled with plenty of links associated with jobs, careers, and companies.

NACCB Online Job Board & Resume Bank

This free service is provided by the National Association of Computer Consultant Businesses. Devoted to helping individuals find technical jobs and contract opportunities, the site allows you to post your resume to their databank and search their online job board. Also allows for searches of local NACCB member companies.

National Association of Colleges and Employers

A "bridge between higher education and the world of work," the National Association of Colleges and Employers is an association that brings two often disparate worlds together. Of course, many people attend college with the idea of landing a job that will make them a fortune, but it seems that only the lucky few actually do—this site may assist in that endeavor.

National Business Employment Weekly

The online companion to the print version of the National Business Employment Weekly. This Web site provides a table of contents of the current issue, as well as selected full text articles from current and past issues. The site also provides information about print subscriptions and books that can be purchased.

National Center for Tooling & Precision Components (NCTPC)

This Web site for the non-profit organization formed to provide programs in training, education, technical and business assistance, and research and development to "improve the competitive positions of U.S. tooling and manufacturing companies."

National Directory of Emergency Services

Sponsored by Eagle Visions, this Web site contains current job listings for fire and police departments. Membership in Eagle Visions is required to view the database, and is available at this site.

National Diversity Journalism Job Bank

Sponsored by the Florida Times-Union, this site is designed to help journalists find jobs. The National Diversity Journalism Job Bank allows you to search for jobs on the online database or post your resume. It also provides links to other job banks and a nice collection of journalism resources.

National Internship Directory

Purporting that one of the best ways to get what you want from a career is to try it out in college. It has a nice resume builder, too, that will give you clues on how to construct an efficient résumé.

NationJob Online Jobs Database

The NationJob is a nationwide jobs database with a Midwest focus. Search the online database or sign up for the free P.J. Scout service which will search the listings for you and e-mail you the results. You can also search for jobs at particular companies or look at company profiles at this Web site.


A career networking organization, NetConnection groups different resources by region. You can also peruse the NASS Membership Directory, the PARW Membership Directory, or other links at this site.

Occupational Resources

This site is filled with links to find employers, employment, education, or jobs. They call themselves the Opportunity On-Ramp. Check out this site for plenty of links.

Online Career Center

The Online Career Center allows you to search a job listing database, a resume database, and a database of company information and profiles. Job seekers can sign up for automated "agents" which will search job listings for them and allow them to see the results the next time that they log in.

Online Sports Career Center

The Online Sports Career Center's Web site contains a job bank that lists sports-related career opportunities. The site also includes a resume bank which can be searched or posted to, as well as a set of links to other career resources.

Pemberton and Associates

A "comprehensive human resource solution," this site is filled with information about this company's services. Whether you need compensation and benefit administration, recruitment services, or training and development programs, this company can help.

Peritas Online

A well-formatted page, there is an online training promotion available at this site. You can also check out the KnowledgePool consortium—the World's largest commercial training education group.

Physicians Employment

This Web site lists employment opportunities for physicians, nurses, and allied health care professionals. Also included in the site is a listing of fellowship and residency programs. Hospitals and Clinics, as well as health care recruiting firms can post a limited number of job openings on the site for free.

Practical Management, Inc.

Management and instructor development are what you'll find at Practical Management's home page. There is much information here, as well as links to some courses.

ProMatch '97

Simply a page filled with links, it can help with program outlines, a résumé profile, and an industry council. You also have the chance to join this organization, so check out the link called Membership Requirements if this group meets your career needs.

Radio/Recording Career Connection

On the job training for qualified individuals of audio recording can be found from the company who owns this site. You'll find information about how to contact this firm, as well as other information about what they do.

Recruiters OnLine Network

Recruiters OnLine Network is an online association and resource for the employment industry. Their Web site contains a jobs database that can be searched by job seekers or posted to by member firms and recruitment services. Those searching for employment can also post a resume or CV to the online database for free.

Recruiters OnLine Network

As a worldwide online association and resource to help discover meaningful employment, this site has many links to help you find a job. RON is a large association of individuals and firms linked together in the online community as a virtual association of employment professionals. Check out the different links that give listings, résumés, and associates for the latest information in your job search.

Resume Innovations

Resume Innovations can help you develop a professional and effective resume. Services that they provide include assisting you in preparing your resume, printing your resume and cover letters, and posting an online version of your resume. This site also allows employers to search the online resume bank.


Resume'Net wants to help you put your resume on the World Wide Web. In addition to offering resume development and printing services, Resume'Net will also allow you to create a Web page that contains your resume. Their Web site also contains a nice set of links to other career services available on the Internet.

Riccione & Associates, Inc.

Riccione & Associates specializes in executive search and placement services for individuals in the computer hardware and software industries. They handle both permanent placement and contract work, and have job listings for both areas in their Web site.

The Riley Guide—Employment Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet

Compiled by Margaret Riley, this guide provides a great deal of information about how to use the Internet to aid in your job search. The site contains lots of links to various resources of interest, and is a good starting place for anyone who is looking for work and wants to tap into the wealth of information contained on the Internet.

Ronaldi's MBA Job Finder

This page is provided by West Virginia University in order to provide a clearinghouse of career related information for MBA students. Whether you are seeking a job with a worldwide employer, in a particular city, or by a particular type of company, you'll find what you need at this address.

RootLearning, Inc.

They call themselves pioneers in the emerging technology of Learnegy. Filled with Macromedia documents, this page claims that everyone "from the CEO to the shop floor operator" must "understand and respond to the vital economic, competitive, productivity, and customer (quality and value) issues that will shape the organizations future." Note that this site currently is being redesigned.

The Salary Calculator

You are thinking of relocating to another city, but are unsure whether you can afford to do so. The relocation calculator allows you to determine the salary you would need to make in a new city, based on cost-of-living differences. The site also automatically provide links to relocation services and Realtors that serve the city which you are considering moving to.

Saludos Web

Saludos Web, a service provided by Saludos Hispanos magazine, is devoted exclusively to promoting Hispanic careers and education. This site allows you to view articles from the magazine, explore information about education and careers, and search a national listing of jobs. Saludos Web also provides links to Hispanic-related Internet resources, as well as other employment resources on the Internet.

Science Professional Network

A service provided by Science Online, the Science Professional Network contains a searchable database of Science classified advertisements, a resource center, lists of meetings and career fairs, and links to academic science departments.

SENET Career Expo Home Page

A source employment network, SENET Career Expo wishes to provide job placement through career expos, diversity and minority job fairs, effective résumé writing skills, and other career programs. There are many links at this site to peruse.

SHRM Online

This is the Web site for the Society for Human Resource Management. SHRM Online contains a great deal of information for human resource professionals, including links to HR News and HR Magazine, seminar and conference listings, white papers, job openings, and more. A good resource for those in the HR field.

Silicon Valley Employment Opportunities

This Silicon Valley Employment Opportunities page contains a collection of links to specific businesses and recruitment firms located in Silicon Valley, Web sites specializing in employment in California, as well as national employment Web sites.


SkillSearch bills itself as a service for individuals who aren't actively looking for a job. They provide links between experienced professionals and companies that could use their skills. Members of this service have a personal database record, which SkillSearch compares with employer requests. If they find a potential match, they will send the member's resume directly to the employer.

Source Services Home Page

Source Services is located in more than 50 cities across the United States and Canada, and has 8 divisions which handle a number of different industries and job types. Their Web site explains the various services that they offer, provides advice to job seekers, and offers you the opportunity to search their job listings.


The self-proclaimed "Leader in Stressmatery Training and Products," this site is very businesslike in approach—simple, dignified. Read lists of different types of programs or follow links to programs offered by the company.

StudentCenter helps college, graduate students and recent graduates identify their personal strengths, define their career goals, and learn about those companies that best match their interests. They provide advise and information about all phases of a job search. They also provide information about major cities in the United States and abroad, which can be helpful to those considering relocating.

Success Express Journal

The Success Express Journal's online home is host to a weekly magazine. Check out the Tips from the Top, Book Reviews, and more at this site.

Summer Jobs

Summer Jobs is a database of seasonal and part-time job opportunities. Although focusing primarily upon the United States, the database contains opportunities in other countries as well. The jobs database can be searched by job location or type. Employers can post job openings to the database.


TechCareers is a useful Web site for employers and professionals in the high technology field. Employers can post job openings to the online database. Job seekers can search the database for free. The site also contains weekly news columns about high tech careers, salary surveys, and a collection of links other Internet resources.

Technology Registry

Technology Registry is an interactive, online employment database. Professionals in the technology field can submit profiles to be added to the database, whether they are actively looking for employment or would like to keep abreast of interesting opportunities. Employers can find suitable job candidates by searching the database.

Going to work for a large company is like getting on a train. Are you going sixty miles an hour or is the train going sixty miles an hour and you're just sitting still?

J. Paul Getty

TLC Seminars

A training seminar based in choice. There are links to several different types of training sessions, including Presentation Skill Training, Instructor Training, and Custom Training Development.


The TOPjobs USA Web site has won honors in several Internet employment ratings. This site contains a searchable job database, employer database, and consultant database, as well as providing career advice and links to other Internet career resources.

Total Human Resources

If you are looking for fair policies for your company that are current and uphold today's federal and state laws, this site is for you. Total Human Resources is a consulting firm with comprehensive help.

Training Express

Not only nice looking, the Training Express Web site is filled with information about their systems, how to order them, and an online catalog of training materials. There is also a page filled with links concerning training.

Bandwidth heavy, but very nice-looking, offers a program called CVexe. In an attempt to help make your résumé more attractive to potential employers, CVexe wants to help present your résumé in a unique and accessible way.

The Virtual Headbook

The Virtual Headbook contains actor/actress resumes and headshots, making it easy for casting directors, agents, and directors to find exactly who they are looking for. The site also allows actors and actresses to increase their exposure. Actor/actress profiles can be searched by name, gender, age, ethnicity, and location.

The Virtual Job Fair

The Virtual Job Fair is exactly what it says it is. There is a library here, links to searches and expos, a résumé center, and high tech careers. Formatted for both graphical browsers and text-only browsers, you can look at a table of contents or use an image map of the fair to navigate the site.

Vital Learning Corporation

The Vital Learning Corporation is an online training academy that offers state-of-the-art tools developed for computer-based training. At this site, you can request more information, read about products, and join a mailing list.

Web Engineer's Toolbox

The Web Engineer's Toolbox is a valuable site for WWW professionals. The site contains job listings for Web developers, CGI and Java programmers, Webmasters, Web marketers, and other Web-related positions. The site also contains a collection of links to sites containing information about Web servers, HTML, CGI and Java, graphics, design, helper applications, and online Web magazines.

Welcome to Advance: The Home Page of High-Tech Careers

This site is a companion to Advance: The Magazine of High-Tech Careers. The Advance Web site contains subscription and advertising information about the magazine, as well as a listing of high-tech job opportunities.

Westech Career Expo

At this site, you can put your résumé in a database or check out job fairs that are close to your hometown—they even include maps. You can also peruse other resources, such as careers magazines and other resources.

What Color is Your Parachute: The Net Guide

The Washington Post and Dick Bolles, author of the well-known book What Color is Your Parachute, present this site as an online resource to help job seekers. Full of advice on how to utilize the Internet in a job hunt, as well as recommendations on the best Internet sites to visit. Bolles regularly appears online to answer questions posed by visitors to the site.


Techniques to land the job that you want are located at this site. There are links to tips, topics, career resource centers, and experts that you can look at, or if you'd rather, you can purchase the video that promises to "turn interviews into job offers."

Which Job Fair is Right for You?

This site consists of a list of different types of job fairs. Each description is relatively short, and has links to locations, times, and dates.

WITI Campus—Women in Technology International

Women in Technology International's WITI Campus Web site is a great source of information for women working in the high technology field. This is a well designed and comprehensive Web site that covers a number of different areas, including career resources for women in the technology field. Job hunters will want to visit the job opportunities section of the site.

The Women's Center for Employment

This site has been developed to focus on the career development issues of women and to provide ready access to resources that will enhance every woman's job search. The site includes reviews of books and articles, as well as industry/corporate outlooks, information, and trends. Other links of interest to women are also provided.

The World Wide Web Employment Office

The World Wide Web Employment Office provides job listings and resume banks that can be searched by visitors. Job seekers are offered the opportunity to have their resumes posted to the online database. Jobs and resumes can be searched by field of interest. The site provides job and resume information for the United States and abroad.


The world.hire site is an online employment recruiting service. At this site, employers can recruit suitable candidates over the Internet, and job seekers can post their resumes to gain maximum exposure.

Xplore Business

The Xplore Business Web site contains a collection of links to various business-related resources on the Internet. Whether you are looking for business-related career pages, governmental agencies, or online magazines, Xplore Business may have the link that you need.

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