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Contemporary Books and Authors

Learn to love good books. There are treasures in books that all the money in the world cannot buy, but the poorest laborer can have for nothing.

Robert G. Ingersoll

Love to read? Then this category is for you! From contemporary authors, fiction, and electronic literature to online book stores and publishers, this category has it all!


Agatha Christie

Provides a chronogical listing of most of Christie's works, grouped optionally by featured detective. The maintainer of the page promises that all the books and plays listed will eventually have complete descriptions (including whodunnit, for the impatient!)

Albert Camus

Although this page is probably too heavily formatted, the information presented is at least interesting. There are several essays about Camus, a biography, and photographs of the Algerian/French Absurdist.

Aphra Behn Page

This site is dedicated to the first professional woman writer in the English language. A prolific playwright (second only to John Dryden in the Restoration), Aphra Behn is known largely for her prose. This site has links to information about Aphra Behn and other women writers.

Arthur C. Clarke Chapter of "The Silicon Jungle"

Relates one person's experiences communicating with Clarke via telecommunications satellite in 1985, before the Internet was known outside of military and research institutions.

Barbara Kingsolver

Pictures of her book covers, essays by students, and a biography compose this site dedicated to the writer of Pigs in Heaven.

The Brontë Sisters

Both biographical information and essays concerning their novels are present at this site. Also, links to each individual sister—Emily, Charlotte, and Anne—are available.

Charles Bukowski

Strange that a drunk, self-described "dirty old man" would have such a nice home on the Web. There is a biography, a newsletter, an art section, and letters to the author.

Charlotte Brontë

Dedicated to the Victorian author of Jane Eyre, this site also boasts links to literary and artistic relations, as well as a cultural context section.

Clive Barker

The official Clive Barker Web site lists books, films, and comics, and details about book tours and special video releases. Includes discussion forums and transcripts of IRC interviews with Barker.


A good Dr. Seuss page, with all kinds of links, including information on the "Great Grinch Debate."

Donald Barthelme

Largely a collection of stories, this site is an already well-defined work-in-progress. Present here are stories, excerpts, and essays either by or about Donald Barthelme.

Douglas Adams

Several links to FAQs, lists of works by Adams that are available online, and membership information for the semi-official fan club, ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha. There's even a search engine, in case you want to find out exactly where in Adams' works the Babel fish is first mentioned. The site is maintained by the maintainer of the FAQ.

Douglas Coupland—Snapshots

Of interest to many people concerning their everyday lives with computers and technology, this site features writer Douglas Coupland (author of the satire Microserfs), interviews, and bibliographical and biographical information.

Dr. Seuss

Great images, book listings, pieces of interviews and commentaries, and a copy of Seuss' death announcement. Includes a copy of the humor piece, "What if Dr. Seuss Were a Technical Writer?"

Edgar Rice Burroughs

Probably as close as a person can come to an "official" Edgar Rice Burroughs page, this site has an autobiographical sketch, essays, and other information about the writer of the Tarzan series (and other fantasies).

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy is the 19th century writer of Looking Backward. This site, evolved from the Center for Utopian Studies, has links to essays and excerpts by Bellamy, as well as links to related sites.

Ernest Hemingway (The Papa Page)

Probably the definitive Hemingway site, the Papa Page brings pictures, bibliographies, and biography of Ernest Hemingway to the World Wide Web. There are good references here to print resources that can be obtained at any bookstore or library.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Based at the University of South Carolina, this site dedicated to F. Scott Fitzgerald is in celebration of the centennial of his birth. The mission statement of the page states that "this site celebrates his writings, his life, and his relationships with other writers of the 20th century." True to this, you'll find biography, writings, and beautiful photos of the famous author from the Roaring '20s.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

This page, though dark, is styled very nicely. A great resource for people searching information concerning the (arguably) first existentialist novelist, this page contains facts and text to further study of this 19th century novelist.

Greg Bear

Biography, bibliography, and some original work by Bear himself, exclusive to the Web ("for the time being"). Also contains bitmaps of some of Bear's paintings.

Ian Fleming

You might think, the Ian Fleming Web page might as well be called "oh, yeah, and for the guy who actually created James Bond;" however, this page is filled with history, biography, and news clips relating to the British author. Of course, you'll find plenty of 007, too.

Isaac Asimov

A wonderful site for Asimov fans! Comprehensive booklists, stores and publishers that sell them, transcripts of reviews and interviews, and even sound files of Asimov himself.

Jack Kerouac

Many recordings of Jack Kerouac reading from his prose. (Sometimes he sings, too.)

James Joyce (Work in Progress)

There are many joys to this site—pictures of the author, his family, and those people mentioned in his work; important songs and readings by Joyce himself; links to articles and Internet groups who study Joyce; and maps of the places mentioned in his work. Give yourself some time, though, this site is worth it.

Jennifer's V.C. Andrews Page

Web site devoted to V.C. Andrews, one of the most popular contemporary authors of our time. Describes her novels, biography, family trees, pictures, and more.

Jim Carroll

Jim Carroll's home on the Web seems to want to dispel anything known by the public about the author of The Basketball Diaries. Indeed, Carroll is a multipracticed artist in music, letters, and spoken-word performance; however, this site claims him the messiah of the nouveau Renaissance.

The Johann Wolfgang von G

A brief biography and some different links to matters concerning Goethe are present at this site. Also, if your equipment can support it, there are some nice multimedia aspects here.

John Grisham

This site created by the publisher of Grisham's books has information on the author, pictures, and features the capability to e-mail John Grisham, if you so desire.

To be a bestseller is not necessarily a measure of quality, but it is a measure of communication.

Barbara Tuchman

Jonathan Kellerman

Contains a brief biography and book list of Jonathan Kellerman, as well as some books with descriptions culled from the dust jackets.

Jorge Luis Borges—The Garden of Forking Paths

Perhaps one of the best-formatted literature pages on the Web, the Garden of Forking Paths (El Jardín de Senderos que se Bifurcan) is home to the Magical Realist Jorge Luis Borges. Not only good-looking, this site is also quite complete. Certainly worth the time.

The Kate Chopin Project

The Kate Chopin Project Web site concentrates not only on biography and bibliographical information, but also the stories and writings of Kate Chopin. Very well-formatted for graphical browsers, the project utilizes the World Wide Web's hypertext platform for footnoting the stories.

L. Ron Hubbard

A wonderful site to visit for its accessibility, layout, and information on L. Ron Hubbard. It offers a profile of Hubbard, his poetry, songs and music, philosophy, and (of course) his books. There's also a link to the Church of Scientology. Includes audio clips of some of his lectures and writings.

Le Marquis de Sade

Tastefully written, this site contains much information about the infamous French noble from the eighteenth century. There are quotes, excerpts, and a chronology available here.

Lewis Carroll: An Overview

Lewis Carroll (née Charles Dodgson) was not only the writer of the famous Alice in Wonderland stories, he also was a mathematician and scientist. This site houses information about Carroll as a whole person—his literary tactics, religion and philosophy, and his work in a political and social context.

Margaret Atwood Information Site

This is the official Margaret Atwood site, open mainly to students and scholars of her work. There are several sections, including bibliographical information, essays on writing and other subjects, as well as a link to ameliorate the search for more information on the writer of such novels as The Handmaid's Tale and Cat's Eye.

Michael Crichton

The writer of such novels as Jurassic Park, The Eaters of the Dead, and Congo, and all-around American media entrepreneur Michael Crichton finds a welcome home at this page. There are many good links to information about his life, books, and other entertainment efforts.

Miguel de Cervantes

A project of the Cervantes International Bibliography Online and the Anuario Bibliográfico Cervantino, this site is dedicated to solve the "problem of currency, thoroughness, and accessibility which now hampers research on Cervantes." There is a record of the books, articles, dissertations, reviews, and other points of interest included here to this end.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

"Dedicated to enhancing our understanding and appreciation of Hawthorne's writings and life," this site has complete e-texts of his novels and stories. There are readings, pictures, and information about this American author of the 19th century.

Nicholson Baker

The Nicholson Baker Fan Page is a page filled with facts about the books and the life of Nicholson Baker. There are links to reviews and comments, and perhaps most enjoyably, the first sentence of each novel is present in its description.

Piers Anthony

Contains a short biography and a complete list of Piers Anthony's books (including some short descriptions).

Ray Bradbury

A biography and a list of books, films, and TV works by Ray Bradbury.

Raymond Carver

This site has biographical information and essays about Raymond Carver. His stories have become very popular in the recent past, perhaps because of Robert Altman's film Short Cuts; however, Carver died of cancer in 1988. This page is the only one of its kind.

Richard Bausch

An instructor at George Mason University, writer Richard Bausch is widely published and acclaimed. His works have been featured in such periodicals as The Atlantic, Harper's, The New Yorker, and Esquire.

Richard Brautigan

One of the only sites dedicated to this British Black Satirist, this page has a library and a "Trader's Corner." Configured for Netscape-compatible browsers.

Rita Brown

This page concerns Rita Mae Brown, lesbianism, and medicine in the humanities. This page has links to these and other issues.

Roald Dahl

This good-humored home page is a place that Roald Dahl would have been proud of. His biography and bibliography shows Dahl's life in a good light, and also makes apparent the breadth of his oeuvre. His adult writing and his (perhaps more famous) children's writing is exemplified here.

Robert Jordan

A whimsical FAQ to Robert Jordan's work, with humor, language guides, and more.

Stephen Crane

This page was written by several students at the University of Texas at Austin for a project in their English class; however, this doesn't diminish its relevance to the study of Stephen Crane. It is quite complete and has biography, bibliography, and excerpts from Crane's work—both audio and text.

Stephen King

Full of many interesting links that one might not imagine Stephen King would relate himself with. In other words, you will find photos, FAQs, and biographies about King here, but you will also find a guess at his mailing address and a copy of some liner notes King wrote for Michael McDermott's new album.

Stephen King

Loads of scans of Stephen King book covers. Also includes a complete list of his movies, novels and collections, some with descriptions and additional graphics.

Thomas Hardy

A large site about the author, it includes what you might expect—biography, e-texts, pictures—as well as some very entertaining sound bites of excerpts of works by Hardy, and Monty Python's take on him.

Tom Clancy

This site has some biographical information and also some information concerning Tom Clancy's novels. It is heavily formatted for Netscape-compatible browsers, but it is very well done.

Truman Capote

Mainly dedicated to the new-journalistic novel In Cold Blood, this site also has biographical information and other points of interest about Truman Capote.

Umberto Eco

A computer-friendly semiotician, Umberto Eco's work has been hailed by philosophers, scholars, and readers all over the world. This site provides a good overview of the work of this important Italian writer.

V.C. Andrews

Another book list, with descriptions of most of the books. Also has a family tree of the Foxworth family from the "Flowers in the Attic" series.

Willa Cather

A well-formatted site available from the Harvard Web server, this page has information about Cather, her work, and scholarly conferences in her honor. Her very astute picture of America in the early twentieth century should be impetus enough for a reader to look at the information included at this site.

William Faulkner

The site to visit for any sort of information about William Faulkner. John B. Padgett, currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Mississippi (located at Oxford, whence Faulkner hailed), maintains this completists' page with more information on it than anyone could want.

William S. Burroughs

Whenever a person begins to study William S. Burroughs, there are usually words of warning or at least a caveat lector. This site keeps with that tradition but gives great insight into the life of the writer of books such as Naked Lunch and Junky.

Zora Neale Hurston

A site dedicated to the writer of the famous novel Their Eyes Were Watching God. There are links, many photographs, and links to other Hurston and literature sites.

Electronic Literature

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

The complete text, from the Project Gutenberg edition, linkable by chapter.

ALICE'S Adventures in Wonderland

The complete text, linkable by chapter, with colorized versions of the John Tenniel illustrations.

American Literary Classics

A great site to visit if you want to catch up on reading you know you should be doing, but don't have much time to dedicate to it. This site gives a chapter a day of a classic American novel. (For instance, The Red Badge of Courage was featured at the time of this writing.) In addition to the chapter, the rest of the novel is present if you'd like to read it in its entirety, and links to the author of the featured book and some other interesting links are also available.

The Ancient Wisdom Home Page

An eclectic compilation of writings taken from ancient and contemporary authors on various facets of the Universal Wisdom Teaching--both Eastern and Western traditions.

Baker Street Connection

Contains the texts of the Sherlock Holmes novels and short stories. Also includes scans of illustrations from Holmes books, and a canon word search feature.


Short pieces of fiction, poetry, and other writings by contemporary author Don Berry.

The Citadell of Riva

Provides a biography of writer David Eddings, scans of artwork, and links to other pages. Also contains some excerpts from some of Eddings' works.

The Commonplace Book

Traditionally, a "commonplace book" is a place to put notable passages people find in their reading to memorialize those ideas. This page is an electronic version of one of those books made by a variety of readers.

The Electronic Labyrinth

Home to hypertext in literature, there are links to articles, e-texts, and other resources concerning hypertext in the area of writing. Essays by important authors are also present and link to other related articles.

The Electronic Library

This virtual library is available for the free dissemination of e-texts by thousands of different authors. There is a nice search engine that is available to find anything present in the "stacks."

Great Books of Western Civilization

A self-study sort of course that should give the reader a well-rounded liberal education. The interesting twist on this, however, is that the books in the course are online (for the most part—some would infringe on copyrights).

Gutter Press

Provides radical literature and fiction to the reader of new or dangerous fiction. Provides links to other small presses, quarterly publications, and new and existing titles and authors.

The Hardieboy Web Site

A venue for unpublished writers and poets to show their talent. A place for literary agents and publishers to find talent. A place for browsers to browse.


HyperLiterature/HyperTheory has an annotated bibliography, some readings, and some works by students who are studying this exciting new field.

Literary Works: Mark Twain

Contains the complete text of Huck Finn and Connecticut Yankee, with more to come.

Little Women-DataText

The complete text of the book, linkable by chapter.

The Lost World (Randomhouse)

A page maintained by the publisher, devoted to the "Jurassic Park" sequel. Contains ordering info, excerpts. Also contains links to other sites' articles on such subjects as dinosaurs, electric/hybrid vehicles, and chaos theory.

Mark Twain: Huckleberry Finn

Browse the complete text, chapter by chapter if you like, and look at the first edition illustrations. Includes early reviews and "the obscene sales prospectus illustration."

The Martian Chronicles Study Guide

Maintained by Washington State University, this is a useful page for those wishing to study and critique Bradbury's writing style.

Online Books FAQ

A Frequently Asked Question list concerning the availability of online works, with links to archives and other directories, and information about public domain laws.

Ryer Reading Room

Electronic literature, some previously published, now for free. Poetry by Milly Ryer, short stories by Molly Ryer, humor by Rufus Jarman, a new mystery in serial by Marion Ryer, novels by Anne Silleck. Updated on the first of the month.


A project to bring books and reading to everyone. It includes articles, links, and papers written by scholars in support of electronic publishing.

Tree Fiction on the World Wide Web

Gareth Rees's paper concerning hypertext and the World Wide Web presents differing ideas about the use of hypertext in today's literature. He even offers that certain games are a form of hypertext; in fact, he maintains that these are the most interactive type.

The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

The complete text of the book, linkable by chapter.

Journals and E-Zines


Essays, commentary, short fiction, poetry, visual arts, and cultural interest grace the pages of this well-designed e-zine. There are also links to many of the artists' home pages and galleries.


A pleasingly interesting site, Alternative-X gives a forum for new writers, hypertext aficionados, and even ancient Greeks. There are texts of many different genres, but all are grouped logically into subsections of the e-zine.

American Drama

American Drama is the journal of the American Drama Institute. The American Drama Website features complete tables of contents and a bibliography for all ten issues of the journal, a subscription page, playwright interviews (at present featuring interviews with Arthur Miller and August Wilson), and links to theater resources on the Internet. In the future, the Web edition will feature more playwright interviews, book reviews and abstracts for all articles featured in future issues of the journal.

American Planet Galactic News

A quirky e-zine that is reportedly updated weekly, this 'zine features poetry, links, current events, public affairs, and pictures that might be of interest to young adults.


This is a literary journal based at The Johns Hopkins University and dedicated to Asian-Americans. Although most of the contributors are students at Johns Hopkins, there are also writers from other venues presented.

Blue Raincoat Journal

Quarterly literary journal with award-winning fiction, poetry, photography and sequential art.

The Bull Street Journal

The Bull Street Journal is a hysterical, unauthorized, full-length parody of the Wall Street Journal, not available in stores.

Canboulay, The Caribbean Literature Quarterly

A journal dedicated to creative works and critical studies centered around Caribbean literature. Of course, writers from around the world are presented here, too.

The Central California Poetry Journal

The Central California Poetry Journal publishes poetry online by poets who write in or about Central California. Poems and articles are requested. The Journal is published by Solo Publications.

Clackamas Collegiate Review—A Quarterly Journal of Academic Thought

The Clackamas Collegiate Review is a student-run quarterly journal of academic thought.

The Cream City Review

Based at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, this is the literary journal of their English department. The name comes from the town's nickname, "The City of Cream-colored Bricks."


CrossConnect is a triannual electronic journal examining and presenting contemporary art. It is based at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. This page is very well-formatted and popular. The current issue is at the forefront, but back issues are available, too.

De Proverbio

This is an electronic journal of international proverb studies. Several issues are available to be accessed and read, and there are other links available to reach the editors and editorial board of the periodical.


This is a journal of contemporary German-language literature. It is available in both the original German as well as in English. Also present at this site is original artwork by a contemporary German artist.

The Dr. Susan Block Journal

A Journal of Pleasure, Art, Sex, Culture, & Politics. The online version of the Journal is also reader-written.

Early Modern Literary Studies

Dedicated to the English language, literature, and literary culture from the 16th and 17th century, this journal is very interactive, featuring the capability to respond to its published papers in a Reader's Forum.


A journal of theory in medieval and Renaissance studies, Exemplaria is based at the University of Florida. Read articles concerning literature and culture from the formative Middle Ages.

Feelings Poetry Journal

Feelings Poetry Journal, a quarterly journal featuring the finest in contemporary poetry and commentary on the craft of writing poetry. Featured poets are changed every four weeks. Submissions guidelines and subscription information included.

Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review

Considered the premier journal for gay and lesbian studies, the Harvard Gay and Lesbian Review is now online. There are indexes, articles, and excerpts from big-named scholars in the area of sexuality, such as Camille Paglia and Edmund White.

The Journal at Theatre Central

The Journal at Theatre Central is the central hub of theatrical information on the Net, gathered by respected theater professionals each month in the form of an electronic E-Zine.

The Journal of African Travel-Writing

The Journal of African Travel-Writing presents and explores past and contemporary accounts of African travel. Scholarly articles, true narratives, fiction, poetry, reviews, and so on.

Keepsakes and Dreams: A Journal of Collaboratively-Written Stories

Keepsakes and Dreams is an interactive online journal of stories that were collaboratively written by adult ESL students. Authors who contributed to this journal are immigrants to the United States from over fourteen countries. In Keepsakes and Dreams, newcomers share stories about their cultural keepsakes and dreams for the future. Visitors are invited contribute their own autobiographical stories and sign the guest book.

The Milton Quarterly

A journal related to John Milton and his work. There are abstracts and excerpts from the journal, as well as various other information about John Milton and his work.

Mystery Readers Journal

Mystery Readers Journal is a quarterly thematic mystery review Journal edited by Janet A. Rudolph. Each issue contains articles, reviews, and author essays. Includes excerpts and table of contents from each issue (13 years). Sample themes include Sports Mysteries, San Francisco, Senior Sleuth, Gay and Lesbian Detectives, and more.


Produced in the Scottish Highlands, NorthWords is a journal that focuses on the literature of "the North." Their definition of "North" is particularly interesting, though, and doesn't hold any sort of provincial boundary. Not only is creative work featured here, interviews and book reviews also are present.


Plaintext is (amazingly) a self-described "literary daily." Its aim is to present reviews, essays, stories, and articles each day—often in hypertext format. Readers can also submit to this online e-zine by e-mail.

Qui Parle

The home page for the journal of the liberal arts. This periodical covers a wide range of topics, interdisciplinary and otherwise.


Renditions is a magazine dedicated to Chinese literature and language. At this site, you'll find such interesting topics as Chinese poetry, essays, and story excerpts. You also can order books by Renditions Publishing.

Romanticism On the Net

A great site about Romanticism in general, this online journal presents many articles, links, and the ability to publish online—that is, if you have something to say about Romanticism.

Sapphic Ink

A lesbian literary journal that features fiction, poetry, book reviews, and a hotlist. Also available is the ability to read about and get in contact with the contributors and editors of the magazine.

Science Fiction Weekly

An electronic SF magazine. Covers books, movies, TV, games, artwork, and merchandise, and even some interviews.


A journal of interpretations and applications of cultural studies in language. Mostly abstracts from the printed journal, this site invites you to read more about the impact of multicultural studies.


A literary magazine in both English and German. This site has links to literature sites, journals, and specimen articles in the PDF (Acrobat) format. There are also archives, offers, and a form to order this journal in print.

Online Book Resources

12 GO Web Directory-Publishers

A Web Directory by specific subject with absolute links to Publishers sites. Also, free links and free marketing contest.


2001 includes links to access resources for book publishers and for book lovers.

A Hundred Highlights from the Koninklijke Bibliotheek

This large, Dutch library has a searchable index of resources. There are also many pictures present that were either created specifically for the library or are archived at the library. This library mainly houses older books, so this presentation is to bring them to the public in a way that makes them less vulnerable to battery and the caustic effects of being in the open.

A Sherlockian Holmepage

Contains many links to electronic Holmes and Conan Doyle resources.


This newsgroup gives reviews of books, but there is not much discussion here. If you're interested in a book and want just a little more information about it before you buy it, then you might want to look here first.



Provides information about technical books, mostly centering on computer books. This newsgroup also attracts the sale and resale of books about technical topics.

Touted as the "Earth's Biggest Bookstore," maintains and sells over one million titles. With a well-developed search engine, you can search by just about anything you know about a book or author—even if it is just one word.

American Studies Journals and Zines

Links to journals and E-zines in American Studies and related fields; includes synoptic versions of some journals.

Banned Books On-line

Banned Books On-line celebrates the freedom to read. There are links to e-texts on the Web featuring authors who have at one time been banned in America and elsewhere. Also present is some censorship history of the books featured on the page.

Book Banning, Burning, and Censorship

A multimedia experience concerning banned books, censorship, and its impact on the world. There are quotes, pictures, audio files, and the use of client-side pull to present its case—make sure you are using a Netscape-compatible browser to experience this site to its fullest.

Bookbinding, a tutorial

An instruction guide to repairing books that might be falling apart, this site has been carefully researched and represents the work of a true bibliophile.


A very useful reference site for anyone who buys books or wants to publish book of their own. This site has samples of hundreds of titles under a myriad of subjects. It also provides information about publishing and marketing a book over the Internet, and it includes links to many publishers and related services.

Bruce E. Southworth Reviews

Drawing on many years of print and television experience, Words-n-Deeds provides reviews of both fiction and non-fiction books, interviews with authors, and links to publishers, bookstores and other related organizations.

Canadian Publishers' Council

Association representing book publishers in Canada since 1910. Site includes links to publishing related sites, FAQs, industry studies, and statistics and information on copyright.

Conservation OnLine

A guide to preserving books, articles, pictures, and other media for professionals and amateurs alike. This site is dedicated to the preservation of information of many media.

Hungry Mind Review Discussion

A place to discuss titles, subjects, genres, or just about anything concerning reading. There are archives of discussions from the past. Feel free to join any of the many discussions.

For books are not absolutely dead things, but do contain a potency of life in them ; they do preserve as in a vial the purest efficacy and extraction of that living intellect that bred them.

John Milton


If you're looking for a particular type of book, click on the links and the list of booksellers will appear. Provides links to computer, gay and lesbian, science fiction, children's, travel booksellers, and many, many more. Also gives a link to other bookseller sites.

L'Art Medical Antiquarian Books

The history of medicine, antique books, and a place to register in a "wish-list" for certain titles. There are links to a mailing list and the Netherlands Antiquarian Bookseller's Network.

Macmillan Publishing USA (The Information SuperLibrary)

The Information SuperLibrary is chock full of interesting and useful information about computer-related titles, including a link to the online version of this book, New Riders' Official World Wide Web Yellow Pages.

Next Wave Consulting

Next Wave helps publishers create and market electronic publications, including designing online catalogs, creating CD-ROMs, and developing comprehensive strategic plans for electronic product development.

Notable Children's Books

This site sponsored by the Association for Library Service to Children is filled with suggested reading for children, and is organized to separate younger, middle, and older children's books. There are also suggested readings for children of all ages.

Oneida Indexing Services

Experienced indexer putting together high-quality indexes at reasonable prices and fast turnaround time. Geographical distances are not a problem!

The Preservation Educators' Exchange

A site to exchange information that might be valuable to anyone who wishes to learn more about archiving or preserving books and library science. There are announcements of upcoming events, items of interest, and even syllabi of library science classes at different universities.

Publishers Marketing Association (PMA) Online

PMA is the largest non-profit trade association representing independent publishers of books, audio, video and CDs. Site includes member directories, information, discussion forums, and more.


PUBNET® is an electronic data interchange (EDI) service sponsored by book publishers and trade associations in the book industry. It offers a low-cost method for sending orders to publishers via a central network, and provides faster and more accurate ordering than most traditional and some electronic methods. PUBNET® connects booksellers, with one link, to over 80 major publishers with 400+ imprints and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. PUBNET® is linked with over 25 inventory control systems used by stores and publishers and provides software free of charge which runs on IBM compatible PCs for member stores. Currently there are over 3,800 sites using PUBNET®.


This is a great site if you love books. Provides links to authors, publishers, book stores, discussion panels, and a reading room of articles and book samples. Includes personalized subscription services that provides information based upon interests.



This newsgroup is a generic discussion of anything relating to books or writing. There are many postings here, so you are certain to find something that interests you.

The Romance Pages

Maintained by Integrated Visions, this site lists many contemporary romance authors and their newest works (including some excerpts and scans of book covers).

Speedy Research Service

Information collection, journal photocopying, and research. A one-person company that provides fast and inexpensive access to journals and scholarly information. Comprehensive results in all fields, and specializes in medicine and biochemistry.

Ultimate Romance Novel Website

Enables you to offer your opinions on romance novels you've read. Take a look at their gallery of cover art, and read up on publishers, writers, illustrators, and cover models.

Vintage Books Reading Group Guides

A novel idea about the reading group (and perhaps a very good way to promote books, too), the Vintage Books Reading Group Guides are like the discussion questions that you might find at the end of a story in a high school anthology (only for adults). There is more here, though—there is author biography, pictures of the books and authors, and a selected further reading list. If you are in charge of a reading group and can't think of a good place to start discussion, try this site first.

The pleasure of all reading is doubled when one lives with another who shares the same books.

Katherine Mansfield

Willy Wonka Lyrics

The lyrics to each song from the movie, including the songs of the Oompa Loompas.

Words of the Web

Words of the Web is a site for anyone interested in literature: writers, agents, publishers, or readers. Links to author, agent, and publisher sites, as well as links to other places of interest to readers and writers.

Online Bookstores

A Clean Well-Lighted Place For Books

Why fight traffic, weather, and crowds when you can go to the local bookstore in your own home? This site provides sales and reviews for thousands of titles in many different categories. Also provides many links to other related topics and fields.

AAA Books on the Net

Find publishers, publicists, authors and more. Books for sale. A unique bookstore promoting up-and-coming authors in all categories of fiction and non-fiction.

Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America

Specializes in rare and antiquarian books, maps, and prints. Provides a search service by specialty and location, catalogs and links to other services for over 140 booksellers, current information on book fairs nationwide, links to online public access catalogs at libraries worldwide, and articles of interest to book sellers and book collectors from the ABAA Newsletter.

Association of American University Presses (AAUP) Online Catalog/Bookstore

Online bookstore that is a made up of member university presses. Open for business but still under construction, the AAUP introduction states that it expects to have more than 100,000 titles from almost 100 imprints. Provides links to individual university presses. Includes the ability to search for an entire association or by individual university imprint.

Astrology et al Bookstore

Features online catalog of astrology, occult, pagan, UFO, metaphysical and other related titles. Includes listing of out-of-print and hard to find books that they have in stock.

Bantam Doubleday Dell—BDD Online

Catalogs, forums, puzzles, and interviews with the authors of new books. Check out their author of the week. Science fiction fans should check out the Spectra SF Forum.

Bonder Bookstore Inc.

Provides online sales site for the Montreal, Quebec based bookstore. Includes order form for purchasing any book in print over the Web.

Book Hunter

Provides a book finding service specializing, but not limited to, in technical books. Includes price quote service, search, and order forms. Also includes company profile and account establishment information.


Specializes in distributing ESL (English as a Second Language) and multicultural books. Also sells children's books and any British book in print.

Books 2 Buy Online Bookstore

An independent online bookstore with access to over 2 million books-in-print, books-on-tape, Bibles, music CD/cassettes, videos, gifts, heavenly fudge, gourmet coffee. Offers secure credit card transactions.

Books Stacks Unlimited

A huge online bookstore with more than 350,000 titles in stock, generous discounts, great service, discussion groups, author pages and more. Updated daily.


An online bookstore that provides search tools for a two-million-book database, new release information, and ordering information. Includes testimonials from satisfied customers.

Bookstore at Houghton Mifflin

Provides online sales for one of the largest printing houses in the world. The store is broken down into six sections with book listings, book excerpts, news, and discussion groups. Also included are links and resources for related information and research.

Christian Book Connection

Online Christian bookstore. Features a catalog of nearly 30,000 items including books, Bibles, Bible software, CDs, and cassettes. Also presents the monthly Christian best-sellers lists of books and music.

Cody's Books

Provides online sales and home site for Cody's Books. Offers a catalog of over 80,000 titles organized by category. Includes Cody's Books staff suggestions and recommendations. Also includes ordering and contact information.

David Morrison Books

Provides catalog and online sales for David Morrison Books, which specializes in titles on art, architecture, decorative arts, and photography. Includes book descriptions and information.

Deep Politics Bookstore

Provides home site and sales for political texts and books. Includes book and author background, as well as ordering information.

Fast Books

Provides online book sales specializing in self-publishers. Includes company catalog, self-publishing information, previews, and ordering information.

Gareth Stevens Publishing

Provides on line catalog of Gareth Stevens series books, descriptions of titles, prices, and ordering information. Books are indexed by category (nature, science, social studies, biography, picture books, reference, and bibliotherapy).

Gary Holmes Books

Gary Holmes' site acts as a book buyer and seller. Will sell books or look for specific titles for you. Large collection of juvenile literature like the Hardy Boys books. Also provides links to lists of movie and TV show locations on the Web.

Henry Miller Library

Peruse rare Miller books, literature, an online bookstore, gallery, interactive forums and more at the online home of the Henry Miller Library, located in Big Sur, CA.

A web site for book lovers. A source of information about books, publishers, authors, and libraries. Essentially a site providing links to other sites, but providing information as content is made available.

It's a Mystery

If you're looking for collectibles or just browsing for a new hard-cover mystery book, this is the site for you. Also join the book club and check out the fun and mysterious links.

Joseph-Beth Booksellers

A listing of Joseph-Beth Bookstores in the Ohio and Kentucky area. Click on the store nearest you for news, event, and information.

JourneyWare Media

Software products and books for lifelong learning, family relationships, and responsible living. Browse the online catalog or place an order.

Library, The

The Library contains links to book publishers, online bookstores, libraries and other sites which serious book collectors will find useful.

Loganberry Books

Offering book-of-the-month clubs specializing in women's, children's, arts, and out of print books. Choose the club that is right for you.

Login Brothers Book Company

A book company specializing in books and videos for the health professional. Search for medical, nursing, or health-related profession titles. Also carries a limited selection of legal texts including Blonds Legal Notes and the Blackletter series.

Mage Publishing

Persian literature and culture, English language publisher. Order from their catalog or even from books out of print.

Mare's Nest Publishing

Publisher of Nordic poetry and fiction in the United Kingdom, some new, some in translation dating back over one thousand years. Links to their catalog, stock list, and the Password home page.

Midnight Special Bookstore

A social and cultural, independent bookstore featuring political, social science, history, and related books, weekly events, video and Web connections. Provides access to other independent bookstores and asks you to bypass the chains and support the independent booksellers.

Moe's Books

Contains more than 500,000 titles in stock at a discount. Includes rare children's books, hard-to-find import titles, new books, remainder books, and used books. Also offers free searches if you can't find the book you want.

Navrang Inc.

Comics, books, or magazines published in or about India or by Indian authors. Links to ordering information as well as other interesting links on or about India.

New World Books

You can order any book in print by mail and save up to 30%, as long as you know the author/title. Provides links to book news, university presses, book summaries, and more.

New Zealand Books On-Line

New Zealand Books On-Line is the Web home of the NZ publishing and book selling industry. Includes a searchable catalogue of NZ books, indexes of books sorted by title, author and subject, directories of New Zealand publishers and book shops, as well as sections devoted to new releases, best sellers, book reviews and more.

The Old Bookroom

A secondhand and antiquarian bookshop specializing in books, prints, and maps on Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

Pacific Book Auction Galleries

Provides home site for Pacific Book Auction Galleries, which deals in rare and old books. Includes current catalog, upcoming auctions, absentee bidding information, prices paid, and the Pacific Currents newsletter.

Pantera Publishing

Provides information and online sales for the book Tall Weeds and Big Dogs by John Kingman. This book is a career and job-survival handbook. Includes testimonials and reviews of the work.

Pas de chance

Produces and provides small print-run, obscure writings and poetry. Includes company catalog, artwork, and ordering information. Pas de chance is definitely not your usual publishing house.

The Penguin Bookery Online Bookstore

The Penguin Bookery is a small-town bookstore that also offers mail-order service to US addresses. They perform free searches for any title.

Polonia Bookstore

Provides sales of books for Polish-Americans. Includes catalog of books in English with Polish themes and books, magazines, and newspapers in Polish. Also includes book previews, links to Polish sites, and ordering information.

Science Express, Inc.

Provides online sales of a large catalog of computer books. The catalog covers nearly all of topics from a range of publishers. Includes searchable index, book descriptions, and reviews. Also includes online ordering information.

Secret Staircase Bookshop

Provides online sales for the Secret Staircase Bookshop. Specializes in children's books and adult mysteries. Includes a listing of autographed books in stock, reviews, catalogs, a store calendar, and ordering information. Also provides links to reading and other related sites.

Shen's Books and Supplies

Provides online catalog sales of children's books from Asia, South America, Europe, and Australia. Offers titles in English and other languages. Includes indexed catalog and company recommendations. Also includes company history, new release information, and monthly themes.

SPITE! Books

Home to self-published work of all persuasions. Features comics and zines. Includes links to other related sites.

Stone Bridge Press

Provides online catalog and sales for Stone Bridge Press books, software, and videos. Specializes in books and products about Japan. Includes complete catalog, excerpts, cover artwork, reviews, and author profiles.

Svoboda's Books Online—State College, PA

Specializes in academic and technical titles, but offers access to anything in American Books-in-Print. Lets you place book orders from your computer.

Time-Life Explorer

Enables you to explore the many products Time-Life offers in books, music, and videos.

UNARIUS Academy of Science

Provides information and online sales for the URARIUS line of psychology and consciousness books. Includes background of Unarius and listing of workshops available.

Zanadu Comics

Specializes in alternative and mainstream comics, graphic novels, and more. Features reviews by staff and customers, promotions, a trivia contest, and a virtual catalog.

Publishers, Publishing Houses, and Presses

AESOP (All Editorial Sevices Online for Publishers & Writers):

Based in Oxford (UK), Martin Noble Editorial, established for 30 years, offers a wide range of editorial services including editing, proofreading, indexing, novelizations, copy writing, research and much much more, for any kind of text in paper or electronic publishing. With AESOP (All Editorial Services Online for Publishers) any editorial service can now be ordered online. This site includes a complete directory/guide to ditorial services; Index of all editorial services; Graphic chart of how AESOP/MNE can help you at every stage of the publishing process; AESOP/MNE editing style guide; and full details of AESOP's Background, Clients, Publications, Novels and novelizations (including Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Ruthless People and Tin Men), Non-fiction publications, and Subject areas.

Alice Walker

Essays, articles, criticism, poetry, short stories, excerpts—you name it, you'll find it here. Also, this site is well formatted and is filled with links to this contemporary American writer.

Allen & Unwin Independent Book Publishers

Allen & Unwin is Australia's largest independent book publisher, with links to kid's book, academic books, and "great reads."

Amy Tan

Amy Tan On The Web gives excerpts, sound bites, interviews, links, and pictures of this influential contemporary American author. Her work has been widely translated and deserves the recognition that it has attained.

Anaïs Nin

This home page includes links to resources concerning Anaïs Nin's work, a bibliography, and a biography. Perhaps best known for her diaries, Nin was also a prose writer, a fact that the writer of this page doesn't forget to cover.

Anne McCaffrey

Contains links to bibliographies, a list of awards, and sample chapters from Anne McCaffrey's latest books. There's also a link to DragonWeb, and a list of fan clubs.

Anne Rice

A very large site in honor of the horror writer from New Orleans. Anne Rice's books have become very popular in the last few years, and this site is testimony to that. There are pictures, biographies, bibliographies, sounds, and even information about Rice's house in New Orleans.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Perhaps known mostly for his book The Little Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupery was also an adult novelist and pilot. At this site, there are links to quotes, a bibliography, and e-texts available in several languages.

Ayn Rand

Dedicated to Rand's novels and philosophy, there are many links to biographies, bibliographies, mission statements, and objectivism. The philosophy of reason and egoism lives here.

C.S. Lewis (Into the Wardrobe)

Into the Wardrobe has many tidbits and large chunks of useful information for the scholar, reader, and fan of C.S. Lewis. One of the best parts of this site is its completist attitude toward studying Lewis and his work—it even includes a Useful Contacts page.

C.S. Lewis and the Inklings

A site devoted not only to Lewis, but to the Inklings—the group of English and Irish writers that spawned Lewis, J.R.R. Tolkein, and others. Contains a list of available audio- and videotapes of Lewis, as well as an Inklings Photogallery with a map of Narnia.

Cormac McCarthy

The Cormac McCarthy Home Page is a good place to start for someone interested both in the writing of Cormac McCarthy and the literature of the American Southwest. Often compared to William Faulkner, McCarthy has recently become very popular among certain literary circles. Perhaps with the proliferation of novels such as All The Pretty Horses, reading will again become an American pastime.

David R. Godine, Publisher

David R. Godine, Publisher, is a literary publisher based in New England. Publishes fiction, essays, nonfiction, art, and books about books.

Dean Koontz

FAQ, bibliography, reviews, interviews, readers' polls, and an index page of links—all with a very attractive interface.

Edgar Allen Poe

Author of "The Raven," Edgar Allen Poe is also famous for his short stories that were meant to "expand the human soul." This Web site is very popular, and deservedly so—it features biography, links to e-text, and a chat room.

Electronic Journals Ltd.

Electronic Journals Ltd. is a new, wholly electronic publishing house. Their customized software can publish any document at any price required. Publish academic journals and non-exclusive consultancy reports. Clients with a subscription can download online, fully desk top published material immediately.

The Gato Press

The Gato Press is the publisher of the Lucky the Cat series of books. The books are about Lucky The Cat and his adventures in 'cat heaven'.

George Sand

George Sand, French writer of the 19th century, finds a very well-constructed Web home here. There are biography, bibliography, and chronology pages present, and perhaps most impressive is the gallery of pictures of Sand.

Gertrude Stein

The most "official" Gertrude Stein page, this site features a reproduction of the wallpaper Stein and Alice B. Toklas bought for their Paris apartment. Of course, too, there are some pictures and quotes from the author.

Gore Vidal

A very interesting man, Gore Vidal has led his life behind the typewriter and in the public eye. His acid accuracies concerning contemporary America are astounding and are presented here in this interview.

H. P. Lovecraft

Biography, chronological list of tales, a Lovecraft FAQ, information regarding the "Necronomicon," and a photo-tour of New England locations related to Lovecraft's work.

Henry Miller (18, villa seurat)

At 18, villa seurat, you'll find artwork, a bibliography, a chronology, and criticism concerning the once owner of a speakeasy in New York and otherwise infamous author of the early 20th century.

Herman Melville

Alright, so maybe you didn't like reading Moby Dick in high school; that doesn't mean that it wasn't worthwhile, though, right? Melville is actually a pretty approachable author, not to mention his importance to the American tradition. Try him again here—you'll find a comprehensive amount of information about the author of arguably "the great American novel."

Indiana University Press Journals Division

Non-profit scholarly publisher of the journals: Camera Obscura, differences, History and Memory, Hypatia, Israel Studies, Black Renaissance, Jewish Social Studies, Journal of Women's History, Journal of Modern Literature, NWSA Journal, Religion and American Culture, Research in African Literatures, and Victorian Studies.

J.D. Salinger (The Bananafish Home Page)

Salinger's wish for privacy and ownership have kept some of the best sites down, leaving sites only the ability to provide biography and bibliography. If anyone has any recent pictures of Salinger, this guy would probably appreciate them.

John Steinbeck

The San Jose State University is home to the Steinbeck Research Center, and this is its home on the Web. There are chronologies, biographical information, bibliographies, and an interesting link called Steinbeck Country with pictures and other tidbits.

Joyce Carol Oates (Celestial Timepiece)

Heavily Netscape formatted, Celestial Timepiece gives a full view of Oates' work. This site features a well-layed out table of contents that covers her life and gives access to resources for research on Oates and her work.

Jules Verne

A well-maintained, chatty site dedicated to the author of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Around the World in 80 Days (among others), this page is easily navigated and has good links to biography, reviews, pictures, and the like.

Katherine Kurtz

Contains listings of Katherine Kurtz's works and a short biography, as well as a Deryni FAQ.

Kitsch Publishing

A New and innovative Canadian Poetry Publisher of Canadian Poets and Poets from abroad. Check out the upcoming Poetry Contest!

The Libyrinth

A very large and intricate Web unto itself, the Libyrinth features information and links about twentieth century authors and their influence on (and by) Magical Realism or Post Modernism. Several authors are included here, and several more are in the midst of being added. Those featured at the time of this writing are listed (along with their Web address within the Libyrinth) in the following listing:

Jorge Luis Borges

Umberto Eco

Gabriel García Márquez

James Joyce

Louis L'Amour

A self-proclaimed "celebration of American History and the Wild West," this site gives more than just information about L'Amour and his prolific amount of novels—it approaches all things from the American West. The author of this site has written it in such a way that is very inviting, and he has included reviews, pictures, and (kindly) a list of updates made on the page.

Marcel Proust (Proust Said That)

This site calls itself "the highly unofficial organ of the totally unofficial, utterly unacademic Marcel Proust Support Group of San Francisco," but it is probably the best Proust source on the Web yet. There is an interesting hyperlinked biography, as well as some other tidbits, including recipes and articles only slightly relating to Proust.

Mark Twain (Ever the Twain Shall Meet)

This site seems to know its stuff. It has links to e-text versions of several of Twain's novels—both downloadable and in HTML—and other very interesting links to Twain around the Web.

Mary Shelley

This site houses information about Mary Shelley, Percy Shelly, the Romantics, and, of course, her popular novel Frankenstein. Newly updated, there is a gothic air to this site, including a musical background.

N. Scott Momaday

A very ambitious Web page, this page promises to provide links to information "about every article and book written by or about N. Scott Momaday." Already present (as of this writing) are biographical and bibliographical information and reviews of Momaday's work.

New Guild Publishers

New Guild publishes fiction and non-fiction by new authors for the adult market.

Oscar Wilde (The Wild Wilde Web)

The Wild Wilde Web has beautiful pictures, a nice biography, and a comprehensive bibliography for you to peruse if you are looking for the controversial playwright from the turn of the century. There is also an interesting page filled with quotes about Wilde.

Patrick Cramer Publisher

Patrick Cramer publishes reference books and catalogues raisonnés of works made for publication by major 20th century artists. He also publishes scholarly historical essays. Besides his activity as author and publisher, Patrick Cramer runs an art gallery where he shows contemporary artists. You can choose to browse through the book pile, or view the artist currently showing at the Patrick Cramer Gallery.

Pearce Publishers, Inc.

Writers, get published. Today it is very unusual for large publishing houses to publish the work of unknown writers. Some of the greatest authors self-published first. Then the larger publishing houses approached them. Pearce Publishers, Inc. offers help for writers and authors to self publish their work. Get more control over your work, speed production and enjoy the potential of far greater profits. If you have a manuscript, call or email for a free brochure. Serious inquiries only.

Philip Roth

A straightforward page concerning Philip Roth's work as a novelist and critic. There are biographies, bibliographies, interviews, and articles present here.

Pieper Publishing

Publisher, book seller, and book distributor of fiction and nonfiction books. Subjects include science fiction, supernatural, political, history, biography, social, nature, travel, sciences, and more.

Pine Island Press—Quality Custom Publishing Since 1988

Pine Island Press is a custom publisher catering to the needs of authors who need their work published. They publish textbooks, non-fiction, poetry, memoirs, and so on. Be sure to see their virtual tourguide to bookmaking!

Reed Books Web Site

Reed Books is one of the world's leading publishers of adult and children's fiction and non-fiction books.

Ring Lardner (Lardnermania)

The Lardnermania page includes links, a chronology, and a selected bibliography of secondary sources. This site is a great starting point for students and researchers of Ring Lardner.

Small Helm Press

Publisher of nonfiction books. Small Helm Press interprets direction in contemporary life.

Solo Publications

Solo Publications is a publisher of books of poetry, books on environmental issues, and books on the craft of pottery.

Thomas Jefferson University Press

A publisher of various scholarly and trade books in such diverse areas as History, Philosophy, Education, Sociology, Literary Criticism, and Poetry.

Thomas Wolfe

Thomas Wolfe was a reader's writer. Legend has it that before he seriously wrote any novels, he read the entire library at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. At this site, you won't find that much text, but you will find a bountiful amount of information about the writer of Look Homeward Angel.

Tom Robbins (The AFTRLife)

A self-described Tom Robbins playground, the AFTRLife is a fun place to look around and learn about Tom Robbins' work. It is Java enhanced, and is well formatted. A good place to spend a few minutes if you are looking for the author of Still Life With Woodpecker.

Twayne Publishers Homepage

Twayne publishes concise, introductory books on literary criticism, American history, film studies, women's studies, and sociology for high school, college, and general interest readers.

Ursula K. Le Guin

A biography, contact and agent information, lists of awards won by LeGuin, and a complete bibliography, arranged both chronologically and by type of work (poetry, novel, and so on)

Virginia Woolf

The Virginia Woolf Web has quotes, e-texts, and information about the Bloomsbury group with which Woolf is associated. This page is consistently updated, and contains information about Woolf that is found nowhere else on the Web.

Vladmir Nabokov (Zembla)

A formidable presence on the World Wide Web in terms of layout, content, and conciseness, Zembla offers a great amount and breadth of information concerning Vladmir Nabokov.

William T. Vollmann

Quickly becoming very popular, William T. Vollmann is a writer who very clearly could have died many pages ago—his work is voluminous and his exploits are infamous. This site pays homage to the man who has spent months above the Arctic Circle while doing research on a novel. There is an hour-long interview in RealAudio format here, if you have the time.

Yardbird Books Page of Pages

Publisher of challenging, well-made books of fiction, non-fiction and poetry, incorporating the Yardbird Reader, an electronic magazine. Yardbird was founded by writers who write, publish, and print.

Yukio Mishima Archive

This site is dedicated to the Japanese writer of the famous short story "Patriotism." Currently present is a brief biography (of sorts) and a picture gallery.

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