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Sound and Images

As Web developers adapt their designs to television, users can listen up for fresh sounds. WebTV has HTML tags that enable you to add background music to your Web page, so users feel like they�re watching television, rather than a silent movie. Although Greg Holladay yearns for more graphics and less text, he�s happy without the additional noise pollution. �The lack of sound doesn�t bother me,� he said.

Web Developers Get Stage Directions for Producing Television Sites

If you�re a budding WebTV site producer who needs to learn the tricks of the WebTV trade, the WebTV Networks site offers some handy tips. Because the Web looks best at VGA or higher resolutions, television screens, which have lower resolutions and color depths, can make a mess of even well-designed sites. At the WebTV site (http://webtv.net), you�ll learn how to create forms, color, and sound that dazzle a television screen as much as a computer monitor.