Battle Athletes Victory
  • Format - Subtitled or Dubbed
  • Length - 65 Minutes Each
  • Genre - Action/Comedy
  • Volume 6 Released 7/27/99
  • Volume 7 Released 8/31/99
  • Volume 8 Released 9/28/99
  • Volume 1: Training
    It's the University Satellite entrance exams! Akari desperately tries for one of the three openings at the University, but the competition is out of control! Fortunately, good friends and constant practice are a sure remedy for bizarre plots and insane athletic competitions!

    Volume 2: Doubt & Conflict
    Akari can't handle the pressure! Her mother's record setting legacy is a crushing burden, so when Akari is humiliated by Jessie in a race, she folds and resigns from the school. However, Ichi-chan refurses to let her friend give up! Can Akari handle the truth when it is pushed into her face?

    Volume 3: Triumph & Tragedy
    There can be only three! Nearly 200 girls attend the prep-school with hopes to attend the University Satellite Sports Academy, but with only a tria of openings, the competition is brutal! Ichi-chan has been training Akari for the final event, the triathalon, but Jesse and Ayla are clear favorites - leaving only one position open! Now that Akari is beginning to excel, can Ichi-chan handle the competition?!

    Volume 4: Spaceward Ho!
    Akari made the cut! Now, her life gets really strange. Akari's trip into space to train on the University Satellite Sports Academy is interrupted by three hijackers with very odd tactics. Then, she meets her roommate who brought a cow from the moon, and her coach, who can only eat chocolate to survive! Just as she thinks things can't get any worse, she and her teammates discover that they can't seem to win a single match in the competition - will Akari lose so soon?!

    Volume 5: No Looking Back
    Team Play Challenge! Akari and her teammates have struggled to win enough events to qualify for the Cosmo Beauty competition, but, fortunately they are finally coming together as a team. Meanwhile. Lahrri, the reigning Cosmo Beauty, crushes Jessie, Akari's old rival, during the competition! Jessie's body can take the punishment, but can her spirit? Not everyone can make it to the next level, so there is no time for regrets!

    Volume 6: Willpower
    The Next Step - Lahrri and Mylandah continue to crush their competition by performing at an athletic level beyond anyone else. If Akare and Chris want to compete at all, they must train hard to have strong enough muscles and an even stronger will!

    Volume 7: The Last Dance
    Cosmo Beauty Showdown! Lahrri's mechanized training method gives her a perfectly consistent performance which is quite the opposite of Mylandah's method of unleashing her awesome rage. However, both of them enjoy a comfortable lead over Akari and Chris in the semi-finals. Fortunately, Chris reminds Akari to relax and to try harder, so they renew their efforts. With this new confidence, their skills improve drastically and they experience a resurgence! The winners will face the final event - the 100 meter dash. Who will claim the final crown?

    Volume 8: The Human Race!
    Shock and Double Shock! When Akari found her father it was a shock. But the real surprise was the true purpose of the Cosmo Beauty Competition: to hone the athletic skills of the best athletes that humanity has to offer in order to compete against strange and hostile aliens! It's the ultimate contest with the fate of humanity on the line when the Melody Queen sends her genetically engineered champions into the competition for the most precious prize of all - the planet Earth.

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