ARCAM is a group that was established to seal off and protect the artifacts of the ancient civilization which contain dangerous hidden powers from military use by numerous nations. While the headquarters are located in the Untied States, branch offices are found all over the world. Yu Ominae is stationed at the Japanese branch headed by Yamamoto. While Dr. Mazel is the head of the ARCAM Research Laboratory, he prefers working at the Alalato Branch research facility.


This is the battlesuit (armor) designed for Yu Ominae made of ORIHARUKON fabric and artificial muscles. The wearer can control the swelling of the artificial muscles which are capable of swelling up to 30 times normal, thus increasing the wearer's strength. The suit is also heat-resistant and bullet-proof.

Related Term: ORIHARUKON


This is the mountain the Ark drifted into according to the old Testament. It's located in the eastern part of Turkey bordering Iran. Legend of the footprints of a large snow monster have been discovered on the mountain which is now called Agri Dagi. The mountain is 5122 meters high. At the end of the 19th century, Russian and Turkish soldiers discovered the remains of the Ark.

In the movie, the ARCAM Alalato Branch Office is stationed half-way up the mountainside and is working on excavating the Ark. The Pentagon has set up an Alalato Mountain Branch Office nearby as well.

Related Term: Noah's Ark


Compared to the 3D space of our world, the formative matter of the Ark and the interior space of the Ark exist in another dimension with no time axis. This has caused many peculiar phenomenon to occurre. One example is the dark space that intercepts outside light. Other odd occurrences are the preservation of ancient life forms.

Related Term: Noah's Ark


Short for Secret Agent. It means "Spy" or an "Informer." The people who came to meet Yu Ominae at the airport disguised as ARCAM's agents were in fact the Pentagon's Turkish agents.

6. S.A.S.

The abbreviation for England's Special Air Unit (Scandinavian Airlines System) or the (Special Air Service). It's a special unit that performs both anti-guerrilla and subversive activities. During the film's opening, they are the opponents Yu Ominae fights in the South American jungle.


(Abbreviation for "Out of Place Artifacts") This is a relatively new term which refers to artifacts found in ruins which could not have been created or manufactured with the level of technical skills available at the time. While these objects may have been made in prehistoric times, they contain unimaginable hidden powers. Noah's Ark is one example of such an object.


They were members of ARCAM and were killed by American soldiers in the Iranian desert. Yu Ominae was then taken by the Pentagon and trained as a COSMOS soldier. But when he killed two members of the excavation team, he remembered the death of his own parents and regained his former self.

Related Term: ARCAM/ COSMOS/ Pentagon


This is an unusual metal discovered in the Atlantic. It exhibits strange characteristics when it is mixed with other metals to create an alloy. The surface of Yu's armored suit and the fighting knife are a combination of titanium and oriharukon. The suit's artificial muscles are made from a combination with nickel which allows the muscles to change shape depending upon the user's mental signatures.


This special troop affiliated with the Pentagon is comprised of cyborgs that have been enhanced with mechanized parts. Fat Man has had his strength enhanced. Little Boy has had his agility and speed increased, while McDougal has been given ESP and super powers.

Related Term: Pentagon


This is a form of measurement from ancient Egypt that records length. It is the distance from the heel to the tip of the middle finger on an adult. One cupid is approximately 45 to 56 centimeters. The old Testament records that the Ark was 300 cupids long, and 50 cupids wide, but the Ark discovered here is four times as large.


In the alchemy of the Middle Ages, this object could change all kinds of materials to gold. It is the catalyst used in refining ORIHARUKON. Not only have small amounts of this material been discovered, but the number of people skilled in this processing technique are limited. In ARCAM, Dr. Mazel was the pioneer to first use this material.

Related Term: ORIHARUKON


God, witnessing the fall of man, had Noah build an Ark and after loading pairs of the earth's animals and his family, the earth was flooded for 40 days and 40 nights. All life died, except for those aboard the Ark. This event is recorded in Chapters 6 to 9 of the Old Testament.

Related Term: Noah's Ark


(Abbreviation for: "Children of Soldier Machine Organic System") They are the Pentagon's Special Experimental Unit. The project trains children at a young age to become lethal assassins. The children are trained in various battle techniques, and through the use of drugs and sleep hypnosis are taught complete obedience and total submission. The soldiers are referred to by a number code. Yu, who spent 6 years there, has "No. 43" tattooed on his upper right arm. Due to his training and experiences with the unit, when Yu is cornered, a cold-blooded assassin machine resurfaces within him.

Related Term: Pentagon


"The Nation" refers to the United States. The US, in its endeavor to become the one true world leader, plan to control the countries with nuclear weapons by solving the world's environmental problems. To accomplish these goals, they hope to recover Noah's Ark which will give them both power and peace and confirm their title as the ultimate superpower. They plan to do this by any means necessary, no questions asked. The Pentagon has made sure to program Captain McDougal with this in mind.

Related Term: Pentagon


The control panel is located at the center of the Ark. By setting the Triangle Plate, one can start and operate the Ark. Upon activating the Ark, the surrounding square pillars transform into orbicular shaped panels. By moving the triangle plate on the disk, you can change the direction of the surrounding screens and switch to the Air Control Mode.


Cyborgs are beings who have some or all mechanical body parts. They are different from robots in that they were once living beings. The Fat Man, a member of the Mechanized Platoon, has had an arm replaced (the one destroyed by Yu during the COSMOS Era). Little Boy has a mechanical arm and leg, and McDougal has had conversions made to his brain and eyes.

Related Term: Mechanized Platoon


Discovered in an ancient temple in Eastern Turkey, the plate was snatched away by the Pentagon. It was hidden in a statue with the same shape as the one found at the Noah's Ark sight. It opens the Ark and turns into the key that will activate it. It is made of an indestructible material that was not in existence during the time of the Ark.

Related Term: Noah's Ark


A magnetic field develops around an area that emits magnets, electrical currents and magnetism. The ruins of the ancient civilizations hidden all over the world were believed to have been sealed by extremely strong magnetic fields. In order to detect these ruins, search satellites and sensors have been used to find magnetic fields.


The school Yu Ominae attends. He is a sophomore at the school. The school is sponsored by ARCAM's and as a result has been involved with numerous bomb threats. Students absent to do work for Spriggan don't get suspended or expelled.


This is a room located at the center of the Ark. Along with a lithograph (or stone plank) suspended in the air, there is a stone pillar that transforms into a control panel. The operating instructions on the lithograph (stone plank) are to activate the Ark. The surrounding walls then turn to white glittering screens. It is possible to monitor any place in the world on these screens.

Related Term: Noah's Ark


The equipment inserted into McDougal's brain by the Pentagon, artificially extracting the hidden powers of the brain, enhancing ones mental capabilities. The survival rate from the implant surgery is 1%. Aside from being able to move objects with the mind and discharge powerful shock waves, he can also erect barriers against snow and gale force winds. When these powers are realized (activated), his artificial left eye will shine red.


Spriggan is a code name for the special engineers affiliated with ARCAM's private army. These individuals are experts at war and subversive activities. Well versed in languages, linguistics and archeology, they often travel to ruins all over the world to search for lost or ancient power sources. The Spriggan are a feared fighting force by all armies from a variety of nations who target the property of the ancient civilizations. The name's origin can be traced back to a fairy/ elf appearing in a British legend. They protect treasures buried deep in giant stone ruins. Normally, their bodies are of small stature, but when they encounter enemies, they transforms into giant creatures and are said to sometimes act as body guards for the elves and fairies.

Related Term: ARCAM


The Brain Magnetic Field Amplifier places a heavy burden on the brain. Even if the equipment does not abuse the brain, everyday life causes great fatigue, and extreme headaches. The life support system is a portable apparatus that directly injects medicine to alleviate the headaches and fatigue via connectors placed on the back of the head.

Related Term: Brain Magnetic Field Amplifier


Brainwashing refers to the implanting of particular thoughts while killing any individual volition and/or emotion. Yu Ominae's classmate, Tanaka was brainwashed by the Pentagon to "Press the Bomb Switch," and was unable to escape from its persuasion even when under duress. Likewise, COSMOS brainwashes its soldiers to "Obey Orders" through the use of drugs.

Related Term: COSMOS/ Pentagon


One of the functions of Noah's Ark that was made evident in a lithograph (stone plank) the Pentagon obtained. It controls various components in the air and in turn manipulates the earth's environment. The ozone in the air is destroyed and the sun's ultra-violet rays are increased, causing global warming which causes the South and North poles to melt. Producing this unusual weather is referred to as "Noah's Warming Mode."

Related Term: Noah's Ark


It is made evident that many civilizations with advanced technical skills surpassing those of our modern society existed. However, due to warring factions and dead ends in development, they eventually vanished. Noah's Ark is just one of the many properties belonging to the Ancients remaining in various locations around the world. There are theories that say the civilizations were originally from outer space. This theory is called "Space Archeology." In the film, the Space Archeology Theory is treated as a common scholarly convention.


In the Old Testament, the Ark Noah built was considered to be the property of an ancient civilization. An Air Control Function caused a flood to erupt and all life forms were destroyed. Afterwards, the animals and Noah's technical system, which had been loaded onto the Ark prior to the flood, continued experimentation and developed new life forms. It was left by the ancient civilization for use when humans self-destruct. The Ark is buried in Alalato Mountain, but when it is activated, it will rise into the sky and resume its original appearance.


Designed for Yu Ominae for use when fighting at close range. It is made from ORUHARUKON which is several times harder than any ceramic. In addition, a knuckle guard conceals the finger's second joints on the hand gripping the knife. Use it for punching and for striking back after attacked.

Related Term: ORUHARUKON


The Headquarters of the U.S. Department of Defense for the U.S. military command. The building is in the shape of a polygon of five angles and five sides and is located in the state of Virginia. The building has several secret rooms which contain O-Parts that have been collected from all around the world. The Pentagon is in an adversarial relationship with ARCAM who wishes to preserve and protect the ruins.


When the ancient civilization crumbled, they left a record of their advancements in the ruins. This plate is engraved with a warning against the use of the power of the Ark for evil purposes. It was set up for ARCAM to make use of these words. The material used for the plate is the same as the Triangle Plate and the key for Noah's Ark.

Related Term: Ancient Civilization


A tool Dr. Mazel created specifically for Yu Ominae. A switch at the base shoots a wire which you can use to climb high areas or raise objects. The wire is approximately 50 meters long and it uses a small motor hidden in the pad to help wind the wire back up. The motor is of the highest quality and can lift the weight of two to three people.


A weapon attached to the right arm of Little Boy. A weight is attached to the end of the invisible, hard wire and wraps rapidly around the opponent severely cutting them. The mechanism is similar to the Wire Anchor, yet the difference is that the purpose of this weapon is to kill.

Related Term: Mechanized Platoon

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Spriggan ⌐ 1998 Hiroshi Takashige ╖ Ryoji Minagawa / Shogakukan ╖ Bandai Visual ╖ TBS ╖ Toho
SprigganTheMovie website ⌐ 1999 A.D.V. Films