All the images and MP3's are copyrighted by their respected owners.  By entering into this site, you are entering into a binding legal agreement where you agree to take full responsibility for all the images and MP3's that can be found on this site.  Understand that by clicking "I Agree" or "Proceed" anywhere on this site that you are signing a contract electronically.  These links are to be treated the same as if you were signing a written agreement.

How to Download MP3's from this site
The MP3's are located on the MySpace.Com share folder of this site.Click on MySpace.Com to sign up for an account.  It's quick and free.

Downloading Recommendations
If you want to be capable of resuming your downloads in case your connection breaks (which happens to me all the time!) I suggest downloading GetRight.

Downloading Instructions:
Generally, for a small file you should be able to simply click onto the file name, which will bring up the File Manager.  The File Manager will provide step-by-step instructions on how to download the files.

For Downloading with GetRight:
1.  Uncheck the multiple file Upload/Download box on the upper right hand side of the file screen.
2.  Click on one of the file names.
3.  a new window will open in addition to the GetRight Download Status window.
4.  Close out the new window.

To RESUME a downloading file with GetRight:
1.  Re-log onto the same share folder.
2.  Uncheck the multiple file Upload/Download box on the upper right hand side of the file screen.
3.  Right-Click on the file you were previously downloading.
4.  Select the option of "Copy Link Location" (Netscape) or "Copy Shortcut" (Internet Explorer).
5.  Cancel the window that will appear for a new file download and open the GetRight Download Status window.
6.  Right-Click on the file you were downloading then Paste the new URL.
7.  Then double-click the file name in GetRight, and the file should resume.


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