Devil & Devil Vol 9, Chapter 9, Attack version 2, 000411 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 143 Text: Chapter 9, Accident. --- Page 144 Garvera: A, A kid...!? Garvera: Where'd you enter from? This place is dangerous, so get away... Deel: Hehe... Can't do that. I have business with you, Punishing Devil Garvera. Deel: Maryuu Reppouran!! --- Page 145 Garvera: Wha...!? Deel: Oh, you defended well when I went easy on you. Then maybe we can play a bit!? Garvera: That technique... A whirlwind cut? You can do that... Can it be...!? Deel: That's right!! I'm the Demon Lord of Wind, Deel Faust!!! --- Page 146 Galam: Hm... Seems like Deel's started moving as well. Galam: That leaves Angel Ios, doesn't it... There's a barrier stretched around us, so he hasn't noticed yet. Galam: Wh, what!? Shadowface: My name is Shadowface!! I have come here on Satan-sama's orders. --- Page 147 Shadowface: Galam, as things are, even if you fight, you cannot beat Ios... or Sword. Actually, he already hurt you once. Galam: That was just because I was unprepared!! Next time, I'll surely kill him!! Shadowface: Satan-sama desires certain victory. Shadowface: So, I thought I'd tell you something interesting... How about that? --- Page 148 Garvera: Haaaaaaah! Deel: Whoop! Deel: How disappointing!! I could see that attack miles away. I guess you need another break!! Garvera: Don't make fun of me! Why are you just avoiding and not attacking!? Deel: Eeh!? If I did that, wouldn't it'd be over too soon!? Deel: Hm? --- Page 149 Deel: Huh!? Deel: Waah... Wooow!! Garvera: Idiot!! That worked even against a kid!! Deel: Shit!! --- Page 150 Garvera: I, I can't move my feet... What's this!? Galam: What are you playing games about, Deel... Deel: Galam!! Why'd you come here!? Don't get in the way of my fight!! Galam: Is this a fight...!? Isn't it just playing games!! Deel: She's my target, so get away!! --- Page 151 Deel: Huh!? Garvera: Wha...!? --- Page 152 Deel: Galam... What the hell are you doing... Galam: Heheheh. Galam: Gwahahaha!! I'm sorry, Deel, but you had to die for my sake!! Garvera: What the hell are you... Galam: Ooh, you're still around... Don't worry, I'll take your soul as well!! --- Page 153 Sword: The oracle compass is reacting. The soul-fragment is close!! Sword: Or it should be, but... Sword: What, here!? Isn't this the Yakumi Onsen!! Mizuno: This is where the Devilspawn was resting... It's like drawn to a lighthouse. Sword: Th, that voice!? --- Page 154 Mizuno: Hiii. Nanami: Hehe... We've been waiting... you came. Sword: ... Sword: What the hell are you bitches thinking!? Didn't I tell you to wait at home because it's dangerous!! Mizuno: Now, now, we had to come. Sword: You shut up!! I'm sure you just went here, didn't you!? Gramps: Hoh hoh hoh!! You're very lively, aren't you. Sword: Mizuno's gramps!! --- Page 155 Gramps: For you to visit here again... It must be about those three fragments... Sword: Three, you say!? All the remaining three are here!? Gramps: That's right. They're sealed where you obtained the Devilspawn!! Sword: Wh... what did you sayyy!? Sword: Why didn't you say so at the time!? Then I wouldn't have had to go to all this trouble... Nanami: Sword!? Gramps: I couldn't give something so dangerous to you at the time. But... Now, I think it's fine. --- Page 156 Gramps: Devil Sword, I entrust this to you. Sword: Heh... Just like back then. Nanami: Hey, Sword... Nanami: I wonder if everyone's OK... if they're wounded or something!? --- Page 157 Sword: Who knows, I have no idea. Nanami: Sword, your personality is just too bad!! Nanami: A little... Sword: That's where it is... Stop hiding and come out!! Sword: If you don't come out on your own... Sword: I'll make you!! --- Page 158 Fennel: Hehe... I've been waiting, Sword!! Sword: Fennel...!! Feh... seems like I won't get the fragments easily!!!