Devil & Devil Vol 9, Chapter 7, Confrontation version 2, 000121 Artwork and story by Miyoshi Yuuki Crappy translation by Ronny Hedin ( --- Page 109 Text: Chapter 7, Confrontation. --- Page 110 Fennel: This huge blade... Is this the power of Satan-sama's soul...!? --- Page 111 Souma: But, I can't handle something this big... Nanami: Souma!! Nanami: You idiot!! The school... Souma: You don't have to say that!! Fennel: Wha!? Fennel: No way, is he going to crush me like this...!? --- Page 112 Souma: I... I can't believe it... could I... have won? Souma: !! --- Page 113 Fennel: Don't make fun of me!! --- Page 114 Souma: N, no way... Fennel: But, you surprised me a bit! I didn't think a human could damage me... Fennel: You've made me serious... Prepare yourself!! Souma: Run, Nanami-chan!! Nanami: Idiot! I can't do that!! --- Page 115 Fennel: Dieee, Human Amano Souma!! Nanami: Eeeeek! Fennel: What!? --- Page 116 Sword: Die, you say!? Who are you fucking saying that to... Fennel: S... Swooord!! Nanami: I should've done that in the first place... Sword: Feh, stupid... Couldn't you have realized that a bit sooner! --- Page 117 Fennel: Feh!! Fennel: Perfect, I'll both you and the human!! Sword: Cut it out... After the fight with Souma, you no longer have the power to fight me. Fennel: Don't say that until you've defeated me!! Sword: ...idiot! Sword: !! --- Page 118 Sword: Wha!? Fennel: That's... The spear of water, Masousuisen!? Fennel: No way... Bazil: That's enough. We don't need to settle things with Sword yet... Sword: Bazil!! --- Page 119 Sword: Hehe... The full force of the Four Generals of Hell, eh... Are you the commander, asshole!? Bazil: My name is Bazil Hornet. Remember that I control the Four Generals. Fennel: Ngh... Bazil: It seems Fennel has been impolite to you... Accept my apologies. Sword: Heh. Nanami: S... Sword... Sword: We'll fight in the end anyway... It's just a matter of sooner or later. --- Page 120 Sword: Perfect!! We'll settle this here and now!! Sword: Secrets of the Ankokumatoujutsu, Majin Rekkousatsu!!! Bazil: ... it's no use... --- Page 121 Sword: What's with this water!? It fucking cut off my Rekkousatsu!! Bazil: I'm the Demon Lord of Water... There is nothing I cannot cut off with the flow of water!! Bazil: Step back, Sword!! --- Page 122 Bazil: Maha Souranbu!!! Sword: Gwaah! --- Page 123 Sword: No... way... even though... I powered up!! Nanami: Sword!! Sword: Ngh... Sword: Sh... shut up, step back, Nanami... Bazil: It would be simple to kill you here and now... but, I find battles where the outcome is certain unesthetic. Galam: Esthetic... Are you still saying such things? Galam: No way... You can't be planning to betray Satan-sama? Bazil: ...... --- Page 124 Bazil: Heh... Don't be silly... Fennel: But if you keep that up, we won't reach a conclusion. Bazil: Listen closely. We currently have four of the fragments... Bazil: And, we already know where four more are. Together with the two you have, that's a total of ten... --- Page 125 Bazil: With three more, all thirten fragments will be complete. Bazil: You should collect those three fragments before your friends die. Nanami: !! Bazil: Tomorrow at sunrise, this school will become a battlefield!! Bazil: If you're too late in collecting the fragments, we'll take your friends, and all the pupils in the school will lose their lives. Sword: Y, you asshole... You're going to involve others...!? --- Page 126 Bazil: That way, you'll have some motivation, right...? Sword, collect the remaining three fragments, and get the power you need to fight me!! Nanami: Sword... Bazil: And, to survive, you'll have to get all the fragments!!!